Chapter 281 This is the key to the new copy

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  Chapter 281 This is the key to the new copy.

  For Lan, Saskia can play a role far beyond that of an "ordinary" dragon.

  In the story that Lan is familiar with, Saskia will continue to struggle and experience for her ideals in the days to come. In the future, Saskia will join the war against the powerful and become the leader of the Aedirn Peasant Revolt. She will lead the army to fight against the kingdom's army many times. She will be widely loved by the peasants and will be called the "Virgin of Aedirn".

  She had extremely strong military qualities and charisma, and led the rebel army to conquer the entire Pontar Valley area unstoppably; when King Demavi of Aedirn was assassinated and Aedian was leaderless, she even briefly protected Aedian. On the border, he defeated the invading King Henselt of Kaedwen many times.

  And when she achieved all these achievements, except for the early stage of the uprising, in order to gain fame, she directed and acted in a "I kill myself" scene to win the title of "Dragon Slayer", and she never used any dragons. Power relies entirely on ridiculously strong "human" abilities.

  In the process, Saskia also won the surrender of some Scoia'tael due to her help to the non-human races. She has humans, elves, dwarves, dwarves, and halflings working for her. Later, she almost established an independent kingdom and almost realized her ideal.

  Unfortunately, during the chaotic situation of the Civil War, Saskia fell into the joint conspiracy of many sorceresses. After a series of slanders, she lost the trust of the people. But even so, after being deprived of her identity as a leader, she still used her dragon body to protect her former people until the arrival of Nilfgaard's cavalry, and she has been lost since then.

  For Lann, the addition of Saskia is not only an additional dragon in his side, but also an additional general and marshal who can take charge of his own role in the future. What's more, there is a golden dragon father behind Saskia. Maybe she can be used to open the door to the country of Zerikai, which is further north than the north... "I am very happy to have

  you join me, Saskia." Ya." Lan En emphasized again sincerely, "You can't imagine the joy in my heart at this moment."

  Saskia also showed a relieved smile after grabbing Lan En's hand, feeling quite satisfied that she had finally found her goal.

  "Perhaps I can imagine, because I feel the same joy at this moment."

  But then, Saskia calmed down her expression and said hesitantly: "I actually have a request, Lan. I just didn't want you to misunderstand me before. That's why I only said it after agreeing to join Cintra... If this request makes you feel embarrassed, it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it." "

  So this request is?" Even though he was happy in his heart, Lan did not blindly agree, but It shows full rationality.

  "About Kelturis." Saskia looked at the direction of the red dragon flying away. "She... is my compatriot after all, and our numbers are getting smaller and smaller. If possible, I hope you can spare her." One life."

  Lan had already expected this request.

  After pondering for a moment, he replied: "You know that I don't like killing and fighting, and I have no interest in dragon treasures. The cause of all this is just because of the conflict between the dwarves and Kelturis." "I am willing to do it for you

  . To persuade the dwarves to let the red dragon leave without any hindrance, or to fake the appearance of killing the red dragon to cover up people's eyes." Lann said, "But the premise of all this is that Kelturis is willing to leave. We don't know yet. Why did it become so crazy? If there is any irreconcilable and unrelenting conflict between it and the dwarves..." "

  Then, put the interests of Cintra first, I understand." Saskia is very understanding. Renyi did not let Lan say the words himself, but took over the conversation himself.

  The Virgin of Aedirn was an idealist as well as a rational thinker and doer. Her future independent kingdom was built with swords and swords on the battlefield, and she knew what was right.

  Lan nodded, then looked at Saskia's current appearance wrapped in a cloak, and thought: "Maybe you have to hide your identity as a dragon temporarily. You are the only dragon in the world that can turn into human form. This is a An excellent secret weapon."

  Saskia nodded, fully aware of her strategic value. Without knowing what she thought of, she suddenly laughed out loud at Lan En's strange eyes.

  "I have a good idea. It can be regarded as the first gift I gave you after joining Cintra." "

  I wonder, Lan, are you interested in the title of 'Dragon Slayer'?"


  Fei Lenz clan, town.

