Chapter 209 Conditions for joining the Wolf Faction

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  Chapter 209 Conditions for Joining the Wolf Faction

  Before Jeron and Lann appeared, and under the circumstances that Kelda was unwilling to leave Kael Siren, Cohen could be said to be the only remaining gryphon school witcher on the continent.

  Naturally, when Cohen was traveling around the mainland, Kelda also used good things for her children. The old demon hunter almost equipped Cohen with a suit of armor, sword oil, bombs, potions and other equipment, but because Cohen didn't have Lan's [item inventory], he couldn't pack too much.

  Naturally, this includes [Gryphon School Contact Notes].

  "I don't usually have much communication with my teacher. So I knew that once he contacted me, something big would have happened." Cohen said with a smile, "But I didn't expect it would be such a big thing this time - Relying on the entire country of Cintra to revive the Griffin School and even the Demon Hunter Order, this is really..."

  Cohen raised his head and sighed: "It is really unimaginable."

  "I have heard rumors about you earlier, Lann, but you were not a 'Lion' at that time. Your poems and songs could be heard in any big city in the North, and people thought that you would become the number one knight in the North in the future. Unfortunately, you will be dead in a few months. News of your death spread, and after a while - the news became more and more outrageous."

  These outrageous rumors should refer to "return of the dead", "empowerment given by the three lions flag", etc. of.

  Cohen said with an incredible expression: "But the most outrageous news was brought by Ciri. She told me that you were also a gryphon school demon hunter, which really shocked me at the time." Lann stood up and turned around

  . I looked around my room and found a bottle of fresh water on the bedside table. Apparently all the necessities of life have been prepared for him in the room.

  He poured himself a glass of water, and then gave Cohen another glass, causing his fellow sect members to thank him.

  "I heard that Ciri has also been receiving sword training from you recently? How is she?" Lan asked, "She will be the queen of Cintra in a few years, and the plan for revival will fall on her."

  "She is very good. Very hard-working, very kind, and so sensible that it makes people feel sad." Cohen replied.

  Lann covered his lips with a cup: "Are you willing to help her?"

  Cohen did not answer directly, but turned around and looked directly into Lann's eyes.

  After three breaths, he smiled.

  "Lan, you don't need to test me like this. Everyone knows that you are the one who matters in Cintra now. Even if Ciri grows up, she will definitely listen to you; and to revive the Demon Hunter Order, the main pusher will definitely be It's you who united multiple schools of thought."

  "And if you want a definite answer, then - I am willing." Cohen drank the water glass handed over by Lan and pretended to be drinking, "Whether it is I am willing to fight for the North or for the Demon Hunter Order."

  In the original novel, Cohen can be said to be the most special demon hunter. This "special" does not refer to his strength or origin, but to his outlook on life.

  In the original timeline, the North and Nilfgaard would clash many times in the future. In a decisive battle between the North and the South, Cohen, as a demon hunter, took the initiative to join the army to fight to defend the northern border, and eventually died on the battlefield.

  Cohen's martial arts skills and conduct were praised by everyone who came into contact with him. After his death, his comrades even fought hard to retrieve his body and took him to the hospital for treatment. The people responsible for treating him at that time were Shani and the halfling "Rust" who were thrown into the Cowburg by Lan to learn medical skills. When the doctors announced that Cohen was dead, his comrades almost became angry with the doctors because they could not accept the reality.

  Not to mention being a demon hunter, even as a soldier or a knight, Cohen's character is one of the best. Lann couldn't have wished for more support from such a companion.

  Lann smiled brightly: "I'm glad you've joined."

  The two hands held each other tightly, and Lann finally had another griffon beside him.

  In such a harmonious atmosphere, Lan suddenly thought of something.

  "Cohen, Master Kelda doesn't want to run around, right? He seems to only wander around Kevir. My teacher is even more exaggerated, and he doesn't even want to leave Kelseren." "Do you think there is a way to do it

  ? Deceive them both?"

  Cohen fell into deep thought after hearing this.

  "Master Jeron? I haven't returned to Kelseren yet, and I haven't seen him yet. But this is indeed a problem... I have tried to persuade the teacher to go out for some relaxation many times, but he refused.

  " Pulling out of the memories, Cohen's expression became solemn: "I think we can plan this issue carefully." "

  Of course." Lann nodded, and he and Cohen held hands tighter.

  These two gryphons will definitely get along.


  During the rest of the day, Lann stayed in the room to discuss with Cohen. The two gryphon school demon hunters had already heard each other's names, but they had never seen each other's true appearance. .

  At this time, we finally met, and it felt a bit like meeting each other too late.

  Their topics are also diverse: about the griffin combat method of integrating sword skills with seals, specific plans for the reconstruction and revival of the griffin school,, it is the specific plan to persuade the mentor to come down, etc.

