Chapter 186 [Magic] Skill Panel

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  Chapter 186 [Magic] Skill Panel

  Lann and his accompanying cavalry left the theater and continued to eliminate gangsters along the way and rescue the citizens of Novigrad.

  When people whose lives are hanging by a thread are rescued, the first thing they look up to see is the roaring lion emblem and the pair of sparkling lion eyes.

  No one knows whether these will have any other effects in the future.

  Soon, Schapel, who had solved the problem of Caleb Manji's coup, led the temple guards to formally enter. They met the oncoming Leisuo halfway, and after understanding the specific situation, they quickly launched rescue work.

  It took a full day for the chaos to subside. With the fate of the official orthodox forces in Novigrad, and the secret help of the Beggar King and Machete, the Ghost Face Gang no longer has the strength to resist.

  However, although the culprit has been killed, the little devil is still difficult to deal with. There are still many members of the Ghost Face Gang hiding in the alleys. The Eternal Fire has issued a wanted order and mobilized all the forces in the city to arrest all suspicious persons.

  The crucifixion in Novigrad Square was even revived.

  Three days later, Eternal Fire sent a bishop to Novigrad to give a brief official explanation of the situation:

  "Our city was invaded by evil pagans, who sent evil gods and evil spirits to possess Caleb. ·Manji, evoked the darkness and despicability deep in his heart. But under the light of the eternal fire, our security officer Mr. Chapelle saw through the enemy's conspiracy, protected us, and crushed the enemy's invasion.

  Riots among thugs in casinos, women's wards, and fighting arenas are also the result of instigation by pagans. Because they are often in filthy places, the evil spirits of pagans can easily occupy the dark brains of these people, causing them to become crazy and chaotic. You need to You know - there are no gangs in Novigrad, and the so-called gang riots are nonsense! The

  underground toads in Novigrad are also a pagan conspiracy! They package the poison in candy shells, poisoning so many innocent girls and eternity Followers of the Fire!

  Mr. Chapelle has protected us! Thanks also to the Lion of Fire, Lord Lannister of Cintra - and the entourage of witchers he led. On the land shrouded in eternal fire, they The evil spirits can be detected in time, so that the evil spirits have no way to hide."

  No matter what the citizens thought deep down, they finally accepted this statement.

  At the end of the matter, Chapelle took the lead in donating a batch of gold reserves and all silverware of the Eternal Fire to comfort the citizens who were injured in the riot and help the city restore order as soon as possible.

  In this regard, Chapelle said: "Everything is guided by the eternal fire."

  Lann also sent some soldiers from Sintra, Milva and Levin to help improve their reputation and comfort the citizens.

  These are scenes that cannot be seen in other places in the north. Many businessmen and politicians from other countries were amazed and admired what the Free City had done.


  Did a Ghostface Gang really cause a lot of damage to Novigrad? not at all.

  The chaos is just scary to look at. After all, it is the gangs who are rioting, not the soldiers who are destroying the city.

  Most of those who suffered were honest local citizens, travelers who were too late to react, and homeless people on the streets. Businessmen from other countries, large organizations, and wealthy nobles living here were almost unscathed. They could even make another fortune in the name of "rebuilding the city."

  On the other hand, the Eternal Fire's reputation among the citizens has only increased after this battle, and the believers' faith has become stronger.

  Temple Island.

  In a residence previously prepared for kings, Chapelle looked at the chaotic energy escaping from Lann's body and whispered about the recent situation in Novigrad.

  "I'm sorry for not blaming Nilfgaard for this disaster. I originally thought of 'the pagans of the Black Sun', but now Nilfgaard's merchants occupy a large market share, and I can't blame them." Drive out. But I will adjust their tariffs and try to graft their interests to Cintra."

  Lann nodded to express his understanding: "Driving merchants from the enemy country directly out is the crudest and least skillful way. The method is good now. After all, this is a free city. Moreover, Nilfgaard's merchants will also bring intelligence from the empire, and we can also mix sand into their caravans. Their existence is necessary. Chapelle

  nodded and continued: "Eternal Fire will purchase a batch of silverware later, and if possible, I would also like to order a batch of [Moon Dust] from you. There are some alchemists who want to win this order, but I plan to make this a trade order for Cintra, what do you think?"

  Lann thought for a while: "It may take a while before I can supply you with the goods."

  Chapelle didn't care: "I need it too. Take some time to prepare."

  As he said that, he touched the silver chain around his neck, feeling uneasy.

  "Can this thing really make me immune to the damage of other silverware?"

  "No, what are you thinking?" Lann glanced at him, "It can only temporarily suppress your transformation ability with chaotic energy, turning you Fixing on the image of 'Chapelle' will prevent you from losing control on the spot, and you will also have a little illusion. But if you are injured by silverware, you still have to go to a deserted place as soon as possible and take it easy." This silver

  chain It was a magic item created by Triss in the past few days. For this reason, she also took a lot of Shapelle's blood and body tissue for research, which scared the shapeshifters.

