Chapter 328 Di Jing: Here, your wish

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  Chapter 328 Di Jing: Well, there is a question about your wish.

  Ciri has always been curious - has the wish she made for Lan come true? In what way will Di Jing realize this wish?
  In fact, Lann couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Ciri's wish. He thought Ciri wasted a wish.

  Ciri didn't care about this. Even if Lan had the ability to come and go freely on the battlefield, he could still win the war with the help of his grandfather and others...

  But it is always better to add a layer of insurance!

  But Di Jing didn't think so.

  As mentioned before, the same wish can actually be understood in many different ways, and each wish can be realized in many different ways.
  firewood was thrown into the fireplace, and the flames burned brightly.

  The majestic king began to read the battle report in his hand.

  [On February 15, 1265, all of Livia fell. King Henselt of Kaedweni took the opportunity to invade Aedirn.

  On February 16, King Demavi of Aedirn dispatched 3,000 light cavalry from the front line to return to the north of Aedirn, and at the same time commanded the central army in Vengerberg to go north to fight against Kaedwen, which greatly weakened the strength of the Aedirn forces in the southern coalition. .

  On February 19, the combined forces of Queen Meve and King Demavi were defeated again by Nilfgaard at Edesberg in Aedirn. King Henselt led the Brown Banners across the Diverney River in Aedirn and captured the town of Guleta in Aedirn.

  On February 20, King Demavi and Queen Miwe divided their forces and headed north to return reinforcements. Nilfgaard left only three thousand men to deal with Queen Meve.

  On the same day, Duke Lannister of Cintra, who received a request for help from Aedirn's advisors, arrived in Aedirn and helped Queen Meve repel the Nilfgaardian forces, and then went north to pursue the Nilfgaardians.

  On February 21, the Nilfgaardian Central Army located in Obersoden, led by Marshal Menno, collectively advanced eastward.

  On February 22, the Lannisters and Queen Meve faced off against Nilfgaard's division of Usika and the 7th Dellani Cavalry Brigade. The Nilfgaardians were driven back.

  On February 23, Duke Lannister, Queen Meve, and King Demavi joined forces to pursue Nilfgaard's defeated army. The army of Aedirn continues north to fight against Kaedwen.

  On February 24, the three-nation coalition came into contact with Nilfgaard's Central Army on the Livia border and was defeated again. Marshal Mennonite left Alba's division to consolidate the results and led the Third Army and the Fourth Cavalry Regiment to continue northward.

  On February 25, Duke Lannister suddenly appeared among Alba's division who was staying behind. Alba Division Commander Aigbulaj was assassinated, and all core officers were wiped out.

  On the same day, the Mennonite marshals stopped moving north, allowing Queen Meve and King Demavi to take a breather and defend the capital of Lyria.

  On February 26, Duke Lannister appeared behind Army Group Center, suspected of assassinating Marshal Mennonite. A large number of Nilfgaardian warlocks appeared on the scene, as well as two dragons.

  Later, Duke Lannister appeared in Lyria again, and Major General Marcus Brebant, commander of the Nilfgaardian Fourth Cavalry Legion, was killed in action.

  On February 27, Marshal Mennonite sent Verihed's Brigade and Deswen's Division back south to build fortifications in Livia and Lower Soden. Lord Lannister did not appear.

  The fire in the fireplace is burning brightly.

  "Tretog's Court Pearl" Philippa Eilhardt looked at the battle report in front of her with dazzling light in her eyes.

  The leader of the Redanian intelligence organization, Sigismund Dijkstra, had trembling hands. He could not imagine that the "Duke Lannister" in the battle report was the blond knight with whom he had a chat at the Cowburg not long ago.

  "Tell me about it, my advisor, and my count." King Vizmir II of Redania looked at the fireplace in fascination, as if he was looking forward to his minister's opinion, "What should we do next?"

  Fei Reba glanced at Vizmir II and quickly lowered her head. There were too many emotions in her eyes, and it was not suitable to show them in front of the king at this moment.

  "Father, I think we need to behead all the agents who sent this battle report!" The king's eldest son Radovid shouted, "This information is too ridiculous!" Compared with the last time he met

  Lan, his The position becomes more "inch".

  The king did not speak, but turned his gaze to Dijkstra.

  "Your Majesty, Redania has the best intelligence agency in the north." The spy chief said immediately.

  "So, is this information true?" the king said lightly, "I'm not surprised about the first half, everything Henselt did is normal; but I'm a little wary about the middle part, Demavi and Mevi are no match together, Maybe we need to pay more attention to Nilfgaard."

