Chapter 329: After this battle, you can return to your hometown

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  Chapter 329: After this battle, she can return to her hometown.

  Queen Miwe looked at the people coming and going in the capital of Leiria, and she always felt as if she had entered the stage of some drama, rather than on the battlefield.

  The three-headed trolls rolled around rumblingly, looking around curiously, shouting about "little people, sharp sticks" and so on. After breaking several walls, he came to an embarrassed stop under the yells of Lyrian soldiers.

  Different from the vigilance caused by these three trolls, more soldiers stared absently at a tent that was packed away alone. Every team passing by in formation would turn their heads there together like a military parade.

  From the shadow coming from inside, you can see that there is only one woman in the tent, but she has horns and a tail.

  And in the corner of the city wall, there is a corner that almost no one approaches, where a red dragon the size of a bunker is sleeping soundly.

  Queen Miwe swallowed and looked at Lann who had just returned not far away. More spots of light were lighting up around him, and warlocks, druids, and demon hunters kept coming out of them.

  After Lann stopped casting spells for a while, Miwe pondered for a moment before stepping forward: "Lan, how are your injuries? Have you solved the matter in Cintra?" During this period, the coalition forces were able

  to To survive, it can be said that Lann relied on various flashes to cut into the enemy's camp.

  He almost killed the commanders of various divisions and brigades in Nilfgaard, and the heavy cavalry of Army Group Center was never able to organize a decent charge.

  But just a few days ago, when Lan planned to do something big and rush in to assassinate the enemy's marshal Menno Kuhorn, he failed for the first time and even suffered serious injuries.

  According to Lane, Marshal Mennonite had already ambushed him. When he used a wonderful teleportation spell to break into the enemy camp, he was suddenly attacked by a unified fire of more than forty warlocks led by three senior warlocks.

  What's even more frightening is that the Nilfgaardians also organized a death squad to seal Lann's seal with magic-blocking gold weapons, causing Lann to lose the ability to cause large-scale destruction.

  The teleportation ability brought by [Blood of the Ancients] is essentially driven by chaotic energy, which means that Lann also loses the ability to return.

  Even so, the warlocks still felt that it was not safe enough and sent more than ten demons to attack him in an attempt to capture Lann.

  Fortunately, Lann's sword skills are amazing, and he also has skills that are purely driven by the demon hunter's body and blessed by the system, such as adrenaline blessing, [Mountain-Free] rolling immunity to attacks, and the New Year's Sword Technique [Rage Burst] that can ignore defense. There is no way to be blocked by the Demonic Gold.

  So the Nilfgaardians saw the Lion of Cintra using a Lake Lady's Sword and a Nomadic Scimitar to chop up more than half of the golems, and evade almost all magic attacks by rolling. , and in the process, he killed several members of the Warlock Troop by exchanging injuries for injuries.

  A senior warlock in the middle became impatient and used fatal magic on Lan, which made the Mennonite marshal who wanted to capture the lion alive become furious.

  But Lann, who had just suffered a fatal attack, jumped up vigorously, and then chopped down the warlock who had just "killed" him with a knife.

  [Undead Clan]: When the life force drops to 0, if there are still adrenaline points, you can use adrenaline to restore life. The amount of recovery depends on the adrenaline points used.

  This skill that Lan pointed out in the early stage out of the principle of saving his life was finally triggered that day after being almost forgotten.

  After Lan En made a big fuss, the two giant dragons lingering in the sky finally realized something was wrong after realizing that they hadn't been summoned by the [Teleport] skill for a long time, so they fell from the sky.

  Kelturis sets fire everywhere to attract attention, and Saskia goes straight to Rann to rescue him.

  The two dragons ate a lot of spells and crossbow arrows, and were almost knocked down from the sky. Now a group of druids are surrounding them to cast spells and heal them. They hope to be able to play in the next battle as soon as possible.

  At that time, Lann came back covered in blood, which shocked Queen Mewe.

  And then, after Lann wanted to continue trying to attack the Nilfgaard camp and summoned the trolls and night demons, he actually got news that Cintra was in trouble.

  This almost made Queen Miwe at a loss.

  Now that the war has started, she has completely understood the situation. If there is no Lan, how can we fight after this war?
  Fortunately, Lann returned soon and brought more power.


