Chapter 336 Kian: I just said Sintra is a good place

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  Chapter 336 Kian: I just said that Sintra is a good place~
  "Boys, hurry up! Pull the goods like pack horses for me. Let's try to reach Sintra tonight!" On the

  road, a man An extremely bloated caravan slowly made ruts in the soil and trudged forward towards its destination.

  A businessman with a big beard and a gray blue hat loudly drove his men away.

  "Hurry up, you idiots! In a few days there will be the Victory Celebration in Sintra, and then there will be the Restoration Celebration! There will be a need for countless flowers, wine, bacon, melons and fruits. We must We have to catch up with this feast!"

  "Then we have to return to Novigrad as quickly as possible and start transporting building materials, food, and even any homeless people who want to work here, and earn another A small amount of travel expenses!"

  "It's not every day that a powerful country rises in the north and is ready to rebuild, and their ruler is as damn rich as if he has discovered a gold mine! Businessmen across the north are heading towards There's a swarm of people here! I lose countless crowns by the minute every night!"

  "Tell me, you lazy fools!" the blue hat businessman shouted at his subordinates, "You want me to make less money, Do you want to make less money for yourselves?"

  "No! Boss!"

  "Then speed it up!"

  The blue hat businessman's passionate speech suddenly heated up the atmosphere in the entire caravan, and the axles rolled a little faster.

  He wiped the sweat from his head vigorously, first picked up a bag of wine, then sadly changed it for a bottle of water, and used it to moisten his throat.

  "Damn it, Redania has raised the trade tariffs on Cintra so high that we can't travel by water... Aren't they an alliance? I really don't understand what's going on above." ...Businessmen know that the


  journey Roads will increase the loss of supplies for the caravan, increase the loss of time, and most importantly - increase the risk of the journey.

  Hiring a guard is another huge expense.

  But even after being so careful, the caravan still ran into unimaginable trouble.

  In the forest, a pair of bronze eyes stared at the team.

  There seemed to be a lot of humans in front of them, but it was not a problem at all for a predator of its level.

  And - it has been hungry for a long time.


  An explosion-like sound of breaking wind sounded from the depths of the jungle, as if spitting out a tongue of fire. The monster attacks from its hiding place with great force and long-planned attack.

  This is an evil beast whose body is so green that it seems to be covered with moss. It has a stooped body and long wings, resembling a dragon but not a dragon. On its head was a crest that shrunk like a stone, and also had a sharp and ugly beak.

  [Basilisk] belongs to [Dragon-like creature]. I don't know where there is a rumor that this monster can turn people into stone with its eyes. This statement is not correct. The most deadly thing about the basilisk is its strong acid and toxin. One drop of its venom can kill an entire army, including both men and horses.

  This ability has given it the reputation of "King of Basilisks".

  In addition to the powerful acids and toxins that are considered killers, the tyrannical strength and sharp teeth of dragon-like creatures should not be underestimated. This is a predator at the top of the food chain.

  The few horses in the team immediately became panicked after hearing the monster's roar. When several trucks rolled over on their sides, the burst of cracking sounds inside made the blue hat businessman's heart twitch.

  But soon those broken goods were no longer a problem that he should worry about, because the monster was already rushing towards him!
  With a "pop" sound, he fell off his horse in shock and fell all over. Being timid saved his life at a critical moment.

  But the blue hat businessman ignored his painful back. He heard the screams of the horses. He opened his eyes anxiously, and sure enough he saw that the two hind claws of the basilisk had latched onto the neck and waist of his mount, and it was flapping its wings leisurely to take the prey away.

  To a basilisk, horse is much more beautiful than human flesh.

  "No, that horse is worth a hundred crowns!" The blue hat businessman screamed even more miserably than the horse, "Kill that monster! Hurry up, demon hunter..." ... "Swish", "swish" and "



  three The crossbow arrows suddenly shot out from the convoy in the shape of a "pin" backwards, pointing at the left wing, right wing and throat of the basilisk.

  Two sounds of "Puff" and "Puff" were heard, and the crossbow arrow that was aimed at the throat was bounced away by the thick scales. However, the membranes of the basilisk's wings did not have such high defense and were pierced in an instant.

  The basilisk fell from the air with a scream of "Hiss-Gah".

  Several cargo workers jumped off the truck in shock. The next second, the truck they were riding in was smashed into pieces. The strong aroma of wine and pieces of melons and fruits were scattered everywhere.

