Chapter 364 The future situation will change as a result.

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  Chapter 364 The situation in the future has changed as a result.

  The Ice Giant stands on the ground, wielding the weaponized anchor like a windmill. The violent force that has lasted from ancient times to the present is rampaging through the lower levels of the castle, tearing apart all the walls and columns. Almost exhausted.

  Let Arethusa Palace, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, collapse!
  The warlocks had to thank the giants instead. This unexpected change of venue shattered the Wild Hunt's formation, and an indiscriminate disaster enveloped everyone.

  Among them, the Wild Hunt, whose team was relatively intact, was the most seriously injured in the landslide.

  Eredin got up from the ground in a daze. Only scattered remnants of the Wild Hunt escorts were left around him.

  He grabbed Francesca who was swaying beside him, and before he could say anything angrily, a black figure suddenly burst out of the smoke not far away.

  "Wild Hunt! In the name of Grand Master Ivar Evil Eye! In the name of the Snake School!"

  This figure was as stocky as a violent bear, yet as dexterous as a poisonous snake. He waved the snake-headed sword in his hand and used brute force to tear open the Wild Hunt soldier's armor, but then turned around and left after cutting the wound.

  Before the frightened Wild Hunt could rejoice that they had saved their lives, the faces under their helmets turned purple in the next second, and they lay on the ground only twitching.

  Letso was killing people with maximum efficiency.

  "Red Knight, enemy attack!!"

  The nearby Wild Hunting Dogs rushed towards Leisuo, but when they saw the snake sect demon hunter's hand, the torrent of blazing flames erupted like a volcano, and they were suddenly killed again. He pressed back; but under the cover of the flames and high temperature, a man covered in dark golden protection rushed out.

  Gede ignored all the approaching claws and shouted fervently: "Well done, Leitho!"

  He slammed into the enemy like a chariot, and with a "boom", the stumps of the Wild Hunting Dog were scattered everywhere. splash.

  Not far away, Keyan danced dexterously among the crowds. These heavily armored knights were not friendly to his abilities.

  So he took out a bunch of magic-blocking gold bombs.

  "Boom, boom, boom -" The Wild Hunt warlocks were dizzy for a while. The red-eyed cat tore through the smoke, and the slender weapon in his hand dexterously got into the gap in the armor.

  Suddenly, a blast of wind dispersed the magic-blocking gold smoke, and the attached energy cannon also knocked Kyaen out of the air, avoiding the sneak attacks of several arrows.

  Cohen took back his left hand twenty steps away, feeling the biting cold released: "I can do it too, this is a seal with frost..."

  Regis flapped his big wings and turned into a human form beside him, far away Pointing at Wigfortz not far away: "Are you interested in fighting again, together?"

  "Of course." Cohen touched his knees with an indifferent expression.


  Geralt threw a piece of gravel away, pulled out a suppressed sorceress, and then swung his sword to parry the heavy attack of the wild hunter in front of him. The next second, bright emerald light spots flashed on his body, in the darkness. Like the sun.

  And someone more dazzling than the sun appeared next to him.

  The demon hunters withdrew from the battle and moved closer to this side immediately.

  "Have you all found your opponents?" Lann shook off the blood stains on the sword in his hand. He had just completed a round of harvesting nearby.

  He looked around, from left to right: Gerd, Letho, himself, Geralt, Korn, and Kyaan.

  Witchers of the bear sect, witchers of the snake sect, witchers of the lion sect, witchers of the wolf sect, witchers of the griffon sect, and witchers of the cat sect.

  "It's time to warm up. I'm just waiting for your order." Someone whispered softly.

  Not far away, the light of torches could be faintly seen, and it seemed that representatives from various countries were beginning to bring people over.

  Lann smiled: "Then start, don't let your prey be snatched away!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Lann rushed out immediately.

  In front of him were a panicked Francesca and a solemn-looking Eredin.

  "It's him, the son of the ancient bloodline, the descendant of Laura Doran, Lann Lannister Rhianlon!"

  There is no need for the elf sorceress to explain. Lann's surging chaotic energy and unique aura are always present. To stir up the nerves of the Wild Hunters.

  "Seize him!" Eredin roared wildly.

  The remaining Wild Hunt warlocks stirred up the huge magic crystal on the top of their staffs, and the blizzard in the sky seemed to have become conscious and gathered towards the field.

  The temperature dropped rapidly, and even the wild hunting dogs around the battlefield were affected and frozen into ice sculptures.

  That is an elemental creature born from the snow rock!

  Lan En remained undaunted. He took a deep breath and raised his left hand.

