Chapter 321 Xili’s little discovery

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  Chapter 321 Shirley's Little Discovery
  "Black Wind, can you find Cohen and the others?"

  "Hmph -"

  "Lan told me that 'old horses can know the way home', although you are not old , but I think you should be able to recognize the road, right? If you can recognize the road, should you also be able to recognize people?" "

  Huh -"

  "No? Didn't you undergo a witcher mutation? Geralt and the others are very good at tracking. "


  "Lan has just become a witcher not long ago. He can do everything... Oh, you can't track, and you can't sign. Black Wind, what have you gained from the witcher's mutation?" ?"


  "Hey, don't be angry! Don't run into the forest!"

  The silver-gray-haired little princess finally calmed down the war horse and breathed a sigh of relief.

  On the premise of ensuring her own basic safety, Xili hopes that all forces can be devoted to the battle to defend the town.

  So she didn't want the protection of the guerrillas, and forced all these carefully selected soldiers to disperse and cooperate with others to deal with the monsters.

  At this moment, she was riding alone in the town of Brokiron. She had enough confidence in herself: First of all, Ciri was sure that Black Wind could fight and run better than most people, even demon hunters. It was the best. secondly, as long as she is in the town of Brochlon, she can summon super-standard combat power at any time, because - "

  Hula", a poster posted on the wall lit up with bright emerald flames, Alice The figure emerged from it, with a rare expression of eagerness.

  She raised her black veil and revealed her beautiful face: "Ciri, why are you still here? You should be the first to retreat... Wait for me to find Nanomi or Regis to come over and protect you first. This area is now It's very dangerous!"

  Shiri showed a relieved expression: "Alice, I can't leave, you listen to me..."

  With a "bang", Shiri's words were suddenly interrupted by the collapsing wall.

  They looked back and saw a big man curled up into a stone. It can be vaguely identified as the smaller daughter of the three trolls, called "Giant Ma Ma Ma".

  In front of her, a huge mutant crab demon was falling into a dying rage.


  The mutant crab demon, whose scientific name is Koshchey, is very similar to the troll mantis.

  They are produced through the mutation of the [Multiple Triangle Spell] invented by Arzu. This spell will trigger a series of biological mutations in ordinary creatures, greatly strengthening the physiological structure. When combined with the targeted cultivation of other alchemical experiments, powerful mutant monsters such as the mutant crab demon will be formed.

  To a certain extent, Arzu, who created the mutation of the witcher, also created a large number of experimental monsters that were more terrifying than native creatures and alien monsters. This is why his posthumous name is extremely controversial.

  Different from the troll mantis, the mutant crab demon looks like a mixture of a spider and a crab. It can grow up to six meters wide when it reaches adulthood. It is covered with a rusty red rough carapace. It has a total of three pairs of jointed limbs and a pair of huge pincers. . The hard carapace is invulnerable and immune to most injuries, making it extremely difficult to kill; the front claws are exaggerated in size and covered with spikes.

  Like the Troll Mantis, [Heart of the Mutant Crab Demon] was also one of the legendary mutation materials for demon hunters in the early days. Later, it was also eliminated as a standing material by the demon hunters due to the power of the mutant crab demon.

  By the way, Lann’s mutation used this precious material. We all know who to thank.


  At this moment, this powerful experimental evil beast was severely injured by the sound of Cohen's ringing the bell before, and the troops on the ground took the opportunity to hit its vitals.

  This was the time when it was in its most dangerous desperate struggle. Even Juma Ma Ma was accidentally knocked into a coma!

  Xili hurriedly stepped forward to check the condition of the giant numbness. After confirming that he was just unconscious, he pointed forward to signal the demon-hunting horse: "Black Wind, save people!" The horse

  blew towards the battlefield ahead like the wind, mutating The Crab Demon didn't even have the speed to react and snatched away a warrior who was about to die under its claws.

  Seeing the danger right in front of her, Alice became even more anxious to take Ciri away. But when she turned around, she saw the little demon hunter wearing armor running towards the mutant crab demon.

  Ciri's idea was simple: she had read the Monster Manual when she was studying in Kaer Morhen, and knew that monsters created through experiments such as the mutant crab devils could easily be controlled by warlocks and turned into biological weapons.

  And controlling this giant beast to raid the town of Brochilon, the enemy has only one purpose, and that is herself as the princess of Cintra.

  His appearance can definitely attract the attention of this violent behemoth that is dying, and give the warriors he is fighting a chance to kill with one strike; no matter what, it can also create space for them to survive under the desperate monster's desperate counterattack.

  The house in front has collapsed, leaving only the basic structure - pillars, boards and beams. The ground downstairs is littered with debris.

  Ciri stepped onto a beam without hesitation, walking like a cat using her balance skills trained on Kaer Morhen's "Great Pendulum".

  With a "swish", Xili casually threw a stone towards the mutant crab demon's head.

  She carefully watched the movements of the giant beast, ready to jump off the beam and hide behind the bunker at any time, using the obstacles formed by the collapsed house to escape.

