Chapter 266 I hate that there is something in your words

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  Chapter 266 I hate that there is something in your words

  . Let’s not mention Geralt’s divergent thinking for now. It was only now that the others realized that they had experienced such a dangerous situation, and that they had almost come face-to-face with the person who asked for help.

  Everyone showed fear in unison.

  Lann chuckled and said with relief: "How could I risk your lives? Our team has already been marked by me. Even if you just fall out, I can teleport you all outside Carbon Mountain and fight out." . At this distance, my magic power can still sustain the consumption, so don’t worry.” “

  And now that the negotiation has been successful, we just need to continue to do the next thing.” “

  I still don’t understand what you mean. The 'negotiations' are in the clouds," Kolgrim complained.

  Lan sighed helplessly and continued to explain: "As the Great Elder, Brovar's rule of Mahakam is based on 'tradition'. The dwarves do not obey the Great Elder, but obey the 'tradition and the Great Elder'. After all, Brovar is just the 'Great Elder', not the 'King'. If he himself doesn't abide by the tradition, then how can he make the dwarves obey the tradition and then obey him?" "So on the surface, even if

  Brovar He himself cannot violate the tradition of "closing the country" and "absolute neutrality" at all. But his words hint at the actions we can take next." "Ferenz, Fuchs, Chis

  , The Zieglin clans have "opinions" on Brovar, they are "yearning for the outside world", and it is possible to "help friends" without his consent. So we are going to help these clans clean up the

  riots monster, and then exchange the remaining blueprints for the support of the 'warlike' young people in their clan - this is what we are going to do next." Kolgrim tried to recall the previous relationship between Lan

  and After a few words of dialogue with the Great Elder, I felt that I began to hate thinking, so I started to sort out my poison bag.

  Geralt frowned, thought for a while and said: "These clans sent heavy infantry out to help us. Aren't they openly opposing Brovar Hogg? Can they come back?" "If they don't come back, they won't come back

  . , anyway, the dwarves have many adult dwarves staying outside every year. Do you remember what I said before?" Lann chuckled, "Just in time for the dwarves to penetrate into Cintra, which they have never set foot in, and settle in the north. The gateway, this is of no harm to them."

  "Then Lann, you..."

  "Cintra needs this heavy infantry, so even if it is a little harder in the middle and the process is a little tortuous, the goal must be achieved. And..." Lan En's lion eyes flashed.

  "...I have confidence and a way. After this dwarf army settles in my country, Cintra will completely replace Mahakam and become their new spiritual home." In terms of political affairs, Lann is the absolute decision-maker

  . By. Now that he has made his decision, the demon hunters will naturally have no other opinions.

  Anyway, the demon hunters can't think of any other opinions...

  and the next job is what the demon hunters really like.

  Lan En's system had already given timely reminders of the task when the Great Elder ended the conversation -

  [Discovery Mission: General Cleaning.

  In order to ensure a stable life in the next year, Mahakam organizes the prevention of monsters every spring. Sexual hunting. But this year, there seems to be some accident in their actions, and you are the cause of this accident. Fortunately, by mistake, this seems to give you a chance to achieve your goal. Go kill monsters and fulfill your common mission as a witcher and guardian of Cintra. This is what you and your team do best.


  The direction given by the great elder is the four clans of Ferenz, Fuchs, Chis, and Ziglin. Except for the Hog clan where the great elder belongs, almost all of these clans are Maha. The most difficult clan.

  In fact, these dwarves themselves have experience in hunting monsters, and there is certainly no shortage of manpower. However, compared to Lann's team, they do not have so much "professionalism" for a single type of monsters, and they do not have spells as assistance. .

  ——Yes, the dwarves' power system also excludes magic. They are also obsessed with swords and armor, and at most they occasionally delve into a little alchemy. Facing all kinds of monsters, they mostly use swords and various strange weapons, which is much less efficient than the demon hunters.

  This is why Lann and the others can be of great help.

