169. Chapter 169 is a prophecy

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  Chapter 169: The Prophecy Comes

  True The [Emblem of Ice and Fire] that I just acquired has become useful.

  As long as he pays some essence, Lindsay can add the power of ice and fire to his movements. The two can be converted at will and can take effect at the same time.

  It is faster and more effective than traditional fire and water stimulation.

  In line with the principle of conserving resources, Lindsay changed the digging tool from a pickaxe to a nearly indestructible tantalum iron dagger.

  After a few minutes, use this method to create a few cracks.

  Lindsay used steel ingots to synthesize several more wedges and drove them into the Jueyuan Ice Jade according to the digging trajectory.

  Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
  There was another few minutes of tinkling.

  With a clicking sound, this rare ore that was difficult to deal with finally succumbed to the cooperation of fire, water and wedge splitting, creating a huge gap with several fragments that could even be picked up directly.

  "Finally let me get it out."

  Lindsay beamed, naturally not polite.

  He first stuffed a few pieces into his bag, and then started knocking and smashing, preparing to sweep away the materials.

  But wait until he cleans out the Jueyuan Ice Jade around the crack.

  A faint red streak appeared in front of me in the darkness.

  This touch of red came from the depths of the Jueyuan Ice Jade. It was because of Lindsay's excellent eyesight that she could see a trace of the afterimage through the gap.


  Lindsay subconsciously opened the map, and there was a hole below her.

  He then looked at the introduction of Jueyuan Bingyu in his hand - [often used as a material for safes]

  "So I dug the safe for a long time?"

  Lindsay had a question mark.

  He was quite satisfied to be able to harvest rare materials, but who knew there was something else going on underneath!
  This time there was no reason to be polite, and the movements of Lindsay's hands continued to speed up.


  The crack gradually expanded, and Lindsay could vaguely see the situation below.

  In this safe made of Jueyuan ice jade, there seems to be a vague figure lying there!


  Lindsay almost fell to the ground.

  He also placed a circle of torches around to increase the lighting.

  Under the gathered gazes, it turned out that there was really a person lying there, and she looked like a girl!
  "My treasure has become a sleeping beauty!"

  The first thing Lindsay thought of was her own complaint when she awakened the glacial element.

  "Is this a prophecy?"

  The treasure turned out to be a person!
  Lindsay scratched his hair with a troubled look on his face:
  "No, it could be something else in the shape of a human, right?"

  He still couldn't believe it.

  The real treasure hidden beneath the Black Scaled Lizard's habitat turns out to be a living person.

  Who would believe this kind of thing?
  And what can this person eat and drink while lying here, so that he won’t be suffocated to death underground?
  The truth can only be found in practice.

  Lindsay continued to take action with doubts, preparing to dig up the Jueyuan Ice Jade and go to the other party to confirm it in person.


  Lindsay continued to take action, but this time the situation changed suddenly.

  As the cracks expanded, the ground suddenly shook!
  "How could I hit a rock and cause an earthquake?!"

  Lindsay looked shocked and stopped moving his hands. He was sure that this was not the result of digging the ore by himself.

  Sure enough, even if he stopped moving, the ground was still shaking slightly.

  "Is the dragon beast angry again?"

  "Is this what you hid in the black scale lizard dragon? So excited!"

  Lindsay cursed and continued to attack.

  That's when.

  Along with the trembling ground, a new message appeared on the taskbar.

  [Ground Fire]

  [A volcano buried deep underground was triggered by an earthquake and had to escape within a limited time. ]

  [Task reward: a small amount of attribute/skill experience points. ]

  "The underground volcano is about to erupt?"

  Lindsay then understood where the constant tremors were coming from. It's not that the dragon beast keeps getting angry here, but the earthquake it caused previously also caused damage underground, and directly caused an underground volcano to erupt in advance!

  At this moment, Lindsay's eyes focused on the text description on the task bar.

  The mission reward is better than nothing, and the information in it also means that the mission is quite simple.

  Now Lindsay just needs to put the guy away, turn around and run.

  With his speed, he can definitely escape from the danger before the crisis comes.

  But the person sleeping inside is definitely dead!
  "Two possibilities."

  "This guy is a member of the resistance dragon beast, but for some reason, perhaps because of its own value, he was not killed immediately after being caught, but kept here." "

  This guy It's my enemy who, for some special purpose, is hiding under the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon's lair."

  Lindsay quickly came to a conclusion.

  And then the decision is made almost instantly.

  Life is never a joke! Even if this guy is his enemy, he must be fished out, confirm the opponent's specific information, and then kill him.

  Lindsay would never do it because of the threat in front of her.

  Throw the potential rescue targets and the unknown truth into the lava that is about to erupt!

  Lindsay increased the consumption of the source of energy and moved her hands one after another.

  The cracks in the Jueyuan Ice Jade continue to expand almost visibly to the naked eye.

  At the same time, the tremors on the ground are gradually intensifying, the temperature of the muddy swamp ruins is increasing, and the water vapor is rising.

  From some cracks deep into the ground, thick black smoke even began to emerge.

  There was a rotten egg smell of sulfur in the air.

  Lindsay, who was constantly chipping away at the ice jade, had a clearer sense. With his sense of smell enhanced by the lizard headgear, he could even smell a metallic smell from around him.


  Lindsay didn't say a word. He stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat and changed the mountains emblem to the molten emblem.

  In addition to the obsession to dig out the people below.

  Some inexplicable ideas also began to emerge.

  The temperature of magma released during a volcanic eruption is generally between 700°C and 1200°C.

  If it is basaltic magma, the temperature range is lower, even reaching 700°C.

  But for andesite and rhyolite magma, the temperature is 1000°C to 1200°C.

  With the Molten Emblem...

  No, the Flame Emblem can deal with 1200°C, and he can even swim in magma for a minute!

  "Lindsay tried to swim in lava!"


  Just as Lindsay was talking about her random thoughts.

  The Juegen Ice Jade below finally dug through, and he jumped in immediately, not forgetting to stuff other Juegen Ice Jade into his bag.

  At this moment, the ground was shaking so hard that it was almost difficult to stand still.

  Lindsay didn't have time to see any details.

  He picked up the sleeping girl, took out the clods of soil from his luggage, put them under his feet, and began to rise on the spot.

  Wait until you finally see the ground.

  Lindsay didn't want to do anything else. He took out his staff and summoned the snow wolf, and threw the sleeping girl onto the wolf's back.


  At this moment, the world fell into brief silence.

  The violent earthquake finally reached its peak at this moment.

  There was a loud noise underground, thick smoke rose everywhere, and the earth cracked.

  A giant beast seemed to be roaring. It broke through the shackles of the earth's crust and burned everything with its red heat like molten iron.

  The majestic power of nature is far greater than the earthquake caused by the dragon beast.

  The two are not the same!

  Amid the heat and roar, Lindsay's roars and orders also sounded in the sudden burst of natural fury:

  "Follow me! Run!"

  (End of this chapter)

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