33.Chapter 33 Ancient Sin

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  Chapter 33 Ancient Sin

  Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground behind Lindsay.

  He turned around and saw that the dead body that had been chasing him just now had fallen to the ground.

  After the red light passed, it lost all ability to move.

  Now lying on the ground, it was as if he had returned to the state of a frozen corpse without any recovery.

  Are you...

  It’s support from the town!
  Realizing this, Lindsay, who was standing on one foot, sat down on the ground.


  He breathed heavily.

  Then Lindsay thought for a moment, put on her shoes first, and then looked forward.

  At this time, Ju and an old nun wearing black monk's robes appeared behind the forest.

  The old nun's dark and turbid eyes stared forward.

  The cold winter wind blew the corners of her dark clothes, and she slowly walked toward Lindsay like a moving cloud, as if everything was just like the door of the church a few days ago, extending a withered helping hand.

  "Lindsay, can you stand up?"


  The person Ju went to seek help from was none other than Lindsay's godmother!
  The red light that flashed just now was the nun of the death school who used her own skills to defeat the resurrected corpse.

  The moment I saw the red moon, I felt a sense of peace of mind.

  Lindsay's tense heart finally relaxed. He nodded, put his hands on the ground, and stood up again.

  Hongyue looked at Lindsay, and naturally saw the wound on his chest, and then asked slowly and seriously:
  "Were you injured by this living corpse?"

  Lindsay shook her head:

  "No, this dead corpse doesn't look very good. I'm satisfied, I tried my best not to be hit by it. As for this wound, it was caused when I encountered an ice badger before. The source of life is resisting the erosion of the cold, so there is no serious problem for the time being." Hongyue made no obvious movements to express her feelings


  She just put her hand on Lindsay's head, sensing the state of her godson and confirming the normal operation of the source of life, before she finally let go.

  Lindsay is okay.

  The essence of life is closely related to the life of the user.

  Checking the physical condition of the awakened person who uses this source of essence, you can get a lot of information from this aspect alone.

  After confirming Lindsay's condition, Hongyue's tone became completely calm:
  "That's good, let's go back and treat the injuries first."

  Ju also stepped forward quickly, looking a little guilty:
  "Brother Lindsay, I ran away just now. ..."

  Lindsay directly stopped Ju's self-blame:
  "That's when I asked you to ask for help, not to escape!" "

  And look, now we are both saved, no one is injured - this is the most important thing. A good result, and considering my safety alone, I can only survive because of your help... Well."

  Lindsay said too many words in one breath.

  The injury left by the ice pick on his chest made him want to cough, but he didn't want to worry the two people around him.

  I endured it forcibly, and finally started hesitating.

  "Brother Lindsay?" Ju helped Lindsay's arm with some concern.

  "It's okay." Lindsay smiled and shook his head. In order to show that he had no problem, he took the initiative to ask Hongyue, "Mommy, what happened to this body?" "When I looked at it before, it didn't show any reaction at all

  . , as a result, it was suddenly able to move, and it was also very difficult to deal with."

  Hongyue replied in a calm tone:

  "Those are the dead who were disturbed by ancient sins." "

  The original purpose of the death school was to deal with this kind of Question."

  Lindsay asked curiously:
  "Ancient sin? What is that?"

  Hongyue explained in her usual tone:
  "That is history that is so ancient that it is difficult to trace back. Today, only fragments of legends are still circulating in the world. "According to the "Secret Scroll of Corsedon", there were shadows lurking in the dark, threatening all the good in the world." "The

  righteous forces of the past gathered together to resist them and win. But some special influence It also spread from then on, making it impossible for the dead to sleep easily."


  Lindsay could understand the concept of resurrecting the undead. After all, there was such a thing in the games he played in his previous life. But he is now in a living world.

  From the analysis of the information given by Hongyue, it means that in this world, people were dead when they died, and there would be no corpse fraud or resurrection of the undead.

  But because of a battle between good and evil.

  The rules of the resurrection of the dead began to interfere with reality, allowing the dead in countless worlds to be revived...

  What level does this power involve?
  "Lindsay? Ju!"

  Lindsay was thinking deeply about this new news.

  Dan's voice rang out from the forest.

  The figure of the huntress shuttled between the trees so fast that her movements were almost invisible.

  A few minutes ago, she chased and killed the monster lurking in the forest.

  As a result, when I returned, I saw the bodies of three dead ice badgers, as well as the disappeared Lindsay and Ju, and my heart almost hung in my throat.

  At this moment, he caught up with him with a nervous look on his face.

  Seeing the two children and Sister Red Moon standing here, she first breathed a sigh of relief and admitted her mistake, and then explained her behavior:
  "I'm sorry, this was my dereliction of duty."

  "Just now in the forest, I discovered An unusually strong ice badger, he should be the leader of this group of ice badgers nearby..."

  Dan's voice stopped abruptly.

  She saw the corpse that shouldn't be lying here. After a moment of astonishment, Dan suddenly reacted:
  "Wait?! Is this a living corpse?"

  Hongyue nodded and gave Dan an affirmative reply:

  "No. Wrong, it's a living corpse."

  Dan's eyes widened and his tone was completely incomprehensible:
  "How is this possible? Rez has been dead for at least three days. How could the body of an ordinary person who has not mastered the essence be separated for so long? Suddenly activated?"

  Hongyue analyzed in a calm tone:

  "Perhaps the heavy snow and low temperature kept his body in a good condition. If he encounters the stimulation of the source material again at this time, accidents may not happen."

  Dan thought of the traces on Rez's body . Ice Pick Scar, and the two young awakened people she left behind at the scene.

  This would indeed explain what was happening.

  But this also means that she left her two children with a dangerous living corpse!

  Dan clenched his fists and stared at Hongyue:

  "This is all my responsibility."

  Hongyue did not answer the huntress directly, but gave an unbiased answer in her calm tone. :

  "I'm just proposing a possibility, not describing the truth."


  The two awakened people discussed the issue of living corpses.

  Normally, Lindsay would definitely listen to their discussions carefully and keep all the knowledge in mind.

  But now he was distracted.

  Because just after the female hunter appeared and joined them.

  The mechanical prompt that belongs to gamers sounded in Lindsay's heart, twice!
  [Mission completed]

  [RPG module ability upgrade, level: 3]

  [RPG module acquires new skills—carrying bag. ]


  [The second module is open]

  [The source material is filled in successfully]

  [Hunting simulation module login]

   [Please collect and vote!

  (End of this chapter)

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