  After all, coming to Mahakam is for help, not for an outing. If we finish early, we can lead the soldiers and legions back earlier to start cooperative training. In order to save time, Lann decided to divide his troops into three groups on Gabor's suggestion:

  Kolgrim took the marksman servant Milva and a third of the Cintra guards to the Ferenz clan; Korn Take the berserker squire Bill and a third of the Cintra guards and head to the Chiss clan; House and a few people stay in Carbon Mountain to negotiate resources and armor.

  Lan himself took Geralt and the remaining Cintra people to the Zygrin clan. After all, this was the hometown of Yarpan and Gabo, so they should pay more attention to it.

  "Let me lead the way for you." Gabo laughed, "Let the elders of our clan know that I brought back such a strong support army, they will be happy to drink an extra barrel of ale at night!" Lann couldn't help

  but He smiled, and then he suddenly thought of something, and asked again: "What about the Fuchs clan?"

  The smile on Gabo's face suddenly faded, and he sighed: "Fuchs lives with our Siegelin, But... our relationship is not very good. You leading the team to destroy the monsters near our clan is equivalent to cleaning up their troubles... but I don't know if they are spending more time on fighting monsters now. It's better to guard against each other."

  Judging from the current contact situation, Gabor Ziglin is a rare dwarf who can think rationally and independently. When he was traveling, he chose to return to Mahakam, but it was not that he could not endure the suffering of the outside world like other dwarves, but that he wanted to come back to "build his hometown" in a real sense.

  Even among dwarves, this kind of thinking is rare. He holds the entire Mahakam in his heart.

  It’s just that people will eventually be trapped by their origins. Now it seems that the relationship between the Ziegelin clan and the Fuchs clan makes Gabo even more distressed.

  "You have taken good care of Yarpen, Lord Lannister, that's why I am telling you these things." Gabor hesitated, "If you want to seek support, perhaps you can only ask for Zygrin and Fuchs. I can choose one of the two."

  Lann pondered for a moment and replied: "Thank you for the reminder, Gabo. I will consider this matter carefully."

  Gabo walked aside thoughtfully and sighed again.


  In addition to the arrangement of the Cintra team, there are still several people who need to determine the direction.

  Saskia has just joined the team and has a hidden identity, so Lann feels more comfortable taking her with him. She was also happy to exchange more views and knowledge about "racial equality" with Lan. In addition, with Geralt, a character who often appeared in her father's stories, Saskia naturally decided to follow Lan.

  There is one last person.

  "Captain Layla, what are your arrangements here? I can communicate with Broval and let you go back to Aedirn first."

  Layla, who had black hair and black armor, thought for a while and lowered her head towards Lan: "Your Majesty's original order was to use a lead ring to facilitate your visit, but now it seems that it has not worked. I'm really ashamed."

  "But please allow me to continue to follow your team until the end of your visit to Mahakam. I need to bring the final results of the discussions between Sintra and Mahakam to Aedirn to help His Majesty evaluate the current situation in the north. ."

  Lann thought for a while and nodded in agreement. Layla can be said to be one of the most powerful warriors in the country of Aedirn, and her military skills are also very good. She may be involved in the subsequent counterattack on Nilfgaard. It is always good to have more exchanges.

  Maybe he can also send some confusing information to Demavi in ​​reverse direction.

  "Then, let's set off. We will meet at Carbon Mountain after completing the mission!"
  Carbon Mountain is the capital, but the various clans are distributed throughout the Mahakam Mountains, which means that everyone has to cross the mountains again. Fortunately, these places are not truly primitive. The dwarves have long built roads along the mountains, saving a lot of effort for the marching people.

  Although it is the beginning of spring, there is still a thick layer of snow in Mahakam, and even the lakes in the mountains are still frozen. From time to time, some dwarf fishermen can be seen digging holes in the ice in an attempt to catch fish.

  Such mountain roads and ice are naturally not places for cavalry to ride their horses. In fact, no other horses except Heifeng are capable of running in this place.

  Gabo initially wanted to dissuade Lann from leaving all Jingui's horses in Carbon Mountain, but when he was sure that he might not be able to defeat Black Wind, he said no more.

  Gabo was in a hurry, obviously he couldn't wait to go back and help his clan solve the infestation of monsters.

