35. Chapter 35 Early Winter on the Bell Tower

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  Chapter 35: Early Winter on the Bell Tower
  Back in the church, Hongyue took out the blood stone from the basement to treat the injury on Lindsay's chest.

  But it’s different from the last time I treated a cold.

  When the wound on Lindsay's chest healed and scabbed at an extremely fast speed, the cold essence in it was also eliminated at the same time.

  This blood stone also completely lost its red color.

  It turned back into a hard gray-black stone with pitted surfaces.

  Hongyue didn't say much, but arranged for Lindsay to rest immediately.

  Because she knows it very well.

  A day of long-distance hunting, followed by two life-and-death chases.

  Anyone who encounters such an experience will inevitably be entangled in physical and mental fatigue.

  What her godson needs most now is rest.

  So when Lindsay lay on the bed in her cabin, she almost closed her eyes and fell asleep immediately.


  Six hours later.

  Maintained by the essence of life, Lindsay's biological clock is quite on time.

  He climbed out of bed on time before midnight.

  First, check the injury on the chest. After waking up, the blood scab completely solidified. Its hard edges did not match even the soft skin, so it was slightly raised.

  Lindsay reached out and buttoned it.


  "Forget it, let's not expose it."

  Lindsay resolutely abandoned his behavior just now, showing his courage and courage.

  Then he got dressed and got out of bed, tied a piece of fabric to look like a luggage, and then transformed -

  the luggage disappeared instantly, and Lindsay also sensed his own space equipment.

  Because it is simply wrapped with fabric, the [carry-on bag] currently only has 8 compartments, and the load capacity is only affected by Lindsay's attributes, but it does have a good upper limit of 80kg.

  Lindsay tried tucking the bed into it.


  The bed spread on the bed immediately disappeared, and a compartment in the luggage was also occupied.

  In its place is a rolled-up bed icon.

  Lindsay then tried moving around the house, and his speed and agility were normal.

  "The weight in the luggage will not affect my body in reality at all."

  Lindsay thought for a while and took out the bed.

  The bed looks the same when you put it in, and it looks the same when you take it out.

  He then walked to the cabinet next to the bed, took out a few remaining copper coins, and turned on the automatic pickup function of the [Pocket Bag].

  Swipe -

  The copper coins placed in front of you disappear immediately, and the luggage grid also has a copper coin logo, and there are numbers showing the quantity in the lower right corner.

  Lindsay took out the copper coins again and tested them in different places.

  The automatic pickup function of [Carry-on Bag] is very simple.

  If the target is under his feet, or within reach of the surroundings, then automatic pickup will take effect; conversely, if the target is in a location that Lindsay cannot reach, such as too far away, in a sealed container, or worn on someone else's body, automatic pickup will take effect. Cannot take effect.

  "It just simplifies my action of picking things up."

  Lindsay sighed with emotion.

  After completing the ability test, he walked out of the room dressed neatly and walked into the chapel.

  The time is right now.

  Reitz's body had been brought to the chapel, along with several others.

  Lindsay stood silently behind the chapel and looked around.

  Rez's sister, a girl about 1.6 meters tall and wearing a yellow cloth, was guarding the body, sobbing softly.

  Besides, Hongyue is praying in front of the corpse.

  Lindsay also saw the lords An Rui and Dan, who were standing further away with equally low and serious expressions.

  About a quarter of an hour later, Hongyue's prayer ended.

  She waved to Lindsay, asked her godson to come to her side, and whispered:
  "First, the deceased is placed in the coffin." "

  The family of the deceased usually asks a tailor to make a black funeral suit for the deceased. There will be paintings on it. The mark of our school symbolizes respect and mourning for death. At the same time, the inside of the coffin must be covered with cloth and straw, which means providing the deceased with a comfortable final resting place." Hongyue explained to Lindsay while

  adding Straws and cloths placed nearby were placed under the coffin.

  Lindsay was also nearby and immediately stepped forward to help.

  The two of them worked together to lift Rez's body, then put it into the coffin and laid it down.

  At this time, Hongyue spoke again:
  "After placing the deceased, we must prepare a piece of hard wood, such as oak, and engrave his name and important life events on it to represent the memory of the deceased." "But in terms of resources

  , Under limited circumstances, you can also use cloth strips and write on them with paint."

  In a hurry, Rez's sister obviously didn't have time to find any hard wood.

  So Hongyue took a piece of curtain fabric piled in the corner of the chapel. Rez's sister couldn't write, so under her dictation, Hongyue wrote down some of Rez's personal information, and finally placed it on the chest of the corpse.

  "Now close the coffin."

  Hongyue and Lindsay closed the coffin together and drove seven nails around the coffin. Then she went around in a circle, hammering on several places where the nails were driven into the coffin, and chanting prayers.

