Chapter 319 Battle of Brochlon

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  Chapter 319: Defense of

  Brochlon Town, Lord's Mansion, Study Room.

  Shirley was presently reviewing and approving the documents that Lan had not had time to process before leaving.

  Cohen set up another table for himself and spread out his own [Gryphon School Contact Note], not knowing what was written on it.

  All accidents happened unexpectedly.

  There was a "boom", and a muffled thunder suddenly exploded out of thin air, followed by a storm that enveloped the entire town.

  The griffon badge on Cohen's chest suddenly vibrated, and coupled with the loud noise outside, countless cold air exploded in every pore of Cohen's body.

  He rushed to the balcony in three steps and two steps at a time, feeling that the doomsday scene in the poem seemed to be appearing before his eyes. A dozen huge, twisted figures appeared in every corner of the town at the same time.

  Each of them is two or three stories tall, each of them contains unparalleled power in its body, and each of them has a crazy desire for blood and killing.

  "Chimera, troll mantis, mutant crab demon..." Cohen's eyes widened in disbelief. Each of these monsters that could destroy the town when they appeared alone actually appeared together at this moment.

  The demon hunter of the Griffin School shuddered suddenly: "Ciri, run! Run to Brochlon Forest to find the tree spirits! These monsters are not naturally produced, they are all deformed products of alchemy experiments, and every The cost of one head is worth a castle. This is an attack from Nilfgaard!"

  Ciri had never seen such a scene. It was visible to the naked eye: "What about you, Cohen?"

  Cohen gritted his teeth: "I I am the only demon hunter here now. No one knows how to deal with these monsters better than me. I am going to delay time and give the people in the town time to retreat... The people here are important to the reconstruction of your country in the future. You must not lose too much power here."

  "Lan left Black Wind behind. You ride it and leave immediately. I will let my urban guerrillas protect you." The

  demon hunter finally sorted out the alchemy on his body. With his backpack strapped on, he jumped off the balcony without hesitation, grabbed a horse and galloped towards the center of the town.

  "Cohen!!" Ciri screamed at the witcher's back from the balcony.

  She stamped her feet fiercely and ran around in the room anxiously.

  "Calm down, Cirila, you are a princess, calm down."

  "Lan is not here, but what would he do if it was Lann? If it was Lann, if it was Lann..."

  That figure just appeared in my mind. It was enough to make people feel safe. Xili took a few deep breaths and suddenly calmed down, and then her eyes became determined.

  Instead of running away, she carried two swords on her back. One of them is the steel sword [Swallow] that Lann originally presented as a gift, and the other is an ordinary wolf-headed silver sword that he obtained from Geralt some time ago.

  Except for missing a badge, Ciri now actually looks a bit like a demon hunter.

  "You can't escape. I am a princess with heavy responsibilities and a demon hunter who protects civilians." Ciri murmured to herself, "But Lann also said that you must 'plan accurately and thoughtfully before taking action'. You cannot be reckless or be fooled." Emotions overwhelm my brain."

  "The enemy is coming for me, and I will be the best bait to give everyone a chance to fight back or escape; but I also need to give myself a layer of insurance if I am caught. , will be a huge blow to Lan and Cintra..."

  Thinking of this, Ciri suddenly saw the seat where Cohen was sitting. Because he was leaving in a hurry, Cohen hadn't put away his [Gryphon School Contact Notes] yet.

  Shirley showed a thoughtful expression, then grabbed the pen.


  The situation in the town is more serious than Ciri imagined, just like what Cohen said - these monsters can destroy the town if singled out.

  Now they appear together in large numbers, enough to kill a small country and bleed them into rivers.

  But in a sense, the situation in the town is not as bad as it is in the conventional sense. The town of Blochlon is called "The Town". In fact, with the careful construction of the old druids and the people of Cintra, it has surpassed most of the war fortresses in the north.

  Not only is its architecture unparalleled, it is also full of towers, arrow posts, walls that can be used as bunkers, and basements.

  What's more, the combat units in the town are quite special at the moment, and their resistance is not that strong... "


  , protect, home!"

  Three huge rocks with the momentum of a landslide moved toward one end, which was three stories high. The huge and strange mantis flew away, leaving stunning cracks on the dull green carapace with a "bang".

  "Hiss--" The huge mantis screamed in pain, and its forelimbs, which were comparable to side knives, suddenly swung out. When they slashed at the huddled troll, they could only cut off large pieces of dust. Instead, they almost cut off the saw teeth on the forelimbs. Collapse.

