Chapter 258 The demands of Queen Miwe and King Demavi

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  Chapter 258 The demands of Queen Meve and King Demavi

  Edsburg is the southernmost city in Aden. This city has forges and woolen factories that are rare in Aden, a large agricultural country. Its prosperity is second only to the capital Wenger. fort.

  Its geographical location is also extremely advantageous, with Vengerberg to the north, Livia to the south, Lyria to the east, and the Mahakam Mountains where the dwarves live to the west. And if you go a little further west, beyond the Mahakam Mountains, you will find Lower Soden, which has now been captured by the Nilfgaardians.

  Although this is not a war zone, it is still heavily guarded.

  A group of guards are currently guarding a teleportation point. They were informed that distinguished guests would come to the door today and were ordered to be on guard. Sure enough, before long, a fiery red portal appeared in front of them.

  Even without the king's order, they knew which force would come out of the portal at this moment - it was definitely Cintra.

  Because now only the top brass of Cintra still use teleportation gates to make long-distance crossings.

  After the Battle of Soden Mountain, although the Warlocks helped the North resist the Black Army, the power of the Warlocks was feared by the Kings of the North.

  In fact, the kings in the north have long been dissatisfied with the warlock community: the royal advisers are very willing to interfere in politics from time to time, and the warlock brotherhood often gives the kings "advice" that they find unacceptable. These are things that kings hate, and no one wants an immortal freak who knows magic to dictate their rule.

  Especially the kings in the north are either incompetent and unwilling to make progress, or they are wise but extremely conceited.

  The warlocks' display of strength at the Battle of Sodden Mountain turned these dissatisfactions into defences. Although the warlocks in the north have gained respect from the people for their actions in protecting the country, and there are still people laying flowers under the monument of the fourteen warlocks who died on Soden Mountain, but in fact the warlocks have lost the trust of the rulers.

  Especially the portal, which king would be willing to put his life and death in the hands of a warlock? Who knows what is on the other side of the portal.

  For example, during the previous Northern Conference, the kings would rather spend more than a month traveling long distances over mountains and ridges, rather than just take one step across the portal and cross thousands of miles to Pontal.

  Nowadays, only the ruler of Cintra in the north has enough trust in his country's advisors to choose to use a portal to travel, which almost puts his life and property in the hands of others.

  Sure enough, what the guards expected: soon, a knight with golden hair walked out of the portal on a horse.


  As for the famous Lion of Sintra, he was already known in poetry in the North when he was still a "Lion Knight". After he became a demon hunter, he was widely spread among the warriors in the North. Anyone who practices swordsmanship will consider him an idol to aspire to.

  When they saw Lann riding a horse and stepping out of the portal, all the soldiers admired in their hearts that hearing it a hundred times is better than seeing it once. The face as dazzling as the sun and the eyes as majestic as a lion, praised by poetry, make people dazzled just by looking at them. They feel that only a true knight is worthy of such an appearance, and only such an appearance can modify the true nature of the knight. knight.

  Another swordsman from Aedirn focused his attention on the Sword of the Lake Lady behind Lann, and the look of longing in his eyes became even more intense.

  Then three more demon hunters walked out of the portal. One was as indifferent as a wolf, one was as proud as a griffin, and the other was as cold and stern as a poisonous snake. The temperament of these three people alone can exaggerate their martial prowess, and they are all demon hunters, mutants who specialize in killing monsters sung in poems.

  Only a lord as majestic as a lion could overwhelm these three warriors. The soldiers who greeted Lan couldn't help but marvel in their hearts.

  After Lann and the demon hunter, the regular attendants and escorts came out of the portal, each of them high-spirited and well-equipped. This time the soldiers couldn't help but compare themselves with them, but unexpectedly found that the other party was much better than themselves.

  Until the last few figures appeared in the portal - dwarves.

  Some people on the Aedian side frowned involuntarily.

  A muscular figure wearing black armor stepped out of the army and strode forward to say hello to Lann and others.

  "Good day, Lord Lannister, the Lion of Cintra. I am Layla of Lyria, you can call me 'Black Layla'." "Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time.



