Chapter 95 Lann, the unexpected son of the Griffin School

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  Chapter 95 Lann, the unexpected son of the Griffin School,
  Geron Moru, returned to his father's laboratory, and he found Lann who was unconscious inside.

  When Jielong had just forcibly carved a passage out of the laboratory, he discovered that the secret laboratory was actually built under a fortress called "Heshan Castle".

  He had been to this place before and had a drink with Augustus Fierbras, a captain who was in the fortress at that time. Unfortunately, times have changed and now the place has been occupied by a group of gangsters.

  Although Jie Long is over two hundred years old, because of his imprisonment in the underground laboratory, his knowledge of the outside world was still more than one hundred and forty years ago. He was surprised by the historical traces of Heshan Castle; when the bandits discovered Jielong, the vast amount of unfamiliar information in those words frightened Jielong even more.

  Jaylon, who had just woken up, was fragile and sensitive. The strong emotional fluctuations awakened the power that had been dormant for more than a hundred years in his body, and some suppressed talents appeared at this moment.

  Frost, flames, storms, purple beams, and various forms of energy burst out from the man's body. It was a tyrannical force that far exceeded the seal, and it did not require the use of magic spells like a warlock.

  Robbers with arrogant words and evil intentions paid the price. Jielong, on the other hand, felt at a loss what to do with his own changes.

  At this moment, he missed his mentor, his partner, and his home—the base camp of the Griffin School, Castle Siren.

  Then, the blue portal opened in front of him.

  Geron Moruben was the son of a warlock and was born with a talent for magic. The sons of warlocks in this world often die young due to the powerful and uncontrollable magical power in their bodies, and the witcher mutation can suppress the mutant's magical talent. In a sense, it was Geron who survived by becoming a demon hunter.

  And now, this talent has awakened again. And, controllable.

  When Geron stepped through the portal, he arrived at Kaer Siren, which is located in one of the most remote corners of the world.

  In front of you are the ruins of a castle, which has been abandoned for a long time.

  Kaer Siren represents the golden age of witchers. At that time, the Order of Demon Hunters had just disbanded, and the Demon Hunters were broken into pieces, split into six schools of cats, bears, wolves, snakes, griffins, and manticores.

  At that time, the madmen of the Cat Faction were still restrained, and the demon hunters still adhered to their original intentions. There are many of them, and they receive commissions all over the mainland to eliminate demons, punish evil, and support the weak. It was also at that time that a large number of poems and legends with the theme of demon hunters emerged.

  Among all schools of thought, the Griffin School is the most famous. Their founder, Elan, was a student of a knight nicknamed "Gryphon" before joining the witcher experiment. When he came to Caer Siren, he established the Gryphon named after his teacher here. school, and teaches the gryphon school demon hunters to adopt the spirit of chivalry and pay attention to the love of fellow human beings. Even at first, Elam had imagined that the services of the Griffin School would be free of charge.

  "Face the evil that they cannot face for all the residents of the continent." This knight's motto became their dogma.

  The Griffin School led by Ellan was widely praised and recognized by the common people, gained the friendship of many nobles, and once established a good image for the demon hunters. It is a pity that this good reputation finally collapsed due to the slander of the warlocks and the church, as well as the evil deeds of crazy demon hunters.

  In addition, the strength of the Griffin School is also unusually strong, and some members can even complete the feat of slaying a true dragon alone. There were also rumors in the outside world that the Griffin School got its name because it killed all the Griffins in the Feilong Mountains. Many kings, rebels, revolutionaries and the like tried to win over the Griffin School to gain political leverage, but they were all rejected in the end.

  Unfortunately, the Griffin School eventually declined. Because the Griffin School is best at magic seals, strong ones such as Elan are even as good as the magic of warlocks, which arouses the fear of the warlock group; and the founder Elan even collected a large number of magic books to build a library in order to study magic. This caused more greed and jealousy among the warlocks.

  After the shameless warlocks asked the Griffin School to share their magic books for free and were rejected, they joined forces to destroy the Griffin School.

  Every spring, witchers leave the castle in search of work, and in winter the castle becomes their cozy sanctuary. At this time, the warlocks triggered a shocking avalanche together. The griffin hunters resisted the natural disaster together so that no one could escape for their homeland. In the end, almost all of them were buried, and only one person survived.

  Today, there are only a few sporadic gryphon school demon hunters still wandering around the continent, and Geron Moru is one of them.

  Geron Moru used his witcher senses to explore the ruins of Kaer Siren, and finally pieced together the truth behind the demise of the above griffon schools; he was homeless for a few days, and the Northern Kingdom at this time After hundreds of years of slander, the attitude towards witchers has long been different. This has made Jeron, who has been living in the golden age of witchers, at a loss what to do and even decadent.