  The Troll Mantis is a monster that was given the title "Fearer" by the editor of the Monster Manual because it is enough to instill fear in people.

  I don’t know why scholars who study monsters are obsessed with enlarging the size of bugs. The troll mantis is the successful product of this experiment. It was designed by Alzu and refined by the alchemists stationed in Kaer Morhen at the time. After the first troll mantis appeared, the alchemist panicked and destroyed the monsters that had not yet grown, because he concluded that his invention would become a trouble for the mainland.

  Facts have also proven this. The alchemist's notes later spread, allowing more troll mantises to be created. This evil beast caused far more harm to the people than the ordinary monsters that exist at the intersection of the celestial sphere and the local area. It is the Chiroptera. Conventional apex predators like dragons can only become food for the troll mantis.

  By the way, the alchemist later discovered that the eyes of the troll mantis can be added to the demon hunter mutation experiment. Unfortunately, future demon hunters will no longer be able to hunt the troll mantis alone, and the [Eye of the Troll Mantis] has also become Legendary material for witcher mutations.

  Lann's mutation was put to use, thanks to Thomas Moreu's hard work and Teacher Jeroen's unconstrained creativity.


  "Hiss—" Even such a powerful monster would be embarrassed to deal with a group of rock trolls, because the mountain-hard rock shell really restrains the slashing attack designed based on the mantis.

  But that two-story-tall size also brings unparalleled strength. After discovering that the troll could not be cut open, the enraged troll mantis immediately used his strength to hit the troll family like baseballs far away, smashing a building into pieces.

  The rock shell was resistant to cuts but not heavy blows. The troll did not come out in a cloud of smoke for a long time. He probably fainted.

  Fortunately, their attacks created opportunities for others.

  "Warriors of the Todaloch family, let these monsters in the desert see the power of the men of the sea!" Yuna, a blond wrought iron girl wearing iron armor, stood high above the crowd, commanding the islanders to attack the troll mantis. The cracks rained arrows.

  It is true that the Todaloch family led by Yuna is positioned as a logistics company in Sintra, but almost all the islanders are soldiers, and blacksmithing is the most labor-intensive profession.

  To put it bluntly, these support personnel who stayed in Brochlon Town were more capable than most of the frontline soldiers.

  "Reinalug! Reinalug!" the islanders roared the archipelago's war cry.

  The troll mantis stepped forward against the rain of arrows, and more islanders picked up the tower shields prepared for the Mahakam heavy infantry and rushed forward, creating opportunities for their companions behind them.

  With their tacit cooperation, which was even better than that of the army, they actually managed to resist the monster's attack.

  Apart from these islanders, none of the other Sintra people escaped. City guards, craftsmen, and even ordinary refugees, those who had the strength to hold weapons would pick up stones and throw them at these monsters, even if they only had stones at hand.

  Yuna was stunned to see this high morale that was almost unafraid of death.

  The craziest among them is a group of people who put three scratches on their clothes and call themselves the "Order of the Lion". During the time when Yuna came to Brochlon Town, they were the most civilized and united people. They would always spontaneously help the city guards maintain order, resettle the refugees, and even share the scant food.

  However, in the face of danger at this moment, those friendly faces in the past became ferocious like ghosts!

  "For the lion!!!"

  Yuna was stunned, because they actually wanted to pounce on those monsters without wearing armor or holding a knife!

  She grabbed a little girl who was showing her teeth and claws to prevent her from dying. Feeling the obstruction, the girl who looked definitely no more than sixteen years old actually wanted to turn around and bite Yuna.

  "Skellig, don't stop me from fighting for the Lion!"

  She is Fensi, the first person Lann saved when he returned to Cintra after his mutation, and she was also the first to promote the name of the Lion. .

  "Are you crazy?" Yuna yelled in a unique tone of the islanders, "What's the difference between going up like this and dying? Don't you know how to make yourself more useful?!" She pointed at the student who was bandaging the wounded next to her

  . People like this: "The doctors who came from Cowburg should retreat into the forest first! They can provide more help to Lan later, they are valuable!" The Skellige

  people can indeed roar better than the people of Cintra, Fensi He was stunned for a moment and looked at the red-haired female student aside.

  "Don't leave! I'm a medic!" Shani shouted, "This is where I should be!"

  Fensi was inspired and raised her hands high again: "For the Lions!!"

