44. Chapter 44 Advantage Strike

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  Chapter 44 Advantage Strike
  Early on the second day.

  Lindsay wakes up on time according to her biological clock.

  If it were three years ago, he would have followed Hongyue today and learned writing and various knowledge of the death school.

  But that life was completely different from now.

  In three years, Lindsay learned all of Professor Hongyue's two languages, and at the same time upgraded them to a proficient level.

  It can be said without any hesitation.

  Currently, he is at the same level as Hong Yue in [Woodland Language] and [Death School Secret Language], which is enough to cope with any scene. The knowledge of the death school that is taught daily has also been transferred to the following study of the deceased when they are buried.

  Lindsay no longer has the need to study with the red moon in the morning.

  The original four-person teaching rotation has evolved into the current three-person rotation.

  Lindsay got up early and practiced the words she learned as usual to ensure that her daily experience bar increased.

  Then he prepared breakfast for himself and Hongyue.

  Then he bid farewell to Hong Yue and rushed towards the lord's manor by trotting to warm up.



  Lindsay was already very familiar with the terrain. He did not go from the main entrance of the manor, but took a detour directly to the open space by the forest where he was exercising. As a result, before he arrived, he heard a loud shout from ahead. .

  "Brother Alan's voice?"

  "What's going on?"

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and quickly stepped forward to check.

  After seeing what happened in the clearing by the forest, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Nothing unexpected happened.

  It was An Rui's apprentice Alan, who was under siege by several guards around him. He waved the wooden sword in his hand to repel everyone.

  This is considered daily martial arts practice.

  Lindsay wanted to step forward and say hello to Alan, but at this time, he noticed a subtle difference.

  The skills Alan learned came from the superior strike school of the war school.

  In the first stage, the offensive capabilities based on advantageous strikes will be sublimated.

  The second stage will greatly enhance the body's physical strength, with strength, speed and reaction ability exceeding that of ordinary awakened people.

  These two sublimated skills.

  They are all simple and unpretentious things that are used to enhance actual combat capabilities.

  But now Alan's movements reveal a unique temperament. It is as if he has the entire environment around him under control, and can predict in advance every time he is attacked, achieving the effect of striking first.

  Instead of relying solely on the skills of the war school to repel people like in the past!

  "Brother Alan, have you made a breakthrough?"

  Lindsay then stepped forward. When Alan saw him coming, he dismissed the guards who were training with him.

  "Lindsay, you're here too."

  Alan said hello first, and then nodded with difficulty in hiding his joy:

  "That's right, I finally made a breakthrough."

  "The third stage of the warrior's heart allows me to fight in the battle. Be able to handle all kinds of emergencies more skillfully. The practice over the past few years has paid off after all!"

  Yesterday, Ju finally mastered the first sublimation ability.

  Today, Alan broke through the third stage bottleneck that has been troubled for a long time.

  The two friends were improving in their skills at the same time, and Lindsay was truly happy for them.

  "Brother Alan, you are the reward for your hard work."

  "It's all deserved!"

  Alan replied humbly:

  "It's a fluke, it's just a fluke."

  "But Lindsay, do you want to give it a try? Come early. It must be beneficial to experience the skills of the war school."

  Lindsay thought about it, and this was exactly the truth.

  "Come, let's try it!"

  Immediately, the two stood opposite each other in the open space by the forest, each holding a wooden knife.

  "Be careful."

  Alan, who had just broken through, took the lead in attacking. He rushed forward with a single step and slashed straight at Lindsay's shoulder with the wooden knife in his hand.

  This knife seemed ordinary, but Lindsay saw through it at a glance.

  ——Advantage strike.

  In a normal battle, if one person is standing on a high ground and the other is standing on a low point, there will definitely be a natural geographical advantage for taking action; if two people are at the intersection of light and darkness, one is in the light and the other is in the shadow, they will also have sightlines when fighting. The difference between good and bad.

  It is this ability that Advantage Strike cultivates.

  After those who practice this school have completed their first skill sublimation, even in a fair 1-on-1 duel, they can automatically have an advantage in their attacks, making the enemy unable to defend themselves, or even defeated instantly.

  Lindsay was already familiar with the technique.

  So the moment Alan took action, he immediately stepped back and opened his position.

