Chapter 288 Ziglin’s Position

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  Bittrek nodded heavily towards the Three-Braided Scoia'tael: "I have contacted other compatriots nearby, and the attack route has been planned. I just wait for the great elder to come back tomorrow, and as soon as the signal is sounded, the compatriots will swarm together. Enter Carbon Mountain and control the Great Elder."

  "It's Brovar Hogg, not the Great Elder." The three-braided dwarf corrected, "It is precisely because of his inaction that the dwarves suffered so much in human society... ...No, it is not just inaction, he is even happy to see it. Because human oppression will make us willing to return to Mahakam and continue to be ruled by his 'tradition' and those messy rules. He has never thought about improving our Life, he is even an accomplice of human beings!"

  Bitrik was silent for a while: "Okay, it's Brovar Hogg..." "

  Also, did you bring that thing?" The three-braided dwarf looked at it. Bittrek.

  Bittrek reacted quickly. He lowered his shoulders and pulled out a backpack behind him, and took out a palm-sized bottle from it without rummaging through it. Not only Bitrirk, but also the other Ferenc youths behind him each took out the same bottle.

  "This is the poison that the clan leader originally planned to give Kelturis." Bitrirk said, "It's just that it's no longer needed now." "

  Ice giants... should be similar to trolls, they are all afraid of poison, right? . Since these poisons are prepared for Kelturis, it will definitely be easy to deal with the ice giant."

  In order to deal with the red dragon, the Ferentz clan made two preparations. In addition to the abortion pills, they actually prepared some truly powerful poisons, but now there was obviously no chance or need for them to administer them. So it was stolen out by Bitrirk and used to deal with the ice giant.

  Rann was not originally part of the Scoia'tael's plans, and the Scoia'tael did not pay much attention to Rann. But then the ice giant's swagger made these Scoia'tael members realize that if they wanted to launch a coup in Mahakam, they must first get rid of this giant that can hold down the red dragon and beat it.

  "It's just that now that we have poison, how should we poison the ice giant? Such a large amount of medicine cannot be done quietly."

  Bitrek held the big bottle in his hand, and other The poison brought by his accomplices made him doubtful.

  "Why do you think I let you go into the dungeon to rescue me instead of letting me out in advance?" The three-braided Scoia'tael dwarf patted Bittrek on the shoulder, "Entering the dungeon is the key to our plan." Then

  . The two people's eyes shifted and they looked towards the end of the dungeon. The prisoners there had already stood up with anticipation when they saw Bittrek letting go of the guard.

  "Chief Zyglin." The three-braided dwarf called out the identity of the prisoner, "We need a little help." "

  A terrifying monster appeared next to the Lion of Cintra. Only those in the Cintra team can approach the monster. Fortunately, there have been many Siegelin in his team recently."

  The three-braided dwarf looked at the Siegelin leader in the cage and said condescendingly: "I need your help to convince those Siegelin to cooperate with our actions, and as a In return, we will give you your freedom again, and at the same time let you join our great cause." ——House
  his report eloquently, still not finished. He looked at Lan expectantly, as if expecting praise.

  "These are what I gained in Mahakam, sir." House held the lion-headed sword on his waist with his right hand and hesitated, "I heard... you encountered the dragon in the Ferenz clan. At that time It was my fault for not being able to stand by your side with a sword."

  Lann waved his hand: "I ordered you to negotiate with the dwarves here, and you completed your task very well."

  House in Mahakam The completion of the mission indeed exceeded Lan's expectations.

  On the surface, Lann left House in Carbon Mountain to negotiate with the Mahakam Quartermaster to finalize the amount of iron ore resources and military weapons to be traded to Cintra; but House was obviously not so honest, except for the obvious reason. In addition to his work, he also used excuses to visit the forging of Mahakam's military factory and the daily drills of the legion, and inquired about various information, which opened the door to the mysterious Mahakam in front of the people of Sintra.

  Cintra needs to conduct a comprehensive examination of potential partners; to say the least, this can also prepare Cintra if this "partner" may become an enemy in the future.

  Intelligence is always the most important thing. And House was indeed shocked by the information he gathered.