  The businessman with the blue hat let out another short scream.

  A figure as nimble as a civet stepped onto the wreckage of a truck and burst into the battlefield. He wore sleeveless studded leather armor with a white undershirt underneath, and carried two steel and silver swords on his back.

  His eyes were as red as if they were dotted with blood. His hair was sparse, as if it had just grown out after being shaved off, and a ferocious cat-head badge dangled on his chest.

  The sprinting Kiyaan suddenly dwarfed his body, his ankles bent at a weird angle, and almost made a spin against the ground. The landed monster whizzed past him, bouncing off the truck like a ball.

  It flapped its wings and jumped out again, screaming and opening its terrifying beak.

  The demon hunter was well prepared, using his elbows to support the ground, his body almost floating against the basilisk, and he easily dodged the cumbersome attack.

  At the same time, two more crossbow arrows were shot out from deep in the convoy.

  The arrow was still pointed at the throat, but this time it was not deflected. The crossbow arrow accurately penetrated the bulging poison sac on the monster's neck.

  The basilisk let out a human cry, crashed into the broken wood, flapped its wings, vomited blood, and swung its tail wildly like a whip.

  Kyaan seized the opportunity and struck out with a short, powerful thrust, then galloped back. He succeeded. He felt the blade piercing the monster's body.

  The two warriors who fired crossbows ran to Kiyaan's side, and then spread out in a triangle to carefully surround the monster. They all carry a cat-headed steel sword on their backs, and hold a cat-headed silver sword in their hands. The ferocious cat-headed badge on their chests seems to be roaring.

  Compared with Kiyaen's red eyes, their eyes have relatively "normal" amber cat eyes.

  Their armor also looks much cruder than that of Kyaan.

  Facts have proved that the caution of the demon hunters was right, and the monster is not dead yet.

  It screamed, opened its claws, closed its beak, and pounced on Kyaan as expected.

  Keyan jumped up and once again avoided the attack of the basilisk, without letting the monster touch him from beginning to end.

  At the same time, he quickly thrust out the sword in his hand, and the two fellow demon hunters fired crossbows again.

  The basilisk fell to the ground again, its foul-smelling blood sprinkling bizarre patterns on the ground. The monster shook its body, screamed, and clawed at its long neck and swollen throat. Blood gushes out of the wound quickly and disappears into the dust beneath it.

  The three Cat Faction witchers were silent for a long time, watching the basilisk twitching and spurting blood, and gradually became silent.

  "Is he considered dead?" One of the strange demon hunters suddenly asked. This demon hunter had short hair, and his hair was only slightly thicker than Kian's. This hair style is the most convenient hairstyle when you are out and about, making it easy to clean without having to worry about fleas and ticks. "Why do you care so much?" Seeing the other two people being cautious for fear of being scratched by the basilisk lizard, Keyan took out the crossbow behind him, "Can't we just hit it a few more times?" The third demon hunter quickly stopped him

  . Keyan: "The skin of the basilisk is worth a lot of money, and the ladies are willing to use it to make leather shoes and handbags. Gaitan and I are not as rich as you..." Keyan shrugged after hearing this:

  " Oh, my Aiden. You are so considerate. No wonder you said you can make friends with the guys from the Wolf Faction." "But don't worry,

  you and Gaitan are with me now. . When I introduce you to Lann, you will no longer have to worry about money. Didn’t you just listen to what the businessman said, Lann is very rich now..." The three demon hunters were still hesitating about the basilisk

  . However, the blue hat businessman suddenly rushed forward screaming.

  He sat down on the basilisk's head, blocking the view of the three witchers.

  This move stunned the three cats.

  "At least this proves that the Basilisk is dead." Aiden shrugged.

  "Damn demon hunters, didn't you know to take action earlier? This monster destroyed two of my carts of goods, two carts!" the blue hat businessman screamed, "it also killed one of my horses!" Demon

  Hunter People felt the familiar smell and frowned.

  "Perhaps you should be grateful that we saved the lives of the entire caravan." Aiden said coldly, "The basilisk is very cunning. We can only take action when it grabs something on its claws and becomes clumsy. This It's also to prevent greater chaos..."

  Aiden is surprisingly good-tempered for a cat, while Kian can't even say a word to the businessman.

  Gaitan's eyes even turned into looking at the ghoul.