  Then, Ciri saw the mutant crab demon looking back at her, then turned around and chased after Black Wind, who had just walked away from the Cintra warrior.

  【Why are you ignoring me? ]

  Xili frowned. The other party's reaction did not conform to the principle that monsters always attack "lone" and "weak" prey.

  However, considering that this kind of thing that came out of the laboratory is not very normal, and it is facing the soldier who just severely injured it, it is understandable that it is a little vengeful and attracted hatred.

  Xili whistled and asked Black Wind to throw the rescued soldiers back into the camp and then rushed back. She jumped onto the horse with a big jump, and used the speed of the war horse to quickly circle around the mutant crab demon.

  "I am Cirilla Fiona Aeron Leanne, the princess of Cintra!"

  With the black wind carrying her, she could escape at any time. Ciri boldly walked in circles and continued toward the mutant crab demon. Throw stones. This move made the soldiers on the side almost stare out their eyes, and Alice was even more worried that ghost fire started to appear on her body.

  However, the mutant crab demon just glanced at Shirley and turned a blind eye to the flies buzzing around him. Then he used a pair of pliers to fly away the giant crab demon that had just woken up and attacked him, regardless of it. Bulkhead rushed towards the group of Cintra warriors.

  Shirley hesitated.

  She slapped the black wind, and the war horse under her crotch leaped past the mutant crab demon in a few leaps. Its limbs and hooves made tracks on the ground, lying between the mutant crab demon and the Cintra warriors, like a rock.

  The people of Sintra were about to rush forward regardless of their safety: "Your Highness, please stay away quickly, it's dangerous here..." "

  Quiet, give me a bow and a pot of arrows!"

  Ciri had a bold guess.

  She saw that when Heifeng and she were in the middle of the road, the mutant crab demon suddenly stopped.

  It took a step to the side, as if trying to bypass itself. So Xili also knocked the horse's belly to make Heifeng jump in the direction and stopped in front of the mutant crab demon again.

  The bow and arrows were quickly handed to Ciri. Seeing the mutant crab demon taking another step forward in front of her, Ciri stretched her body and drew the bowstring.

  "Swish, swish -"

  Xili's strength was not strong, and the arrow was not very powerful. It hit the chitinous carapace of the mutant crab demon without breaking the armor at all. She fired three arrows before finally following the path of Cintra. The wounds made by people penetrate into the flesh.

  The mutant crab demon in front of him screamed with its teeth and claws, almost in a manner of venting, and crashed into a nearby house, raising dust all over the sky.

  However, it just doesn't take a step towards Xili!
  Her Royal Highness the Princess of Cintra tilted her head, then shrugged, and drew the bowstring again.


  Ciri stood in front of her own people and shot a whole pot of arrows, finally letting the mutant crab demon in front of her breathe her last breath.

  She thought she had discovered something remarkable.

  The bright emerald flames lit up, and Ciri asked Alice to pull her to another battlefield against monsters. This time she faced a troll mantis.

  After Ciri tested it with a bow and arrow for a while, she pulled out the wolf-headed silver sword from behind and ran to the side of the troll mantis under Alice's frightened eyes. She followed the monster's hind legs and touched the opponent's neck like climbing stairs.

  The knife fell from the hand.


  The bright emerald-colored flames lit up again. This time, Ciri asked Alice to take her to the top of the clock tower, and then jumped onto the back of a passing chimera with a "boo!"

  After the Chimera felt Ciri riding on her back, her body that was flying freely became stable and stiff immediately, and fell to the ground with a sway, as if she was afraid that the princess on her back would accidentally fall and be injured.

  Ciri looked at the blood stained on the chimera's claws and mouth.

  He raised the knife and dropped it again.


  "Gah——" Accompanied by crows as dense as dark clouds, the big bat-like Regis appeared. He had just chased the Chimera nearby and watched everything Xili did.

  " going on? Is it the power of ancient blood?"

  "Thank you for saving the people tonight, Regis." Ciri first expressed her gratitude to the new vampire politely, "Send these The people who came over from the monsters seemed to have given some order, so that these monsters almost engraved the idea of ​​'don't hurt me' into their instincts." "That's why

  you have such an amazing performance." Regis praised, "And I thought To detect this kind of information requires extraordinary courage. You amaze me, Your Highness."

  Ciri wiped the sweat from her forehead, turned to Alice and asked: "Are there many monsters left in the city? ? And why didn’t I see Cohen all the way? Shouldn’t he be on the front line against the monsters?”

  Alice hesitated: “I just informed Cohen that they went elsewhere.”

  That Nefer The infiltration force of a hybrid of Gadians and mercenaries was known to Ciri.

  Ciri's face suddenly became serious: "Take me there!"

  Alice quickly advised: "Ciri, these monsters can be controlled, but humans can't. They will really hurt you!"

  Ciri asked back : "In order to capture me, irrational monsters avoid hurting me. How can rational humans do that?"

  "House, Levin, and Cohen have all rushed over, and Milva is already there. They can control it." Living conditions..."

