80.Chapter 80 Black Spider

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  Chapter 80

  The two people in the Black Spider Forest were ready.

  Among them, An Rui is in front and Lindsay is behind. One person holds a knife as the vanguard and the main force in the battle, and the other person holds an oak bow to provide assistance and support to the former in battle.

  Everything is just like when I came down from climbing the Babel Vine.

  Click -

  just as the two of them were getting ready.

  The dead branches on a cypress tree in front were trampled down by the enemy, and several dark figures stepped on the spider webs and rushed out of the gap in the woods.

  It was a huge spider that was two meters long, with a green and yellow belly, and looked like a new bride. They burst out of the forest and rushed towards the two of them.

  Lindsay saw it clearly.

  There are yellow rings on the black legs of this spider. Under the cover of the green tentacles, there are dark fangs stirring in the mouth. At the same time, eight red pupils were locked tightly on himself and An Rui, revealing the greed of prey.

  "So much..."

  Lindsay looked serious.

  Not only are these spiders terrifying in size, they are also numerous in number.

  In addition to the five large spiders in the lead, which are over two meters in size, they are also followed by more than a dozen smaller spider individuals, ranging from one meter to dozens of centimeters. This is clearly an army of spiders!
  Facing the incoming monsters.

  An Rui rushed forward without saying a word.

  He grabbed a narrow passage in the forest and blocked the spider's charging route.

  At the moment of the confrontation, he struck first and cut off the body from the center line with a lightning-quick sword.

  A big spider rushed at the front, but it was completely unexpected that the 'food' would not run away, but fight them head-on!
  Unable to dodge, the rushing spider was hit head-on.

  Advantage strikes take effect instantly.

  The short dagger actually split its two-meter-long body in half from the middle!

  In an instant, red, green, and black body fluids burst from the corpse. An Rui kicked it away, and in the blink of an eye, he threw himself in front of other spiders.


  Seeing this scene, the spiders rubbed their mouthparts.

  It makes a sharp sound, like leather rubbing.

  They realized that the enemy in front of them was not the usual prey that could be killed at will, so they immediately dispersed their formation and circled Anrui in the forest, instead of rushing forward to die.

  Obviously, this is a group of monsters with certain intelligence.

  In the face of enemies that exceed expectations, we can communicate in a timely manner and change tactics.

  But An Rui was not moved by this. He maintained his usual high level during the battle, accurately hunting the spiders surrounding him while ensuring that he was not attacked.

  Coupled with Lindsay's constant shooting cover.

  The two of them cooperated with each other in tandem, constantly reducing the number of spiders.

  Seeing that all five big spiders were hunted by two people, the number of remaining small spiders also dropped sharply, and the battle was going well.

  But that's when the situation took a turn for the worse.

  From behind the forest, the incessant rustling sound began again.

  This time, more spiders arrived, and the dense white spider webs vibrated significantly. The air in the forest also became uneasy, and even filled with a frightening atmosphere.

  A few seconds later.

  An endless stream of spiders emerged from the dark and deep forest.

  They immediately joined the battlefield and quickly filled the gap created by the two men.

  The number of these monsters hidden in the forest seems endless.

  Soon Anri and Lindsay were forced to retreat backwards.

  "Uncle Anrui, there are too many spiders!"

  Faced with the changes at this moment, Lindsay knew that nothing could be done, and immediately made a suggestion to Anrui:

  "Let's leave the woods first and think of other ways!"

  Lindsay's suggestion Completely out of rational considerations.

  Just when he thought Anrui would accept his suggestion, Anrui, who was brave and cautious along the way, made a different choice: "There is no

  rush to retreat, I am in good condition now."

  "This is the gateway to The only way to pass through the Black Mountain world, if you retreat now, it will only be more difficult to confirm the situation later!"

  An Rui knew the purpose of this adventure very well.

  After responding to Lindsay, he suddenly changed his fighting style.

  The fifth-stage awakener took a deep breath, tensed his muscles, and instantly fought off the two spiders in front of him.

  But this time he didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it or keep the distance.

  Instead, he retracted the two daggers in an instant, and instead pulled up the corpses of the two large spiders, held them in his hands and began to swing them.

  Lindsay saw an incredible scene.

  With the blessing of the fifth stage combat master's skills, these two spider corpses, which were two meters long and theoretically had no weapon function, seemed to have turned into two active spears in An Rui's hands.