  The superimposed power of countless magic potions gathers at the fingertips. The power squeezed from the venom in [Addiction] is mixed with the improvement of [Guide].

  The warlock needs to extract the surrounding chaotic energy to cast magic, but Lann only needs to vent the power in his body.

  [Alder's Seal·Bearing·Magic Burst·Addiction·Guidance]!
  For a moment, only white was left in front of everyone's eyes.

  The ancient glacier came to the world. It greedily swallowed all the surrounding temperature. The building cracked directly, and the air condensed ice crystals. The storm pouring from the hands of the wild hunter was swallowed up without any power to fight back, and turned back to cover its caster.

  Can ice freeze ice? Could something so ridiculous happen?

  Eredin murmured to himself: "White here?"

  The armor, human body, staff, and magic energy crystal all turned into ice crystals equally at this moment, and then they were torn into ice by shrinking and squeezing towards the inside. The pieces shattered all over the ground.

  A pure white vacuum channel appeared in front of Lann, and the air was extremely ice-cold. After a short period of condensation, the temperature of the entire Thanede Island collapsed towards this channel, trying to make up for a little warmth. In the end, the entire palace, the islands around the palace, and the waves outside the island were covered together. Ice Sculpting.


  Goth Velen.

  The dwarf banker's fingers were flying, and the table was piled with scratch paper used for calculations.

  He suddenly shuddered and looked around confusedly.

  He opened the window, looked at the sky, and watched the ice flowers falling slowly: "Is it snowing?"


  The surviving brotherhood warlocks stared at this scene in stunned silence, forgetting their words for a moment.

  They were warlocks, and the one in front of them was a witcher.

  "What kind of magic is this?" Someone said to himself.

  "This is not's a seal." Tisaya's face turned pale, both because of the [Arzu Thunder Technique] she had just cast, and because of what she saw in front of her.

  "This is the witcher's sigil, the sigil of the Lion of Cintra..."


  Lan slowly retracted his left hand.

  With one blow, his seal covered more than ten high-level warlock-level Wild Hunt mages, killing them all.

  One blow, and just the aftermath, changed the aura of the entire Senide Island, and incidentally changed the climate of the port city not far away.

  With one blow, the battle lost its suspense.

  The increase in strength surprised even himself. The Lion Fights the Rabbit still tried his best, even in order to harvest the remnants of the Wild Hunt, he summoned the dragon and the ice giant raiding array, but now it seems that they are completely unnecessary.

  Lan is now even a little afraid that those warlocks who want to win over will be affected by his seal and die.

  Suddenly, he looked up as if feeling something. In the sky, Eredin was holding Francesca, and the skeleton horse under her crotch staggered on ice crystals and ran through the air.   "Hurry up and open your portal and return to the Land of Armored Wood!" The elf sorceress screamed frantically, "Whether it 's

  using the power of the white frost or communicating with the sages, hurry up and open the passage now!"

The Wild Hunt mages stood in front, Francesca seized the last moment to open the portal, and then was pretended to fly into the door by Eredin, barely escaping the most deadly ice storm.

  Even now, she continues to use short-distance portals in front of Eredin to keep distance from Lan.

  "Quick! Quick! Quick!!" Valley Daisy screamed crazily.

  In just a moment, they were even far away from the location of Xannide Island, leaving only a distant black spot in the mid-air.

  Lann looked into the distance with an expressionless face, pulled out his long sword, and marked the distance.

  The next second, bright emerald light spots lit up on him, and the speed of time slowed down in front of him.


  The distance to an island is instantly erased, and any place within sight can be reached in a flash.

  The sapphire blue portal has been summoned in mid-air, and endless cold current pours out of it. The leader of the Wild Hunt and Valley Daisy are about to step into it!

  Under the influence of the [Flicker] skill, Lann even had a few seconds to think about the next attack.

  Use Dharma Seal? No, no, I've already used it.

  Then try a body enhanced by skills.

  So Lann swung his sword.



  "The blood of the ancients." Vilgefortz spat out the last drop of blood from his throat.

  And the remaining blood all over his body had been feasted on by Regis.

  Cohen wiped the sword in his hand with a cold face, and suddenly heard exclamations one after another.

  He looked up and saw only the direction in which the Wild Hunt had left. All the clouds, the moonlight at night, and the sky were split open by a huge sword mark.

  The screams, cries for help, and cries of comfort were all extracted from the island of Thanede at this moment.

  In this silence, bright emerald light flashed, and Lan appeared in the messy scene.

  He glanced around and quickly locked onto the target.