  "Excuse! Don't even think about using this to cover up your incompetence!" the blue hat screamed, "I shouldn't have listened to the crazy talk about 'the witcher can be trusted' in Novigrad. I should have spent more money. Money to hire a professional mercenary! You have caused losses to me, you, you have to compensate! Yes, compensation!"

  Sanmao's eyes have turned cold.

  As a cat person, I am very familiar with this kind of scene.

  And they are also proficient in handling similar matters.

  "On the contrary, demon hunting is not included in the guard fee." Gaitan's hand has already touched the steel sword. "In addition to the original reward-you have to pay more." The blue hat businessman suddenly realized that the three people in front of

  him How capable he was of fighting, and his face began to turn pale.


  Suddenly, the rumble of horse hooves was heard in the distance.

  Gaitan and Aiden drew out the steel swords from their backs at the same time, and then began to look at the usual route around them.

  A group of light cavalry was running towards this side, and the leader looked like a middle-ranking officer. He has black hair and a roaring lion's head carved on the plate armor on his left chest.

  They stopped not far from the caravan, and the black-haired officer rode forward.

  "Excuse me, everyone, welcome to Cintra." He said coldly, "We are cleaning up the monsters nearby to reopen a safe trade route." "Although the road under your feet is the closest to

  Cintra, it is temporarily closed due to danger. It's not open to the outside world yet - this should have been specially told to you at the border." "

  Go west for about a mile to reach a safer trade road, where there will be sentries at regular intervals."

  Sitting on the Basilisk Lizard The businessman on his head suddenly jumped up: "Sir, we have solved a monster, we have solved a monster!"

  His high-pitched voice attracted the black-haired officer's attention, and then he continued to talk about how he and others hunted for prey. How much it cost to kill this basilisk and how many men were lost.

  But the black-haired officer didn't even look at him. Instead, he turned his attention to the three demon hunters.

  Gaitan and Aiden released their hands from the hilts of their swords, but slightly bent their knees and continued to look around.

  The situation on the scene has changed, but it doesn't matter, Mao Pie is also proficient in handling this situation.

  But what happened next was beyond Gaitan and Aiden's expectations.

  They soon saw the coldness on the black-haired officer's face melt instantly, and then he got off his horse and walked to Kiyaan.

  "Are you Mr. Kayan?" they heard the black-haired officer ask.

  Kian, who had been relaxed from beginning to end, was also stunned for a moment: "Do you know me?"

  The black-haired officer nodded: "When I was in Novigrad, I was one of the Duke's escorts. You and the Snake Faction It was at that time that several of your Excellencies joined the team and fought alongside us. But later, you stayed in Novigrad, while we and the masters of the Snake Faction continued to follow the Duke north." The black-haired officer's attitude towards

  Kiyaan Very respectful.

  "Oh -" Kian said with a look of realization, looking up and down at the armor on the opponent, "I remembered! I didn't expect you to be an officer now and do our work!" The black-haired officer hammered

  . Hammer on the left chest: "We have learned a lot of monster hunting knowledge from the Duke and your Excellencies, and now is the time to put it to use. So the Duke assigned us to various places to collect monsters - you know, after the war It is easy to attract ghouls, and then these small monsters will attract predators with higher ecological niches, and the average team has little experience in how to deal with them..." The

  black-haired officer and Kiyaan reminisced about the past in a nonchalant manner. The two cat factions behind Keyan were stunned.

  Not to mention facing an officer, which soldier on guard duty has ever had a good attitude towards a demon hunter?

  The businessman with the blue hat swallowed and turned even paler.

  The black-haired officer quickly understood what had just happened here.

  He walked up to Blue Hat in the eyes of everyone, and his expression became cold again.

  "I think you should offer your heartfelt thanks and generous rewards to the three master witchers, what do you think?" "Yes... yes,

  my lord..."

  "Hire a master witcher to kill The price of a basilisk is two hundred crowns." The guard who followed Lan all over the world was well versed in the market. "So the three master witchers should get a total of six hundred crowns, right?" "Ah!" the blue hat merchant screamed

  . , but Fu weakened his voice again, "Yes, yes..."

  Theoretically, it should be two hundred crowns divided among the three demon hunters.

  Kyan raised his eyebrows proudly at Aiden and Gaitan: "I told you that Cintra is different, right?" "

  Look! You have already received a lot of money before you even meet Lan! "

  (End of chapter)

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