Chapter 333 Cutting the Black Sun

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  Chapter 333 Cutting the Black Sun

  Outside the city of Leiria, a cruel and bloody battle had already begun.

  Although the Nilfgaardian army is fierce and stubborn, facing the combined army is like waves crashing on the rocks.

  For there stood valiant soldiers from Aedirn, Lyria, and Livia.

  And the most special Mahakam heavy infantry regiment, which played a decisive role in the battle, and the special troops brought by Duke Lannister.

  The impact of the heavy infantry's charge could not match the avalanche-like momentum of the rock troll. The strange instinctive magic of the female night demon made the horses under the cavalry restless and deviated from the direction of the charge.

  The two giant dragons flying in the sky sprayed flames unscrupulously without effective anti-aircraft countermeasures.

  But there were too many Nilfgaardians, and their military discipline was too orderly.

  The Nilfgaardians were fighting like a torrent of steel hitting a solid wall made of steel. The battle continued like this, and it was difficult to determine the outcome at the moment. Although the torrent smashed against the strong wall again and again, its momentum did not weaken or disappear, and the strong wall always stood firm among the stormy waves.

  "United Kingdom, attack!" Queen Miwe raised her sword and screamed, "Make the Nilfgaardians pay the price!"

  The queen led all the cavalry and rushed towards the Nilfgaardians, taking the lead, Silver The red flag fluttered in the air.

  The confrontation between the cavalry was a situation of crushing each other. The battle only lasted for a moment, but the process was very tragic.

  Then the wall of shields with lances was opened for the returning queen. The cavalry of the United Kingdom entered the phalanx and squeezed past the dwarves wearing chain mail shirts and helmets. Knights kept falling from their horses, and dwarves behind shields fell down.

  Then he was removed and sent to the rear by the medical soldiers who took advantage of every opportunity.

  "Commander, where is the commander of the dwarves?"

  "I'm here, little girl!" Colonel Barclay jumped up. Next to him were Zoltan, who had just sent Yalpan away and then returned, and Gabo. ·Ziegelin and Petrit Fuchs.

  "There are too many Nilfgaardians! If we don't block the gap," Queen Meve raised her voice to cover the noise around her, "the Nilfgaardians are going to break through the front line! We can't hold on any longer! We Either continue to move the battle line back, or we can only take the initiative to attack!"

  "Retreat? What kind of joke are you talking about?" Colonel Barclay's bloodshot eyes were wild and scary. He had not fought such a big battle in hundreds of years. The blood flowed through his body like waves, but his spirit was as calm as a rock.

  Queen Miwe didn't care about the dwarf's contemptuous name for her. After all, the age of the man in front of her might indeed be beyond her imagination: "What's your proposal, dwarf?" Colonel Barclay laughed fiercely and looked back at the people around her

  . Three dwarf officers.

  There should have been four here.

  "Yalpen is a good man!" Barclay roared. "He is lying in the back now receiving damn medical help! What about you? Are you in trouble that needs to be solved!"

  Zoltan, Gabo, and Petrit were all covered in blood. Bathed in blood. There was a conspicuous crack cut at an acute angle on Zoltan's chain mail, a roll of bandages was scrawled on Gabo's head, and one of Petrit's eyes was so thick with blood that he could no longer open it. .

  "I really can't figure it out," Zoltan said fiercely, "Why does everyone ask us this when they see us?"

  "Hurry up and give us a damn order, Barclay!"


  "In unison!" Colonel Barclay shouted, "In the same direction! Keep the queue tight! Act as a group! Group!"

  It felt like a row of steel walls moving.

  No one will believe it.

  No one would believe it before today, and few people would believe it after today. It is also difficult for anyone to believe it when the scene happening now is discussed in future military classes and history classes.

  Not only was the coalition's frontline not broken through by the Nilfgaardians, it actually began to move forward!
  Enemy cavalry was on all sides, and the dwarves were being attacked, assaulted, and harassed...but the phalanx was advancing. The same pace, dense formation, shield against shield.

  Keep moving forward, stepping on corpses, squeezing through Nilfgaardians wearing black armor... They are moving forward!