  Rather than resisting this seemingly ordinary attack, it actually contained power, like a jump slash from the second floor. "Slow down!"

  At this moment, Alan shouted.

  His movements seemed to have been well prepared. As Lindsay retreated and pressed forward at the same time, the knife that could have been 100% avoided was actually able to hit again!
  Is this the prediction ability of the warrior's heart?
  Realizing that something was wrong, Lindsay rolled away and then regained her balance.

  If you are suppressed like this, you will definitely lose.

  Lindsay judged the situation instantly in her mind.

  Then he advanced instead of retreating, and rushed towards Alan with a short and sharp step, slashing diagonally from bottom to top with the wooden sword.

  Warrior's Heart is immune to surprise attacks.

  Alan arrived first, and the two wooden knives crossed each other to hold him back.

  At this time, Lindsay's hand suddenly trembled.

  He had no intention of competing for strength with the awakened ones of the War School.

  Instead, the steps under his feet changed accordingly, and the force of the knife followed the force of his body, forcing Alan to retreat.

  "Your movements are so flexible!"

  Alan, who was repelled, looked surprised.

  Without the blessing of the War School's skills, Lindsay's performance has gone beyond the normal range!

  If Alan's warrior heart hadn't played a role.

  I'm afraid he really has been tricked!

  "If I didn't know your details and we are isolated from the rest of the world."

  "I would really suspect that you are from another war school, specially sent here to steal your skills!"

  Lindsay replied with a smile:

  " It was just a fluke, I just got lucky.”

  In fact, Lindsay's action just now was not simple. How could the skills of a school be easily resisted?
  Just like the archery learned from Dan has the ability to shoot quickly.

  The sword skills and steps he learned from the lord's manor now also have the suffix (Advantage Strike).

  Although there is no skill of the war school.

  But relying on the skill panel, Lindsay can fine-tune the details of his movements when attacking.

  The posture when attacking and dodging, the force and angle of the sword.

  This kind of adjustment at the detailed level can also give him an advantage in battle and achieve a different kind of superior strike.

  The two sparred like this for a while, and then separated and went about their daily exercises.

  Just like that, two hours passed.

  From the back door leading to the manor, a beautiful figure in a purple dress walked out, her eyes locked directly on Lindsay.

  "Lindsay, you're here!"

  It was Anna.

  Three years have passed, and the immature little girl has now grown into a graceful young girl.

  She looked at Lindsay practicing martial arts with quite happy eyes.

  After just saying hello politely, her first sentence was to ask:

  "I heard that you went hunting in the woods yesterday. Did you collect any new fertilizer?"

  Lindsay's practiced posture immediately froze.

  The fertilizer Anna is talking about is what she uses to take care of the zelkova trees.

  Usually when Lindsay goes out hunting, she will help the girl collect raw materials, and then give them to Finn to make.

  Lindsay would take Anna with her when she went to the manor.

  This is basically a tacit understanding between the two.

  But yesterday, Lindsay was in a really bad mood and forgot about it!

  When Lindsay fell silent, Anna also saw the clues.

  The girl stepped forward, staring at Lindsay with a pair of big watery purple eyes, biting her lips gently:
  "What's wrong? Is there something wrong in the forest? Or have you forgotten..."

  Lindsay listened. At this point, he quickly interrupted:
  "It's not what you think! Yesterday in the forest, I met a very strong wild boar, and it took a lot of effort to kill it..." "

  Wild boar?" Anna heard this , not caring about fertilizer, came over to check Lindsay's body, "Are you not injured?"

  Living in a small town on the hidden border, and having a promoted father, Anna was not a purdah lady.

  She knows how much of a threat wild boars are to people!
  Lindsay waved her hand quickly and said,
  "It's okay, I'm okay, it's just that the process was a bit tense."


  The two chatted for a while, and the time was approaching noon.

  It was time to take a break, so we went to the manor to have lunch together.

  But as soon as they walked into the yard, they saw the second floor of the main part of the manor. An Rui opened the window and turned his attention to the two of them.

  "Lindsay, come up here. There's something you need to know!"

  An Rui called out to Lindsay. Then he saw Anna, sighed slightly, and said, "
  Anna, come here too."

  (This chapter over)

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