  After completing this ceremony, she explained to Lindsay:

  "The sealing of the seven coffin nails means the seven days of the week, symbolizing the complete isolation of the deceased from the real world. The concept of using blood stones to collect death is also through this It depends on the position of the nails."

  After explaining to Lindsay, Hongyue looked at Rez's sister again.

  "Go and inform other people in the town, the final condolences can begin."

  Rez's sister's eyes were red, and her body was almost exhausted from crying.

  But she shook her head firmly and rejected Hongyue's proposal:
  "It's too late, let everyone have a good rest, and let my brother rest soon." Hongyue nodded slowly.

  "Death has come, and it is by no means the end."

  "The soul returns to sleep, and the body returns to the source." "The

  dead should bid farewell to the world of the living, and the living should bid farewell to the dead in silence."

  "Rest in peace-" "

  I hope you will not Intruded by the abyss, may you not get lost in the Dead Sea, and may you accept a new beginning..."

  After completing the last prayer, she called over Anri and the huntress.

  Two strong awakened people lifted the coffin, and the group walked out of the chapel and came to the cemetery at the back.

  With Lord An Rui here, a grave can be dug very quickly.

  They put the coffin down. At this time, Hongyue took out a small candle and placed it directly above the coffin. Then she ordered the other two people to fill it with soil.

  The burial of the coffin was completed quickly.

  Finally, the tombstone was erected, and Rez's sister began to cry softly in front of the grave.

  Hongyue gently stroked the girl's back.

  She didn't say any comforting words, only used actions to soothe the other person's sad soul.

  After a while, she said to Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, Finn is old. We didn't inform him of what happened today."

  "Can you please go there early in the morning?"

  Of course Lindsay had no objection:

  "I Very happy."

  Hongyue reminded again:
  "There is a book on the table in my room, prepared for you, so you can practice reading."

  Lindsay nodded to express her understanding, and then returned to the room.

  He found this book - "Cemetery Burial Book" in Hongyue's house.

  It records the rituals of the Death School to bury the dead, as well as some variations under different circumstances, as well as stories related to the burial.

  Lindsay sat down to read and the time passed quietly.

  In the early morning, I followed the shadow to Lindsay's feet unknowingly.

  "Ah? It's daybreak?"

  He saw the light of morning light shining on his feet.

  Lindsay quickly put away the "Cemetery Burial Book" and rushed to the town to inform the botanist about what happened yesterday.

  Hongyue and Anrui are confirming the situation in the woods and will not be back very early today.

  After leaving Finn's cabin, Lindsay had nothing to do.

  The weather is a bit gloomy today.

  Lindsay recalled everything she experienced yesterday and began to jog around the town, accumulating experience points for basic attributes.

  As a result, before he knew it, he came to the lighthouse bell tower on the westernmost side of the town.

  There are no guards here except the bell ringer.

  Lindsay was a little curious, so she opened the door and walked in, followed the internal wooden spiral staircase to the top of the lighthouse bell tower.

  On the side facing the town is the clock tower.

  A huge metal bell hangs here, with a wooden battering ram hanging below. The surface has been smoothed by time.

  Going around to the side facing away from the town, there is a semicircular lookout.

  In a silver vessel shaped like a searchlight, a beige crystal stone is embedded in it, as if it is the light source of the searchlight.


  Lindsay looked at the device silently.

  Although he was just a newly awakened person, he could sense the turbulent source of energy in the spar right before his eyes.

  He had a very strong premonition.

  As long as he dares to reach out and touch it now, the power in this crystal will immediately burn him to ashes!

  This is the lighthouse for explorers as they return home.

  Only it can illuminate the big hole at the edge of the world and provide the only beacon for mankind!
  Lindsay shrugged, not seeking death.

  He turned to the side of the bell tower and sat down.

  At this time, Lindsay felt his forehead get wet. He looked up and saw snowflakes starting to fall from the sky.

  Reaching forward, tiny snow-white particles fell into your hands, and then melted into water.

  Look ahead again.

  In the quiet morning, the outline of the town is surrounded by dense forests. In the forest covered by heavy snow, every tree is quietly shining with crystal light in the snow curtain. This scene is like the kingdom of elves.

  Dawn has arrived, and the morning sun shines through the clouds in the far east.

  The soft light extends over, like a pair of big hands sweeping across the snow-covered world. The golden sunlight forms a sharp contrast with the pure white snow, as if playing a calm and gentle music.

  In the town, the early morning smoke slowly rises from the chimneys, forming a beautiful scenery with the surrounding snow scenery.

  Everything is bathed in this tranquility.

  Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

  Huh -

  a cold wind blew.

  Lindsay sat on the bell tower and slowly closed her eyes.

  He will live here for a long time, and his heart and expectations for the future are drifting into the distance in this early winter with light snow.

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  (End of this chapter)

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