  "But those last parts - Lannister running around? Killing the commanders of so many troops so easily? And two dragons? Such a battle report? Can it still be said to be true?"

  To be honest, Dijkstra himself went through a long psychological struggle before submitting this battle report to the king.

  "Count Dijkstra, don't you want to explain it to me?" Prince Radovid said sharply.

  Dickos began to sweat.

  Fortunately, Vizmir II quickly turned his attention: "Philippa, my advisor. I hope you can give me some advice on such 'magical' information." The

  sorceress had calmed down her mood at this time: "Your Majesty, we all know the... special characteristics of Duke Lannister. Therefore, he likes to associate with special groups such as witchers and druids. The dryads of Brokiron have an alliance with him, and the advisors of Temeria are special Lis Merigold was taken under his wing."

  Philippa was trying her best to cover Lann and reduce his threat in the eyes of King Vizmir II.

  She pondered for a while, seeming to be sorting out the information in her mind: "The druids of Skellige themselves have rumors of controlling pterodactyls. Perhaps this is related to the two giant dragons in the report - and Lannister can obtain Such a record must have been helped by those druids and warlocks, but on the surface he was shown in front of people as a support, so everyone thought it was Lannister who achieved such a record alone." "Yours

  . Does it mean that he is hiding the whereabouts of his magic troops to increase the deterrent power against the Nilfgaardians?" Vizmir II smiled, "At the same time, he can also get more credit and success in the process. Legend, shaping his own image in Cintra and writing the epic of Cintra in the north?" "

  Otherwise there is no other way to explain it." Philippa lowered her head.

  "How despicable!" Radovid sneered, "Using warlocks to fight druids, and then taking their credit!"

  The king frowned, and finally waved his hand to signal the prince to be quiet for a while.

  He leaned against the fireplace again: "Philippa, if it were you...or a warlock you know, could you do something like this? Can you replicate Lannister's record?" This time

  Philippa Liba did not hesitate at all: "I can't do it, and no known member of the Warlock Brotherhood can do it."

  But she added: "But Your Majesty, I can guarantee that this situation will not happen in Switzerland." Dania happened."

  Philippa pointed to the battle report and stopped at the day of February 26th.

  Above is [Duke Lannister assassinates Marshal Mennonite, a large number of Nilfgaardian warlocks appear at the scene].

  Marshal Mennonite also appeared in the later battle report, indicating that the Lannister assassination was unsuccessful due to the presence of the warlock troops.

  Vizmir II pondered for a moment: "Dikscher, I heard that there are always Nilfgaard agents around Ben Ader Magic Academy to contact dropouts and absorb them into their own intelligence system. And the Kaedwen people Turn a blind eye to this?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  "Perhaps we can get started."

  "Yes, Your Majesty."

  "And Philippa. Pass on my orders - have the warriors on the Eastern Marches give Kaedwen a little Lesson, Henselt cannot ignore our warning and not pay the price." Vizmir II thought for a moment, "We have to help Demavi free up his hands to deal with Nilfgaard." "War."

  This Those two words made Prince Radovid look excited.

  "Your will, Your Majesty." The sorceress gave a court salute.   "As for Cintra..." Vizmir II pondered for a while, "Forget it, let's do this for now. We 'll

  have to wait until the Nilfgaardians are driven away before we talk about anything else. After all, they only have so many people."

This should have been the end, but Vizmir II felt a little tired.

  But he suddenly saw his son, whose face was full of excitement at the moment. His prince seemed to particularly like war, and some bad rumors had begun in the palace.

  This made Vizmir II ponder.

  "Philippa, I need you to pay more attention to Radovid's education. I have a hunch that times will be different."

  Radovid was stunned, and his excited brain cooled down.

  "It's my honor, Your Majesty." Philippa smiled meaningfully.

  She lowered her head again by bowing to prevent the king from seeing the look in her eyes, which showed the greed of the night owl when it discovered its prey.

  "And Dijkstra." Vizmir II turned to his intelligence chief: "Some time ago, I asked you to contact Fuertestai to discuss the marriage. Did he have any reply? I remember that guy Is your daughter called Yada?"

  Dijkstra showed a hesitant expression: "Your Majesty..."
  Temeria, Vizima.

  Unlike Redania, which only singled out Novigrad as a trading city, Vizima, as the capital of Temeria, was itself one of the largest port cities in the north.

  Due to the endless flow of businessmen coming and going, this city has an amazing free atmosphere, and with it comes all kinds of gossip that are almost irrepressible.