  After such a long time, Kolgrim and Geralt have already returned. They handed over the young Ferenzi they brought back to their parents, and then infiltrated these Scoia'tael and Wavzine into Mahakam. Gram handover.

  At this time, the familiar rumbling earthquake sounded on the ground, and the ice giant returned from the mountains carrying the wind and frost. His body was dripping with blood. Not only was Lann standing on his left shoulder, he was also holding Saskia, who had just disappeared from the team, in his hand.

  "Lan killed the green dragon, he is the dragon slayer!" As soon as he landed, Saskia vividly began to describe the battle scene he "witnessed" to everyone.

  According to what she said, she secretly left the team and returned when the red dragon flew towards the Ferentz clan. On the way, she happened to see the red dragon fleeing and the green dragon carrying Lan En flying into the sky. Later, the green dragon was shot down by Lann and landed near Saskia, so she quietly touched it and witnessed Lann's "dragon-slaying moment."

  "I even shot an arrow from a long distance to help!"

  Saskia proudly raised her chin and winked at Lan, as if to say: "This way no one will suspect that I am the one who The green dragon has changed, and it can also increase your reputation, killing two birds with one stone!"

  Lan En shook his head slightly, feeling that the dragon girl in front of him was still a long way from growing up to become the Virgin of Aedirn in the future. Saskia's words just deceived these ignorant dwarves. Didn't you see that the suspicion in Geralt's eyes never dropped after it rose?
  Especially Geralt, the white-haired demon hunter has smelled a smell that he is very familiar with, and he is just waiting to find Lan in private to verify his suspicion.

  Milva had the most fierce eyes among everyone. The reason why she stared at Saskia was different from the others, because her eyes were focused on Saskia's clothes that belonged to Lan.

  As for Vavznek, he looked at Lann and the ice giant more than ten meters tall beside him. Thinking of the red dragon's face with blood spurting out when it flew into the town, he couldn't help but not believe it.


  "Duke Lannister, did you kill that green dragon! Where's Kelturis?"

  Faced with Vavznek's question, Lan shook his head: "By the time I got rid of the green dragon, the red dragon had already Fly away."

  Vavznek immediately showed a disappointed expression after hearing this, but still expressed his gratitude to Lan: "That's good. We Mahakam can hardly afford to support a Kelturis, and even more Forget about another green dragon. I thank you on behalf of our Ferenz clan and Mahakam, Lord Lannister."

  Saskia just smiled as she listened.

  Vavznek later apologized: "An achievement like slaying the dragon was originally worthy of being celebrated with a carnival banquet throughout the mountain range - not to mention that you also saved our town. But... you also saw that we I really don’t have the energy now.”

  Lann nodded understandingly, he didn't ask for a banquet in the first place. At this moment, he looked around at the surrounding towns of Ferenz. Having experienced the fall of Sintra, he even felt a sense of sadness.

  It was here that Kelturis wreaked carnage and destruction.

  The houses on the edge of the town turned into torches, all the wooden materials inside had been burned into charcoal, and the stone structures outside had also melted slightly, leaving those watching only feeling shocked.

  And this is not the most important thing, the house is not important.

  The young Ferencians who had just returned home cried and ran to their parents, but a few of them looked around blankly. After receiving the unbearable affirmation from the elders of the clan, they immediately collapsed to the ground and cried loudly in front of several corpses on the ground that were burned into charcoal by the flames.

  Although Saskia arrived in time, Kelturis had already caused considerable damage. The joy of reunion when a wanderer returns home is gone.

  [Mission - The Place of No Return - Completed]

  Bring the young man who went out safely home, Lann's side mission has also been completed. However, he didn't have much joy in completing the task, and he only felt sad.


  Besides the destruction caused by the red dragon, Vavřínek had other troubles to deal with. At this moment, he was punching and kicking the Scoia'tael who had been captured by the Cintra people. He could hardly help but want to use an ax to chop down the traitors of these races.

  Mahakam is also extremely repulsive to the Scoia'tael, because these terrorists have greatly ruined the reputation of the dwarves in human society and caused them to suffer many unreasonable disasters. Diplomatic relations and trade activities between Mahakam and other countries in the north have also been negatively affected.