  He held the spider's body and waved it. Every time the spider's body swept across a large area of ​​enemies, the spider legs and fangs took the initiative to attack as if they had acquired self-awareness.

  The seemingly ordinary spider legs turned into sharp spears;

  the dull head turned into a powerful hammer; and the fangs growing on the head turned into an indestructible blade!
  In particular, Anrui's advantageous striking skills can also be used on the spider corpse that is used as a weapon!
  Every time he moved his hand, it was as if he was holding two enlarged chainsaws, and all the trees and spiders around him were reduced to debris in the explosion of flash, electricity, and fire.


  Lindsay in the back was even stunned for a moment.

  Only then did he realize that this was the first time he had seen An Rui attack with all his strength without reservation.

  He also did not expect that the fifth stage of the war school could achieve this level.

  ——A fighting method that is completely beyond imagination.

  Lindsay couldn't help but think of what An Rui said to him when he first learned from him - the fifth stage combat essence learner can master the use of all weapons in the world.

  The emotion is in this description.

  Even the corpses of monsters can be turned into so-called weapons when they get into their hands, and they can also use the magical effect of advantageous strikes to make the effect of this 'weapon' even more exaggerated!


  Lindsay swallowed.

  He counted the arrows in his bag. There were thirty-five arrows when he entered the woods, but there were still twelve arrows left. It seemed that more than half of them had been used.

  After kicking away a small spider that slipped past her, Lindsay shot another arrow.

  He couldn't help but think.

  In such an exaggerated battle, can these eleven arrows really be used up?
  And An Rui in the fifth stage can do it to this extent.

  So, can the undefeated king of the ninth stage stand on his head on the ground and use the earth as his weapon?

  Watching An Rui gain absolute combat advantage.

  The two of them no longer even retreated because of the number of spiders, and the situation was getting better.

  Just when the tense air seemed to be dissipating!
  To the side of An Rui's blind spot, a spider shadow flashed in the thick bushes.

  A spider with a pure black appearance, glossy like a chitin carapace, and a body of about one meter suddenly rushed out. It had extremely strong jumping ability and appeared like a bullet.

  An Rui had already reacted under the warning from the warrior's heart.

  The swung spider corpse was smashed directly over.

  But this pure black spider did not dodge. It directly hit the spider corpse, and the advantageous strike technique wiped out a bright light of fire on it.

  But the black spider was completely unharmed.

  Instead, it exerted force again through the impact, leaping directly to An Rui's left arm.

  A pair of ferocious fangs instantly pierced Anrui's left arm.


  The poisonous fangs penetrated the body.

  An Rui's expression instantly turned ferocious, but he gritted his teeth and showed no fear.

  He didn't try to shake the spider off his hand either.

  Instead, he released the body with his right hand, clenched his fist tightly, and smashed towards the black spider.

  Bang -

  the black spider also knows how powerful An Rui is.

  It did not dare to continue injecting venom, but immediately used its strength to jump away from the enemy.

  The black spider is jumping in the air. It has not yet landed, and its body cannot move with strength.

  At this moment, a black light pierced the air.

  It was an arrow shining with dark light.

  It was unstrung from Lindsay's oak bow and stuck straight into the spider's tender belly!

  Lindsay's target was very clear: the spider's abdomen.

  Through the [Weakness Investigation] in this battle, more details about these spiders have not yet been unlocked.

  But Lindsay has learned that the weakest part of their body is their belly.

  He bet his arrow on this weakness!

  In an instant.

  Lindsay's last antimony arrow began to exert its ability to interfere with the source of matter.

  As a fifth-stage monster, the black spider instinctively resists this interference.

  But the location where the arrow hit happened to be the weakness of its body, which made the injuries that could have been resisted become uncontrollable. The black spider that suffered a heavy blow couldn't even stand still and fell directly to the ground.

  A bunch of small spiders immediately jumped out from the side, dragging it into the bushes, and soon there was no movement.

  "[Weakness Investigation] is indeed correct!"

  Lindsay immediately turned on [Trace Tracking], and his sharp vision swept through the forest, searching for the opponent's location.

  But that's it.

  An Rui, who endured the pain and fought off the surrounding spiders, suddenly rushed over.

  He stretched out his right hand and hugged Lindsay around the waist.

  Then the fifth-stage awakened person didn't even look back and rushed straight out in the direction they came from.

  (End of chapter)

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