  Xili's brows relaxed for a moment, but then she lowered her head again: "No... it's not safe enough." "

  Since so many monsters have been sent out, the human team is definitely prepared. . They know that we have druids and warlocks, and they also know that we have demon hunters, so there must be corresponding restraints, at least defensive methods..."

  Ciri began to think quickly: "But they don't know that Reggie Si, Alice, Troll, Naomi, your existence..." "

  But you can play more roles in the battle against monsters. If you are removed rashly, you will lose sight of one thing..."

  Thoughts in my mind After a few collisions, Xili quickly made a decision: "Even if the monsters can't hurt me, I can't kill them as fast as you. So you continue to deal with the monsters in the town - there are not many of them anymore."

  "And I'll go find the Nilfgaardian army to attract their attention and delay." "

  After you deal with the monsters, come over and help as soon as possible."

  Regis gave a slight salute to express his agreement. .

  Alice was still anxious: "Ciri, Lan asked us to protect you..."

  "Alice!" Ciri suddenly raised her voice.

  She was still just a girl, and her height was only as high as Alice's collarbone, but at that moment there was an aura about Ciri that made Alice stop talking.

  The soul in the painting suddenly remembered the history of Sintra that he had learned before: When the "Lioness" Calanthe won her first victory in her life, she seemed to be about the same age as Ciri in front of her.

  A kind of magic tempted and forced her to listen carefully to Ciri's words.

  "Alice." Xili looked at the soul in the painting in front of her and softened her voice.

  Without any extra words, she just whispered, "Take me there."
  Milva remained motionless, as steady as a goddess of war.

  Arrows continued to be shot, and finally all the archers hid in the bunker, not daring to show their heads.

  She suppressed all the enemy's archers by herself!

  The remaining mercenary groups were so scared that they retreated behind the building or crawled on the ground. How could they dare to come out and serve as Milva's target again?
  However, there is one exception.

  He was an experienced archer who could estimate the path of an arrow even in the dark. Milva had not paid much attention to him as an ordinary mercenary before, but actually allowed him to dodge an arrow.

  At this moment, she saw the other party taking a stance towards her.

  Milva assessed him on the spot. He was a short, slender, dark-skinned man. He wore polished armor on his left forearm, and an archery glove on his right hand.

  Milva saw how the swarthy man lifted a beautifully carved compound bow with a curved handle.

  She saw how he drew the bow smoothly, saw how the fully drawn bow drew lines on his dark face, saw how the red arrow feathers touched his cheek.

  She saw that he had aimed correctly at the target - which was herself.

  This is a master.

  So you need to kill him as soon as possible, otherwise how you treat the Nilfgaardians now will be how the other party treats the Cintra people in the future.

  Then Milva also raised her bow and drew it smoothly. The bowstring touched her face, and the arrow feathers touched the corner of her mouth.

  "Gala la -"

  a tooth-aching sound of tension sounded in the darkness, as two top archers aimed at their targets at the same time without cover.



  The two of them released their bow strings at the same time, and then fell backwards along with the inertia of the release, in an attempt to avoid the arrows fired at them by their opponents.

  The dark-skinned archer's body suddenly froze, and Milva's arrow hit his left armpit hard. More than half of the arrow shaft was buried in his body, shattering several ribs and piercing his heart and lungs.

  This was beyond his expectation. In his estimation, a female archer of that size should not be able to shoot arrows so fast. That meant that Milva needed a bow of astonishing weight and a pair of even more powerful ones. arm.

  Underestimating the strength of the members of the "Lions" caused him to die on the spot.

  At this time, his arrow was still at least a third of the way from Milva.

  Milva also fell backwards, curling up in mid-air.

  Milva expected that the other party might predict her behavior, but she was confident in the cloak and armor she was wearing. It was equipment carefully crafted for her by Duke Lannister, and it even had an inscription carved by Mossak's advisor. , it is said to be some kind of magic injection technology from the Kingdom of Ofir that can deflect arrows.

  Although it is a simplified version, it is not as advanced as the Duke's armor. But as long as she avoided the vital point, she was confident enough to resist the arrow and then join the battle again.

  The gap between her and these mercenaries is not just strength and technology, but also the support of Lord Lannister!

  But the arrow flew out from her side, and the arrow path missed somewhere.

  Milva was slightly stunned. Could it be that the guy who had just created an atmosphere of peak duel with him was actually a parallel importer?

  She soon discovered something was wrong. The deflection angle of the arrow was too exaggerated. It was as if someone had forcibly bent the trajectory of the arrow while it was flying.

  Milva turned around as if feeling something, only to see an exceptionally strong black horse snorting disdainfully at him in a very humane manner.

  Sitting on the back of this horse was a girl with silver-gray hair, wearing silver, gray and white armor, grinning at her.

  There was chaotic energy in Xili's hands that ordinary people couldn't see, slowly dissipating.

  "Your Highness Princess?!" Milva exclaimed.

  At the same time, a shocking shout of death came from behind Milva.

  She bought precious time with the barrage weaved by arrows. House and Levin, who were reminded by Alice, had already arrived with their troops and fought against the intruders.

  (End of chapter)

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