  It wasn't until the sun set, and the rich golden yellow dyed the snow in the mountains into a warm tone, that their conversation ended.

  Because all the witchers who went out are back.

  There are many prey in the mountains. In addition to the common snowshoe rabbits and squirrels, you can even see snow wolves, brown bears and even fork-tailed dragons.

  The witchers certainly wouldn't provoke the fork-tailed dragon for a meal, but they did bring back a bear. Plus some moss and mushrooms dug out of the snow, it's enough for a sumptuous dinner.

  "The Wolf Faction is very hospitable, and the people here are all good guys." Cohen took the initiative to tell Lan, "They welcome demon hunters from other schools to spend the winter in Kaer Morhen. Although to this day, it seems that only The gryphon and the snake you brought here."

  Lan En smiled.

  Firewood was quickly put into the stove, and the grill and hot pot were set up. The aroma of thick soup and barbecue filled the castle, announcing the start of dinner.

  A long table large enough to accommodate twenty people was placed in the center of the hall. It had been a long time since the Wolf Faction had received so many guests at the same time.

  Vesemir sat at the head seat of the table, with Lan and Ciri sitting close to him. As for other people's seating arrangements, the Wolf Faction doesn't care at all. In fact, if it weren't for the presence of guests, they wouldn't even need a table to eat.

  Lan saw Triss, and the sorceress smiled sweetly at him. Seeing that Ciri had been holding Lan's hand, she thought for a while but still didn't come forward.

  Vesemir proposed a toast to kick off the dinner: "First of all, let us thank the young man for the prey he brought."

  Everyone stood up in cooperation and raised the cups of different shapes above their heads in a ceremonial manner.

  The witchers drank it all, the sorceresses took a sip, and Ciri was not allowed to drink.

  "It seems I haven't introduced you to our young man from the Wolf Faction?"

  Faced with Vesemir's question, Lann smiled and said, "Although it's strange to say this, I'm still a little familiar with you."

  Vesemir raised his eyebrows: "It's that... blood of the ancients, right? I I don’t know much about this, but it seems to be able to give you the physique of a demonic source, and the demonic sources all have a certain ability to predict - Ciri has fully demonstrated this skill for us during this period." "You can do

  this Understood." Lann smiled.


  The four members of the Wolf Faction are extremely familiar to the players in their previous lives. And they also have the same name as their school - "Wolf". They are unexpectedly united and can die for the brothers they recognize.

  Geralt, one of the four, had known each other for a long time. He was sitting at the end of the table in order to sit next to Yennefer, who seemed not to want to get too close to other witchers.

  Seeing Lan's eyes, the white wolf nodded towards him:

  "Nice to see you again, Lan."

  "Me too, Geralt."

  Followed by Vesemir. An old demon hunter whose hair has turned gray due to age. Few people can say his age for sure, even him.

  When discussing the title of "The Strongest Demon Hunter" in previous lives, many people would nominate Vesemir. At least Lan knew that Vesemir was able to use [Igni Sign] to melt the frozen lake surface in winter and create a scene of spring a hundred years ago. This was something Lan had difficulty doing when he first awakened the ancient blood. .


  and Vesemir don't need to introduce themselves again. Lan moved his eyes back and stared at a man with a terrifying scarred face.

  He had half-long hair parted in the middle and was wearing a red striped rivet jacket. After catching Lan's gaze, he took the initiative to raise a glass: "First meeting, Lan of Cintra. I am Eskar." Eskar,

  a A calm and calm warrior, he is more like a Geralt whose life is less dramatic, a more "standard" witcher. He is powerful and can fight multiple heavily armored warriors with swords alone; he is experienced and can hunt monsters such as Fork-tailed Dragon alone that are difficult for ordinary soldiers to hunt.

  It is said that he once had an unexpected son, who was also a princess of the royal family. But unlike Geralt's Ciri, Eskar did not bring back his unexpected son in the end.

  "Nice to meet you, Eskar." Lan clinked glasses with the calm demon hunter and drank.


  As for the last member of the Wolf Faction, he shouted before Lann could say anything: "Okay, okay, I'm the last person to be greeted, and I can't wait any longer. So I won't wait for you." I took the initiative to greet you when I saw you. Let's finish this process quickly and start dinner, okay?"

  This man's words were very rude, but Lan still smiled nonchalantly: "It's our first time meeting you. I'm glad to meet you. Lambert."

  Lambert was wearing a black jacket, a crew cut, and scars on his face.

  He was very handsome. Although he was still not as good as Lan, he was on par with Geralt. However, he and Geralt have different looks. Geralt is a hormonal uncle who has gone through many changes, while Lambert is a bit like an evil wandering swordsman.

