138. Chapter 138 Pattern of Flames

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  Chapter 138 Flame Pattern

  The ice badger's mace hit it hard, and the meteorite that floated out of the meteorite was immediately smashed into pieces.

  And it is different from dousing it with water.

  Fireflies killed in this way will have some glowing fragments remaining in their cores.

  Pick them up and use the ordinary product template to identify them, which will appear as fragments with the power of the fire element. Apart from making some lighting items such as candles and lamps, or lighting appliances, it has no other function.

  But if Lindsay uses material collection skills.

  [Material: Flame Crystal]

  [Elemental crystal that bursts into intense flames after being crushed; it can also be used as a material to make other props. ]

  [A very small number of fire elemental beings will leave behind crystals when they die. Value increases due to its rarity.

  "This is really an unexpected surprise..."

  Lindsay was very satisfied with this harvest and continued to check the synthesis formula of flame crystals.

  [3 flame crystals = pattern of flames]

  [1 flame crystal + 1 steel ingot + 1 iron ingot = 20 flame bullets]

  [1 flame crystal + 1 wood + 1 iron ingot = flame bomb]

  "It's interesting."

  Looking at the synthesis table, Lindsay looked at the meteorite The work in the pit has a new goal.

  Due to the rare nature of the flame crystal itself, even with the assistance of material collection skills, Lindsay would have to kill four or five meteors to obtain a flame crystal.

  This greatly slowed down his acquisition of materials.

  Two hours later, when three flame crystals were obtained, Lindsay first synthesized the pattern of flames.

  [Heraldry/Material: Pattern of Flame]

  [Activating the effect after equipping it can make the wearer immune to flames below 1200℃; it can also be used as a material to make other props. ]

  [The emblem of the power of fire, a special item with moderate value. ]

  "Immune to flame burning..."

  Lindsay raised his eyebrows slightly. After the synthesis was completed, he was holding a tattoo-like sheet in his hand, with red lines forming a burning flame pattern.

  He tried to put it on the back of his hand.


  As soon as it was applied, the fire emblem on it was transformed into the skin.

  This is considered to be the completion of the equipment for this special item.

  Lindsay tried to activate it and immediately felt that her source of energy began to be consumed at a rate of about 1% per second.

  Meanwhile, the tattoo also glows on the back of his hand.

  Lindsay's most direct sensory perception was that the hot temperature in the surrounding crater had lost its effect on him.

  "If I had more equipment like this, would I become a special effects warrior?"

  Lindsay waved her glowing palm and smiled softly.

  He unequipped it again, placed the [Fire Pattern] on the workbench, and checked its synthesis formula.

  [1 flame pattern + 1 explosive crystal = molten fire emblem]

  [1 flame pattern + 1 earth pattern + 1 water pattern + 1 atmospheric pattern = elemental coordination emblem]

  In the second formula, the element coordination emblem, Lindsay I certainly don’t expect it to be produced now.

  But the explosive crystal needed for [Molten Emblem]...

  Lindsay poked his head out of the tunnel he dug and looked down the crater.

  He has been digging down here for more than a day.

  Although this crater is exaggeratedly large, the bottom below can barely be seen at this moment.

  It is different from the irregularly inlaid meteorite fragments on the walls around the crater.

  At the bottom of the crater, surrounded by violent burning flames, three huge fragments, apparently split from a meteorite, were embedded in the ground.

  Through their size and shape, Lindsay could even tell the shape of the meteorite before it cracked. Its diameter should be more than fifty meters!
  "This size is comparable to the area of ​​the crater." Lindsay muttered and took out the telescope.

  After zooming in, he could see more details at the bottom of the crater.

  The temperature gets higher closer to the bottom of the crater, and the air becomes distorted, but Lindsay can still see some fire masses with different colors and environments among the burning flames.

  They are obviously not natural burning flames.

  Instead, elemental creatures similar to the meteorites were flying actively at the bottom of the crater.

  "Can we obtain explosive crystals from these elemental creatures?"

  Lindsay muttered an idea about the elemental creatures below.

  But at the same time, there was another very serious question that popped up in his mind.

  Can you defeat these things yourself?
  It's just that the meteorite spirit born from the meteorite fragments has the level of a second-stage monster.

  So what level of strength should the elemental creatures born from the main fragments of the meteorite have?

  Stage five? Or even stage six?

  If it were the former, Lindsay could still find a way to escape. As for the latter...

  "If you jump in recklessly, you are really seeking death."

  Lindsay made a judgment and her eyes became firm.

  But he didn't intend to give up directly:

  "It's here."

  "Whether you want to take action or not, at least take a look before making any conclusions."

  Even if you really can't beat him.

  It's impossible to turn around and run away without even taking a look!
  With her decision made, Lindsay began to dig deeper.

  A few hours passed in a blink of an eye. As the number of flame crystals and meteorites continued to increase, the flame bullets and flame bombs in the synthesis list were also produced by Lindsay one after another.

  These two things are quite simple.

  [Fire Bullets] can directly add fire damage without consuming any source of essence, and can also be superimposed with the effect of the Flame Flintlock.

  As long as one shot hits, it is not a problem to instantly kill a Warcraft below the third stage.

  [Fire Bomb] is completely an enchanted grenade.

  After being activated and thrown out, the explosion will cause damage to a radius of about five meters, and it will also burn at a high temperature of 1,200 degrees Celsius, and gradually extinguish within the next five seconds.

  To put it bluntly.

  This thing can definitely pose a quite fatal threat to organic life.

  Just as he continued digging and preparing the necessary materials, Lindsay finally reached the bottom of the crater.

  The temperature here is quite exaggerated, completely beyond the range that normal people can accept.

  Lindsay also relied on her strong physical fitness of 17 points.

  I can barely move here.

  Even so, he had to drink water to quench his thirst every few minutes, and his clothes were completely wet with sweat and clung to his body.

  The target depth is now reached.

  Lindsay did not rush in blankly and come into contact with these guys who were obviously high-level elemental creatures. Instead, from this position, he began to dig horizontally.

  On the one hand, Lindsay plans to collect the materials she needs before testing these elemental creatures.

  After all, if something unexpected happens.

  For example, these elemental creatures were completely angered by him and became manic.

  In such a short period of time, it may not be convenient for Lindsay to come to the crater to collect.

  On the other hand, it’s through digging.

  He is planning to open up a new space here, and the reason is very simple:
  "Negotiate with unknown elemental creatures."

  "Even if there is a problem, we must create an environment suitable for human activities in advance!"

  (End of this chapter)

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