Chapter 307 Sintra Guerrillas

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  Chapter 307 Cintra Guerrilla
  The three senior warlocks who each led the warlock troops were shocked when they heard this.

  The warlocks in the north are all praised too highly, and they have leisurely raised a group of political idiots. But the warlocks of the Southern Empire are different. They are not academics or wild warlocks. They have strong political sense when serving in the army and the palace.

  There was too much information revealed in the emperor's words.

  The three young warlocks can only be called so, and they dare not say anything more about tactics.

  Only the oldest Saschius could barely give advice to the emperor.

  "Your Majesty." Chaschius' speech was very unclear, so he tried his best to get closer to the immovable emperor, but carefully maintained a distance that would not offend, hoping that his words could reach the emperor's ears.

  "If the intelligence is correct, then Lannister's tactics are too dangerous for Duke Werther. The strength of the Western Army Group is not as strong as that of the Eastern Army Group, and there may be a risk of being defeated by the same tactics; if all the Warlock troops gather in the Central Army Group, instead There is no chance of fighting the Lannister..."

  Chascius can be said to be the direct descendant of the emperor. Although he rarely speaks out due to physical reasons, every time he speaks he has something to say.

  But at this moment, the emperor seemed to have not caught the words from the old warlock's vague words. He remained motionless and did not respond.

  Now even Chaschius didn't dare to say anything more. The three young warlocks received the order and quickly retreated to assemble their own warlock troops. At this moment, two more people came in outside the door, letting Saschius know that it was time to leave.

  "Peter." The two people who entered the room lowered their heads. It was not until the emperor summoned that one of them dared to cast his eyes on the emperor's back.

  "My executive officer, I want you to summon my order to our marshal." Executive Officer Peter nodded and heard the emperor continue, "I already know the great changes in the Eastern Army Group, and I also know that he will take half of Ad Fein's division. The loss was in Livia."

  "Tell him that I am not angry, I just feel ashamed. So I asked him to send the remaining Ad Fein division and Alba division to Livia, and at the same time bring Enter the sorcerer I sent to him. I want him to wash away the shame of the empire and rebuild the right wing of the army so that our strategy can continue." "The sun is above, your will is my

  direction." The Executor will Emperor Every word of the order was engraved in his mind.

  After confirming that the emperor had no other instructions for him, the executive loudly expressed his loyalty to the emperor and then resigned.


  At last, only the emperor and the last person were left in the room.

  This man's name is Stephen Skellen, a coroner and intelligence agent of the Imperial Intelligence Agency. Unlike the glamorous warlocks and officers just now, he is a figure who has always been active in the shadows.

  Because of this, facing the emperor's back at this moment, he felt particularly frightened. He didn't know why the emperor finally left him alone to talk.

  "Skellen." In the suffocating silence, the agent heard the emperor call his name.

  "Your Majesty!" he immediately shouted in response.

  "You disappoint me." The emperor's next words made Stephen almost have a cardiac arrest.

  He knew what the emperor was referring to.

  "I assigned you a mission, a secret mission. But instead of taking action yourself, you contacted different people to try to complete it - although I did give you this right." "You once contacted Cassie

  . Er, he died on the road from the capital of Cintra to Brochlon; you contacted Riens, and the warlock finally fell in Novigrad; you also asked Alberich, and he also Sleeping in Rivia without starting this mission."

  Stephen began to tremble, and he heard the emperor continue: "So you failed me. The first time, then the second, and the third time. Since I How long has this task been assigned to you?"

  "Since before the massacre of Cintra, Your Majesty." Stephen's head began to drip big beads of sweat, "Now, it has been..."

  He couldn't tell. words, because the emperor in front of him turned around.

  He no longer had the courage to raise his head, but even with the back of his head, he could feel two eyes like fire burning his body.

  "I rarely give someone such a long time of patience, Stephen. So this time you have no plans of your own. I will personally direct your actions." This is the last

  chance. The agent knew that if the actions personally assigned by the emperor failed to achieve their goals, then they would not have to come back.

  "You are my direction, Your Majesty!" Stephen shouted.

  Emhyr was unconvinced by his subordinate's compliment.