  Tissaya has forgotten how many turns this night has taken, but she knows that what is in front of her may be the most important one.

  "First of all, please allow me to offer my apology, Ms. Tishaia." Lan was still so polite, "Too much happened tonight, and we have all lost a lot - especially the brotherhood." Tishaia suddenly

  said Trembling, she had not had time to accept the changes in Thanede Island, but at this moment she knew that there would be no Thanede Island in the future.

  "Thank you... for your condolences, Lord Lannister. Without your help, no one knows what direction tonight would have taken." The

  headmistress whispered: "But as you can see, we need to Some help... Your reputation for generosity is well-known in the north. I wonder if you can give some to the brotherhood..." "Let's talk about

  this later. The most important thing now is to count the losses and rescue the wounded." Lann said softly, "I I will give the warlocks all the help they need."

  Tisaya was silent, realizing that the [Brotherhood] might not be able to survive as a collective.

  "Thank you." But she could only say this after taking a look at the ice crystals around her and the clouds that had not yet closed in the distance.

  Tisaya touched her necklace and suddenly asked: "Is Francesca dead?"

  Lann nodded: "The elves need to change their words and deal with people."

  "What about the Wild Hunt? Those are the crazy ones? Hunting?"

  Lann chuckled and did not answer. He glanced at the warlocks around him and suddenly asked: "There seem to be a few people missing here?"
  The owl flapped its wings hastily in mid-air.

  A bolt of lightning suddenly struck, it swayed and swirled in mid-air, and angrily turned into a human form and fell to the ground.

  "Alto! What do you want to do?"

  The short, fat member of the wizarding coven emerged from the invisible state with a sinister look, staring at the embarrassed Philippa in front of him.

  "I need the protection of Redanian soldiers, I want to leave this island!"

  "There are no Redanian soldiers left here! And you actually want me to protect you? You, a traitor from the north, actually saw me Do you dare to run away?"

  "There are no soldiers, then tell me the hidden teleportation point that only you know! The kind that can leave the magic blockade of this island!" Alto gritted his teeth, "Stop saying such high-sounding words! You are right Is there loyalty in the north? You just want to usurp Tisaya's status and more rights!" "

  And you are also running away! I'm sure your crazy plan must have offended many people, and you need to leave urgently, Take me with you, I promise...someone!"

  Alto Terranova swung out a bolt of lightning and hit a small bomb head-on, and dark green magic-blocking gold powder immediately erupted.

  Alto breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be just a demon hunter."

  House appeared in the sight of the warlocks.

  He took out another bundle of magic-blocking gold with his left hand, and pulled out the lion-headed sword with his right hand. He didn't look at Alto, just stared at Philipba:
  "Philipba Eilhardt. On December 4, 1264, you poisoned Duke Lannister when he visited Cowfort, and performed intolerable acts on the Duke. Offended."

  "At the same time, you teamed up with Warlock Vilgefortz and Warlock Reigns to create a trap and used magic to control Duke Lannister's escort, using this as a threat to get the Duke to participate in your so-called 'plan' . This is shameful coercion."

  "To sum up, you are guilty of murder, poisoning, and assault. Do you admit to these crimes?"

  Philipba's eyes widened absurdly: "You? Lannister Guard? Do you want to judge me? Even if I did this, what qualifications do you have to judge me? Even Lannister..." "

  Very good, you confess." House said coldly, "Then - In the name of Lord Rann Lannister Wrenren, Heir of the Ancient Blood, Lion of Cintra." "

  I, House Lehnwich, sentence you to—death."

  "You. Do you have any last words?"

  "Okay, okay, this is a farce." Alto's hands condensed magic waves, "Kill him, he is just a demon hunter, let's continue..."

  A bone-chilling voice sounded behind him.

  "You'd better not disturb him."

  Alto's body froze.

  Jie Long stood behind him, looking up with emotion, looking at the slowly gathering clouds on the horizon, feeling the coldness radiating from the frozen layer around him.

  Next to Jeroen is Kelda.

  "He is Lann's attendant, he is fulfilling his duties - and Lann is my student, a demon hunter from the Griffin School." "Lan is

  great, isn't he? He really shouldered the responsibility. The banner of the Griffin School... No, he has shouldered the fate of the entire Demon Hunter Order." Kelda said softly, "I never dared to think about this situation. Especially... after you united. After the warlock destroyed Caer Siren."

  "Your name is Alto Terranova, right?" The demon hunter of the Griffin School showed a wave of fear in his hands that made the warlock frightened. "There are some things between us that need to be settled. You You know what it is."

  (End of chapter)

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