56. Chapter 56 Three Arrows

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  Chapter 56 Three Arrows
  and four people immediately turned back, and the distance of more than thirty meters was reached in the blink of an eye.

  But the reason why these ice badger cubs are placed in the deepest part of the cave is to lure them to waste time.

  So almost the moment Lindsay and the others rushed to the cave entrance.

  A huge black shadow also fell from the sky, and the sunlight shining on the ground at dusk was almost swallowed up by the shadow before their eyes.

  It's the boulder at the top of the cave!

  The stone that originally provided shelter and cover for the cave was pried at the entrance, and instead it was completely blocked!
  Even the four Lindsays are awakened.

  Facing such a huge boulder, it would be impossible to escape underground in a short time!

  "Don't even think about it!"

  At this time, Alan shouted.

  As an apprentice of the War School, his second sublimation of skills greatly strengthened his physique.

  At this moment, the huge boulder was about to block them in the cave.

  Alan thought of the promise he had made when he set off, so he put his foot down regardless of his own safety, and his speed suddenly increased.

  He turned his body sideways and leaned forward with his shoulders, and with a fearless and brave attitude, he directly hit the boulder in front of him.

  The warrior's shoulder collided with the boulder, causing a loud noise immediately.

  This was Alan's full-force impact without caring about his own safety. With no self-defense at all, he hit the boulder and was immediately knocked to the ground by the reaction force.

  The huge boulder could have completely blocked the four of them in the cave.

  A second before landing, he was finally knocked off his original trajectory by this blow.

  The boulder fell completely.

  Although the entrance to the cave is still blocked, a narrow gap half a meter wide is exposed between the wall and the stone on the right side of the cave.

  "Brother Alan!"

  Ju almost subconsciously ran in Alan's direction to check the condition of Alan who could no longer get up.

  Further forward, Lindsay and Dan kept walking for a second.

  The female hunter moved the fastest. She almost dodged and rushed out of the gap, and the sound of fighting immediately sounded outside.

  Lindsay followed close behind.

  He got out of the dark cave and saw the person he was fighting with the huntress.

  Dan is fighting a weird humanoid creature.

  To describe it more accurately, this is a creature that has a human appearance, but its body is completely green in color, with a tree crown on its head, and its skin is covered with rough bark.

  Between the silhouettes of monsters and huntresses.

  Lindsay could still see its eyes, which had no whites and were completely brown.

  If you have to find a similar description target, maybe you can call it the legendary evil tree spirit?
  Lindsay observed the situation for a few seconds.

  Dan didn't have an advantage in the fight against this strange creature.

  Hunter's skills are more suitable for hunting animals and animal-shaped monsters, but they are not very effective against human-shaped targets.

  ——Where is the weakness of such a creature?

  ——Like humans, is the head an important organ?
  An analysis of the enemy flashed through Lindsay's mind.

  But the female hunter in front of him had been suppressed in close combat. He had no more time to think. Lindsay immediately raised the oak bow, and an antimony arrow was placed on the bow string.

  Whoosh -

  the dark arrow shot out instantly.

  The tree spirit that was suppressing the female hunter didn't dodge at all, or in other words, it noticed it, but it didn't care about a small arrow. The plant-like body is never afraid of such attacks.


  A painful roar sounded.

  This creature with a special body shape is undoubtedly the product of the influence of source matter.

  It hit the back with an arrow nonchalantly.

  Immediately afterwards, the antimony arrowhead drilled into the body, and the ability to interfere with the source of matter immediately caused great pain. Almost one-third of the dryad's back changed from the green of the plant to a dry tan.

  A sudden heavy blow brings about a crazy counterattack.

  With a violent roar, the tree spirit pulled out new branches with both hands, turned into thick vines, and started to swing around indiscriminately.

  Dan, who had been fighting it at close range, had no time to dodge at this moment.

  She was whipped out instantly by a whip and hit a fir tree in the distance. She fell to the ground with a plop and couldn't even stand again for a while!