  Lambert's character is quite bad, which stems from his rejection of his identity as a demon hunter. But he has deep feelings for his fellow demon hunters. Although his words are harsh, he is willing to die for anyone in the school.

  This kind of personality combined with this kind of appearance makes him look like the protagonist of a romance novel.


  "Okay, okay, I'm glad to meet you too, because you are finally here, Lan of Cintra." Lambert muttered, clinking glasses with Lan and drinking.

  Seeing Lambert's attitude, Shirley wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction. Lambert let out a "ha" and looked at the little girl with wide eyes in interest. The two of them played a staring game with their eyes from a distance.

  Vesemir shook his head, not knowing how to evaluate these two children. Everyone was chatting in low voices while eating. Geralt and Eskar chatted with the Snake Sect members with great interest. They were full of curiosity about this school from the south.

  Vesemir raised his glass to Lan again: "I want to thank you Lan, really."

  "Huh?" Lan showed an unexpected expression, "For what?"

  Vesemir took a sip of wine and slowly Speak out a name:

  The voice at the dinner table where they were communicating immediately dropped twice, and everyone's speech slowed down involuntarily and began to be absent-minded.

  Shirley and Lambert, who were playing a staring game, no longer focused on directing their gazes at each other, but slowly moved up to the main seat.

  Vesemir sighed, his face not blushing in the face of everyone's overt or covert gazes. After all, the thick skin he had built up over nearly two hundred years could not be broken down so easily. Or maybe he has already become accustomed to the teasing from people in the Wolf Faction these days.

  "I'm very grateful to you for helping me find her, convincing her, and bringing her back to me. Minor is my regret. Because of her, I feel that my boring life has a little more color." Lan was eavesdropping

  . Bert smacked his lips in dissatisfaction and muttered: "A boring life..."

  Vesemir slammed the table: "Who do you think I'm talking about? Stop your damn childish games and eat!"

  The old witcher who scolded Lambert raised his eyebrows, angry and powerful. But he quickly turned his head and put on a friendly expression in an instant.

  Vesemir continued his thanks in a soft tone: "So I have to say that I owe you once, Lan."

  Lan smiled and shook his head: "You don't have to be so polite. After all, Ciri is also bothering you during this time. She took care of you. In the letter she wrote to me, she regarded you as family, so we are all her own, so there is no need to thank you for such a small thing."

  Vesemir's expression became kind. But what he was going to say next was the business, so he quickly adjusted his mood: "But as you probably know, there were some accidents in the process - the climate in Kaer Morhen is not good for Minore." It's too cruel to say. So I have a request. I want you to do me a favor."

  Vesemir said solemnly: "I want to join your plan of the Demon Hunter Order. I hope that Cintra There will be a place for the Wolf Faction in the future. It is also my own selfishness... I hope there can be a place that can accommodate both Minore and the Wolf Faction, and I want to give Minore a normal home." ...


  Lane smiled.

  When he was in Novigrad, he tricked Minor into settling in Sintra. He originally wanted to use this as a bargaining chip to win over Vesemir, but he didn't expect that before he could say anything, Vesemir himself would come to his door?
  Lan took a deep breath. There was no need to hold down the raised corners of his mouth. This was the time to smile in surprise.

  He said sincerely: "No, no, Vesemir, it's not me who helped you, but you who did us a big favor. Cintra is in need of help now. I am a witcher myself, and Ciri is also a wolf." A member of the faction, I assure you that Cintra will have no reservations about the witchers."

  Vesemir sighed, half bitterly, half relieved. He had guarded this castle for who knows how many years, and now he finally made the decision to leave, hoping to have a worthy enough ending.

  And he still had something to say.

  "However." Vesemir added, "My boys have some opinions. As you can see, our Wolf Faction is an independent individual, not a mercenary group. I am willing to go to Cintra, and I am also willing to bring The inheritance of the Wolf Faction has been brought over, but this only represents myself, and I cannot make decisions for the boys.

  "They still have some ideas that they want to discuss with you face to face.

  Lan En raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Of course, I'm all ears. " "

  Vesemir, the soul of the wolf sect, is here, and everyone else has half a foot in Cintra. Those who want to "talk" will definitely not be too outrageous. Geralt

  sighed After taking a breath, he looked at Ciri and then at Vesemir: "Don't look at me, Lan. I've been so involved that I've even helped you fight against Nilfgaard. I will help you retake Cintra, I can't escape. But after that... I still hope to be less involved in politics, at least I will not participate in foreign aggressive wars. Lann nodded: "

  Of course, Geralt." You are my companion, comrade-in-arms, and Ciri's...'accidental father'. This word may be a bit strange, what I mean is that I will not order you like a soldier, you have autonomy, and this is my guarantee to you. "

  Ciri responded with a sullen face: "This is also my guarantee, Geralt! "

  The white wolf twitched the corner of his mouth, and Yennefer gave him a mocking look, with an expression of 'Look, I told you.' Apparently Geralt had been worried about this issue before. At this moment, I felt relieved after listening to Lann's words.