  "Keep the pace! In the same direction!" Colonel Barclay shouted again, "Keep the line! Sing! People in the mountains! Sing our song! Let these damn black-armored troops hear Ma The voice of Hakan!"

  "Sing to me!"

  Thousands of dwarves sang the famous Mahakam war song from the throats of thousands of dwarves.

  【Whoa——! Ho-! Ho-!
  Just wait, don't rush!

  The Nilfgaardian cavalry transformed into huge living battering rams, crushing everything that protected the dwarves' bodies - spears, lances, halberds and shields. They were like daggers piercing the human body, sprinkling blood all around, and the blood-soaked ground even made the horses' feet slip.

  [The war is about to start!

  The killing field collapsed and shattered]

  But although the tip of the dagger transformed by the Nilfgaardians penetrated deeply, it failed to hit the heart or other important organs. The Nilfgaardians failed to dismember the little dwarf in front of them. Instead, they were stuck inside and unable to move.

  They were trapped in a mass of infantry regiments as dense as asphalt.

  The heavy hammers and battle axes of the dwarves followed closely. The dwarves who set up their heavy shields quickly adapted to the impact of the heavy cavalry and began to counterattack.

  They are an infantry regiment, but at this moment they are advancing against Nilfgaard's heavy cavalry!
  【Broken to the bone!

  Ho-! Ho-! Ho-! ]


  "United Kingdom, attack!" Amidst the roar of the dwarves, Queen Meve's sharp soprano sounded like a thin sharp blade.

  The cavalry left the phalanx again, and launched a counterattack towards the Nilfgaardian cavalry with the hatred of the country and the family.

  This move kills the enemy while also committing suicide. The equipment of the coalition forces was far inferior to the strong armor that the Nilfgaardians had raised from the entire south. Without the protection of the dwarves' halberds, spears and shields, Queen Meve was instantly exposed to the powerful offensive of the Nilfgaardian army. under.

  Banging, shouting and horse neighing sounded disorderly in the ears. Queen Miwe was involved in the flow of people, and she was exposed to the horrific massacre and chaos at close range. There are constant knights around her to block enemy attacks for her, and the sword in her hand is constantly killing the enemies who have killed her own people.

  A Nilfgaardian rider with a silver sun disk pattern on his cloak broke through the direction of the Queen's guard. He stood up in stirrups, and the ax struck into the head of a knight who had lost the protection of his helmet, and then embedded it into another person. chest.

  Miwe turned around on the saddle and swung the sword sideways.

  The Nilfgaardian was struck hard, his armor blocking the sword, but he rolled off the saddle. The dense crowd around him temporarily arrested his fall, and for a moment his body was suspended in mid-air between the two horses.

  But after a breath, he still landed. The moment it came into contact with the soil, his skull shattered under the horse's hooves.

  "Come again!" Queen Miwe shouted frantically, "Continue to attack! Hold on, people of the United Kingdom! Kill!" ...


  sharp voice was still penetrating on the chaotic battlefield, but soon a more powerful The thick voice covered her.

  "Boom!" This was the sound of something exploding.

  "Oh my god!!" This was the roar coming from someone unknown. The next second, everyone saw what the sound was, because it was too tall, too shocking, and too bloody, so that people could not ignore that existence.

  Ice giants, from the ancient heritage of Skellige.

  "Haha! That's the armor we made!" Colonel Barclay roared in surprise, and took a sharp look at the giant's equipment with the eyes he looked at the peerless beauty.

  "Mahakam! Our reinforcements are coming, charge!"


  When the Nilfgaardians saw the ice giant, they naturally would not ignore the blond knight standing on the giant's shoulders.

  That face has long been spread throughout every Nilfgaardian military camp as intelligence, and the Lannister's characteristics, appearance, and equipment and weapons have long been memorized by all Nilfgaardian officers.

  Combined with the background of the times, they know more about the Lannister than their biological parents.

  Not to mention, most Nilfgaardian officers not long ago witnessed this blond demon hunter appearing in front of them and killing their previous commander, and also the entire escort team.

  Seriously don't be familiar with it anymore...


  At this thought, the expressions of these Nilfgaardian officers changed drastically - could it be that it was their turn now?


  Lan En actually thought about repeating his previous actions on the battlefield.

