Chapter 311 What follows will be a battle that no one can predict

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  Anyone who is involved in the field of magic cannot avoid the name "Arzu". He is recognized as a ceiling-level warlock and has made countless achievements during his lifetime.

  The most famous of these is leading the Warlock Research Group and creating the Witcher Mutation Trials.

  And the reason why a gray forest owl, a person who is not familiar with magic, can also know Arzu's name is because Arzu's influence on the political history of the North has been too profound.

  In that major event that affected the pattern of the Northern Territory, the magic of [Alzu Double Cross Summoning] was the protagonist again - legend has it that in the last century

  , the Prince of Maribor and the Duke of Elland competed for the throne of Temeria And launched a protracted [Endless War], and the swords were at each other for several generations.

  But this war finally ended under the mediation of the warlock Alzu, and his method of mediation was to use the [Arzu Double Cross Summoning Technique] to summon a saliva demon from another world-a creature that looks like a centipede and is as big as a centipede. The largest creature ever created.

  Then swept across Duke Elland's army.

  "Did you learn this spell?" The gray owl made an unbelievable voice. This is a powerful spell that can destroy a city!

  If Vilgefortz really learns the [Arzu Double Cross Summoning Technique], then he will undoubtedly become the strongest warlock in the world and the most strategic warlock!

  "If I could, then I wouldn't have been here with you for so long." Vilgefortz smiled sarcastically.

  The Tawny Owl was immediately disappointed, and at the same time he breathed a subtle sigh of relief.

  "But you have to know that a new intersection of heaven and earth is about to begin recently... Maybe you don't know what this means, but for warlocks like us, this is an excellent opportunity." Vilgefortz sneered, "I have been working on several biological alchemy projects for monster research, and I have made great breakthroughs recently." "

  If these powerful monsters unite with the number of monsters that have increased recently..."

  Wigfortz raised his head and looked at Bu. Direction to Lokiron Town: "Destroying a city may be difficult, but destroying a town is definitely far beyond it. The resulting riots can also create opportunities for you to bring people in to capture Cirilla." Gray

  Forest Owl accepted Vilgefortz's reasons.

  The two talked about the details of the sneak attack on Brokiron Town, and then the Imperial Coroner joined his team through the reappeared portal and continued preparations to go north.

  Until he was the only one left in the study, the calmness and tranquility that Wigefortz had always maintained finally collapsed little by little.

  He looked at the battle report handed over by Emperor Emhyr, and his body began to tremble.

  "Magical teleportation without spells, area-of-effect magic that instantly massacred hundreds of people, and the combat capability of a single person who killed tens of thousands of people in a military camp... It's been less than two years, less than two years! "The blood of the ancients actually

  empowered With the power of Lannister!

  "The blood of the ancients can indeed conquer the world! " "

  Vilgefortz became more certain about his interpretation of the prophecy, and his desire for the ancient blood also reached its peak at this moment.

  "It's almost, it's almost..."

  Vilgefortz tried his best to take a deep breath. He calmed down.

  But then he immediately became confused: "Why didn't the ancient blood burst out with such strong power in such a short period of time? "

  He pulled out a thick tome with a dense and complicated bloodline genealogy. He counted them one by one and recalled the abilities these people had shown in history. The most famous ones were except the first-generation elf sage

  Lao Apart from La Doran, there is only "Prophet" Adalia. And Adalia only has the ability of a traditional magic source. In the end, the other party gave up magic in order to become the Queen of Cintra

  . After a long while, a realization suddenly flashed through Vilgefortz's mind.

  "Is it... because Lannister is a demon hunter?

  "Arzu's real purpose of studying demon hunters is not to destroy monsters and protect humans as advertised by the outside world, but to find a shortcut to activate the power of ancient blood? " ! "


  Not to mention what outrageous conclusions Vilgefortz, who was obsessed with the ancient blood, came to.

  On the other side, after Lydia Van Bradvoort separated from Vilgefortz, I immediately opened the portal and returned to the magic laboratory in Aretusa. There

  were canvases everywhere, with various completed or half-finished oil paintings on them.

  The doors and windows were wide open, letting in the cool sea breeze and Sunlight filtered in from outside.

  Lydia first looked at the desk in the center of the room, where there were several magic notebooks and textbooks spread out. Then she deflected her sight and found no one in the room. The magic phantom obscured

  Lidya Ya's face was ruined due to the failure of the experiment, but she knew that her covered face was frowning at this moment.

  "Dang - Dang -"

  At this moment, there was a heavy bell ringing from outside the window. It came over melodiously.

  As a former student and short-term faculty member of Arethusa Academy of Magic, Lydia was very familiar with this bell.

  It was the "ring" that started the day's classes at the Academy of Magic.