  "Mahakam's army has no distinction between a standing army and a levy army. Their structure is very strange." House analyzed. "The standing garrison of Carbon Mountain actually only has more than a thousand people, but they are actually far more qualified 'soldiers'." Far more than this number, because Mahakam itself has compulsory military service, and every dwarf who joins the army can skillfully master a variety of weapons including axes, arrows, hammers, and shields." "If a dwarf who has expired military service chooses to retire

  , , after they return to the clan, they will often engage in manual labor and light combat work such as mining, iron smelting, and hunting to maintain considerable combat effectiveness. Once the battle requires it, Mahakam can pull up about 10,000 soldiers. And they are all veterans."

  "Dwarves have an extremely long lifespan, so their peak period will be maintained for a long time; their long lifespan also allows them to receive training from multiple branches of the military. Coupled with Mahakam's rich military resources-" House gulped.

  "These more than 10,000 warriors can be armored at any time to become heavy infantry at the level of 10,000 regiments, or they can adjust the service structure according to needs and divide into archery regiments, light infantry regiments, equipment regiments, etc. Including Redania and Taimo No country in the north, including Leah, can fight them alone! The power of the dwarves is far more terrifying than human imagination." "

  Although this army of ten thousand people is not a 'standing army', it is usually scattered in various places. Within the clan, but the dwarf chief elder said it in Mahakam, his authority is more important than the king of Skellige. As long as he gives an order, these dwarf soldiers can be gathered together at any time." The fertility of dwarves is not as good as that of humans

  . Strong, but their long lifespan is enough for them to build an unrivaled army. The only problem for the dwarves may be that their mobility is too poor and they cannot find suitable mounts. Therefore, they cannot deploy cavalry and can only stay in the mountains.

  "Humanity has ignored Mahakam for too long." Lann sighed, "And in a short period of time, we have to help human society continue to ignore Mahakam."

  In addition to figuring out Mahakam's war potential, House also Counted and registered the dwarves who were going to live in Cintra.

  "The Fuchs clan and the Zigrin clan are both powerful clans in Mahakam. Together they can provide us with more than two thousand and nearly three thousand soldiers, plus the assistance brought by the Ferenzi clan and Cohen , it can probably be stabilized at around 3,500 people."

  This seems to be a very good force, but among these 3,500 people there are still many young people who have not yet served in the military, and most of them can only be responsible for logistics, and The "Ten Thousand Soldiers" reported by House before was not a level of combat effectiveness.

  "However, there are also about 2,000 veterans among them. If they are fully equipped and they are in front, they can also exert good combat effectiveness with the new recruits." House faithfully reported his situation.

  "It's enough. I don't plan to put them at the front as a standing army. They will only be used to defend Nilfgaardian heavy cavalry at critical moments." Lann rubbed his forehead.

  For Cintra, which has only five thousand troops, this dwarf infantry regiment is considered a strong reinforcement.

  "What about equipment?"

  "The reinforcing dwarves are all armored according to heavy infantry standards." House replied decisively, "And the additional armor they support us is enough for our own soldiers to achieve a 100% armor coverage rate - of course, not heavy infantry. standards."

  The dwarves were not so generous as to be willing to give heavy armor to the people of Cintra, but it was enough for Lan and the others.

  "Build a good relationship with the dwarf quartermaster, and we might have contact in the future. We need to establish a long-term trade with the dwarves." Lann ordered.

  House nodded in agreement, he knew this kind of thing.

  "It's time for our people to start packing their luggage. When Cohen comes back in a few days, and the support from the other clans is in place, we will immediately set off to return to Cintra. I believe everyone can't wait." "Yes." House was excited

  . The earth responded, and apparently he was among those who couldn't wait.

  "But these days, we must ensure that everyone keeps their armor and swords on their bodies and remains vigilant." Lann warned again.

  This sentence made House suddenly startled, and then he became serious.

  "What do you mean..."

  Lann didn't say anything more, but asked as if he suddenly thought of something: "Who is in charge of looking after Jotun now?"

  Jotun is the name of the ice giant.

