158.Chapter 158: Alone and Crazy

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  Chapter 158 Alone and Crazy
  Lindsay: "Is there anyone? Can someone chat with me?"

  Lindsay's air friend: "I'm not here? You are not alone."

  Lindsay: "But you are not real , you are just a product of my imagination."

  Lindsay's air friend: "Maybe I'm not real, but my existence gives you comfort, isn't that important?"

  Lindsay: "Maybe, you were just raped That squirrel I ate, is it squawking in my belly?”

  Lindsey’s Air Friend: “Maybe it’s the coyote you ate last week?”

  “Or the coyote from last week, or the one from last week? Come on..."


  "That's enough!"

  "Just bring me something and talk to me!"

  In the deserted wilderness, Lindsay was having a conversation with himself, and then he held his head, Shouted hysterically.

  Yelling is followed by running.

  Lindsay was flying through the wilderness, like a fire in a furnace, waving her hands wantonly and without rhythm, completely liberating her nature.

  Half an hour later.

  He threw the wreath of dryads on his head into the air, his eyes following the path of the pink cuckoo as it fell through the air.

  At the most appropriate time, Lindsay jumped up high and bit into the dryad wreath.

  Then he lay on the ground, feeling the taste of the flower petals in his mouth, and counting the clouds in the sky.

  "Well...how long has it been since I set out?"

  "Four months, or five months?"

  Lindsay opened her backpack and looked at it. There was an icon in the item grid that was a gray-white stone, and the stack number was 137.

  "137 God."

  Lindsay let go of the wreath, took out a stone, stuck out her tongue and licked it.

  After setting off, before going to bed every day, he would pick up a stone from around and put it in as a timer.

  This also means that he has been traveling alone for 4 and a half months.

  Even the will attribute has improved a bit in this torture.

  In the first two weeks, he passed through a plain; then he encountered a huge lake gathering area, which took a month to detour through; then there was a rugged road connecting the mountains to the basin; and finally he passed through a swamp, which is what is in front of him. Wasteland.

  Along the way, Lindsay encountered no danger, and ordinary monsters were no match for him.

  Perhaps it should be rephrased.

  In a world where the temperature is seriously affected by altitude, Warcraft will also choose a suitable altitude in order to live more comfortably.

  A move like Lindsay's, which traverses all the way and completely ignores the interference of the terrain.

  It also really reduces the chance of encountering some dangerous monsters.

  What followed was intense loneliness.

  Lindsay also had the experience of living alone in her previous life without having too much contact with the outside world. But as a modern person, he can play games and communicate directly with other friends through social platforms. There is always a way to kill time and loneliness.

  Now he is truly alone on the road.

  Human beings are social creatures, and the torture caused by loneliness for several months is really unbearable.

  He even wanted to catch a grouse or rabbit to keep him company.

  But the wild animals in this world also follow the habits of World of Warcraft. Except for the occasional foraging coyote, Lindsay doesn't even have the opportunity to keep a pet.

  "Ah! Uh - oh -!"

  Lindsay made a meaningless sound.

  A soft white cloud happened to drift across the sky at this time, blocking the sunlight and casting a shadow on Lindsay.

  He waved his hand, calling back the snow wolf that was letting him off in the distance, and rubbed the summoned creature's head hard.

  Although this summoned creature has no intelligence.

  But the touch from her hand still made Lindsay feel relieved.

  After squirming like an earthworm on the ground for a while, Lindsay cheered up and started preparing her lunch. The squirrel he met yesterday was eaten by him in one meal.

  Today's barbecue is the coyote breast meat left over from last week.

  After leaving the hidden frontier for more than four months, he only consumed 12 meat biscuits. He would never use this reserve resource when food was available.

  A quarter of an hour later, Lindsay finished her lunch.

  The perfect grilled coyote meat enhanced his attributes, and he stood up with energy and clapped his hands with his non-existent air friend.

  Then open the map and continue heading east.

  In terms of geography, Lindsay didn't have much trouble now. When he left the hidden frontier, one of the books he took with him was the records of the expedition team.

  Plus the help of the sun and compass in the sky.

  Lindsay was sure she was on the right track.

  "Through this wilderness, there is another low-lying basin in front. After passing it, there will be the rift valley zone of the Montenegro world. The road will be very difficult. Then, there will be the largest mountainous area in the Montenegro world. Endless mountains are located in the center of the world. Occasionally, other terrain can be found in the gaps between the mountains..."

  Thinking about the terrain he was about to face, Lindsay continued to move forward.

  There seemed to be something wrong around him, and his subconscious was reminding him not to make the same mistake as before.


  Lindsay suddenly stood still.

  The snow wolf next to him also followed his master's movements and settled beside him, guarding majestically.

  Lindsay glanced around.

  Every inch of the wasteland is filled with loneliness and desolation.

  The sun shines on the earth, but it is like a patient who has been ill for a long time and reluctantly smiles.

  The sparse grass and trees occasionally show a bit of vibrant green, but when they are swayed by the wind, they seem to express some kind of helplessness, emitting the only white noise in the wilderness...


  "By the way, where is the wind and sand?" ?"

  Lindsay's expression changed.

  The altitude where he is now is lower, so the temperature should be higher.

  When I was on the road a few days ago, whenever the wind blew, no matter how big or small, a thin layer of wind-sand would roll up on the ground.

  Now that the wind is blowing, where is the sand?
  Lindsay squatted down and pressed his fingers on the ground. Although the dug soil was dry, it was not so rough that it could be crushed with one finger. It also had a certain stickiness and a darker color.

  Lindsay suddenly realized.

  He quickly took off his heat and cold resistance equipment.

  "The temperature has dropped here?"

  Lindsay frowned.

  The terrain of this wasteland is relatively flat and even has a downward tendency.

  Along the way, there is absolutely no way that the changes in elevation in the terrain could lead to such an obvious temperature difference.

  There are two possible causes of abnormal phenomena.

  He was walking in an area with abnormal temperatures;

  or he was quite close to the recorded swamp, so the water vapor in the swamp made the temperature and soil condition here slightly ease.

  "Go and see what's going on ahead?"

  Lindsay, who was walking alone, was very cautious.

  He canceled the summons to the snow wolf and replaced the bat with flying forward to detect the situation. He also took out his binoculars to look out.

  The telescopic view revealed no further information, and the change had no effect over the shorter distance.

  Fortunately, not long after, the bat flew back from the sky.

  It used special sound waves to report to Lindsay:

  "Cold, ice, plain!"

  (End of this chapter)

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