  Of course, the private affairs of the royal family are always the most popular topic everywhere, especially in Temeria where there is such an explosive trend of orthopedics.

  Princess Yada was born into this kind of family and has always attracted the attention of the people of Vizima.

  What's more, her own experience itself is legendary. In her early years, she was cursed by a court warlock to become a vampire bird, and was rescued by the famous demon hunter "White Wolf". Since then, she has always carried a wild nature that will never go away, and she always behaves in a high-profile manner. It is said that for a period of time, she even hung out with some underground gangs in the city.

  Fortunately, the current king of Temeria, Foltest, does not stick to trivial matters, otherwise most of the people in Vizima would be imprisoned.

  However, in recent months, the people of Vizima were surprised to find that Princess Yada had not appeared for a long time.

  And another outrageous rumor began to spread from Vizima's court - Princess Yada was pregnant without marriage!


  Keira and Fekat walked in the royal castle, passed through the spacious and noble stone hall, the tinted window glass and the domed ceiling, and came to the outside of the king's executive suite.

  They were summoned by the king, and the royal steward helped them pass the message, and then opened the door.

  Before entering, a roar came from inside: "Lannister!"

  Keira and her companions looked at each other and shrank their necks.

  The king has been very irritable lately, especially when the topic involves Lord Lannister of Cintra.

  But the Lion has been too active in the north recently, and every piece of information passed to the palace cannot avoid him. The distressed agents once thought about whether they could exclude the part about the Lion of Sintra from the intelligence, but they found that there was no intelligence to convey to their superiors.

  Then the king became more and more angry.

  With a face that was more beautiful than a woman's, Foltest threw a battle report towards his warlock advisor. It showed Lann's recent battle situation in the north.

  Keira and Feikat didn't have as strong a city as Philippa, and the expressions on their faces became visibly dull.

  "It's magic, it must be magic. That Lannister guy likes these things." Foltest yelled, "And Merigold, he kidnapped Merigold! What's in this battle report The record is definitely due to Merigold!"

  "Kyra, Fekart! You have worked with Meligold before, tell me, can you do what is stated in the battle report?"

  Even if it has now become the Warlock Brotherhood Feikat, one of the top ten people, could only shake his head at this kind of question, and they also gave a similar answer to Philipba.

  Foltest sat back heavily on the sofa, trying to get a certain blond man out of his head.

  He began to care about his daughter.

  "Keira, you have been taking care of Yada, how is she lately?"

  Keira Metz tidied up her words: "Her Royal Highness the Princess's body... is very healthy, but she has been sticking to her previous views recently."

  " Do you want me to send troops to support Cintra?"

  "Yes." Keira lowered her head.

  As expected, the handsome king who had just calmed down jumped up again: "This is Lannister's trick! It's shameful revenge! He has simply embarrassed Calanthe! Do you actually want to use this method to make me surrender? Damn it. Lannister! Dirty witcher!"

  "No, this is also a lie! He is not a witcher at all!!"

  "Everyone in the North has been deceived by him!!!"

  Who could have imagined that soon. The former Fuertestai also planned to marry his illegitimate son to the Princess of Cintra, but now it has turned into this situation.

  Feikat looked around and cleared his throat: "Your Majesty, actually this matter is not a bad thing from a political point of view. It can even help us achieve many strategies..." "

  Get out!"

  So the emotional intelligence of the warlocks is real. Low.

  After driving away his two advisors, Foltest stayed there for a while to breathe heavily.

  After being silent for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking about, King Temeria ordered his royal steward again: "Has Roche returned to Vizima?" "He just arrived yesterday, Your Majesty.

  He just completed what you ordered. A mission."

  "Find him here."

  A man as strong as iron asked to see him quickly. He was wearing blue cotton leather armor with scattered stripes on his sleeves. He was holding a brown turban and had a resolute look on his face.

  "Your Majesty." This iron-clad man knelt down to his king.

  "Roche, you are one of my most trusted subordinates." The king said, "I want you to call back all the [Blue Iron Guard] members who are outside immediately. I will need this special force within a period of time. Become my bodyguard."

  Roche's face immediately became serious: "Your Majesty, is there an assassin?" "

  No." Fuertesti gritted his teeth, "I want to lead the army south myself!"

  Roche hesitated for a moment, He asked tentatively: "Are we... going to take action against Cintra?"

  Anyone who heard this order would think so based on the king's temper recently.

  "No." Foltest almost broke his teeth.

  He took a deep breath and said in a very unwilling tone: "The target is the Nilfgaardians!"

  (End of this chapter)

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