215.Chapter 214 Find a new way

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  Chapter 214: Find another way

  "If benevolence and justice are not applied, the offensive and defensive momentum will be different!"

  In less than a thousandth of a second, Lindsay knew what he should do.

  He did not take out the [Brilliant Bullet] from his backpack and fired a black shot at this sleeping six-stage monster. Have you sown the [piranha spores] on the spot that need to devour prey to grow?

  Lindsay chose to turn around and run back the same way.

  "Unless I am mentally ill, I will fight a six-stage monster!"

  While running away decisively, Lindsay also equipped the [Mountains Crest] at the same time. This is an underground environment after all. Although the 7-second earth escape ability has a usage interval, it will definitely play a very important role at critical moments.

  Rumble -

  Soon Lindsay heard the noise coming from behind.

  Huge and dangerous creatures are waking up from their slumber, and crises are spreading around them.

  Lindsay squeezed out some time and took a look at the map.

  There were a total of seven red dots in the huge cave just now. Counting the one whose tail was broken off by Lindsay and this sixth-stage monster, there were actually five other monsters in it.

  It’s just that the six-stage monsters are too eye-catching.

  So he didn't even notice the 'gifts' that came with it!

  The next second, dangerous sounds sounded in the caves and tunnels.

  Lindsay's back felt cold, and she felt an inexplicable crisis, so she subconsciously leaned forward.

  The scorching wind swept over instantly.

  Lindsay is equipped with a total of two cloaks, one is the [Double Qi Cloak] in the equipment slot, and the other is the [Sleeping Bear Cloak] on her back in reality.

  As soon as the hot wind blew over him, he immediately felt a strange feeling on his back.

  Lindsay turned her head slightly to look.

  The airflow shield of [Double Air Cloak] isolates the most dangerous gale.

  But this layer of defense is rapidly diminishing, and the surface of the [Sleeping Bear Cloak] below has begun to dehydrate and dry, showing signs of being burned and destroyed immediately!
  "No way?"

  Lindsay once again realized the gap between himself and the six-stage enemies.

  But what he is facing now is indeed a desperate dilemma.

  Lying here, there is no doubt that he is waiting to die.

  But running forward...

  Although Lindsay is very fast, it is impossible to run out of the ground before the defense is destroyed. Even if he puts on the [Molten Emblem] that increases fire resistance, he cannot maintain the effect until he escapes. .

  "Where's the map?"

  Lindsay opened the map.

  His idea is naturally to use his earth escape ability to leave here.

  But after opening the map, he found that due to the collapse of the terrain, there were almost no caves around that could be reached within 7 seconds.

  It's not possible to run out despite the high temperature, nor is it possible to use Earth Escape to leave this tunnel.

  so what should I do now?
  "No, I still have a way!"

  At this moment, Lindsay had an idea in her mind.

  He immediately activated the effect of [Mountains Emblem], and almost as soon as the airflow shield on his body was destroyed, he dived underground and disappeared in an instant.



  the lizard's voice came along the dark underground tunnel.

  The strong wind that had scorched the entire underground until it was extremely hot also gradually dissipated at this moment.

  Lizards do not speak in bestiality.

  However, if someone could understand the language of the lizard itself, they would be able to hear the following dialogue.

  "Leader, is that human dead?"

  "It's strange that he is no longer here, but traces of the source of matter are still there. He is still alive and hiding underground nearby."

  "Leader! He attacked me and even took me away tail!"

  "You want me to help you dig up the soil and dig out this weak guy like a hyena digs out bones?" "

  No...don't dare!"

  "I'll deal with it myself, I don't have time to deal with this. Such a small thing."


  At the same time, in the pure darkness underground, a flash of fire suddenly illuminated the space.

  It was a light in the shape of an iron pickaxe.

  Until the light swayed back and forth in a small range, the dark space quickly expanded.

  Lindsay is digging underground with a meteorite pickaxe.

  A few seconds ago, in a dilemma with no way to escape, Lindsay picked up the unique skill of a survival player again.

  Dig the clods!
  After using [Mountains Crest] to sneak into the soil and isolate myself from the high temperature in the tunnel.

  Take advantage of the time to escape from the earth before it is over.

  Lindsay decisively took out a meteorite pickaxe, knocked out a few clods of soil, and dug a temporary shelter for herself underground.

  Then the time for Earth Escape ended.

  Lindsey started from this miniature cave, which was as tall as a person, and began to swing the meteorite pickaxe with difficulty to carve out a way out.

  Only then did he remember the attack he had just faced.

  One thing is very clear.

  "That black-scaled lizard dragon really belongs to the lizard dragon family."

  "Although there are differences between individuals, the ability to control airflow is still the same."

  The black-scaled lizard dragon guarding the glacier elements in the swamp has With the innate ability to control hot and cold airflow, this is also the biggest reliance on the opponent to become the best among the five-stage Warcraft.

  Now it is under the Qianshan Stone Forest.

  The lizard whose tail was cut off by Lindsay also had venom similar to that of the black-scaled lizard.

  As for the six-stage lizard that forced itself into the ground, what the other party possessed was at least the ability to control scorching airflow.

  To some extent, it overlaps with the black-scaled lizard dragon in the swamp.

  Then there are two additional, but more important pieces of information.

  ——The black-scaled lizard dragon is a confidant entrusted with important tasks by the dragon beast.

  ——Qianshan Stone Forest is the birthplace of dragon beasts.

  "What about the dragon beast?"

  Lindsay inferred from this:

  "Perhaps before it advanced, it was also a lizard dragon from the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest?"

  "And the source of the dragon beast's ability is also likely to be air flow, cold Heat, toxins, etc... and so on, and physical fitness! Most of these lizard dragons are physically strong, and they even have the ability to cut off their tails to survive. If my guess is correct, the body of the dragon beast is probably also very powerful!"

  Lindsay's frown gradually relaxed, and there was even a look of satisfaction on her brows.

  He came here just to explore the information about the dragon beast.

  Nowadays, a near-miss encounter can reveal this very possible information.

  "This is obviously a sure-profit deal!"

  Lindsay's mood improved, and her hand movements became faster.


  "By the way, Hong is still up there!"

  When he was fighting the lizard just now, Hong was still on the surface and was following the bat closer here.

  Lindsay didn't want her to rush into the tunnel just now.

  Then it was made into a barbecue by the sixth-stage monster.

  So he opened the map and prepared to make a slope tunnel, first going to the surface to meet Hong.

  But while he was identifying the map and digging carefully.


  Lindsay exclaimed, and the movements of her hands were paused.

  Because he discovered that there were some unexpected things in the deeper underground shown on the map.

  Those are some green friendly signs!

  (End of chapter)

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