  And after getting along with each other for a period of time, She was also already familiar with it: if the female apprentices of Arethusa were in class, a missing person would be back.

  So she pulled up a stool, selected a half-finished painting, and began to mix paint.

  When When Ace opened the door, he happened to see Ms. Lydia, who was wearing a plain dress and painting.

  She was sitting closest to the window, so the sunlight could just shine on her body, making her neckline The circle of small pearls and the amethyst necklace on the chest flashed with a clear texture under the light, giving a halo of halo around the painter. An indigo corset came from under

  Delia's ribs. Wrapped up to the top of the hip bone. She is not the kind of exaggerated plump figure. Instead, she is thin and rare among sorceresses, so she does not have many curves. But on the contrary, it is

  this subtle temperament and lines, combined with her cold temperament, that is particularly attractive. He couldn't take his eyes away.

  She was painting, but she looked like a painting. She

  was indeed Ms. Lydia, Ace sighed truly in his heart. She was not at the same level as those little girls in the magic academy.

  Listen . Lydia didn't look back when Ace opened the door and came in, but there was a slight vibration of chaotic energy in the air.

  Then a voice came directly to Ace's head.

  "Why don't you practice magic? "

  Ace paused after hearing the sorceress's question, with a shy expression on his face: "I encountered some problems, but you are not here, madam. "

  I know you've been busy recently, so I went to discuss it with other apprentices to see if I could get some inspiration..."

  Lydia still didn't look back: "What's the problem?" "

  The posture seems to be to fulfill the responsibility as a teacher.

  "About the portal. "Ace's eyes suddenly lit up.

  Lydia paused and stopped painting with the brush in her hand: "That's not a spell you should master at this stage. Even many graduates of the academy cannot use it freely." "

  You should focus on shaping magic, then It's what you're good at."

  Ace scratched his head: "I understand, Ms. Lydia."

  Lydia said using magic: "This is not the first time we have talked about this topic."

  "Yes, Liddy Madam."

  The sorceress recalled the previous conversation in Vilgefortz's secret laboratory.

  After thinking for a while, she finally turned around and stared at Ace with her almost emotionless eyes.

  "You were sent here by your count with high hopes. You are the first warlock apprentice in Cintra to start training independently in so many years. You should not waste time like you are now, let alone be too ambitious." Lydia rarely

  , In other words, it was the first time I said such a long string of words in one go.

  "Yes, Ms. Lydia." Ace bowed his head obediently, as if he was very ashamed of Lydia's scolding.

  As for what he was thinking, no one could know.

  "However." Ace's face suddenly lit up with excitement, "Ms. Triss told me some time ago that your Excellency is already a Duke!"

  Lydia did not respond and just looked at Ace quietly.

  Suddenly, a tingling sensation like needles enveloped Ace's scalp. As of now, Ace is still not able to cast spells freely, but he is already very familiar with the feeling of chaotic energy.

  He knew the mind-reading was on again.

  So, the attention began to diverge——

  [Ms. Lydia seems to be very busy recently, and she doesn’t know what is troubling her. It's a pity that so many beautiful paintings have not been completed in time...]

  [If you learn the portal, will you have the opportunity to follow Ms. Lydia in the future? At least when she leaves, it can help her open the door to her destination and save her strength...] [

  Speaking of which, Ms. Triss told me that the Duke has gained new power. Sir, now It seems to be able to complete miraculous repairs of people from the inside out, and even help a skinned demon hunter regain a new life...] [I have heard

  some rumors about Ms. Lydia recently, despicable rumors... But if it is true, can the power of the Duke help Ms. Lydia? ]

  [Sure enough, I should learn the portal as soon as possible and secretly go back to Sintra to ask...]

  The feeling like needles quickly disappeared.

  Lydia, Vilgefortz's assistant and personal secretary, looked at Ace quietly, at this squire of the Lion of Cintra, a descendant of the Knights of Cintra.

  It was clear that Vigofortz's plan was to kill the young lions and male lions, and even destroy Cintra... There

  was no expression on the face shrouded by the magical phantom.

  After a long time, Lydia finally spoke leisurely using magic:
  "Teleport is a very advanced and dangerous spell. Please don't practice it secretly without my supervision in the future." "

  What's wrong with you?"

  Ace was overjoyed.

  A new round of magic private lessons has begun.

  But only Ace himself knew that his thoughts were now flying to Cintra.

  I wonder what Lord Lannister is doing now?
  "Well done, as expected of Reso!"

  Cintra frontline troops, mid-camp tent.

  Ten miles away there were Nilfgaardian troops confronting the Cintra army, but the atmosphere in the tent had now begun to become heated.

  It was really because the news brought back from Lei Suo was too exciting.

  Marshal Vissekid excitedly rearranged the deployment of troops on the sand table.