  Lann glanced at Queen Miwe and showed a gentle smile.

  The injury was nothing. He used [Active Shield] and was slashed for one round, and then he was full of life again.

  As for the rest...

  "You know Miwei, I think we are going to win." Lann said.

  A question mark appeared on Miwei's head. She felt that maybe the lion's injury was more serious than she thought. Injury to the brain is a real problem.

  Seeing the queen's hesitant expression, Lann chuckled.

  "Menno's sudden move north of Army Group Center really disrupted many of our plans. According to their pace, I originally thought that I would have to retreat to Vengerburg in Aden to use the city wall to hinder their cavalry, and at the same time give me a chance to attack the enemy in Sinte. Let's wait for the reinforcements over there to come and support."

  "But a lot of great things have happened recently, Miwe." "

  The water flow of the Yaruga River suddenly changed, and Skellige's warships and transport ships suddenly moved at a faster speed. Increased, we can come to support much faster than we expected."

  "Temeria suddenly sent us a message, willing to send a force from Lower Soden down to meet us, with the soldiers of Sintra's headquarters and the Free Corps. The mercenaries worked together to clear out the Nilfgaardian infantry remaining in Upper Soden, and then went north to outflank the Nilfgaardians."

  Miwe questioned: "But in that case, our strength on the frontal battlefield is still not enough to resist their heavy attack. Cavalry. Even Lann, your new... helpers can assassinate their marshals and all the warlocks with you."

  If the battle is in progress, tens of thousands of heavy cavalry will not need a coach as they charge forward. order; and if the command post of Army Group Center is assassinated during non-wartime, then tens of thousands of unorganized and undisciplined elites scattered throughout Livia can cause frightening turmoil, and the follow-up may take more than 10 years. It will take years to recover.

  If it really reaches this level, then the coalition forces may be able to win a battle, but in the overall strategic direction, they will definitely be considered a failure. Even if Upper Soden is recaptured, the gains and losses will definitely outweigh the losses if they join a Livia, and the control of the Yaruga River will slip away from their hands.

  Therefore, it was still necessary to launch a large-scale battle to defeat the enemy head-on, allowing Menno to actively gather the remaining troops and withdraw from the northern border with the intention of preserving their strength. Then, as Lann and the others planned, they would conduct an ambush on the edge of the northern border to completely eliminate this army group.

  "This requires a lot of troops on the frontal battlefield, but this is precisely our problem." The proud Miwei lowered his head involuntarily at this time, "Demavi's mind is no longer on the front line, but relying on Lyria It is impossible for the coalition forces with Livia to block these heavy cavalry head-on, even in the first wave."

  Lann shook his head: "I haven't finished speaking yet - in addition to the changes in the river, there have been recent changes. There are many changes that you may not be aware of, magical changes."

  Miwei did not set up the position of royal consultant warlock. This answer really stunned her.

  "According to the warlocks and druids on my side, there have been recent changes in the celestial phenomena, coupled with the sudden active convergence of the celestial spheres... In short, it has been much easier to cast teleportation magic in the past two days than before." Lan said

  seriously Said: "We can set up a fixed-point teleportation gate in Lower Soden, and also set up one here, so that the warlocks can take turns to keep it open day and night. The teleportation gate will be very small, and only one person can pass through it at a time, plus the necessary rest , it will take about ten hours - but this method can transport the dwarf heavy infantry I asked for from Mahakam!"

  Queen Miwe's eyes widened, and her body began to tremble.

  This is a strategy that has never been seen before in mainland China!
  If someone else told Mi Wei this plan, Mi Wei would just think that the other person was talking nonsense; but when it came out of Lan's mouth, she couldn't help but believe it.

  "This requires a large open space, and setting up such a fixed-point teleportation gate that operates for a long time also requires a lot of magic materials, so I also need your cooperation, Miwei..." "This is the capital of Leiria." Miwei

  . Queen Wei said categorically, "The royal family's treasure house can be opened to your warlocks immediately. Compared with the survival of the country, these materials are not worth mentioning even if you emptied them directly." "So far in the battle, it can be said that you have used your own power

  to The power is pulling the battle line. I have no reason not to trust you, Lann."

  "No matter what you want to do, I will cooperate with you next!"

