Chapter 43 Aisna: It’s been hundreds of years

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  Chapter 43 Aisna: This has happened for hundreds of years.

  Aisna still doesn’t understand what went wrong. For hundreds of years, no race other than dryads has had no reaction after drinking the water of Brokiron. .

  Could it be that this is really the guidance of fate?
  Brochlon, tell your daughter, what do you want to convey?
  "Ms. Aisna..." Brian was stunned by the situation. She seemed to want to say something, but Aisna stopped her.

  "As you wish, son of the ancient bloodline." Eisna's tone was cold and stiff. "You can go home."

  Brian sighed heavily.

  "Let me be quiet for a moment." Eisna turned around and turned her back to the others. "You guys should step aside first."

  Brian wanted to go to Lahiri, but Lan avoided her hand. If Ciri's transformation fails, then Brokiron will have no intention of them. But Lann wanted a lot from Brokiron.

  And to get what he wants, he still needs a little guidance.

  Lan put an arm around Ciri and sincerely thanked the Dryad Queen: "Thank you, Ms. Aisna."

  First, the witcher expressed his gratitude to the Dryad Queen, and then the young earl expressed his gratitude again. It seemed that Some switch was turned on, causing Aisna to slowly turn around.

  "Why are you thanking me? Gwenbraed, Lann of Cintra, what are you thanking me for? What are you thinking?"

  The words of the Dryad Queen were no longer plain, but full of resentment. And sensing her emotions, Geralt seemed to turn on a switch.

  The demon hunter took a step forward. He had been exhausted in the past two days. At this moment, his face no longer had the usual indifference of the Wolf School, but a different look.

  "For fate," Geralt teased, "for your decision. This isn't the Water of Brochlon, is it? Destiny wants Ciri to come home, and you are the one who plays Destiny. Esna, what do you think of the tree?" You are well aware of the current situation of the spirits, and you are not as hostile to humans as you show. I know it, and I understand you." "The tree spirits

  need the possibility of survival, and you control the fate of the tree spirits, Esna. Whether you like it or not, it is a fact that humans control the world. Only by integrating with them can the race continue, otherwise it will only die. After all, we are so similar, humans can have offspring with you. What benefits can you get from the war?

  Someone He could have been the father of your children, but he died one after another under your arrows. How many abducted girls can receive education?" the demon hunter

  said sincerely. He had abundant and sincere feelings for the dryad race. , which is why he accepted employment from other kingdoms to negotiate a peace agreement with the tree spirits. For a Wolf School witcher who is strictly prohibited from participating in politics, he even broke the rules.

  "I know the tricks of the human king." Eisna said. "You are not the first person sent by King Wenslav to negotiate peace, Gwenblad. The humans want cedar, oak, white walnut trees, but also redwood, Birch, yew for bows, and pine for planks, and gold, copper, and iron beneath the earth. In exchange, he would give us an enclave, a small patch of virgin forest. Do you really think I would

  ? Do you accept it? Gwenblad? After my daughter was trampled on by Brugg's knights. Have you forgotten Maureen now?"

  After hearing this, the witcher finally retreated, a look on his face. He showed an expression of great sadness and said no more words. For him, Maureen seemed to be a very important name, and it was because of this name that he formed a relationship with the tree spirits.

  Wonderful! Lan shouted in his heart.

  He remained silent, just to let the witcher argue with the Dryad Queen first. This is so important to what he is going to say next.

  The Demon Hunter relied on his deep connections and emotions with the Dryad family to reveal what the Dryad Queen was thinking, as well as the Queen's bottom line towards humans and the softest part of her heart.

  With an almost arrogant attitude, he tore apart the diplomatic shell that the Dryad Queen used to deal with humans.

  This step is very important. When many diplomatic groups debate, this is almost what they do in the first ten days. You test each other by spraying me and I spray you. Isn't it just to find out the opponent's bottom line? All serious matters are left to the last day, and the only thing that matters is a pull.

  As for how to do this? Quite simply, the witcher set an example by breaking her defenses, silencing her, and finally slicing her blood.

  And these are things that Lann, as an outsider, cannot achieve through simple negotiation. Whenever he negotiates an agreement with the Queen, all he gets is a cold rejection or a cold arrow. If he can't bring about any emotional fluctuations, how can he guide her? Appearing in such a scene?
  However, because the Demon Hunter was also breached by the opponent, the final step of "shaving blood" could not be completed.

  In the BOSS scene of Blochlon, the demon hunter Geralt leads the charge. Now it's time for Lord Lannister to come out and reap the rewards.

  Lan stood up and said: "Ms. Eisna, I am here for this purpose, for the future of the dryads, and for our future. Destiny guides me."

  Eisna seemed to be troubled by the witcher . , the whole person was still breathing heavily angrily. Hearing Lann's words, she said with a mocking face:
  "Fate guides you? Cintra is not much better, you are also one of their cunning, Lannister. Your destiny tells you to take my Is my sister staying outside the forest as a hostage?"

  Lan shook his head and said: "You have misunderstood Cintra, but in fact I am not here on behalf of Cintra today, but for my people as a lord. Come to see you, so I don't have those deep and hidden but greedy reasons. I treat my subjects as you treat your daughters. Brochlon is great, and we all need to plan for their future." "High-sounding words

  . Say! Since you are not representing Cintra, who gave you the courage to speak out in front of me? I have changed my mind: the son of the ancient blood can be brought back to Cintra by the witcher. And you, Lannister, will stay here

  forever Duan Kanal. You can understand that this is for the future of your people, this is your destiny!"

  Queen Aisna's words were cold, and she had already been filled with anger, which was now poured into Lann. . The faces of the demon hunter and Ciri changed greatly after hearing this. They didn't know how things had developed to this point.

  "Ms. Eisna, you serve fate, but now you want to play destiny yourself?"

  Eisna said with a mocking look on her face: "Are you afraid? Lannister? It seems that you are no different from the humans outside. You are righteous on the surface, but in reality you are not. Sanctimonious."

  "I have always said that it was fate that guided me here, Ms. Aisna. No one can decide fate, not you, not me. It seems that fate has divided two roads in front of us, my fate Guide me to my path, and you also have your explanation for fate."

  Lann pointed to the silver cup, with three-quarters of the water of Brochlon left in it, and said something that made Ciri puzzled and Eisna teased, The witcher's face changed drastically and he said:

  "Then let me drink the water of Brokilon and let fate make the decision!"

  "As you wish, Lannister." Eisna took another wooden cup herself, Pour out a portion from the silver cup. "You are not qualified to use Craig Ann's chalice." "The

  sword of destiny has two edges, Ms. Aisna, and I am one of them."

  Lane took the cup . , drink it all in one gulp.

  (End of chapter)

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