  "I know that you have made many friends in the north in order to complete my mission during this period, and one of them was my former 'friend'." This sentence made the agent tremble again. He knew that the emperor knew everything about him.

  "I want you to find our mutual friend. Tell him that Lannister has gained that power, that he has grown up. And that the Young Lions are in Brochlon, and I will use my troops to lure Lannister away. Nestor and his soldiers, I want him to seize this opportunity to take action." "

  Tell him that this is also his last chance. If he succeeds, I will give him the promised governorship; if he fails, you Both he and I know how I will treat a loser."

  The emperor's words were unhurried, and Stephen imprinted every word of the emperor in his heart with more sincerity than remembering his mother's name.

  Then he bowed his head and resigned.

  Walking out of the emperor's study, he found that his hands were still shaking.

  He knew that his troubles were not over yet, or rather they were just beginning. He wanted to go north as an imperial agent to contact the emperor's former "friend", the famous sorcerer in the north - Vilgefortz of Rogoeven.

  Before that, he needed to find other helpers for himself as much as possible.


  After the ace agent of the Imperial Intelligence Agency left his study, Emperor Emhyr turned back to the window.

  He stared at the rain outside the window as always, not knowing what he was thinking.

  For a long time, he raised the battle report that he had read countless times and read it word by word.

  The guards all thought that the emperor was angry because of the disintegration of the Eastern Army Group. In the order just given to the warlocks, executives, and agents, His Majesty did not even have any instructions regarding Duke Darcy, an old and powerful nobleman.

  But only the emperor knew what he focused on.

  "Lannister..." He muttered the name, his thoughts turning.

  Those were the days when he was in Cintra under the alias "Prince Duny". He knew that Queen Calanthe had a younger brother of the same race with such a name, and that she also had a son who was several years older than his daughter Cirilla.

  The blond kid received a period of enlightenment education in the palace, and was even able to accompany him when he took his daughter to Skellige for vacation. Calanthe liked that kid very much.

  Just like no one could have imagined what Prince Dhoni would look like today, Emhyr also didn't expect that brat to cause such an obstacle to his career today.

  "Blood of the Ancients..." When he said this word, the emperor's voice became softer, and no one in the room could hear him. They could only see that the emperor's eyes became sharp and turned into the majesty they were familiar with, as aggressive as the sun and unable to be looked directly at.

  After all the guards bowed their heads, the emperor was silent for a while.

  Then, his lips moved a few times, as if he was about to spit out the third word, but in the end he only made an inaudible sound.

  The guards who lowered their heads did not see that when the emperor made such a sound, his eyes suddenly became calm, even soft. It seemed as if it had changed from fire to water, as if it had turned into a curtain of rain that would never stop in front of me.

  If someone had been brave enough just now and put his ear close to the emperor's lips, he might have been able to barely discern the pronunciation of those words.

  Those three words were: "Pavetta."

  The emotion of that moment was fleeting. When the guards looked up secretly, what they saw was still the emperor who was always determined and always ambitious, who was comparable to the sun in the eyes of Nilfgaardian soldiers, the "white flame" who was feared by all enemies.

  He stared at the rain curtain in front of him, as well as the Yaruga River behind the rain curtain, and Sintra, which could be reached by winding down the Yaruga River.
  soldier in black armor cautiously stopped at the outskirts of the forest, flanked by his patrol members. In front of them was a dark and deep forest, and under the moonlight every shadow looked like the maw of a wild beast.

  There was no sound of birds or even strange chirping of insects.

  The patrolman felt fear gripping his guts, as if there were a few slimy eels in his intestines, and they were stubbornly pursuing freedom.

  An hour ago, the patrol received an order to move. They had hoped that the coldness of the night and the grueling, rigorous routine they had repeated hundreds of times would suppress their fears. But they were wrong.

  An hour later, they were about five miles deep into dangerous enemy territory, but fear was still gnawing at his heart.

  They were afraid of the guerrillas in Sintra.

  There are rumors that the Lion of Cintra has the ability to command the beasts of the forest. He controls the poisonous snakes and leopards deep in the jungle to transform into humanoid and ambush the black army. Therefore, the guerrillas of Cintra are as ferocious as wild beasts.

