Chapter 279 Dragon and Dragon

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  Chapter 279 Dragons and Dragons

  "This lord, this lord!" The dwarf who saluted Lann at the beginning was obviously smart. He knew the consequences of the dragon coming to his town, and he also knew how to cry here. It won't help in the slightest.

  He also knew that there was only one person present who could help them.

  "Please save Ferenz!" He knelt down directly towards Lan, and the dwarves behind him also reacted in time and fell to their knees with a huff.

  When the Scoia'tael behind him saw this, their eyes suddenly turned angry when looking at Lann. Kneeling and worshiping is not the etiquette of Mahakam, and it is even more shameful for the dwarves. They seem to think that the human in front of them has forced these young people to perform etiquette that is not in line with the dwarf tradition.

  When Lan En saw this, he just sighed. Even if these young people didn't ask him, he would go to rescue the Ferentz clan. In fact, he had already started preparing after seeing the red dragon's flight path.

  "Kolgrim, I'll go back to the 'Witch's Lair' first. Geralt and the others have also seen the fire here before and will be here soon. After you meet up, escort these young people back to the Ferentz clan. Pay attention to safety. "

  Okay." The snake sect demon hunter nodded simply, "I won't tell you 'pay attention to safety'. What you need to pay attention to is your opponent." Kolgrim patted the ice giant's calf and

  said He jumped back into the team, not allowing himself to interfere with the big man's actions.

  At the same time, Lan's gaze deflected. Before leaving, he had one more thing to do -

  with a flash of golden light, the Scoia'tael were horrified to find that the knight who could control the giant suddenly appeared in the middle of their team. They had tried their best to keep a distance from each other for safety, but now this defense seemed to be in vain.

  The next second, a tyrannical impact of telekinesis set off a storm, centering on the knight and spreading out in all directions. All the Scoia'tael dwarves stood up without any resistance, hitting the rock walls and the ground like weeds all over the sky, screaming in agony, and some even fainted directly.

  Lann said calmly: "Tie them up and bring them back to the Ferenz clan."

  "Of course." Kolgrim raised his eyebrows happily.

  Lann no longer needs to worry about things after that. [Flash] was activated, and he appeared on the shoulders of the ice giant again. Then the giant, who was as majestic as a mountain, stepped out with legs that were longer than an ordinary house, and quickly moved away with the rumbling ground shaking.

  The howling wind blew past Lann's ears. In the mountainous terrain, the speed of this ice giant was faster than the black wind!


  Milva stared at the direction Lann was going away in ecstasy, unable to regain her composure for quite a while.

  With a "bang" sound, a bottle hit the waitress on the head, grabbing her attention.

  Milva hurriedly caught the bottle, and when he took a closer look, he saw that Kolgrim was taking out suspicious-colored vials from the belt of his alchemy backpack, and was about to drink them into the unconscious Scoia'tael. Add a layer of insurance.

  "Recovered?" Kolgrim looked at Milva and smiled evilly, "The people have gone far, come and help quickly."

  Milva glared at Kolgrim dissatisfiedly, just now they were snake sect demon hunters. When communicating with Lan, she didn't find a chance to interrupt, which made Milva very dissatisfied.

  But when he thought that Lann had just activated [Teleport] at the position where he was, and Lann had found the team based on his position, Milva felt as if he had won some kind of victory, and even his steps became brisk and his eyes became happy. .

  This change made Kolgrim stunned for a moment.

  Since there was no hemp rope, the Sintra soldiers directly took off the belts and leggings of these Scoia'tael, or directly tore their cloaks to make ropes and tied them tightly. Coupled with Kolgrim's special potion for the Serpent faction, these Scoia'tael no longer have the possibility of becoming a destabilizing factor for the team.

  Just at this moment, the rumble of horse hooves was heard not far from the valley, and Geralt's men arrived belatedly.

  "You came just in time, Geralt." Kolgrim greeted his fellow witchers enthusiastically, "We just finished our work here."

  Geralt looked at the place where Lann, the Ice Giant and the Red Dragon had fought before. The place seemed to be hit by a landslide, and he looked at the Scoia'tael here again, and couldn't help but sigh:
  "I'm glad to see you're safe, Kolgrim."

  The two demon hunters could almost kill people with their swords. They hugged each other hard enough to make them cough, and slapped each other hard on the back.