  Lindsay yelled Huntress' name.

  He was anxious in his heart, but he must not lose control of his position during the battle.

  So Lindsay took out the antimony arrow again, preparing to use this arrow with obvious effect to hit the tree spirit hard again.

  Whoosh - snap!
  Lindsay shot the arrow with almost all her concentration.

  But the wildly waving rattan formed a large airtight net in the air, cutting off the arrow before it hit!

  There must be another way...

  Lindsay made a quick decision when he saw this and shot the last antimony arrow.

  But this blow did not hit the tree spirit, but was nailed to the opposite tree, attracting the enemy's attention.

  Almost at the same time.

  The oak bow in Lindsay's hand turned into a long dagger.

  He took advantage of the tree spirit's opportunity to make a move and rushed directly towards the opponent!


  The tree spirit immediately returned to defense, and the curtain made of vines came towards Lindsay.

  But just when Lindsay was about to be knocked away immediately like the Huntress, his figure suddenly turned sideways and then sprinted forward.

  Footwork - [Advantage Strike].

  Almost at the perfect angle and timing.

  He grabbed a gap in the stormy attack, and with the sharp sound of wind in his ears, he got into the dryad's defense circle. With the dagger made of hard steel in his hand, he slashed at the enemy's neck with lightning speed.

  Click -

  the blade made a sharp sound on the rough bark.

  But the weapon made by the craftsman was sharp enough. Lindsay slashed with all his strength and cut off two-thirds of the monster's neck!

  The tree spirit roared strangely.

  The injury to its neck, which was almost severed, did not affect its life.

  Lindsay's blow only aroused its ferocity even more.

  The hands that turned into vines immediately gave up their defense and wrapped around Lindsay's body, obviously trying to smash the human in front of him into pieces!

  "Isn't this even dead?"

  On the other side, Lindsay also made a judgment immediately.

  The power of this tree spirit is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he must not be entangled by the other party.

  In desperation, Lindsay rolled on the spot, narrowly missing the opponent's bindings.

  Pull away and stand up again.

  In just one or two seconds, Lindsay discovered that the freshly cut wound on the tree spirit's neck had already sprouted green buds, and began to quickly repair the injury!
  From the beginning of the battle until now, it is the only injury that is valid and will not be repaired.

  Only the antimony arrow hit the back!

  The dryad's back was disturbed by the source of matter, and even showed a dry and wrinkled posture at this moment. It is obvious that its body is extremely dependent on the source of matter!

  Lindsay glanced around and made a decision immediately.

  He put the long dagger on his chest, and just like Alan who hit the boulder before, Lindsay charged directly at the tree spirit in front of him!

  Seeing the human in front of him rushing towards him, the tree spirit was also overjoyed.

  It waved its arms, and the vines, which were thicker than before, wrapped directly around Lindsay's body.

  This time, however, Lindsay didn't dodge.

  He rushed forward and grabbed the opponent's vines with both hands head-on. One person and one monster were locked in a stalemate.

  Almost the next second, Lindsay felt a tearing pain in her shoulder.

  In the past, the female hunter did not dare to confront the opponent head-on and could only be suppressed. It was precisely because the strength of the tree spirit was far beyond that of ordinary people!

  - Stupid humans.

  At this moment, the joy of victory flashed in the tree spirit's violent pupils.

  Although the human in front of him has the means to hurt him, but now entering this simple wrestling, there can only be one outcome.

  It tears the human body in front of it into pieces!
  Whoosh -

  at the moment when the tree spirit was about to achieve its goal.

  An arrow shining with black light shot towards its injured back.

  The dryad who was tightly entangled by Lindsay reacted, but it was too late to get away.

  A 'click' sound.

  The arrow pierced the rough bark and penetrated the body.

  The antimony arrows immediately disturbed the source of the matter, causing serious injuries and causing the tree spirit's strong vines to lose their strength.

  This tree spirit was extremely violent just a second ago.

  He fell to the ground in front of Lindsay and could no longer move.

  (End of chapter)

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