82.Chapter 82 The time has come to wear the crown

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  Chapter 82 The time has come to wear the crown.
  "Lindsay, do you want to die? Let me down!"

  "We need at least one person to pass the news back to the town!"

  Of course, An Rui couldn't give up on his decision just like that.

  He lay on Lindsay's back and wanted to struggle, but the toxins in his body quickly drained his strength, leaving Anrui unable to break free.

  He was silent for a few seconds.

  Seeing that Lindsay was completely unmoved, he had no choice but to order in a serious but weak tone:

  "Lindsay, this is my order as the border lord!"

  "Put me down now, and you can go back to the town alone. Let me tell you the news here."

  Lindsay came up with a reason without hesitation:
  "Uncle Anrui, my roots are farmers under the rule of the Capital of Law, or apprentices of the Death School. You want me to be obedient, I'm afraid We have to find a guy with the corresponding identity."


  An Rui, who was lying on Lindsay's back, was speechless for a moment.

  At this moment, he wished he had the skills of a messenger so that he could convince Lindsay with his extraordinary skills.

  It's just a pity that he is a warrior.

  The skill of fighting is all he has as an awakened person.

  "Soldier...hehe, soldier."

  An Rui smiled mockingly.

  His talent has become difficult to improve after his skills have advanced to the fifth stage.

  Five stages of awakening and promotion!
  Anywhere, it is an enviable achievement. After all, there are many awakened people in the second and third stages in the world, not to mention that he is still a warrior with strong combat power.

  But today, he was careless and was attacked by a monster of the same stage.

  Maybe it was the cover of other spiders.

  Perhaps it's because of the counter-intuitive phenomena that appear in fifth-level monsters.

  But when Anrui reflected on himself, the most critical issue was that he had neglected the vigilance of a soldier during his century-long stable life, which led to his current downturn.

  If it were me a hundred years ago, I would have just been promoted to the fifth stage.

  The battle just now might not go smoothly, but at least it won't end in such a bad situation, and even require his own students to escape with him on his back.

  at this time.

  Anrui heard Lindsay say from below:

  "Don't say anything about staying to stop those spiders." "

  Uncle Anrui, I have a strong sense of perception, and I am very sure that those guys are chasing after me." , and the number is extremely large! Even if you are willing to sacrifice yourself to stop them, I am afraid you can only stop a small part."

  While speaking, Lindsay walked quickly.

  With his current attributes, running with an adult on his back is no problem. Compared with the chasing spiders behind him, his speed is about the same.

  An Rui listened to Lindsay's dissuasion.

  Feel the rapidly receding forest trees on either side of you.

  He recalled the scene when they first met three years ago, and an idea emerged in his mind uncontrollably.

  This kid Lindsay—is no longer a kid.

  But he is an excellent awakener!

  After realizing this.

  An Rui's view of Lindsay suddenly changed completely.

  He even endured the pain and joked:

  "Lindsay, if you are given orders by others in the future, will you have to live as a citizen of the hidden frontier?"

  Hearing the change in An Rui's tone.

  Lindsay also knew that Anri had temporarily accepted his plan.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, and his steps became more steady than before:
  "If I can, of course I will say so!"

  An Rui continued to ask:

  "Then what if you are ordered by the Hidden Frontier together with those people?" "

  ... "

  Then I will say that I am an inhabitant of the earth.

  We will only accept constructive opinions from some people in other worlds.

  Lindsay thought so in her heart, but of course she simply replied:
  "Then I have other excuses."

  At this time. The atmosphere between the two was slightly less tense than the previous separation between life and death.

  But when Lindsay deployed the [Map] skill, the red dots symbolizing the group of spiders were always chasing them closely.

  About an hour passed.

  The two of them came to the edge of the hilly area. In front of them was the mirror lake they had just descended from, and the surrounding temperature also warmed up.

  But here, Lindsay stopped in his tracks.

  An Rui also broke away from his back and said in a weak and relieved tone:

  "Lindsay, you have done enough, but now you have to give up on me, you should go back." "


  An Rui will say In this case, the reason is simple.

  On the calm lake in front of them, a new group of magical beasts had gathered.

  If Anrui was in excellent condition, these things would naturally not be able to stop them - but he was seriously injured at the moment.

  If Lindsay acted alone, with his speed, he could get out of the monster and rush up to the Babel Vine - but he was unwilling to give up An Rui beside him.

  At this moment, the monsters on the edge of the lake had heard their movements and turned their threatening gaze from the lake to the two of them.

  "Alas -"

  An Rui sighed.

  The place where the two of them started killing before was now going to be the cemetery where they were buried?
  He only felt that the scene in front of him was extremely ironic.

  While the monsters were still observing the two of them and had not yet launched an attack, Anrui finally said:
  "I only have one arm left now, and my body is extremely weak." "

  Even if you take me over, climbing on the vines will only slow down the speed, or Those spiders will catch up."

  "When they climb trees, they are much faster than people."

  An Rui could guess Lindsay's plan.

  It's nothing more than finding a way to climb the vines and trying to hold on until the cold wind blows.

  When the time comes, the spiders chasing them will naturally be frozen by the cold wind.

  But the probability of this happening is too small!
  Lindsay herself would be fine, she could probably postpone it until then, but with him being such a burden, it would be a completely impossible delusion.

  "Don't even think about taking me to climb this vine. There is no time. You will be overtaken by those spiders before the cold wind blows."

  With that said, Anrui took out his dagger again.

  At this moment, he could only hold the weapon with one hand, so he handed the other dagger to Lindsay:

  "Take it!"

  "Bring this dagger to Anna and tell her that her father has always loved her deeply..."

  " No, Uncle Anrui! I said, I have a way!"

  Anrui's last words were suddenly interrupted by Lindsay.

  Just when he was about to yell at Lindsay for his stupid behavior and educate a blind student like himself.

  But when he saw Lindsay in front of him, he reached out and took out a pink rose wreath from behind his butt, and then put it on his head.

  "Ah? This is..."

  An Ruigang wanted to ask this question.

  As a result, he saw a fact that surprised him even more.

  A breath ago, the monster that was still threatening them on the mirror lake, its fierce eyes, now changed from a violent look to a cautious watch.

  If it passes now.

  As long as the two of them don't take the initiative to attack, the monster in front of them will definitely not attack them.


  An Rui stood there, blinking in confusion.

  Of course he guessed that this was the effect of the headband that Lindsay was wearing.

  But in a remote place like the hidden border, where did his students obtain such magical props?

  This is not common sense at all!

  At this time, Lindsay once again lifted the stunned An Rui off the ground and walked steadily towards Jinghu Lake.

  That steady voice seemed to be describing only one fact:
  "Uncle Anrui, we will go back alive together."

  "You can tell everyone in the town what you find here."

  (End of Chapter)

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