  In the end, Jielong went round and round and returned to Heshan Castle and the underground laboratory. Because he vaguely seemed to remember that there was a person who saved him, and upholding the spirit of chivalry, he wanted to find his savior.

  Then he found Lann unconscious and dying in the laboratory.

  Seeing this scene, Jie Long quickly stepped forward to check on Lann's condition. The young man in front of him was seriously injured and had already lost enough blood to kill an ordinary person.

  But that's not even an important question. The fatal point was the wound on his leg bitten by a giant albino centipede, and the toxin was never clear.

  For demon hunters, they themselves have strong immunity to toxins, and they can drink detoxifying potions such as [Oriole] to eliminate the damage caused by toxins to the body.

  But for humans, no, the antidote potion is extremely poisonous to them.

  For Lan En, the poison of the albino giant centipede is incurable, and even his survival to this day is a "miracle" in itself.

  "Miracle", these two words exploded in his mind like a thunderbolt.

  In fact, there is another way to get rid of the poison of the albino giant centipede - that is to become a demon hunter.

  The protein of the albino giant centipede itself is one of the raw materials for the witcher mutation developed by Thomas Maurue. Using toxins to destroy the body's immune system and then remodel it is also an important part of the witcher mutation.

  In other words, injecting the poison of the albino giant centipede into the body is itself a process of mutation for the demon hunter. It's just that ordinary people will die after a few breaths of poisoning. Only demon hunter apprentices who have undergone preliminary body modification can withstand it.

  Jie Long looked at the unconscious young man in front of him and murmured in a low voice: "How do you survive until now? No ordinary person can do it. Is it a miracle?" At this time, he saw again that although the young man was in tatters

  , A bad, but vaguely recognizable knight's outfit.

  " it fate?"

  Is there anything more coincidental than this? Now he may be the oldest or even the only remaining demon hunter of the Griffin School. After learning about the demise of the school, he encountered a young knight who was poisoned and had spontaneously undergone some demon hunter mutations in a sense.

  The only way to save this young knight is to help him complete the demon hunter's mutation and transform the deadly toxin into a body-strengthening potion.

  In Jeron's knowledge, there are no more Griffin School demon hunters in the world, otherwise they would never allow Kelser to be abandoned. So at this time, Jie Long believed that he had automatically become the mentor and final successor of the Griffin School.

  "This is fate." Jie Long said softly, "This is the 'Law of Accident.' You saved me, unknown knight, and I can only repay you with something I clearly have but don't know." Jie Long

  will Lan En, who fell to the ground, was picked up and placed flat on the table.

  Then he looked at the underground laboratory, disgust, fear, and hatred bursting out in his eyes. At this moment, he saw the body of Thomas Moreu, which was broken into pieces by Lann.

  Even if it had been shattered and turned into ice by his previous [Alder Sign: Bone-piercing], Jaylon would recognize it. He recognizes it even if it turns to ashes.

  "What I clearly have but don't know." Jaylon murmured to himself, "It's the future of the Griffin School that I just inherited, and everything about the mutation of the witcher in this laboratory." "

  Gryon The Falcon School does not accept payment for its rescue, and will only propose the 'Law of Accident' for the continuation of the school. So after you wake up, you should repay me with what you have but don't know yet - the power you will gain, Hunter The power of the demon is the continuation of the Griffin School."

  Jie Long said in a daze. He looked at Lan En, and there seemed to be several powerful forces condensing on the dying body of the young man in front of him. It was the power of the law of accident and the power of fate.

  "You are my unexpected son, a strange young man... No, you are the unexpected son of the Griffin School." "

  I hope fate favors you."

  Jie Long glanced at the laboratory. Every witcher is a scholar with profound knowledge, and the witchers of the Golden Age are even more so. After they successfully mutate and gain a long lifespan, they will spend half of an ordinary person's life learning extensive knowledge at the school's base camp, and then go down the mountain to carry out their mission with the permission of their mentor.

  The most important thing of the Griffin School is magic knowledge, and Jielong's knowledge reserve even surpasses the average warlock of this era. He could easily identify various mutants in the laboratory, and could even reverse the process of secondary mutations by referring to Thomas Moreu's notes and his own mutations.

  The traditional mutation formula of the Griffin School does not contain the protein of the albino giant centipede. This is the formula of Thomas Moreu. Therefore, if you want to save Lann, maybe it is not enough for him to become a pure gryphon school demon hunter.

  However, the survival rate of two mutations in a short period of time is too low. It took Jielong himself more than a hundred years of experiments to slowly become what he is now.

  Jeron stared at Lann and took a deep breath: "Unless I combine the 'Griffin School Mutation' and the 'Second Mutation'."

  (End of this chapter)

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