Chapter 78 You will be surprised when you explore the ruins

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  Chapter 78 When you explore the ruins, you will be surprised
  to see that the necklace matches the statue. Geralt nodded in anticipation: "These tomb robbers should be the treasure found here. Lan, the laboratory you want should be It hasn't been discovered yet, which is good news."

  After saying that, Geralt stepped forward to take off the necklace. The moment he touched the necklace, purple light suddenly penetrated the entire wall of the room!
  Geralt and Lann's witcher badges suddenly began to vibrate violently.

  "That's not right!"

  These purple rays of light joined together and completely surrounded the prayer room.

  Lann looked back and saw that the entrance they entered was also covered with a light film, making it impossible to get out without even thinking.

  And in the entire room, the two shining brightest were the two stone leopards next to the female statue.

  Bathed in an unknown purple light, the stone color on the surface of their statues quickly receded within two breaths, as if peeling off a layer of stone skin to reveal the real beast underneath.

  Two pairs of eyes that were as bright as Geralt's in the dark suddenly opened, and the two stone leopards each let out a sharp roar and rushed towards the crowd.

  Lan, who was always vigilant, threw the druid aside to avoid the stone leopard's attack. The floor they were standing on was completely shattered by two feet in the next second.

  This leopard not only has sharp claws, but also has great strength!

  Lann shouted: "This goddess who I don't know who she is doesn't seem to want you to take away her necklace anymore, and I think the cause of death of these tomb robbers may not be the uneven distribution of the spoils!" The Druid shouted: "These are

  not Leopards are magical creatures summoned from other worlds by ancient elves using [Summoning Magic]!"

  Sward also shouted: "Hurry up and protect the Earl!!"

  Several shield-wielding axemen immediately Running towards Lan En, Shibao was all thrown away by several forward lunges in different directions.

  Fortunately, they had thick armor and thick shields and no casualties were suffered, but they were all badly beaten.

  This stone leopard's head is as big as a shield, and it can chew off most of the iron sheet with just one opening of its mouth.

  Lan stepped forward and forced away the magic stone leopard with a sword, and shouted to the druid: "How to kill these magical creatures? Are they all harmless and must be chopped into pieces, or find the core in the body and smash it Is that all right?"

  The druid opened the magic shield for himself with a wave of his hand and was about to answer, but the shield was suddenly smashed by Shi Bao, and he rolled away all the way.

  Seeing this, Lan quickly called for two shield guards to come forward to protect him. The druid must not let anything happen.

  After the druid was helped up by the shield guard, his temper seemed to rise. He took out a small wooden stick and began to mutter something. In an instant, the small wooden stick began to grow in a coil, and it grew into a war stick as tall as other people.

  The druid rolled up his sleeves and was about to pounce on the stone leopard, and replied while running: "The characteristics of magical creatures are similar to their appearance, and they also have the same vital points. The methods of killing ordinary creatures are also effective on them. "

  Isn't it still a leopard? At most, it's bigger and stronger!"

  "It's different!" Geralt took out a bomb without a fuse from the belt of his alchemy backpack.

  "They have weaknesses that leopards don't have!"

  Geralt pulled the tab open and then slammed the bomb at his feet.

  Green smoke instantly spread from Geralt's feet. Tiny dust-like metal fragments were mixed with other magical materials and blended into the air, with a faint "sizzling" sound caused by a few static electricity.

  [Magic-blocking golden bomb]!
  The two stone leopards rushed towards Geralt at the same time, and were hit at the same time. The originally flexible and vigorous killing movements in the air suddenly became clumsy, and they could not even control their balance.

  After the bomb landed, Geralt jumped out of the enemy's attack range. The two magic stone leopards couldn't adjust enough and collided with each other in mid-air, rolling and falling to the ground.

  The magical creatures reacted really quickly. They quickly turned over, adjusted their bodies, and spread out again.

  But as the battle continued, Lann discovered that the two monsters were significantly slower after being blocked by the magic gold bomb.

  The principle is very simple. The existence and activities of magical creatures are driven by their internal magical energy. Although the magic-blocking gold bomb cannot completely cut off their magic supply, it can easily hinder the functions and operation efficiency of these magics. .

  The stone leopard's huge size is inherent, and its amazing strength is also provided by its size, and these two will not change.

  But Shibao's speed and reaction are closely related to the operation of magic.

  After being bombarded by the magic gold bomb, the two stone leopards seemed to have been pressed on the 0.5x speed debugging button. Their steps were heavy, their reactions were slow, and their balance was poor. They could not control their center of gravity while jumping in mid-air and began to roll randomly.

  It will be easier next time.

  For these magical creatures based on cats, what human soldiers fear most is the opponent's speed. A heavy armor is like a steel coffin to them. They just wait for the opponent to lose their health a little bit, and then find the gaps and weaknesses in the armor to deliver a fatal blow.

  But when they slowed down and were unable to sneak attack or escape, it was time for the human soldiers with strong armor and sharp blades to perform.

  "Shield guard, enter!"

  Because a magic-blocking gold bomb exploded on the scene, the druid could not use magic and retreated slightly.

  Although Geralt was also affected and could no longer use his seal, he still relied on his superb swordsmanship and reflexes to hold down a stone leopard. He should be able to deal with it alone with a little time.

  The other stone leopard was now facing alone eight heavily armed shield guards with tall horses and horses. They slowly approached the stone leopard into the corner without attacking, but only compressed the space in front of the large shield.

  Every strike of Shibao can leave shocking marks on the shield, but it cannot cause effective damage.

  As the shrinkage range of the eight shield guards became smaller and smaller, the stone leopard was soon sandwiched between the eight huge shields like a sandwich, unable to move.

  Immediately afterwards, Lann came forward with the remaining people, thrusting the sword through the gaps in the shield, drawing the sword, thrusting the sword, and drawing the sword.

  If it were not inconvenient to use in a small space, it would be better to use a spear at this time.

  It seems that the stone leopard only has a layer of stone skin when it is in statue mode, and its current touch is just a little tougher than that of ordinary flesh and blood creatures.

  Even though the stone leopard was as big as a calf, it couldn't break away from the big man. Soon its roar gradually faded, and finally it fell to the ground with a "thud".

  Lan slightly poked his head over the shield and looked in. Purple light gradually overflowed from Shibao's body, and then turned into a pool of powder.

  The danger here was temporarily lifted. Looking back at Geralt, the witcher had already sheathed his sword.

  There was light behind him, and dust flew slightly with his footsteps.


  (End of chapter)

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