160.Chapter 160 The Sleeping Beauty Who Can’t Wake Up

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  Chapter 160 The Sleeping Beauty Who Can't Be Waken

  "Ice Crystals in the Dilemma of Temperature Difference?"

  Lindsay's immediate reaction when she discovered the changes on the taskbar was naturally one of surprise.

  But then he realized the problem.

  "Of course the treasure map is good, but the RPG module upgrade..."

  Lindsay frowned.

  After experiencing the adventure led by An Rui, his [RPG module] fell into an improvement bottleneck. Even if he kills the fifth-stage elemental creatures and monsters respectively, he is still a little short of the next level of ability.

  Although the capabilities of the taskbar are powerful.

  But the rewards given are often directly related to the difficulty of the task.

  Being able to directly break through the bottleneck of this difficult module definitely means the difficulty of the task itself.

  "I'm afraid this is a very difficult trial."

  Having said that.

  But Lindsay's expression quickly stabilized.

  After awakening his skills for so long, he has long understood the coexistence of rewards and risks. If you go to Montenegro on your own and don't experience danger to improve your strength, I'm afraid everything will be just empty talk.

  "I accepted this challenge."

  "Since it is a trapped ice crystal, we still have to start with this ice elemental creature."

  Murmuring in his mouth, Lindsay continued to compete with the glacier element in front of him.

  From asking and shouting, to tapping the opponent's body with your upper hand, to lifting the opponent up and moving him to another position.

  Under the premise of ensuring that there is no hostile behavior.

  Lindsay tried various methods to wake the person up, but to no avail.

  The sleeping glacier element seems to be completely unresponsive to the outside world.

  Just stood there quietly.

  If it weren't for the fact that the product information clearly stated that the other party was a living being, Lindsay might have thought that she had made a mistake in judgment.

  "So... do you want to use fire?"

  Lindsay looked at the meteorite brooch hanging on her chest.

  If he wants, he can summon fire at any time on his attack, or even just hit it with a meteorite pickaxe.

  But this behavior is still too risky and irrational.

  The product information has stated that the glacier element chooses to hibernate here in order to slow down the melting rate.

  Now use the fire to roast each other.

  The glacier element is expected to wake up immediately, but Lindsay may also become the target of the opponent's attack immediately.

  This is completely different from solving the dilemma required to complete the mission.

  "You, come here." Lindsay waved, and then ordered the bat summon that flew in front of him, "Fly as far forward as possible, and fly higher if you are afraid of the cold. Find the boundary of this frozen swamp, or in an hour , come back and report the situation to me."

  Bat obeyed the order and set off immediately.

  Lindsay conveniently synthesized a chair and sat directly in front of the glacier element to start tinkering.

  Half an hour later.

  There was no change in the glacier elements, but there were a few more freshly frozen ice cubes in Lindsay's luggage.

  Under the premise that violence cannot be used to destroy.

  He was really helpless with this dormant glacier element.

  Some weird ideas even popped up:
  "If I make some popsicles, will these glacial elements like it?"

  "How did the prince wake up the sleeping beauty? Should I go up and kiss it?

  " When Lindsay was thinking.

  A sudden piece of information made his expression freeze instantly.

  The bat he summoned and sent to scout far away—suddenly died!
  Lindsay stood up from her chair instantly.

  He looked towards the east where the bat flew. The sky was already much darker than when he arrived, and the cold wind from the frozen swamp was still blowing from time to time.

  The picture in sight was no different from before.

  "Isn't this a bit exaggerated?"

  Lindsay curled her lips.

  Although the bat he summoned is not very powerful, it is still a magical beast after all, and it also has the ability to fly. It can kill this thing instantly without causing any big noise.


  Lindsay's eyes drifted to the glacier element aside.

  Did one of this guy's kin kill the bat, or are there still other dangers in the swamp?
  He opened the map and zoomed out again.

  In the fleeting scene in the far distance, Lindsay caught a glimpse of a fleeting red dot.

  "Enemy? Haha."

  This discovery immediately rescued Lindsay from her confusion.

  In order to save resources, he put away the chair he had just made and strode eastward.

  "Since the glacier element cannot be awakened."

  "Then getting information from other things in this swamp is also an option."

  Lindsay went deeper.

  On the way, he also discovered other glacial elements. They looked similar, were the same size, and all fell into a long sleep. The product information and marks on the map were the same as before.

  However, the number is quite rare.

  Lindsay walked straight forward. He did not directly hit any glacier element on the path. The closest distance to him was several hundred meters away. More information was found on the map.

  "The number of these elemental creatures is very small."

  Lindsay confirmed the information while occasionally taking off the ice badger claw pendant on the way to confirm the surrounding temperature changes.

  When the temperature is colder than minus 20 degrees Celsius.

  The red dot on the map has entered the observable range.


  Lindsay looked around.

  Different from the previous battles, there were basically no tall trees in the swamp, and the occasional ones that appeared were only a little taller than shrubs.

  "Fortunately, I already had a countermeasure."

  Lindsay didn't waste any time. He jumped up directly, then took out the dirt prepared on the road from his bag and put it under his feet. By repeating this operation, the height quickly increased by more than ten meters.

  At this time, I took out the telescope and had a clear view of the scene ahead.

  There is a large pool of water in the swamp, but it is different from the frozen puddles around it. Even at minus 20 degrees Celsius, it remains liquid without any signs of freezing into ice.

  Right in the middle of the lake, a lizard covered in black scales was crawling here.

  Its body is slender, estimated to be five or six meters in length, so it also looks majestic and majestic.

  On the triangular head, the green snake eyes are shining with cold light. The limbs supporting the body are strong and powerful, and each toe has sharp claws.

  Especially the pitch-black scales, which are closely arranged and sparkle with a metallic luster.

  At first glance, you can tell that it is not an easy opponent to deal with.

  It looks like an earth dragon in a fantasy story.

  When Lindsay took out the telescope, this guy's dangerous eyes were searching everywhere, as if he had just experienced something very special.

  "This kind of reaction probably killed my bat..."

  Lindsay hadn't finished her words yet.

  He found that the big lizard's eyes were locked in his direction, and its snake eyes exuded strong hostility.


  Lindsay was stunned.

  A clue came to mind.

  This guy can kill bats flying in the air.

  "What's wrong!"

  Lindsay reacted immediately, jumped to the side, and slid down while holding the soil pillar he had built.

  Almost at the same time.

  The top of the earth pillar is where Lindsay just stood.

  It also turned into dust flying all over the sky in the explosion.

  (End of chapter)

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