  Therefore, Mahakam may not be more hostile to the Scoia'tael than some human nations.

  At this moment, these Dwarf Scoia'tael are tightly bound. Because the warriors of the Ferentz clan have not yet returned, the people of Cintra even need help to detain them.

  Helena silently walked to Lan's side, and after thinking about it again and again, she spoke: "Duke Lannister, are you just going to hand over these Scoia'tael to the dwarves? I found many criminals wanted in Aedirn among them. , if you can..."

  "If you can, you can ask His Majesty Demavi to deal with these criminals through diplomacy after you go out, Layla." Lan interrupted, "I know what you are thinking, but I can't I agree to your proposal."

  "And believe me, the punishment of the Great Elder Mahakam for these Scoia'tael will not be much lighter than that stipulated by human law."

  Layla seemed a little unwilling after receiving Lan's reply, but she still Gritting his teeth, he lowered his head and apologized: "I was inappropriate. Sorry, Duke Lannister."

  Lann and the others had a great time getting along with Layla along the way, and Lann also admired this captain of the Aedirian special forces. But Layla is Aden's soldier after all, and this is Aden's position, and Lan doesn't want to lose Mahakam's favor because of Aden at the moment.

  Just at this time, the cry of the young man from Ferenz came:

  "It's terrible outside! Aedirn is terrible, Lyria is terrible, and Kaedwen is even more terrible! They deceive us, abuse us, and use other people's mistakes to punish us. We, I never want to leave Mahakam!"

  Helera looked at the Scoia'tael being detained, and then at the Ferenzi youths who were crying towards their parents.

  Heileila's left hand rested on her ear, which was the same as a human's. The ears of a half-elf will show sharp signs between elves and humans, but apart from making the appearance more handsome, a quarter of the elven blood will not make the carrier of the blood have any appearance that is different from humans. .

  But Leila rubbed and rubbed her ears vigorously, as if there was something dirty on them.

  She murmured to herself: "The Scoia'tael..."


  Due to the huge changes the clan has suffered, Lan can't be bothered too much. This is obviously not the time to discuss compensation and support.

  They were arranged to live in a moderately sized house in the town. Lan summoned his confidants to his room, along with Saskia.

  There is no need to hide the identity of the dragon girl from her confidants. They need to know how much power they hold in their hands. Everyone who knew the truth suddenly realized after thinking about all the abnormalities in the previous journey, and then took a breath of air.

  "I originally thought you became a 'Dragon Slayer', but I didn't expect you to become a 'Dragon Controller'...or should I say, a 'Dragon Knight'?" Kolgrim's focus was always to the point.

  He became excited. No one in history has ever been able to talk to a dragon so peacefully. Even the description of dragons in the Demon Hunting Manual is quite limited. The appearance of Saskia can definitely make anyone doing academic research in Cintra crazy.

  "So all dragons can turn into humans? Or are there any special conditions?"

  "Only my father and I can turn into humans." Saskia chuckled, not hiding anything, "But my father More powerful, he can change into countless appearances, but I only have the human form you see."

  Kolgrim looked at Saskia and praised: "Your aesthetic appreciation of human beings is very good!"

  Geralt She was thoughtful: "You are the little guy back then... Is your father okay?"

  Saskia replied: "Thank you for saving my mother and me together with Ms. Yennefer. As for My father...he is better than anyone else."

  As soon as this answer came out, even Geralt himself laughed. Also, a miraculous dragon like the Golden Dragon itself has the power to surpass the giant dragon, not to mention living in the country of Zerikan that believes in giant dragons. How can he live a good life?


  Lann suddenly knocked on the table to attract Saskia's attention.

  He asked a question that he had been thinking about for a long time.

  "Now that it's been openly announced, many topics that were inconvenient to talk about before can be discussed."

  "Saskia, as you can see, I, Kolgrim, and Geralt are all witchers. I heard that Zerri There is also a school of demon hunters in Kan, which seems to be called the 'Manticore School'. Have you heard of it?"

  Saskia seemed to have expected Lann to ask such a question. She looked at Lann's expectant eyes. Smiling happily: "Of course."

  (End of chapter)

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