174. Chapter 174 The remaining instinct

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  Chapter 174 Remaining Instinct

  "Hunting can be understood in a literal sense. It is a system of capturing prey in the wild and cultivating skills based on it..." "

  Lindsay, this is not what I want!"

  "Life is Learn knowledge and integrate the essence on the cognitive tower established thereby, which will bring about all kinds of wonderful abilities..." "

  Lindsay, this is not what I want!"

  "Death is similar to life. It is also based on learning knowledge, but the essence of its ability comes from the understanding of death. According to one of my elders, the fifth stage even requires actively accepting death and reaching [returning to death], and in the sixth stage, [unknown] Complete the power of creation in the realm of "Death, Life"!"

  "Can this be taken from the back of the butt?"


  "War is relatively simple. This path focuses on cultivating martial arts and follows a pure combat route. ..."


  Lindsay continued speaking bravely, but Hong could no longer bear it.

  She rushed forward, pushed Lindsay to the ground forcefully, and straddled him.

  Then she leaned down slightly, grabbed Lindsay's collar with both hands, and asked in a strong and domineering tone:

  "Which of these four skills is yours?"

  "I want to use the same one as you, that is, you can use it from the buttocks The one who took out something from behind!"


  This guy wiped his hands, but didn't wipe his mouth.

  Lindsay blinked, he could even smell the grease on the corner of the other person's mouth.

  The flawless face was so close, and the silky black hair fell onto Lindsay's face, feeling itchy.

  "Alas -"

  Lindsay sighed:

  "This ability is unique to me."

  "I don't mind sharing the fun of the game with you, but it's probably not realistic to replicate my skills."

  Lin Sai's answer was not false.

  If you want to cultivate new game players in this world, I'm afraid you will only create a few hide-and-seek masters like An Rui said.

  No handhelds, consoles, or computers.

  The skills displayed in Lindsay's memory are almost certain to be impossible to replicate.

  Hong's expression was still dissatisfied:

  "Why can't I learn?"

  Lindsay continued to answer:

  "It requires some special tools to assist."

  "I don't have it now, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to obtain it in the future, so I can only say sorry. "


  The obsession in the red eyes did not fade away, but she still got up from Lindsay and sat cross-legged in front of the bonfire.

  "Are you angry?" Lindsay climbed up and asked cautiously.

  The girl shook her head: "I'm not angry..." She felt that her common language was not enough to express her mood at the moment, so she temporarily switched to animal language, "I am not willing to accept it. The thing I want to get is clearly in front of me, but I can't get it. In my hand."

  Hong pointed her finger at her chest:
  "It's tight here and very uncomfortable."

  Lindsay also sat cross-legged next to the girl.

  He may have assumed the identity of a teacher at this moment, and his tone was a little melancholy, but he still said as gently as possible:
  "When people live in this world, it is destined that everything will not go as

  planned." Hong turned his head and stared at Lin. Sai:

  "I want things to go my way!"

  Lindsay picked up the wood prepared aside, broke it with force, and handed it to the stunned girl:

  "If you want to restore it according to your wishes, is there a way now?"


  Hong quickly understood Lindsay. the meaning of.

  She crossed her arms and stared at the bonfire burning in front of her and the wood crackling in the firelight.

  After a long time, the girl spoke again:
  "Lindsay, let's start with the war." "Since we are going to defeat that dangerous dragon beast, preparation for the battle should come first."

  Lindsay was very sure.

  Before losing his memory, Hong must have been a very individual guy.

  Otherwise the purest remnant of character cannot be like this.

  And there is no way he could challenge the dragon beast rashly alone and end up like what he is today.

  "Then let's start with war."

  Just in front of the campfire, Lindsay simply whittled some rough weapons out of wood. His mastery of woodworking skills was considered passable.

  "These are all weapons I have practiced with. You should choose one that is comfortable for you first."

  Hong first picked up the wooden knife, waved it twice and put it down immediately; then picked up the dagger. She didn't like the feel of the short dagger. ; then picked up the wooden gun, this time she did not let go, and did not look at the remaining weapons.

  The girl's tone was very certain:
  "Lindsay, I want to learn this!"

  Lindsay and Hong stood up together.

  The two found a dry open space next to the temporary camp, and the first teaching began at night and surrounded by bonfires.

  "The war skill I can teach you is called superiority strike."

  "The key to it is to create various trends that are beneficial to you during the battle. Then integrate it into the source of essence to fix this advantage." "

  You If you want to get started, you must start from the basics."

  Lindsay showed Hong the basic movements of using a spear.

  As a result, the little foundation he gained from militia training was completely surpassed by Hong after half an hour.

  The girl thrust out the spear in the firelight, her hands stroking back and forth on the wooden pole, and her movements gradually became skillful from jerky.

  Lindsay noticed something.

  Red's body always maintains a good sense of balance, especially when holding a weapon to attack. There is even a tendency to instinctively use this technique to enhance the momentum of the attack.

  Lindsay had a premonition.

  The girl's love for spears wasn't just intuitive.

  The weapon she used before losing her memory was probably a spear. The habits and instincts left in her body were the root cause of the scene before her.

  Half an hour later, Hong sat on the ground panting, but his expression was quite happy:
  "Lindsay, how did I perform?"

  Lindsay clapped her hands and praised:

  "Very good."

  "Maybe you practiced before you lost your memory. Anyway, this speed is very exaggerated!"

  The girl smiled confidently, as if this result was a matter of course:

  "Then this is the only way I will practice from now on?"

  "What about the Sefirah? How do I obtain it and integrate it into my skills?"

  Ordinary people can only wait for seven years for the Sefirah on [Harvest Day]. Awakening in the tide.

  Such a standard answer does not apply to the girl in front of me.

  The opponent himself is an awakened person, but he has currently lost his essence and skills.

  Lindsay's understanding of the Sefiran Lost was not complete, but based on the most basic principles, he also felt that Hong should have a chance to recover.

  "First hold my hand and feel the essence."


  The girl put down her spear and held hands with Lindsay expectantly.

  The essence is transformed within the two bodies.

  A faint source of essence belonging to Lindsay flowed out, and a sharp-edged aura bloomed belonging to Hong.

  Under Lindsay's surprised gaze.

  The girl's confidence is still reflected in her flaming eyes:

  "Lindsay, I have a familiar feeling!"

  "I should be able to control the source of matter, this is definitely not a problem!"

  (End of this chapter)

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