274. Chapter 272 Recovery under the rain

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  Chapter 272: Recovery under the rain


  pah -

  Lindsay felt her face get wet.

  Some kind of cold liquid fell on his cheek, then flowed down his hair and seeped into the back of his head, making the back of his head stick into a ball with a clay-like feeling.



  Lindsay tried to open her eyes, it was difficult, but she succeeded.

  However, his vision was blurry as he just woke up, and the surrounding environment was relatively dark, making it difficult to identify the scenery.

  It was the physical pain that told Lindsay that she was indeed alive.

  "You really didn't fall to death."

  "And my source of matter... was unconscious for more than a day."

  Lindsay felt her condition.

  He almost ran out of power when he killed the dragon beast, but the source of energy that had dried up has now been restored.

  The self-healing ability brought by the essence of life is also the reason why he woke up at this moment.


  Lindsay coughed a few times, feeling a burning pain in her chest.

  He tried to bring up the properties panel.


  There was a red [Severe Burn] status next to his character, and there was a [Death Erosion] mark on his left arm.

  For ordinary people to be tortured like this, it would definitely be the same as death.

  However, Lindsay was still equipped with the [Molten Emblem] at the time and had the physical enhancement of the source of life, which saved his life.

  But if you want to completely heal yourself...

  this kind of injury cannot be done in 10 days and a half.

  Staring at his property panel, Lindsay continued to read along the graphics and text.

  The improvement of basic attributes appeared in front of him.


  "This is really a big increase."

  The achievement of killing the dragon beast provided Lindsay with a large amount of experience points, and all attributes increased by 5 points!
  Of everything Lindsay currently owns.

  Only the piece of equipment [Forest Brooch] can provide a level of enhancement, not to mention that it is a basic enhancement directly fixed on his body!

  Tick-tock -

  At this time, there was another soft sound ticking in my ears.

  As consciousness regained consciousness, Lindsay's vision gradually became clearer.

  He struggled to raise his upper body, and then realized the environment he was in now.

  Surrounding it is a hidden space surrounded by rock and soil, forming a hemispherical rock dome. And directly above this space, there are some gaps at the top of the earth and stone wall, spilling weak light into the ground.

  "This is..."

  Lindsay squinted her eyes.

  Through the hole at the top, he could see the dark sky.

  It was like Lindsay, who was sitting in a well and looking at the sky. Through this gap, he had the illusion that the gloomy weather was pressing down on him.

  And the water droplets that just fell on his face and made Lindsay wake up were the rain falling from this gap.

  "Is it the subsequent impact of the dragon beast battle?"

  Lindsay suddenly reacted.

  When two guys at stage seven were fighting, it was good that their power was under control.

  But after the death of the dragon beast, the hot and cold airflow completely lost control, which then affected the environment, and eventually evolved into widespread rainfall.

  The sound of rain was like knocking on the door, waking him up from his coma.

  But now...

  there is no rescue from Hong, no monsters coming to bite him, and no resuscitators coming to kill him.

  Lindsay smiled bitterly and began to recall:
  "It's fine for more than a day. At least it's safe here."

  "When I fell from the mountain, there were obvious changes in the earth. Is the breath of stone at work?"

  Lindsay analyzed the current situation. , and at the same time took out the food to restore physical strength from the bag, and then applied the wound medicine on the body.

  These things only play a supporting role in such a serious injury.

  But a slight improvement can make Lindsay feel a little better now.

  Then, he realized that he had lost something.

  In the Grand Canyon area, the [Breath of Stone] gifted by the mountain stone element has disappeared from Lindsay.

  "Did an elemental creature of the earth element save me and take this thing away?"

  The encounter with the elemental element of the mountain and stone was finally achieved, but the process was not very pleasant.

  Unexpectedly, this small encounter during the journey would now become the key to his survival.

  Lindsay was thoughtful and opened the map.

