Chapter 61 Where is the best place to entertain guests in Sintra?

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  Chapter 61 Where is the best place to entertain guests in Sintra?

  The businessman suddenly fell to the ground, and Lan threw away the remaining grip in his hand with a fierce look in his eyes.

  "You are making money in my country and you dare to speak rudely to my country? Since you think you can make money anywhere, get out of Sintra!"

  Deafening cheers suddenly erupted in the tavern, half-drunk with alcohol. The guests smashed their wine glasses on the table and spilled the wine everywhere.

  "Long live Cintra!"

  "Cheers to the triumph of our hero Lord Lannister!" "

  No, no, no." Lan shouted, "I am not a hero."

  "Cintra cannot be protected without any of you. One person. You, my friends, are the real heroes of Sintra!"

  The bar was filled with people, almost tearing down the roof; the bard plucked the strings and sang a new tune with a passionate tune.

  People outside looked inside curiously, wondering why the bar was so busy before night.

  Then more people joined in and cheered.

  Amidst the enthusiastic cheers, Lan turned around. The face that had just been wearing a humble and humble smile turned expressionless for a moment.

  Lan turned around and grabbed the heads of several city defense soldiers and said,
  "I remember I taught you when you can fight and when you can't, and where you can fight and where you can't - did I tell you that?

  " Lann's excited soldier calmed down instantly. They looked at each other and nodded.

  "Very good, it seems I said it. Then -"

  Lan turned to look at the owner of the bar, pointed at a few soldiers and said: "The money they spent drinking tonight will be charged to my account, and they can drink as much as they want. Then don’t sell them any more alcohol within a month, and inform other pubs as well. That’s what I said.”

  The bar owner smiled and nodded.

  "Oh, yes." Lann pointed to the soldier who hit the person. "The broken glass and the drink will be charged to his account." The

  bar owner smiled and nodded.

  "Cherish your last bar meal. You will not have any rest time in the rest of this month."

  Several soldiers did not dare to defend themselves. They rushed to the bar and surrounded the boss, holding glasses as if they had never had a break in their lives. Start pouring it into your mouth like you would drink.

  Lan tilted his head and signaled to the businessman who was bending over to sneak out of the tavern, and said to Ace: "It's okay for others to leave, but Cintra's things must stay in Cintra." The Arrow

  Servant nodded in agreement and turned to leave. .

  Geralt ordered a glass of beer and kept drinking while watching the show. When Lann came back, he said: "I finally know why your name is so famous, Lord Lannister of Cintra." "Don't

  . Call me that, or I won't pay for your drinks."

  Geralt's amber cat eyes suddenly dazzled: "Will you pay for my drinks?"

  At this time, the minstrel finally completed the song, and the atmosphere of the tavern was also changed. The speculation reached a climax. Surrounded by praises and cheers, he walked to the bar and bowed slightly towards Lan.

  Lan pointed at the bard and said to the boss: "Give him a glass of wine too."

  "Thank you, Lord Lannister." The bard said, "My Lord Milo Glass, I have long admired your name."

  This bard When the bard spoke, he crossed his fingers on his chest, his tone was neither humble nor arrogant, his speaking speed was neither urgent nor slow, and his posture was dignified.

  Lan looked him up and down: "Thank you for your just words, Mr. Glass. I will instruct those merchants not to publicize this matter, lest you lose business after leaving Cintra." Milo bowed slightly

  , Thanks: "Actually, you don't need to care. In addition to the bard, I am also a businessman.

  Businessmen should not slander the land that feeds them. This is a rule. He violated the rules, so I hope he accepts punishment, that's all." "

  If everyone doesn't abide by the rules, who will do business with merchants?"

  Lann looked at him in surprise, surprised that a traveling merchant in this era could live to say such a thing. But maybe it was precisely because he could say such things that he had to be reduced to a part-time job as a bard.

  The bar owner smiled and handed over a glass of wine and said: "Miro just came here two days ago. Since he came to the bar, he has been singing your father and your poems, which has attracted a lot of business to my bar. He has always wanted to see it in person. Seeing you, my wish has come true today."

  Lann carefully looked at Milo Glass in front of him.

  As a bard, he was not handsome enough, with an unkempt beard and thin hair. In addition to the lute, he also had a flute on his waist. As a businessman, he seemed a bit down and out. His clothes were shabby and the two satchels slung across his body were badly worn.

  "Now that you have met me, what next?"

  "I have no other intention. I just want to see you for a long time and want to see what kind of knight the poem is based on. I should leave Sintra in two days."

  Geralt, who was sitting on the side, suddenly interrupted: "You don't look like a businessman, nor do you look like a bard. You feel incompatible with them. You look like a descendant of a down-and-out noble or a rich man who fled." Milo smiled slightly

  . : "Living in this world, everyone always has their own difficulties."

  Lann nodded and no longer cared about this merchant poet. He remembered that Geralt had a close friend as a bard who would spread his good name to future generations.

  It’s not a bad thing to have a poet fan yourself.

  Putting the matter behind him, Lan asked the hotel owner the time.

  After learning the result, he said to Geralt: "I have to go to the palace first, and when I get back to Sintra I have to meet the Queen to say hello. Do you want to go with me to meet Mossak and Ciri?"

  Geralt shook his head: "I won't go to the palace."

  Lann understood, throwing a cloth bag embroidered with vines and leaves to Sward and House, and said: "Take my guests to visit Sintra." ."

  After speaking, he pointed at the merchant poet Milo and said to the boss: "His wine will also be charged to my account."

  Milo Glass bowed towards Lan to express his gratitude.

  Lann walked towards the door, and with every step he took, there were cheers such as "Lannister Long Live" and "Cintra's Pride".

  He knew that all this was just an illusory bubble that would soon be crushed by Nilfgaard's iron hoof.

  He has been in this country for a year and has been the recipient of many flowers and praises from its people.

  He was troubled: just as he had angrily hit the merchant after hearing the insulting words of Cintra, in addition to acting according to his plan to create a character to win people's hearts, he was actually really angry at that moment.

  After Nilfgaard invades, can he really escape calmly as planned?
  Lann walked and thought all the way until he stepped out of the tavern and the sun shone on him again.

  The door closed, and House shook the cloth bag in his hand, and there was a pleasant sound of coins clinking inside.

  "Take guests for a nice stroll"? The two attendants looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

  (End of chapter)

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