  Eskar was the second person to make a request: "My request is the same as Geralt's. We are witchers, not special soldiers. Since we are reviving the Witcher Order, we must not forget the creed we abide by. After all, we are born to save civilians from the claws of monsters, not to wield swords for rulers.

  "Besides, I also heard that you are researching witcher mutations, right? " "

  Lan nodded after hearing Eskar's question. He looked at Mossack and Triss and said, "I explored a ruins and obtained a recipe for a secondary mutation of a demon hunter, which can allow hunters to The demons are strengthened again under the existing circumstances. Using this mutation as a reference and my own accidental mutation as a model, we are trying to enhance the success rate of mutation and even control the direction of mutation.

  Lann smiled and said: "The results so far are gratifying. The success rate of mutation has been increased to 50%." "

  Becoming stronger is not important. I think our strength is enough." Eskar put his hands on the table, "My The proposal is this: I hope that mutations will not be carried out rashly until the mutation has an absolute... forget it, at least an 80% success rate. I don't want to see apprentices lose their lives because of such unpredictable things." This is not a problem

  . , Lann nodded decisively: "I promise you, 'not causing unnecessary sacrifices' is also the purpose of my research on mutations. In fact, there is an apprentice in the Griffin School currently undergoing training, but because the success rate of mutations is not enough , so we have not given him a mutation. And if the experiment is unsuccessful, we will not give him a mutation. This is a result unanimously recognized by our school." Lann's eyes were sincere, and this answer was satisfactory enough


  "You are the Griffin School, I believe in you." Eskar nodded, "Then I have no problem, I am willing to dedicate my strength to your Demon Hunter Order." "Welcome." The curvature of

  Lan's mouth Bigger.

  Finally Lann turned his attention to Lambert. The hedgehog-like witcher had stopped eating and no longer played with Ciri.

  There was a depressing atmosphere about him at the moment, as if he was brewing emotions.

  "I don't care about the Witcher Order, or whether I have to fight for a country to kill enemies. I have no problem helping Vesemir or helping the Wolf Faction. As long as it is regarded as a commission, what kind of work is not done? "

  But if the entire wolf sect is to be relocated to Sintra, then we must deal with all the troubles here before I can leave with peace of mind."

  Lambert seemed to recall something bad, and his eyes began to Become vicious. After taking a breath, he spit out a name:
  "Old Spearhead!"

  As soon as this name came out, all the wolf-sect demon hunters at the table paused for a moment.

  Lambert's next words explained everyone's reaction:

  "That was a Cyclops. It killed many of our apprentices and many of our companions. Before I leave here, I must kill it!"

  Lambert fiercely He stood up and opened his arms: "We have never been confident enough to deal with it because we were worried that it would cause more unnecessary casualties. But look at it now. There are ten demon hunters, two sorceresses, and a German. Rui, can't such a team deal with a Cyclops?"

  "Lan of Cintra, if you want us to follow you, we can. Kill the old spearhead, this is my condition!"

  Lambert's impassioned words Falling down, before Lann could react, the system's beep sounded -

  [Discovery Mission - Wolf's Revenge:

  Even a demon hunter has monsters that cannot be dealt with alone. For the declining school, the name is "Old Spearhead" The Cyclops is one of them. This monster killed too many apprentices, and the Wolf Faction has never forgotten this hatred. If you want to gain the loyalty of wolves, then help them get revenge first. Anyway, this is not difficult for you now. ]

  Lann stood up solemnly and assured Lambert: "For the sake of those apprentices who died tragically, that Cyclops must die, I said so!"

  Lambert clinked glasses with Lann fiercely: "Very good, Lann! "

  Leisuo also expressed his attitude: "It seems that [Cyclops Decoction] has never been studied before, and I don't know if its tissue fluid can be used to refine any new poisons. I'm looking forward to it." "Thank you, Snake

  . Brother of Pie!"

  "It's not easy to hear words of thanks from Lambert's mouth." Geralt murmured. He was speaking sarcastically, but his hand holding the wine glass was trembling. Apparently he didn't want to miss the chance to kill the monster either.

  The atmosphere at the table became lively.

  Vesemir suddenly remembered something and said to Lan: "Going through the cave where Old Spearhead lives, there is a place we call the 'Ring of Elements' behind. It has a unique terrain and a strong concentration of... Chaos energy. Wolf sect demon hunters will rely on it to strengthen their seals. You can also try it after killing the old spearhead, Lann." (End of this


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