207.Chapter 206 Three Pillar Lake

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  Chapter 206 Sanzhu Lake

  Early the next morning, Lindsay and Hong set out again.

  The rest of the trip will return to the boring rush and the hardship of climbing over mountains and ridges.

  The terrain of Qianshan Stone Forest changes greatly.

  There are even natural roads formed between some stone pillars, but in some places, the surface of the earth is lined with dense and sharp stone thorns, looking like the back of a hedgehog.

  Just like this, Lindsay and Hong can still jump over with their agility.

  However, long-term wind erosion and corrosion have made these small stone pillars brittle, and sometimes they can even be broken by one foot, which then triggers a chain reaction and causes the whole person to fall along with the gravel.

  The only good news is that the surrounding environment is actually relatively safe.

  The death of the Black Eagle King was an unexpected incident.

  The other monsters occupying the territory around them are still unaware of what happened, so they still maintain their past hunting habits.

  As a flying bird, the black hawk itself occupies a wide enough territory.

  So the next two weeks are full.

  Lindsay and the two walked straight through the stone forest of thousands of mountains, and they didn't even encounter any monsters above stage three!
  Until the afternoon of the fifteenth day two weeks later.

  After passing through a stone forest area again and returning to flat ground, Hong shook off the gravel on his body and couldn't help but ask:

  "Lindsay, we should be almost there, right?"

  Lindsay opened the map first.

  He took a look, thought about it seriously, and then showed a regretful expression to the girl next to him:

  "Before he died, the King of Black Eagles said that it would take half a month to fly east from their nest. Hong, what do you think? How different is our traveling speed compared to those flying guys?"

  Hong rolled his eyes directly:

  "Why didn't we leave two black hawks at that time?"

  "If we use them as mounts to fly, It's almost time to get there."

  Lindsay spoke bluntly, breaking Hong's fantasy:

  "You are overthinking this."

  "Although those guys are pretty good, their body structure is not designed to carry people. You If you lie down on them, the final result may be that they fall to death together on the ground."

  Hong asked curiously:

  "What if they grow a little bigger, like the King of Black Hawks?"

  Lindsay shook her head again:

  "Or No."

  "Unless there is someone seven or eight meters taller... No, if you don't ride on their backs, but let yourself be caught in their claws, it is possible to fly us over."

  Hong Gang started to express his expression . It was okay, but then he realized the problem with this method:
  "If we use this method, what should we do if they fly to a high place and then let us go?"

  Lindsay clapped his hands and made a shape of pressing objects. Bian gesture:

  "Then just 'pop', and then don't think about anything."


  "Lindsay, use your weird things to think of a way, I want to fly too." "

  Can't do it. You just can't do it, so give up."

  After confirming that there was no way to improve the way he walked, Hong's eyes began to wander around.

  When you are in a bad mood.

  She will try to transfer her bad expression to her prey.

  Unfortunately, this form of relief yielded nothing.

  In order to adapt to the environment here, most of the creatures in Qianshan Stone Forest are accustomed to living on cliffs or complex terrain with rugged rocks.

  Flat land like this, which is convenient for traveling, is not favored by wild animals.

  Only shrubs and weeds grow quietly here.

  A whole morning passed, and this situation did not change until Lindsay and Hong finished lunch.

  The terrain ahead becomes difficult again.

  Huge stone pillars of different shapes are scattered here, and there are small streams and rivers flowing along the low-lying areas at the bottom. It can be seen at a glance that this is a terrain that is not easy to cross. But Lindsay didn't care about that.

  His eyes were attracted by a strange scene in front of him.

  In this huge stone forest, three stone pillars with a height of 100 meters tilted and collapsed. As a result, they happened to meet and resist, maintaining a delicate balance during the collapse.

  If this situation happened on Earth, it would definitely be developed into a famous tourist attraction.

  Hong beside Lindsay also saw this scene.

  However, her perspective on this landscape is completely different from Lindsay's:
  "These stone pillars are really unreasonable."

  "They are so hard and so brittle. Isn't there a relatively stable state?"

  Hong complained instead. A heads up for Lindsay.

  These three hundred-meter-high stone pillars are indeed hard in texture, but with such length and the impact when they collapse, they should shatter on the spot instead of maintaining this delicate balance.

  I want to create this kind of wonder.

  It must be mixed with some characteristics of this world - source material.

  "Come on, let's go over and have a look."

  "Maybe we can learn something!"

  Lindsay's heart moved, and she dragged Hong towards the three stone pillars.


  That night, the two of them stepped on their soaked trouser legs and approached the leftmost one of the three stone pillars.

  Out of caution, Lindsay opened the map first.

  Around the base of the stone pillar, there were indeed some yellow marks symbolizing neutrality, and there were quite a few of them.

  Lindsay reminded:
  "Hong, there are monsters living here."

  Hong directly held the [Wood Poison Javelin] in his hand, and his expression became stern:

  "Do you want to fight?"

  "Don't rush to do it." Lindsay shook his head. , put on the [Tread Flower Crown] in the equipment slot, and walked over first, "They are not very threatening, you can try to communicate first."

  Lindsay and the two walked to the foot of the stone pillar under the moonlight.

  Here is a clear lake with some moist mounds exposed here and there, and no monsters can be seen at all.

  "Creak, squeak..."

  A slight squeak sounded underground.

  The sound was almost beyond the range that humans could hear. Fortunately, Lindsay was equipped with equipment that enhances perception, and he was able to detect subtle movements.

  Lindsay's gaze shifted to those wet mounds.

  "We don't mean any harm." It tried to communicate in animal language, and then threw two pieces of animal meat and potato pieces over. "If you can understand, can you come out and communicate?"


  The air fell into silence for a moment.

  Even the creaking in the ground disappeared.

  After waiting for about a minute, a claw suddenly appeared on the surface of the mound where Lindsay had thrown the food, and it dug up the moist soil three or two times.

  A head that looked somewhat like a mole emerged from the mound.

  It looked at Lindsay cautiously, its eyes wandering back and forth between the food and the two humans.

  Lindsay looked at the map again, the markers were still yellow.

  He pulled Hong back two steps, indicating that he was not a threat, and then continued:
  "These foods are my kindness."

  Looking at Lindsay's movements, with the help of the increased affinity of the equipment, this mole-like monster Finally he spoke:

  "You...are humans?"

  Lindsay nodded quickly:

  "Yes, we are traveling through the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest."

  "I just heard that there is a depression in the ground near here, which may be dangerous, so I wanted to tell you Ask about the specific situation."

  (End of chapter)

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