  "The Nilfgaardians' largest granary is gone, and their troops must shrink." "Their

  military line has already passed through the guerrillas and has become turbulent. According to our intelligence, now all their troops outside are exhausted. Possibly move to the south, surrounding Joachim de Wit." "

  The only problem is that that guy has been hiding in the Otaga Fortress as the western commander. It will be very difficult to attack with our strength... ..."

  "No, Marshal." Lann smiled, "With our 'strength', it is the easiest to attack the city now."

  Ortaga Fortress is the largest fortress in the south of Sintra. When Sintra was not so large, this fortress played the role of border guard, guarding multiple neighboring countries at the same time.

  A small town was built around this fortress, which could accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time, including civilians, soldiers, merchants, etc.

  Now this fortress is full of Nilfgaardians, and what was once the strongest barrier of Cintra has become the protection of Nilfgaard. This is a thorn in the hearts of these Cintra officers now - even if they are prosperous with two Even Calanthe, who has tens of thousands of troops, may not be able to capture the Ortaga Fortress occupied by the Nilfgaardians.

  But at this moment, listening to Lann's words, Marshal Visekid's eyes sparkled with excitement.

  "Could it be that... the armor made by Mahakan for the ice giant is ready? Our war beasts in Cintra can roar at the black sun?" The

  marshal was very excited, but Lan denied his conjecture

  . " It's almost healed." Lann nodded, "But I don't plan to use Jotun here." "The

  Ice Giant's height is still at a disadvantage when facing the city wall, and the defensive equipment is still a bit tricky for him. I We plan to put him in the decisive battle with Army Group Center later. That will be his stage."

  "What do you mean?"

  Facing the marshal's question, Lan turned his attention to Saskia who was staring at the sand table attentively. .

  Xiao Longnu seemed to be very keen on military knowledge and had been studying eagerly during this period.

  "Facing a high-walled city, many people will think about more powerful and advanced siege equipment." Lann smiled, "But isn't the best way to fly in directly?" "They are all huddled together

  . It's better to be in the city..."

  The marshal listened to Lan's plan and looked at the Black Sun War chess on the sand table, his expression kept changing, and finally he no longer had any doubts.

  "Lan, do you have a way to replicate the tactics you used in the Eastern Army Group?"

  The marshal suddenly came up with an idea. "That's the one you proposed...kill the general and capture the flag?" "That's it.

  " In a city defense battle, if the general and senior officers are suddenly assassinated, the impact on morale will be far greater than in a field battle." The marshal's eyes

  brightened even more, he was very greedy, but it was the same greed that all Sintra people had.

  But Lann shook his head unexpectedly.

  "No, Marshal. I don't plan to do that this time. On the contrary - I plan to let Duke Werther escape and let him return to Nilfgaard." The Marshal was stunned,

  but he quickly came to his senses: "You want Extend the war to politics?"

  Lann nodded and affirmed: "There is something I have always felt is wrong. When I was in the Eastern Group Army, they had more abundant arms and equipment, and even an entire warlock unit led by a senior warlock to participate in the battle. But here we are The Western Group Army on the other side -"

  Lan opened his palms: "There is nothing. Everything seems to have returned to the most primitive state of war." "

  This is normal for the countries in the north, but for Nilfgaard , this is very abnormal."

  The marshal's breath suffocated, and the "country in the north" seemed to include the former Cintra.

  War at that time was still very traditional and simple. The battlefield is a place where honor is gained, and officers and nobles generally consider it weak to involve warlocks.

  "So it's not that I want to extend the war to politics. I suspect that Emperor Emhyr of the Empire has already used the war to extend his own politics." "

  His main force is Marshal Menno's Central Army, and Duke Werther is just cannon fodder. He hopes to eliminate Duke Werther through us Sintra people, and the Western Army is our gift to complete this 'commission'; and while we accept this gift that we cannot refuse, we will consume a lot of living force... "

  Marshal Vissekid showed an incredible expression: "Using tens of thousands of troops as cannon fodder is too..." "It's not

  just them, we are also cannon fodder." Lann said leisurely, "It's just that we hide it. Too much power, too much power beyond the emperor's expectation. This gives us the confidence to accept this 'gift'." "

  So many Nilfgaardians, such rich blood of the Black Sun...enough to wash away the people of Cintra It's such a shame." Lann narrowed his eyes, "And in return, I plan to send his duke back." "

  Is it because Witte is dissatisfied with Emhyr? It's better to keep such a person than to kill him, is that what you think? "?" The marshal also had a rich political mind and easily kept up with Lan.

  "But as far as I know, Emhyr's attitude is very tough. What if he directly executes Werther who returned from the defeat?"

  Lann chuckled: "That's good, isn't it? We won't lose anyway. "(End of chapter)

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