167. Chapter 167 Earthquake

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  Chapter 167
  The sound of earthquakes and terrain changes is endless.

  Water splashes and broken ice splashed high, reflecting bright colors in the moonlight, as if a beautiful snow rain was falling from the ground to the sky.

  Lindsay stood where she was. The choice at this time was naturally to protect herself.

  He wrapped the newly synthesized dual-qi cloak around his body, and the soil in his bag also formed a defensive fortification.

  Blah blah blah -

  Inside the defense, Lindsay couldn't see the changes in the outside world.

  But during the whole process, the sound of fierce water waves could not be heard, and the location was in the direction of the lake where the black-scaled lizard dragon previously lived.


  This shock came and went away just as quickly.

  It stopped after more than ten seconds.

  Lindsay took off his defense, and what appeared in front of him was a completely different picture.

  This shock was obviously the dragon beast venting its anger.

  Irregular cracks spread throughout the swamp, the original water flowed into the ground, and the landscape of the entire area has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Especially the lake where the black-scaled lizard lives.

  The huge area of ​​water completely disappeared, leaving only a hideous ruin. Silt flowed around the sunken cracks in the ground, and a dead rotten smell filled the air.


  "This is really exaggerated."

  Lindsay swallowed, smiled bitterly, and prepared to leave.

  He opened the attribute panel smoothly. After this power was vented in anger on the earth, [Ice Crystals under Temperature Difference Dilemma] also showed that the task was completed.

  "Receive the reward."

  [RPG module ability upgrade, level: 6]

  [RPG module acquires new skills - equipment system. ]

  [Equipment system: The attribute panel adds an equipment column and a transmogrification column, enjoying independent enhancement bonuses.

  Note: In reality, you can wear as many rings as you have as many fingers as you have, but here you can only wear two! ]

  "Equipment system..."

  "Independent enhancement bonus?"

  Lindsay noticed the clue from the skill description.

  He opened the attribute panel, and sure enough, there was a new grid that could be filled with equipment. Just like in ordinary RPG games, the slots were divided according to the body, legs, shoes, and hats.

  At the same time, behind each piece of equipment, there is an exclusive transmogrification column.

  Lindsay tried to put the dual-qi cloak she just got into it.

  The next second, the cloak on his back disappeared on the physical level, but the effect of the entire equipment still existed!

  "So I can stuff a cloak in my equipment slot and wear another one in real life?"

  Lindsay immediately realized the power of this ability.

  He put the [Tread Crown] on his head in reality, and then put the [Tread Flower Crown] in the grid of the attribute panel.

  Two crowns that could not be equipped at the same time are now effective at the same time.

  Lindsay then placed the [Black Scaled Lizard Head] in the transmogrification column, and his external image changed into the [Black Scaled Lizard Head], but the attribute bonus of the [Black Scaled Lizard Head] could not take effect.

  "Transformation can only be used to customize the appearance, so there are still trade-offs."

  The strength and constitution are both increased by 2, and it can also enhance the effect of vision and smell. Lindsay will definitely not be willing to give up.

  So he put [Black Scale Lizard Dragon Head] in the equipment slot.

  Wearing the [Red Spider Eye Goggles] in reality completes the selection of head equipment.

  "In this case, I can use the earrings..."

  Lindsay simply put the Frostwind Earrings into the equipment slot, and the attributes were increased by one again.


  suddenly, a cold wind blew in my face.

  Lindsay turned around and saw scattered glacier elements approaching towards her.

  Although the swamp was destroyed in the dragon beast's wrath.

  But these four-stage glacial elements will not lose their lives.

  At this moment, the air in this ruins is rapidly heating up under the rules of the Black Mountain world.

  These glacial elements that choose to surrender are destined to never sleep again.

  At a loss, their keen photosensitive systems noticed Lindsay, and followed their previous hostility and surrounded him. "You are also the persecuted party."

  "If we can realize who the real enemy is, then we can also..."

  Lindsay had just cooperated with Calder, and had been helped by the spirits of the mountains.

  With a little kindness in my heart.

  He also wanted to persuade them that there was no problem in letting these elemental creatures go.

  But unfortunately, the red markers on the map are so vivid.

  Not to mention switching to green, which symbolizes friendliness, there is not even a neutral yellow.

  Lindsay shrugged:

  "Okay, then the negotiation failed."

  After saying that, Lindsay stuffed the ice badger mace into the equipment slot, and then pulled away the Spider Silk Night Shadow.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  Under the night, arrows shot out quickly.

  But at this time, Spider Silk Night Shadow had changed its previous attributes.

  Its rate of fire did not change at all, but the arrows, which were supposed to be weak, exerted incredible power after hitting the glacial element.

  Each arrow made a muffled sound.

  As long as the glacier element fails to dodge, its body will either shatter to pieces or fly backwards.

  Their condition is nothing like being shot with an arrow.

  Instead, it was like being hit hard by a strong man with a mace!

  In fact, this is indeed the case. What Lindsay shoots now are ordinary arrows.

  But with the transformation of the equipment system.

  What it contains is the powerful power of the ice badger mace!


  "Isn't it too fast?"

  Two minutes later, the campaign against Lindsay collapsed.

  Except for the broken ice slag in the ruins, no glacial elements can be seen here.

  Lindsay even opened the map and looked at it.

  He was so clean that not even a fly could be found around him!

  However, there were several red dots symbolizing hostility in the distance, and they were running away into the distance without looking back.

  "Did I scare them?"

  Complaining about the instant evolution of his strength, Lindsay began to collect materials from the corpse of Glacier Elemental.

  Like the Fire Meteor Monster, the Glacier Element can produce [Ice Crystals]. ]

  [3 Ice Crystals = Ice Pattern]

  [1 Ice Crystal + 1 Steel Ingot + 1 Iron Ingot = 20 Ice Bullets]

  [1 Ice Crystal + 1 Wood + 1 Iron Ingot = Ice Bomb]

  At the same time, in the hunting notes superior.

  Glacier Element has also completed the first level of achievements and can receive rewards immediately.

  Of course Lindsay didn't delay.

  [Accessories/Materials: Ice Shield]

  [A shield that condenses the power of ice. Weared on the chest, the wearer can consume the essence when launching an attack, adding extremely cold air to the current attack, eroding and freezing the enemy's body; it can also be used as a material to make other props.

  【Achievement items, moderate value.

  "I knew it was You!"

  Seeing this pure white shield in the shape of snowflakes, Lindsay smiled at the corner of her mouth.

  He took off the meteor fire brooch he wore in front of him and immediately chose to synthesize it.

  [1 Meteor Fire Brooch + 1 Ice Shield = Emblem of Ice and Fire]

  [Accessories/Materials: Emblem of Ice and Fire]

  [Emblem that condenses the power of ice and fire. Weared on the chest, the wearer can consume the source of energy when launching an attack, adding extremely cold air and high-temperature flames alone or at the same time; improving perception; it can also be used as a material to make other props.

  【Special jewelry that combines opposite forces into one, has a higher value.

  (End of this chapter)

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