  Around Montenegro, the situation on the ground is completely different from before.

  After the two leading seven-stage experts disappeared. Both the Warcraft and the Resuscitators gradually dispersed after a period of fighting, and now there are very few markers on the ground.

  This is why Lindsay lay here motionless, but no one came to trouble him.

  Logically speaking, Lindsay now needs to take stock of her gains.

  However, he was still worried about his companions, so the first thing he did was naturally expand the detection range of the map.

  "This is impossible to see!"

  Lindsay's mark moved back and forth on the map, all three colors red, green, and yellow.

  With this kind of information alone, there is no way to tell where your companions are.

  And Lindsay had a vague sense of foreboding.

  If Hongzhen survived this battle, how could he not come to look for him?

  "No, I have to go out and take a look right away."

  Lindsay frowned.

  He held onto the wet ground with one hand, forced himself to stand up.

  With this action, a new force immediately appeared, making Lindsay's originally extremely difficult behavior easier.

  There are obvious signs of the effect of the source material.


  "What is this?"

  Lindsay immediately studied the changes in her body.

  Soon, he discovered the corresponding effect on the source of will that advanced to the [Third Ladder].

  [Third Ladder: Cornerstone - Courage]

  [The Seed of Courage contains the seeds of courage. When the user's behavior implements courage, it can bring about positive reinforcement.

  "This can be regarded as a response to challenging the dragon beast."

  Lindsay pursed her lips, took out the clods of soil in her bag, and climbed out of the rock dome using the steps.

  Want to find red.

  There are currently two places to check out.

  The first is the body of the dragon beast.

  If Hong is still alive, then after killing An Abyss, she will definitely come here to check in order to find Lindsay.

  Another point is the fire that Lindsay saw when she fell from a high altitude.

  The timing of the explosion was exactly the same as the time when the Dark Abyss disappeared.

  That should be the final battlefield.

  If Hong was not dead, but just in a similar predicament as Lindsay, he would be lying there right now.

  Between the two, the place where the dragon beast died was obviously closer to Lindsay.

  He dragged his body, which was in great pain, toward the ruins of Montenegro, staggering like a rootless tree.

  Plop -

  the rain was getting heavier, and Lindsay's body was soon wet.

  He couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

  If the Dual Air Cloak is still with you, as long as the effect is activated, an air flow shield can be formed to protect you from the rain.

  But this piece of equipment had been completely destroyed by the dragon beast's attack.

  "But if I didn't have it, I probably wouldn't be able to withstand the dragon beast's attack."

  "One piece of equipment changes one life, so it's quite profitable."

  Lindsay said happily.

  But thinking about the equipment, he opened his bag and looked at the items given to him in the mission reward.

  [Conceptual Accessory: The Gold Ring in the Rhine]

  [This item has multiple abilities depending on how it is used.

  ——The Golden Rule
  The wealth of the world favors the wearer of this ring, and this law is recognized by the world.

  ——Seductive and fatal magic power
  . This ring has extremely strong seductive magic power. The holder can use this ring to sign a contract with someone and induce the other party to pay a huge price.

  Please pay attention to concealed possession, the strong temptation will also attract the covetousness of others.

  The alluring magic carries a fatal curse. If someone signs a contract to obtain this ring, the powerful force of fate will lead them to death.

  ——Gift this ring to a loved one.

  This ring can be given as an initiative to create a strong connection in the destiny of both parties, but the gift recipient must be the loved one of the original holder.


  holder of the Return to the World has a heart of return and throws this ring into the river.

  This action will cause a huge flood, and at the same time wash away all time, cause and effect, fate, and conceptual interference and control from the giver.

  [The only item. A ring made of magical concept gold. The price is immeasurable. ]

  ["Oh God, dusk is destined to come.

  You will step into it, it is inevitable."]

   [I didn't organize the outline at all yesterday and played the game all day long.

    【It’s so cool!

  (End of this chapter)

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