  In response to this rumor, knowledgeable superior officers reprimanded them, saying that the guerrilla captains with beast eyes were just demon hunters, a mutated monster from alchemical experiments that could be killed by only five or even three people with swords. .

  But this did not diminish the patrol's fear of the Sintra guerrillas.

  For the black army stationed in Cintra, these elusive killers have caused too much damage.

  "Have you heard?" Under the influence of fear, the highly disciplined black-clothed army couldn't help but speak out, trying to relieve it by chatting.

  "What do you want to say, Corporal?" The patrol leader was a lieutenant. He glanced at the corporal who was speaking without stopping him, thinking that he himself needed words to ease his uneasy heart.

  "I heard that the Eastern Group Army was defeated."

  "Do you want to be sacrificed to the flag? Dare you say such a thing?" The lieutenant's tone became serious.

  "That's a trick of the people of Cintra! It's a rumor! They don't dare to face us on the front battlefield, and they can only form guerrillas to attack us secretly. Now they can only use this despicable method to interfere with us!"

  " But I heard that Duke Darcy was also captured."

  "Aren't you going to stop, Corporal?"

  The Corporal, who had contributed to the dissemination of information about Cintra, paused: "That's not what I want to say. I also heard that the people of Cintra wanted to exchange prisoners with Your Majesty and send them back to Duke Darcy, but Your Majesty refused." The

  entire patrol stopped.

  "That's Duke Darcy." The corporal muttered. "After this news came out, something happened to our Duke Werther, don't you think?" The lieutenant stared at the corporal who still kept silent: "Do you really want

  to The flag was sacrificed."

  The corporal was still muttering: "The scope of our patrols is getting smaller each time, and the training time is getting shorter day by day. Almost all of them have become the marshal's logistics army..." All the members of the patrol team were silent, they could clearly

  understand Feel the changes in the Western Army.

  As the commander, Duke Werther has been slacking off for a long time, and it has become even more serious since the news of Duke Darcy's murder came.

  This emotion was transmitted to the entire Western Army, just like the lieutenant of the patrol at this moment. Although he shouted "Flag Sacrifice", he didn't even wave his fist at the corporal who was talking nonsense for such a long time.

  "If you are so worried about the things above, then why don't you muster up the courage to eliminate some danger for us?"

  The lieutenant pointed to the deep forest in front of him: "Let's perform our own functions and stop those Cintra guerrillas."

  The corporal muttered a few more times and said vaguely: "There is nothing to be afraid of in the woods, but -" "

  What if there are really guerrillas inside?"

  The patrol that was about to take action paused again. In just a short moment, Their minds went to those of their compatriots who had fought and lost against the Cintra guerrillas.

  "What do you think, sir?" the corporal said in a hoarse voice, "Do you still want to enter this forest?" "...The

  order we received is to investigate the situation within a five-mile radius of the camp." "

  The mission has been completed, don't waste time. Got it."


  In the dark night, the black Japanese patrol team wearing black armor left in a hurry.

  Without the sound of their conversation, the forest seemed even more dead without the chirping of insects and birds.

  Suddenly, just twenty steps away from where the patrol was standing, the trunk of a giant tree suddenly rippled like water ripples.

  With a long breath, the black-haired sorceress calmed down the chaotic energy in her hands. She flipped up her long hair, filling the forest with the scent of lilacs and currants.

  Then, two men appeared behind the sorceress.

  A man had exposed arms that were thicker than the sorceress's waist. He was tall, with no hair on his head and only thick flesh, and his eyes were like poisonous snakes.

  The other had long gray hair like an octogenarian, with a well-proportioned figure and an expressionless face.

  Geralt stood behind Yennefer and took a deep breath when the sorceress raised her eyebrows.

  When making this action, he remained expressionless and his eyes were cold, staring at the Nilfgaardian patrol in the distance.

  "How about it, Leisuo. Can you see the faces of those people clearly at such a close distance?" White Wolf turned to look at Leisuo, "Is it okay tonight?" In the darkness,

  Leisuo's amber snake pupils were shining.

  He showed an expression as if he had encountered prey: "Kolgrim's poison has taken effect. Gather our team members and take action tonight."

  (End of this chapter)

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