  Lann nodded, the decisive battle is imminent, and the unlimited support of allies is more important than anything else. .


  "You decided to pin your victory or defeat on those dwarves, Lannister?" A

  familiar voice sounded, and Lan turned back to look at Demavi, who was walking towards him.

  Miwei didn't give him a good look. It was Demavi's withdrawal before the battle that accelerated the defeat of the coalition forces.

  She sarcastically said: "Your Majesty is finally back?"

  However, the Queen did not go too far. She knew that Demavi had a reason. It's just that her country, Livia, has fallen now, and most of the casualties are her soldiers. It's hard to control her emotions for a while.

  "Vezmir took action. He warned Henselt. Now I can bring back the cavalry from the northern front, combine with the infantry... and add 10,000 people to the battlefield." Demavi did not confront Mivi. He directly explained his situation to Lan En.

  "His Majesty Vizmir took action?" Lann raised his eyebrows. This was another piece of good news.

  Demavi didn't appreciate the unexpected help, and just snorted: "He just wanted me to continue to be a knife for them without any distractions, just like you..." Aden, one of the four northern kingdoms

  , Now it has suffered the heaviest blow. Instead, the other three countries have been on the sidelines or even traders. This makes Demavi's mood never get better.

  "Aden can only draw out more than 10,000 people in a short period of time." Demavi snorted, "But I have a condition."

  Lann raised his eyebrows.

  "I will go all out for this war, but after driving away Nilfgaard and lifting the wartime status, the agreement between the six of our countries in the Pontar Valley will be invalidated." Demavi said in a deep voice, "By then Henry Seth will definitely find another opportunity to reach out to Aedirn, and even Vizmir may use this excuse to ask for benefits from me." "

  I thought about saving my strength until after the war, but I know better than to win this I'm afraid there will be no future for the war in Aedirn."

  Demavi looked at Lann squarely and said openly: "So I need our alliance to be able to continue to maintain even after the war is over, and I need you to be my support then. Let's fight together against those despicable people who want to take advantage of Aedian's weakness."

  The king of Aedian looked tired. It was not easy to be attacked from both sides by enemies and his own people, but he still straightened his back at this moment.

  Lann looked at Demavi's hand stretched out towards him and smiled: "This is exactly what I hoped for."

  Demavi's tense face finally relaxed, and he turned to look at Demavi, who was already busy. Rui and the warlocks thought for a while and asked:

  "Lannister, do you really think those dwarves can stop Nilfgaard's heavy cavalry?" "

  Of course, I believe them." Lan said decisively, " But if you still feel uneasy, Demavi, I don’t mind adding a layer of insurance to your confidence."

  With that said, Lan waved his hand and activated the [Teleport] skill again.

  A light spot not much smaller than the giant dragon appeared next to him, attracting everyone's attention.

  When the light dissipated, a giant wearing iron armor and fully armed appeared in front of everyone.

  There was a winter wind and snow blowing. From a visual perspective, this was countless times more shocking than the giant dragon.

  It can also play a role on the battlefield.

  Demavi and Miwei could no longer maintain their expressions and were stunned.
  "When?" Menno Kuhorn raised his head from the map and looked at his commanders. "You want to know when I will order the attack?"

  No one answered. Menno looked at his officers.

  Everyone knew what was going on, because these officers were not qualified to enter this camp a few days ago.

  During this period, Lann almost killed all the commanders of each battalion and brigade, and all the commanders had been replaced. It takes a lot of time for these new officers to take full control of the army.

  Moreover, they must make great efforts to strengthen security measures at this time and find ways to prevent themselves from repeating the mistakes of their predecessors; and if they cannot protect themselves, they must ensure that after they are assassinated, they can be controlled by their successors as quickly as possible. force.

  "I only give you two days. We should have rested in the capital of Leiria by now!" Menno shouted angrily. "And now there is news that the Aedirians have sent troops south again. This is all because of you. His incompetence delayed the fight!"

  All the officers lowered their heads, but they all looked vaguely at the senior warlocks who were listening.

  They don't have such strict protection. Marshal Mennonite is also the only person to have survived the attack of the Lion.

  "Fortunately, they are just Aedianites." Marshal Mennonite looked at his silent men and breathed a sigh of relief. "They will cause us more trouble, but they can't stop us." (End of Chapter


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