  "I believe you also saw the flight path of the red dragon. It was heading in the direction of the Ferentz clan, and Lann went to the rescue first." Kolgrim pointed out Lann's whereabouts to Geralt.

  Geralt sighed: "It is a test of your eyesight not to notice the big guy flying and spitting blood at the end. But even such a seriously injured red dragon is not something that conventional forces can contend with, not to mention the current cost. The young people in Lenz are all out hunting down monsters... I just hope Lann can make it in time."

  But both demon hunters knew that no matter how long the ice giant's legs were, it couldn't be faster than a flying dragon. Even if the dragon is seriously injured.

  Kolgrim sighed while looking at the companions Geralt had brought over, and suddenly showed a strange look:

  "Did something happen on your way? Why is there suddenly one person missing?"

  Geralt immediately showed a puzzled look after hearing this.

  "That's the new one, the girl from Zerikan, the one who looks good at fighting."

  "Where's Saskia?!"

  Geralt suddenly turned around and started counting the troops. He didn't know what he thought of, and his expression changed. Get up inexplicably.

  The Ferentz clan has always regarded the red dragon as its imaginary enemy, but they never thought that the expected disaster would come so suddenly.

  Most of the tribe's warriors went out to clear away monsters, or resume mining work in the mines. The only people left in the town were the old and the weak who could not hold weapons, and those parents who were allowed to stay in the town and wait for the wanderers to return home.

  These parents did not expect that they could not expect the return of their children or the return of those human warriors, but they would wait for the roar of the dragon first.

  The voice was weak but full of anger. Then -

  dragon flames fell from the sky.

  In an instant, several houses were turned into torches, and the rocks seemed to be melting. The giant dragon landed on the ground while waving its wings while spraying blood. With a sweep of its tail, it completely beat the house that was already as brittle as charcoal into pieces.

  "Ferenz! Dwarves!" A deep voice like a big bell echoed above the town, "This is the debt you owe me!" The

  dwarves fled in all directions, and Patriarch Vavzhnek ran out against the crowd, shouting and thinking To organize an effective defense.

  The dwarves who had the courage to take up weapons had already swarmed towards the dragon. Vavznek looked over intently and saw that although the red dragon was huge, its movements were extremely agile. It smashed the necks of three dwarves with one claw, then picked up the fourth dwarf and threw him into the air.

  These sporadic, unorganized dwarves pose no threat to the dragon.

  Then the dragon's dark golden vertical pupils as big as a millstone stared at Vavznek, with hateful eyes flickering inside.

  The dwarves of Mahakam had fought several wars with Kelturis centuries ago, and in the end they had to reach a peace agreement because both sides suffered too much. Dwarves have a long lifespan, and Vavznek is a dwarf who once fought against Kelturis. In other words, it is precisely because of this experience that he can become the leader of the Ferenz clan.

  At this time, the dwarf and the dragon looked at each other, as if the battle hundreds of years ago was being replayed.

  There are no warriors in the town who can fight against the dragon, and it's time for the clan leader to launch the final charge.

  However, before Vavznek could fight for his own dwarf glory, another thundering dragon roar suddenly came from mid-air.

  "Ouch -"

  Dragon flames fell from the sky again, this time the target was the red dragon standing high on the earth.

  The second dragon appeared, and Vavzhnek was surprised to find that the new dragon was not here to destroy the Ferenz clan together. Instead, it fought with Kelturis.

  The body surface of this new dragon is based on gray-green color. Judging from the species, it should be a green dragon. This is also the smallest and weakest dragon among all dragon species. Most dragon-slaying warriors became famous by hunting green dragons. However, the size of this green dragon is far larger than that of its kind. It is nearly ten meters in size and far exceeds the average of the race.

  Its scales also have a faint golden edge, like the leaves of a tree crown illuminated by the sun. It looks like a mixed green dragon, but I don't know where the other bloodline comes from.

  Unfortunately, although this green dragon is considered strong among its own species, it is facing a red dragon. The body length of ten meters is only half of Kelturis's, and the fight between the two giant dragons looks like an adult bullying a child.

  Suddenly attacked by a sneak attack, Kelturis' reaction was much slower due to the serious injury, but the dragon flame bath did not cause much damage to the red dragon, and even his head became a little clearer.