  However, before everyone could really see the traces of the dwarf gathering place, the roars of the monsters and the deafening cries of killing had already been faintly heard.




  "Damn it, shrink the camp, don't retreat, our home is behind you!"



  Gabo's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't care anymore. The team behind them drew their axes and rushed forward.

  After turning around a rock wall that blocked the view, a bloody battlefield appeared before everyone's eyes.

  This is at the entrance of a mine. The dwarves seem to want to organize manpower to go deep into the mine to conduct a general cleaning to ensure that no blind monsters will interfere with their work in a year.

  However, they did not expect that the monsters underground would continuously emerge from the depths of the cave. The number far exceeded the dwarves' estimates. They were almost dispersed by just one contact and were forced to retreat. space.

  Sharma, still Sharma. Once this monster that rolls like a chariot takes the lead in charging, even a troll will have to avoid its edge.

  However, the suffering of the dwarves goes far beyond that. The rioting monsters are not only underground, but also on the ground and even in the sky. The loud shouts of killing attracted other more powerful monsters.

  Several harpies scattered feathers in the air. Such monsters can be found in places with mountains. Their thick wings are enough for them to hunt in the wind and snow.

  But at this moment, they were the ones being hunted, dripping with blood. There was even a harpy whose wings had been broken. It spun and fell into the formation of the dwarves, knocking over several shield bearers, and was later replaced. Many axes tore into pieces.

  The remaining harpies had no intention of avenging their companions, and hurriedly flapped their wings and disappeared into the snow. The predator chasing behind them did not follow because its attention was attracted by the larger and more delicious pieces of meat on the ground.


  The dwarves who were preparing for a frontal attack had no power to resist the monsters in the sky, let alone large monsters that were capable of hunting multiple harpies on their own.

  This predator that descended from the sky disrupted the dwarf's rear with a single dive, and then -


  flames falling from the sky!

  "What is this! A dragon? Is it Kelturis who is attacking us? Didn't the Ferentz clan always give sacrifices to that guy?" "Idiot

  even stupider than the elves! It's not Kelturis, it's a dragon Lizard! But now is not the time for this monster to hunt!"

  The monster falling from the sky waved and unfolded its wings as long as five horses. It was covered with a pale skin that almost blended with the snow, and was finely distributed on it. Small, broken scales. The mouth is like a huge gap with staggered fangs of different lengths. The tail that takes up one-third of the body length has spikes as long as the palm of your hand, which makes people shudder.

  There are no eyes on its head. It must have lived in a place where light is not needed all year round, or it may have undergone some weird mutation. But this monster's senses seem to be extremely sharp, and it can easily detect traces of prey.

  The flames spread out the road, and the huge monster landed. With a sweep of its tail, it knocked away several dwarves who were running towards it with axes. The sharp spikes on their tails scratched the parts of them that were not covered by armor, and black blood immediately flowed out.

  The spines on its tail are poisonous.

  With such a huge size, the ability to fly, breathe fire, and be poisonous, this is really a beast born to kill.

  "Help me..."

  A dwarf who had been affected by the dragon lizard's attack was crawling on the ground and stretched out his hand towards his companion.

  However, the compatriots around him turned a blind eye to his cry for help, and even looked at him with a little joy. This is extremely abnormal for the dwarves who have always been united.

  But if you look carefully, you can find the coats of arms of different clans on their mountains.

  The dwarf fell to the ground in despair. His companions from the same clan were twenty or thirty steps away from him, and there was no time to save him.

  The next second, there was only a "bang" sound, and the dwarf, who thought he was about to die, felt a gust of black wind blowing by.

  "Neighing Law——"

  The horse with amber beast eyes, with astonishing power, hit the dragon lizard's side at a speed that no one or any living thing could react.

  "Horse?" The dwarf on the ground thought it was an illusion caused by fear. "This kind of terrain? This kind of speed? This kind of power?" A horse actually knocked down a dragon lizard that was several times its length

  . Fly up into the air and fly backwards!

  However, the next second, the dragon lizard was seen swinging its tail violently in mid-air.

  With a "stab" sound, the body of the divine horse shook violently.

  (End of chapter)

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