  Yuna: "... ”

  [My ancestors, why are these Sintra people crazier than us islanders! ]

  Yuna gritted her teeth and watched Fensi gather another group of people from the Lion Order. Fortunately, Yuna's words were somewhat listened to by these fanatics. Being unarmed, they at least knew to look for weapons first and not cause any trouble to the soldiers in front.

  But he still acted like he was willing to die for the lion at any time.

  "The unarmed refugees have gone to the battlefield. Did we fail to protect them? Pull out our crossbows! There are also chariots and battering rams!" Yuna turned around and roared, "Give these monsters something to cheer up! And where are the witchers? Isn’t Koen in Brochlon? Who can tell me what the weaknesses of these monsters are?!”


  Koen is climbing the stairs.

  He moved along the ladder towards the big clock on the top of the bell tower at almost flying speed.

  Troll mantises are sensitive to loud noises, which can render the monster deaf and defenseless.

  The same goes for mutant crab demons. These insects created through experiments all have similar weaknesses.

  After climbing to the top floor, Cohen condensed a mental cannonball in his left hand that was comparable to a battering ram, and without hesitation poured his power into the big clock in front of him.

  [Alder's Seal]!
  "Dong -"

  Immediately, the louder bells, far louder than before, shone in every corner of Brochlon Town like the first ray of light announcing the dawn.

  Visible to the naked eye, the speed of destruction in the town suddenly stopped. The soldiers who besieged these insect-like behemoths were surprised to find that the monsters suddenly became stiff, curled up, and even twitched, losing the ability to resist attacks.

  Someone saw Cohen's back in the clock tower through the moonlight and immediately cheered: "It's Cohen! The demon hunter knight who is from the same school of gryphon as Duke Lannister!" The experienced warriors would not let this person go

  . At this opportunity, they immediately picked up their weapons and fell to the defenseless giant beast on the ground. They slashed with swords, axes, hammers, smashed crossbows and fired, which immediately caused a large number of hoarse and noisy screams.

  The screams were immediately drowned out by the louder ringing of the bell.

  "Dong -"

  Cohen smiled with satisfaction.

  But the smile didn't last long, and his expression became serious again the next second.

  Among the monsters he just saw were not only these insect-like creatures, but also more powerful [Synthetic Beasts]. When Cohen rang the giant bell, causing the monsters to lose their fighting power for a short time, it also attracted the attention of other more vicious monsters.

  A monster with antlers, a mane covering the back of its neck, and red carapace and scales rushed toward Cohen from the night sky with its wings waving.

  If the troll mantis and the mutant crab demon still barely looked like living creatures, then the [Chimera], which was a mixture of four different creatures, had obvious traces of experiments. They looked like pure weapons of war.

  Cohen pulled out his silver sword and gestured, still wanting to fight, and then he found several more Chimeras rushing out of the darkness.

  The bell was so loud that he was now as noticeable as a drop of blood among the sharks.

  With nothing to say, Cohen finally fired a French seal air cannon at Da Zhong, turned around and was about to jump off the building.

  However, Cohen was surprised to find that the bell tower was surrounded by crows at some point.


  A flock of black birds took off with deafening flapping wings and cries, hovering around the town, forming a black curtain that blocked the already dim moonlight.

  Cohen suddenly smelled a strong herbal smell, which was sage, mint and musk.


  The Chimera speeding through the night sky screamed again, but this time it was a scream.

  A humanoid black shadow streaked across the night sky, approaching the monster at a speed twice as fast as the Chimera. Through the moonlight, one could see that the human-shaped bat's hand had sharp claws as long as a forearm extending out, and it easily tore open the chimera's neck like a hot knife cutting through oil.

  Blood sprayed out, and the giant beast only had time to let out a short wail before falling towards the ground. The other monsters that were originally heading towards the bell tower suddenly dispersed.

  Cohen suddenly felt a lightness in his body. It was actually the crows that were dragging his body to prevent him from falling from a high place and getting hurt.

  Taking another closer look, Regis, who had regained his gentle appearance, was standing in front of him.

  "Are you okay, Mr. Demon Hunter?" Regis said slowly, "Or, can I call you Cohen? If we want to work together in the future, I think you can choose a more affectionate title." Cohen turned around and looked

  . I looked at the Chimera that hit the ground and collapsed a house. The hideous wound on its neck was like a bloody fountain.
   Well, although Regis was a big bat, he was accompanied by a crow when he appeared.

    This old boy still has some cards.

  (End of chapter)

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