200.Chapter 199 Thousand Mountain Stone Forest

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  Chapter 199 Thousand Mountains Stone Forest
  "Lindsay, how big do you think this forest is?"

  "According to the information I have, someone once spent two months walking through this forest." "

  They How does their speed compare with ours?"

  "They are all awakened people of the sixth and seventh stages, and there are even guys from the eighth stage leading the team." "


  In the Starry Forest, Hong fell into silence as the conversation continued.

  The girl kicked a stone away and broke a branch of a cedar tree.

  Then she began to move her hands and feet out of boredom, looking for something to do, but she didn't know what to do.


  Lindsay wanted to laugh a little.

  In Hong's body at this moment, he saw his former self.

  A few months after setting off from the hidden frontier.

  Lindsay was suffering from loneliness. At that time, she was so bored that she found an air friend. She had nothing to do on the road and just talked to herself.

  Although Hong's problem now does not come from loneliness.

  But this kind of boredom about the long and boring journey was similar to Lindsay's own state at the time.

  After the tree mother and the dragon beast's messenger died one after another, the two had no reason to stay in the Forest of Stars.

  Then naturally we embark on the journey again.

  However, as Lindsay saw from the expedition team's notes, the Forest of Stars covers a very large area and is a vast area of ​​a real country or even an intercontinental level!

  The night Mother Tree died, a hill even collapsed.

  This is an exaggerated change that actually changes the terrain.

  The dryads and other magical beasts living in the forest were also in turmoil, and the main theme of chaos almost dominated the atmosphere there.

  But now...

  Lindsay looked at the number of stones in her bag.

  It is now 103 days since they left that battle, but the forest in front of them still has no end in sight, but it has returned to the appearance of an ordinary forest.

  If the weather is clear at night, you can climb up any tree in the forest and see the bright starry sky.

  If not from personal experience.

  Who could have guessed that the tree mother who used to rule this forest had died under a small dagger.

  Thinking of this, Lindsay shook her head slightly.

  He opened the map on the attribute panel, and after upgrading the source of will, the ultimate detection range of this skill was expanded by another circle.

  By judging the terrain and color marks on the screen.

  Lindsay had a clear view of the terrain ahead.

  Two slightly lower peaks sandwich a long and narrow valley in the middle, forming a winding tunnel in the mountain.

  Its direction points exactly to the east.

  Just follow the terrain and don't even have to figure out the direction in the mountains.


  A long and desolate cry sounded from the air.

  Lindsay looked up and saw an eagle soaring in the sky above the two of them.


  Lindsay cheered up instantly.

  In his synthesis formula, there is this -

  [1 bear heart + 1 wolf heart + 1 eagle heart + 1 leopard heart = heart of the beast] The

  only synthetic material left is the heart of the eagle!
  "Just in time!"

  Lindsay didn't want to waste time. He immediately took out the [Iron Horn Big Bow] and wiped it with the Silent Edge. At the same time, the [FPS Module] activated at the same time began to guide the shooting angle.

  "Hit me!"

  The next second, Lindsay released the bow string, and the sharp arrow shot out instantly.

  The eagle soaring in the sky never thought that he would experience such an unreasonable disaster.

  This arrow was so powerful that it penetrated the eagle's body directly. Its vigorous figure paused in the air, then its wings tilted upwards, and its body fell weakly to the ground.

  "Has today's dinner been settled?"

  Hong rushed out faster than an eagle could fall.

  She was already bored and disappeared into the forest immediately, seemingly going to help Lindsay pick up the carcasses of prey.

  "Your movements are really faster than a professional hunting dog."

  Lindsay complained, and followed closely.

  The place where the eagle fell was located on the branch of a birch tree at the bottom of the canyon.

  When Lindsay took the prey carcass from Hong's hands and collected the materials, a disappointing result was in front of him.

  This eagle is just an ordinary animal and will not produce any high-grade materials at all.

  Lindsay reached up and touched it, only to extract a portion of bird meat.

  He reluctantly dug out the eagle's heart. The results were as expected and did not meet the equipment's synthesis requirements.

  Lindsay casually looked at the product information.

  [Raptor Corpse: Black Eagle]

  [A kind of raptor that lives in the stone forest of Qianshan Mountain. Its strength ranges from ordinary beasts to five levels. It is a relatively common hunter. ]

  [Ordinary raptor carcasses are of extremely low value.

  "Thousand Mountains of Stone Forest? Can the strength reach the fourth stage?"

  Lindsay's disappointment instantly rekindled hope with the help of this piece of information.

  Hong, who saw this scene in his eyes, also understood:

  "Have you gained anything new in your tricks?"

  Lindsay smiled with a smile on her lips:

  "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

  Hong did not hesitate. Di said: "Let me tell you the good news first."

  Lin Daodao: "You think this very boring forest here should be over after climbing over the two peaks in front."

  Hong continued to ask: "What about the bad news?"

  Lin said A bad smile appeared on Sai's face: "The bad news is that there is a stone forest terrain over there. Not only is the terrain more difficult to navigate than the canyon forest here, but the area covered is no smaller than here!"

  Hong blinked.

  The trace of confusion in his eyes was soon replaced by a completely uplifted mood.

  She yelled loudly:
  "What the hell? I won't be so bored after leaving the dock for two months!"

  "Lindsay, let's go quickly."

  "It's hot and humid in the damn forest. Get some sleep at night, and the second My clothes become sticky every day. I don’t understand how you can bear it?”

  Because I have [Molten Emblem].

  Put this thing on when you go to bed at night, and the passively improved heat resistance can completely ignore this level of stuffiness.

  Lindsay answered in her heart, but on the surface she just smiled:
  "You know I have a lot of abilities, and I'm not afraid of heat."

  The fact is that there is only one [Molten Emblem].

  If there are extra materials to make a second one, Lindsay has no problem sharing this prop.

  But unfortunately, there are no craters to be found here.

  Not to mention the second Magog fire monster contributed an [Explosive Flame Crystal].

  "Then go quickly!"

  "You also said that this humid and hot environment is because the air in the forest is humid. It doesn't sound like this in the stone forest. I can still bear the simple heat!"

  Hong action Strongly, he grabbed Lindsay's wrist and rushed forward.

  The two speeded up, and their figures immediately disappeared among the woods, without even disposing of the eagle carcass they had just obtained.

  at the same time.

  Just opposite the mountain peak in the direction the two of them were heading.

  Because of the death of a black hawk, a sharp gaze was cast towards Lindsay and Hong's position, and then the sound of countless flying wings sounded among the stone forests.

  (End of chapter)

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