48. Chapter 48 Someone else

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  Chapter 48 There are other
  awakened people with different types of essence, which bring different advantages to themselves.

  Lindsay's life essence can enhance physical fitness and extend life span.

  The merchant can put the essence into objects, thus creating props with magical effects. At the same time, because of the extraction of the essence from his own body, he can hide his identity as an awakened person.

  Basic Sefirah has the widest practicality and has no negative effects.

  The source of the will system also has its special features.

  After Lindsay's Will Essence was advanced, it did not bring any direct enhancement to his physical attributes, but his Will attributes were increased to 11, and his perception ability was also improved to a certain extent.

  Now Lindsay looked around intently.

  Can vaguely see colors invisible to ordinary people, and the sensitivity of hearing and smell has also been improved to a certain extent.

  But now, what faced Lindsay was a very strange question.

  He heard a sound coming from the front hall of the wooden house, but before that, he didn't notice any door opening or anyone coming in through the window.

  "Who is it? Who's there?"

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows slightly, put down the notes in her hand, and walked towards the front hall.

  Finally, he walked to the study room in the center of the room.

  Under the porch leading to the front hall, heavy and rapid footsteps appeared in front of him, accompanied by Finn's bloodless face.

  "Teacher Finn?!"

  Lindsay looked stunned.

  Before he could react, Finn roared and charged at him.


  - Living corpse!
  The dangerous encounter three years ago made Lindsay make an instant judgment.

  He was shocked and angry.

  The physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary humans allowed Lindsay to clearly see every detail of the movements of Finn's corpse.

  The teacher's living corpse was now rushing towards him.

  With the left foot in front and the right foot behind, while leaning forward, both hands are in a strangled neck position.

  Lindsay clenched a fist with one hand, stepped aside, and delivered a straight punch instantly.

  But the moment his fist came to Finn's head, the body of the living corpse was knocked back, and Lindsay's eyes dropped to the bottom.

  Even if this is a living corpse.

  But this is Finn's body after all.


  Lindsay cursed.

  The outstretched right hand turned into a fist and clasped Finn's shoulder downwards.

  At the same time, he rushed forward and swept his left foot diagonally towards the legs of Finn's corpse.

  The living corpse was immediately knocked down by Lindsay.

  Immediately, Lindsay turned around again and used the power of the zombie to twist it to the ground. The right hand that originally held the corpse's shoulder was twisted along the shoulder to the wrist, using anti-joint techniques to firmly control the living corpse on the ground.


  Bang bang bang!
  The living corpse was pinned down by Lindsay and struggled desperately.

  Its strength was indeed considerable, and the stone tile floor in the house made sounds from its struggle.

  But it was Lindsay who held him down.

  Lindsay is much better than the kid she was three years ago.

  Finn's living corpse was not frozen solid in the ice and snow, and it was actually easier to subdue it.

  Lindsay's only problem is how to deal with this living corpse.

  Because its own essence has been integrated with the skills of [Gamer]. Therefore, even if he learns the knowledge of the death school, he will not be able to sublimate the corresponding ability to deal with living corpses.

  Unless he can be cruel and cut Finn's body into pieces.

  Otherwise, we can only find a way to control it, and then bring it all the way to Hongyue to deal with it properly.

  Of the two methods, Lindsay naturally chose the latter.

  Not to mention respect for teachers.

  Simply speaking, with his current ability, it is easy to control a moving corpse.

  "Huh--" With a plan in mind, Lindsay took a deep breath.

  At this moment, it was as if someone had put a cork in his heart.

  The teacher's body came to life during his vigil. It would be difficult for anyone to feel comfortable in this situation.

  But the most important thing right now is to deal with the reality as soon as possible.

  Immediately afterwards, Lindsay tightened her lips, pulled the two hands of the living corpse behind her back, then pressed them together, and held them firmly with her left hand.

  Then he lifted the whole body up and took the opportunity to grab the corpse's thigh with his right hand.

  It didn't take much effort.

  Like a weightlifter lifting a barbell, he lifted the struggling living corpse above his head and walked out in a posture that was completely incapable of harming anyone.


  "Lindsay, what happened here?"

  "What's roaring!"

  Lindsay just walked out of the cabin.

  There were shouts from neighbors outside.

  The town was very quiet at night, and the roar of the living corpses was enough to wake people up from their sleep.

  Although other townspeople haven't gone out yet.

  But they also got dressed and got up, ready to see what was happening outside.

  "Everyone, please stay at home. No need to come out."

  "It's just a little trouble here, I can handle it by myself!"

  Lindsay didn't want Finn's incident to disturb ordinary townspeople.

  He reassured the townspeople, then immediately accelerated his pace, and rushed directly into the wilderness outside the town with the living corpse.

  He didn't want to scare any ordinary people, so he deliberately made a large circle outside the town before running towards the church.

  At Lindsay's speed, the journey didn't take him much time.

  It was already late at night.

  Under the moonlight, the cemetery church stands alone outside the town.

  It was difficult for Lindsay to open the door while holding the body, so she simply sprinted, climbed over the low wall of the church, and landed firmly in the courtyard with her feet.

  "Mommy! There's something wrong with Teacher Finn's body!"

  Lindsay called out immediately.

  After a few breaths, lights lit up in Hongyue's room.

  Then Hongyue pushed the door open and came out. She saw Lindsay standing in the yard, and Finn's body, which he held above his head and was still struggling.

  "Living corpse?"

  Hongyue looked seriously, already aware of the problem.

  So the moment she finished speaking, a red light also flashed in the church courtyard.

  The Death School dealt with this matter professionally, and Hong Yue's ability naturally took effect immediately.

  Almost in the next second, Lindsay felt that the body she was holding in her hands had lost all signs of movement and turned back into the old man who was sleeping forever.

  "Mommy, thank you for your hard work."

  Lindsay quickly placed Finn's body on the ground and began to check the body's wrists and ankles to confirm whether the actions she had just taken had damaged the integrity of the body.

  At the same time, Hongyue walked up to Lindsay and asked in a serious tone:
  "Lindsay, what happened to you tonight?"

  Lindsay quickly explained:
  "I was in Teacher Finn's room all night There was no movement or sign. Teacher Finn...he suddenly changed." "

  This is not normal." Hong Yue judged with certainty: "Before Finn died, he injected all his essence into that place. A branch. His corpse, not to mention ordinary people, even among awakened people, belongs to a category that is extremely difficult to activate."

  After hearing this, Lindsay paused while inspecting the corpse.

  Without raising his head, he asked Hongyue:
  "So in this case, what happened to make the corpse come alive?"

  Hongyue immediately answered:
  "It can only be the active influence of external source matter."

  " ..."

  "Mommy, I'm going out for a while. Please take care of Teacher Finn's body. I'll be back as soon as possible."

  (End of this chapter)

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