  He raised his head and opened his mouth, and a flame that was not weak at all or even more powerful suddenly pressed towards the green dragon's body.

  Dragon flames covered its face, and the green dragon raised its neck slightly, as if humans were avoiding the heat of a campfire. However, in the next second, sharp dragon claws broke through the flames, and the green dragon was slapped down from the sky.

  The smaller green dragon was unable to resist this time, and rolled and hit the rock wall. The red dragon seemed to have reached the point of exhaustion when he made such an action with a seriously injured body. The same wound sprayed blood and fell from the air.

  It was only a little conscious, and it was still able to control its body and hit the green dragon heavily.

  With a "boom", cracks were everywhere on the rock wall. This tactic of injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred made Vavzinek, who was watching the battle in shock not far away, almost unsteady and fall to the ground.

  "Quick, go get your weapons now and take out all the prepared 'Dragon Hunting Crossbows'!" ... "


  " the green dragon raised its head slightly, but its sharp claws immediately dug into her scales. It was huge. The mere pressure of Kelturis on the green dragon's body was enough for her to be unable to move. In close combat, size is strength.

  "What is your name, whose daughter you are, and where is your territory?" The blood of the red dragon dripped onto the green dragon. Even if it was attacked by a sneak attack, it did not kill the green dragon immediately. Instead, it seemed to be facing Like a naughty child, he asks about the other person’s home and parents’ background.

  There are not many dragons left.

  "I have never seen other dragons in Mahakam. Why do you want to help the dwarves?"

  The green dragon struggled twice, but to no avail. After listening to Red Dragon's words, an extremely strong sense of guilt appeared in her pupils, and then a voice as dull as a bell echoed on the rock wall: "Killing, war... will only bring about irreconcilable conflicts
  . I don’t want anything to happen to you as a fellow human being, but the dwarf is also... an indispensable part of his plan. I just want to plead, beg you to leave here first, and wait until I find a better way to resolve your dispute... "

  With a "boom" sound, before she could finish her words, the red dragon's claws stamped hard on the green dragon's neck, driving her deeper into the rock wall.

  "What innocent words, what a naive understanding. Have you just left home? Did your parents leave you when you were still an egg?" At this moment, the red dragon even felt angrier than being attacked. .

  The green dragon turned a deaf ear to the pain and just continued to persuade: "You were once one of my only role models! You have lived in peace with the dwarves for centuries, which proves that peace is possible! I just want to ask you to think again. The mood when I signed the agreement with the dwarves, peace is hard-won!"

  "Peace? Equality?" The red dragon's tone became more and more ridiculous, "We are dragons! Do you want to find a better way? This is the best now... Ahhh!"

  The red dragon screamed again, spraying blood, and not just it, the green dragon also howled.

  I saw four arrow shafts as thick as arms embedded in their bodies.

  Looking back, Vavznek and four dwarf warriors were not far away. Four huge crossbows the size of a carriage were vibrating long strings. Even the dwarf roofs would not be able to accommodate such huge crossbows.

  This level can be regarded as a siege weapon. No matter how hard the dragon's scales are, it will not be higher than the defensive power of the city wall.

  "Look, look, there's a better way? They've been prepared! You're helping them, but they want to kill you too!" "Did you forget your

  aim in the mine? Shoot at the vitals. !" Vavznek scolded the four crossbowmen loudly. But this is the limit of these dwarves. The best warriors in the clan have already gone out. These four crossbowmen have not even touched the dragon hunting crossbow a few times.

  They also failed to get a second chance to shoot arrows. The dragon flames came again. Fortunately, their short legs could move very fast, and the red dragon was also determined to vent its anger and smash the bones and dust of the four dragon hunting crossbows, letting them Get a chance to escape.

  Vavznek's eyes once again flashed with despair. The dragon-hunting crossbow was destroyed, and the green dragon would never protect them after being attacked. However, although the red dragon in front of them was covered in blood, it became the most violent posture in history because of anger.

  He closed his eyes and felt the strong wind covering his face. There was no heat wave as imagined, and no flames followed.

  Vavznek opened his eyes in surprise, but only saw the back of the red dragon flapping its wings and leaving. That powerful wind is just the reaction force of the opponent's flapping wings.

  Why did the red dragon leave?

  It was only then that a distant shout came from the distant valley, which seemed to explain the reason:

  (End of Chapter)

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