  House thought for a while and replied: "Ms. Saskia and our people are taking care of him. Everyone is still afraid of giants, and they still dare not approach without you. Now the giants can only come into contact with It was only a little calmer when I came to Ms. Saskia."

  Although the ice giant has been contracted by Lann, it is still wild and untamable. Even if he doesn't get out of control and kill everyone, he usually keeps strangers away. In the past, when Cintra soldiers approached him, there was a risk of being accidentally injured. That is to say, as a green dragon, Saskia has enough confidence in her heart, and the ice giant also knows Saskia's true identity, and is more willing to get close to Saskia than humans.

  But it’s not like throwing the ice giant into the mountains for freeing. In the capital of Mahakam, the giants still have to send someone to take care of them and provide food. Lann thought for a while and ordered: "Assign the dwarves in our team to take care of Jotun."

  "Especially Zygrin, let them bring their weapons."

  Although he didn't know what Lann's purpose was, House still He replied: "Yes."
  The sky was slightly bright, and it was the time when people and horses were tired.

  Gabo slapped his face hard and called behind him: "Follow me, everyone."

  Since joining Lan's team, Gabo has consciously looked for any opportunity to contribute. After returning to Carbon Mountain, he did not hesitate to take over the task of taking care of the ice giant, which even Cintra himself would hesitate to do.

  It was said to be taking care of him, but in fact, he just cooperated with the reception staff at Carbon Mountain to prepare the giant's food, and then cooperated a little more when the armor craftsman came to measure the size. The ice giant is not a livestock, but the overlord of the mountains. If something happens, we still don’t know who will take care of whom.

  "Gabo, is it necessary to be so cautious?" The young Qiegelin who was following Gabo yawned, "This is Carbon Mountain, what danger could there be?"

  These young Qiegelin don't have as much energy as Gabo. After being assigned a temporary task last night, I was asked to stay on guard all night. Now is the time when I am most tired.

  Gabo shook his head and looked into the distance. It was early in the morning, and the first rays of sunlight from Mahakam had not yet come out.

  "The Sintra people are already packing their belongings. In a few days, maybe tomorrow, we will follow them to leave Mahakam. We will never be able to return in this life. Gabo looked back

  at his compatriots: "You don't want to take advantage of this. Do you have a chance to see your hometown more? "

  As soon as these words came out, the young Qi Green people behind Gabo fell silent. The sleepiness lingering around his mind was instantly swept away, and was instead covered by a more intense emotion. The sound of footsteps came from not far away

  . Come here, the ice giants are not the only ones guarding the Zygrin dwarves.

  Gabo looked at the tall figure walking over and took a deep breath, feeling no more relaxed than when he faced the ice giant.

  "Ms. Saskia. Saskia

  waved her hand cheerfully: "I'm not a lady, Gabo." We will all go to Sintra to work together in the future, so don’t meet like this..."


  Accidents always happen unexpectedly.

  Before Saskia and her colleagues could finish their greetings, an arrow suddenly flew over from the darkness.

  This was obviously a strong bow, with a very straight track. The tip of the arrow penetrated Saskia's thick cloak without any hindrance, making a muffled sound. Gabo stared blankly at the arrow in his body

  . But Saskia didn't respond.

  The sneak attacker in the darkness paused, and then followed with the second and third arrows. Each arrow maintained amazing power, and each arrow hit Saskia accurately. .

  Saskia seemed to have reacted at this time, and threw herself to the ground with a scream, without making a sound.

  "Enemy..." Before the word "attack" could be uttered, another arrow was nailed to Gabo's foot. Archery The person didn't seem to want to take his life, just as a warning, not wanting Gabo to continue to make any noise.

  And Gabo glanced at Saskia who fell to the ground and didn't know what he thought, and he immediately shut his mouth, no I shouted again.

  An army immediately appeared in the darkness, nearly a hundred people in total. The leading dwarf held a long bow, glanced at Gabo who had drawn his weapon as if facing a powerful enemy, and sneered. "

  This is to lead the tribe to overthrow you. The Gabo? The bones are not very hard either. "(End of chapter)

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