  Lan En and all the demon hunters tightened their expressions, trying their best not to show the discomfort they felt just after leaving the portal. Even Black Wind became more impressive because of this.

  The city of Edsberg is a place that Lan has never been to before. Naturally, he cannot use the system's [Teleport] skill and can only use Mossack's teleportation gate.

  Fortunately, this was not the first time he had crossed the portal, and he was still able to control his expression with all his strength. Even in diplomatic situations, this tight expression was more in line with etiquette and highlighted his majesty.

  At this moment, Lann looked at the officer in front of him who came out to receive him. Just like her name, she was a female officer. This is rare in military camps. Women are generally excluded from combat orders on the mainland. But just like Milva in Lann's team, any woman who can join the military must be exceptional.

  This female officer who calls herself "Black Leila" is tall and strong, with black hair tied into a whip hanging down her back, and all the sideburns on both sides of her head shaved off. She looks neat and heroic, even making the officer who just graduated from Skellige When Lan came back, he felt a hint of the islander's breath.

  She should be wearing a red shirt underneath, with a blood-colored collar turned out from under her neck; outside she is wearing a thin brown cotton coat, and outside is black leather armor that only reaches her lower abdomen, tightly wrapped with straps. On his body, he wears shoulder pads and wrist guards made of whole iron plates on his shoulders and arms, and steel shin guards below his knees.

  This kind of strange clothing is actually very dangerous. There is only a layer of leather armor and cotton clothes on the chest and abdomen, and there is no leather armor on the waist, but the limbs are covered with thick steel. This is not suitable for frontal battlefield assault. Instead, it is suitable for combat in special terrains such as jungles to ensure flexibility in combat. Therefore, there is no need to worry about heavy weapons like warhammers in the front. Instead, the armor coverage rate of the limbs is increased to pursue defensive counterattacks.

  This is also the kind of attire only a bold artist would wear. Lann estimated that the female officer in front of him must be from some special forces.

  As soon as he heard her self-introduction, Lann's memory was awakened and he recognized that this was another person with a colorful description in history.

  "Leila of Lyria?" Lan asked deliberately, "But Queen Meve has been waiting for a long time? But why did I see you wearing the symbol of Aedirn?"

  On Layla's collar, there was a black, gold and red three-color The emblem of the rose is fluttering in the wind.

  "Lord Lannister, I am now loyal to His Majesty Demavi." Layla lowered her head, "But Your Majesty Meve is also here, please come with me."

  Confirming his suspicion with a simple conversation, Lan also No more words. He is not a stamp collecting fanatic in the original character. Now the talent pool of the people of Cintra is enough for the time being, not to mention Layla is now from Aedirn, and the relationship between Lann and Demavi - although it is not cold, but Definitely not friendly enough either.


  When Lann arrived, Miwei and Demavi were sitting around a sand table, seemingly discussing the marching route. After hearing the movement, he was immediately attracted to Lan En.

  "Long time no see, Your Majesty Miwei, Your Majesty Demavi." Lan En followed the etiquette and greeted the two of them, "I have kept you waiting for a long time."

  Demavi held a glass of wine in his hand and snorted displeasedly: "Too slow, Lannister, too slow."

  The tone was meaningful, and the words seemed to mean something. After Leila brought Lan and his entourage, she very consciously entered the ranks of guards behind Demavi, and guarded her king with all due diligence.

  Queen Miwe raised her head. She still looked like a heroic battlefield rose. The people of Cintra vaguely felt that she had the shadow of Queen Calanthe.

  But compared to the time of the talks in the North, Queen Miwe's face looked much more haggard. Obviously as the front line against Nilfgaard, she was under unimaginable pressure.

  "Thank you for your hard work, Lan, for letting me make such a trip. I know that the battle in Cintra is not going well, but Soden is between us. We can't get through, so we can only let you come over." Queen Miwe said

  to Lane was still friendly. In addition to being on the front line against Nilfgaard, there is also the fact that Lann helped Mewe more than once in the Pontar Canyon. She is a strict and disciplined queen, and a rare person of faith in the north. of rulers.