  Kill the commanders on the opposite side one by one, then help the soldiers on the front line to knock off the heavy cavalry front line, and finally cut into the back row and make a big fuss. Wait until Menno feels that the situation is over and retreat, and then slowly execute the plan. plan of.

  However, the battle situation in front of him surprised Lann.

  He expected that the heavy infantry of the dwarves was very strong, which was why he took the trouble to go to Mahakam to beg for this army.

  But he still hadn't seen this heavy infantry regiment fighting with his own eyes. He didn't expect that they could really counterattack with so many Nilfgaardian heavy cavalry!

  Queen Miwe also changed her previous attitude of retreating, and for the first time showed her true appearance as a brave and capable queen, personally leading the team to charge left and right in the Nilfgaardian camp.

  Rann has always played the role of a firefighter, whether in Cintra or in the eastern war.

  It belongs to the kind of pro-nanny that "only with Lann can we plan the war", "only with Lann participating in the war can we carry out the war" and "only with Lann's great power can we end the war".

  But the war at this moment is different.

  The Mahakam dwarves withstood the Nilfgaardians, and the last soldiers in the north withstood the enemy's offensive. They summoned other members of the "Lions" to kill everyone on the battlefield.

  Like a master of time management, I rushed from Menno's side to this side, but the situation here was actually stabilized.

  A feeling of relief appeared in Lann's heart. After so long of joining forces and recruiting troops, he finally gained something in this battle.

  It seemed that he no longer had to play the role of a running fireman, he only had to charge with them.

  At this moment, two giant dragons tilted their dragon flames and pulled out walls of fire from the left and right wings of the battlefield and flew to Lan's side.

  The ice giant took big strides, kicking and stomping almost all the way through the black-clothed army's defense line, and was able to join the dwarves and the northern coalition forces.

  "My God!!"


  "Duke Lannister!"

  The blond knight no longer controlled the giant, but jumped down from the shoulder that was more than ten meters high.

  A bright emerald light spot lit up on the ground, and a black and bright horse stood up and neighed.

  Then there was a flash of golden light, and Lann appeared on the horse seat, drew out the Lake Lady's Sword, which was as bright as a torch, and raised it high above his head.

  "Charge with me!"
  "Lannister and the others are in front? It seems like the fighting has already begun?"

  Foltest led the Temerian Army, marched to a high place alongside the Cintra Army and the Free Army. On the slope.

  Those present were all battle-hardened veterans, and the thunderous shouts of killing could be heard from far away. Although there were some roars and screams that they had never heard before, they still marched immediately to support them.

  But when he reached the high slope and could barely see the battle scene clearly, the well-informed King Foltest fell into a trance.

  All the experienced veterans in the military formation were also in a daze.

  The fighting of steel and the sprinkling of blood reached an unprecedented level, but the flames, ice, strong winds, and lightning scattered everywhere raised this war to a level that no one could understand.

  Is the land beneath my feet still the northern boundary?
  Two giant dragons flying in the sky interrupted everyone's thoughts. The rumbling giants felt like they were covering their faces even from a long distance away.

  If a bard arrives at the scene, he will be ecstatic. This is a scene that is enough to compose a masterpiece.

  "Lannister..." Foltest's hands holding the reins trembled slightly, and he turned his head away stiffly.

  The lion emblem on the marshal's body flashed in front of him.

  "Men of Cintra! Fight for Lord Lannister!"

  "Free Legions! Charge!"

  They surged past the silver lily banners of Temeria, carrying billowing dust like a wedge driven into Nilfgar. In the German camp.

  "Your Majesty?"

  The Temerian general rode to the king's side, bowing his head and waiting for orders.

  As a general, he has his own considerations; but he also knows that as a king, he has to consider more than just war.

  What happened before him was enough to shake some of the king's previous beliefs and make him make other decisions.

  Fortunately, the general soon got his answer.

  "They are having a carnival, my general." Foltest said coldly, "Welcome our guests from the south." "

  But as Temerians, I think we are more qualified to receive them, Isn't it?"

  The drums echoed, the cymbals clanged, and the horns sounded. The earth trembled under the hooves of tens of thousands of horses.

  The black-armored army was cut in the smoke, and the black sun's flag fell.

  (End of chapter)

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