  Because they could not put their lives and wealth in the hands of the warlocks, neither Queen Meve nor Demavi were willing to go to Cintra through the portal. It was indeed only Lan who could cross Lower Soden.

  Of course, with King Demavi's arrogance, he would definitely not be willing to go to Sintra to see Lann even if the road was open.

  At this moment, the king of Aedirn snorted again: "I really don't know why you trust the warlock so much. You really don't look like Calanthe's nephew."

  Lann frowned slightly, his tone was soothing, but tit for tat: " Advisor Mossak is a highly respected druid in the archipelago. He was brought to Sintra by my uncle and was deeply trusted by my aunt during her lifetime. He is an elder enough for me to entrust my life to. It is also thanks to him that I can come Come here to gather with your two majesties. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will have to wait until we clear Soden before we can meet."

  After hearing the tit-for-tat words, Demavi raised his brows and suddenly raised his voice, with anger in his words. . But his topic was no longer about Cintra or spell casters, but Lan En's last words.

  "Since you know that the Nilfgaardians in Lower Soden are blocking us, then go and get through Lower Soden! Lannister, we have given you so much support, when will you send troops?"

  Demavi The king's words were unceremonious, even a bit reprimanding. Queen Miwe frowned slightly at Demavi's tone, but she was the queen of the United Kingdom after all. Even if she had a good impression of Lann, she would always put national affairs first.

  Obviously the United Kingdom of Leiria and Livia also hope that Lan will send troops as soon as possible, which is also the purpose of their gathering here with Lan today to discuss.

  "I have heard Marshal Visekid report the demands of the two His Majesties."

  Lann sat down and shook the wine glass in front of him. Demavi snorted coldly, but still tilted his head and asked the wine waiter on the side to come forward to serve the wine.

  The tripartite meeting has officially begun.

  "We are not asking you to send troops right now, Lann. But I still hope that Cintra can relieve our pressure." Queen Meve was not as aggressive as Demavi, "The Nilfgaardians' attack on the United Kingdom is getting more intense. , they are attacking us continuously from Lower Soden." "

  At the same time, another Nilfgaardian force is still stationed on the other side of the Yaruga River. Although I know that they cannot cross the river, they still have to separate. Send some troops to defend them. This means that even with Demavi's assistance, the frontline troops are still tight."

  Queen Miwe said sincerely: "We really need Cintra to join in."

  Lann was silent for a while. He is not a ungrateful person. His position is Sintra, and the preservation of the country and its citizens is the first priority. But Queen Miwe did take good care of her, and she also helped mediate between the kings for him during the original talks in the north. He could not calmly sit back and watch such an ally perish.

  After thinking about it, Lann turned his attention to King Demavi again. He didn't know why the monarch of Aedirn was so eager to send troops. Could he really be so concerned about Queen Meve and guard against Nilfgaard?
  Demavi drank all the wine in the glass, then stretched out his hand to signal the bartender to come forward, and uttered one word: "Squirrel Party."

  "Henselt's side is going too far, and Nilfgaard's side is going too far. It seems that the border has also begun to make big moves, allowing the disasters of the non-human race to spread to the territory of Aedirn. I need a peaceful external environment to allow me to shrink my troops back, and completely eliminate the unstable factors within the kingdom without any scruples." Demavi said coldly.

  Different from the idea that "to fight foreigners, we must first stabilize the country", King Demavi seems to think that Nilfgaard is better to be driven away, and wants to wait until there are no more foreign troubles before slowly dealing with the instability in the country; it may also be because he is now There is an army outside and they don't want to fight on two fronts.

  This also reflects the importance he attaches to the Scoia'tael.

  "I have formed a special force to deal with the Scoia'tael, and Layla, who just picked you up, is one of them." Demavi said, "There seems to be a Scoia'tael in Foltest, and he has also formed We formed a similar force, which seems to be called the 'Blue Guards'."

  It turns out it's for the Scoia'tael, so screw you!
  Lann thought to himself. Speaking of which, he had contacted a unit of the Scoia'tael before and showed the identity of the ancient blood. I wonder if the leader Iorveth brought his will to the leader of the elves in time.

  (End of chapter)

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