  But even so, the effect of this silver chain was still not enough to satisfy Chapelle. Especially when he thought that Eternal Fire would order a batch of special silverware in the future, he sighed even more.

  In this regard, Lan comforted: "If something happens, you can contact Keyan in time. Triss is still making magic props for communication recently. If there is an accident, he will come to save you. But if you You must take him with you when you travel far away. The range of use of this small communication prop is very limited."

  Chapelle nodded gratefully.

  That's right, Lann decided to leave Kian in Novigrad for the time being as his eyes here.

  Although they didn't get along for long, under the influence of the [Follower] panel, there is no need to worry about Kiyaen's position for the time being; and in the eyes of other forces, they don't know that Kiyaen is Lann's person. Chapelle even had the idea to let Caiyan join the Eternal Fire Sect and serve as a personal bodyguard to hide his identity from others.

  At the same time, Lann also planned to let Kyaan return to his old job as a witcher in Novigrad: accepting commissions and sharing his experience through the system.

  You must know that this is the first city in the north, and there will be a steady stream of missions. Lann was even worried that Keyan would not be able to absorb all the experience alone and wanted to send a few more people. Unfortunately, he did not have other demon hunters [followers], so he had to give up temporarily.

  "Remember to equip Kyaen with a better armor and build it according to the drawings he provided."

  Chapelle nodded as he should: "I will ask the best craftsman in Novigrad."

  End of the above After the conversation, Chapelle left. He has been very busy recently.

  When the surroundings calmed down, Lan took a deep breath, and the chaotic energy fluctuated all over his body again, and his mana began to shrink continuously.

  In front of Lan, a man wearing a nomadic diagonal-breasted robe had his eyes closed. His body twitched and twisted with the energy in the air, and a jade-colored shell gradually climbed up his skin, and his body became smaller and smaller.

  But in the end, his physical transformation stopped abruptly at a peak, and he immediately expanded back to the size of a normal human. As the magic failed, his body began to bleed continuously, directly waking him up from his coma.


  The man cast by Lann was naturally Olgierd. It could be seen that the robes all over his body were soaked in blood, and even scabbed and dried, turning into a hard shell.

  Lan En has been practicing the [Transformation Artifact Sealing Technique] with him for three full days.

  I would like to ask, what better way to increase spell proficiency than through hands-on experiments?
  Only in the past, because the failure of [Transformation Device Sealing Technique] would cause irreversible physical damage to the person being performed, and even endanger life, this kind of magic practice with human subjects was explicitly prohibited.

  But Olgierd doesn't have this moral problem at all.

  Seeing the experimental material awakening, Triss suddenly appeared at the side. She skillfully cast her magic, causing Olgierd to fall into coma again.

  "Your magic has progressed very quickly these days." The sorceress affirmed, "Maybe tomorrow, or even today, your spell will be completed."

  Lann smiled confidently: "I think it will be successful next time. Triss

  nodded in agreement: "I believe you."

  With Triss taking care of the captives, Lan knelt on the ground and meditated for a while. After the magic value recovered, he began to recite the spell again and cast it on Olgierd. magic.

  The blood of the ancients brought a magical physique that exceeded the conventional magic source. Violent magic fluctuations emanated from Lann's body. Olgierd's body changed dramatically under the influence of chaotic energy, twisting in the direction of the jade carving.

  At this moment, Lann suddenly felt a sound like a holy sigh coming from his ears. The system panel opened in front of him, and a burst of light flashed through the [Skills] column.

  Lan En felt something in his heart, and he opened the panel with his consciousness in anticipation.

  I saw that in addition to the five interfaces of [Battle], [Alchemy], [Sign], [Second Mutation] and [Ancient Blood], a brand new skill interface suddenly condensed - [Magic]. At this moment, there was only a solitary one on


  . Skill.

  [Transformation Sealing Technique]: Wrap the caster in a jade shell and shrink it into a "statue" that can be held in the palm of the hand. This spell may cause severe physical damage to the caster, depending on the effect of the spell. (1/1)

  The spell I just learned was actually included in the system as a skill!
  And then, this solitary skill flashed again, and when I looked at it again, it suddenly turned into: [Transformation Device Sealing Technique (2/2)] [Demon

  Tide] can also act on this skill, and this skill is impressively The level has been pushed up one level!
  After the surprise, Lann quickly calmed down and began to summarize the changes in the skills that were included in the system.

  First of all, skills included in the system can obtain obvious proficiency bonuses. Lann could perform it freely with just a thought, as if it was muscle memory. There is no unexpected situation where spell casting fails due to poor condition and mispronunciation of the spell.

  Later, Lan also noticed the original (1/1) and current (2/2) labels on the back of the skill. This means that Lann cannot use skill points to forcibly upgrade these magic skills. It seems that he can only continue to increase the upper limit of this magic through his own practice. After all, it is not a skill produced by the system itself.

  But even so, Lan was very satisfied. After all, this is an unexpected surprise, and you will make money no matter how much you earn.

  The changes in the system and Lann's psychological activities are unknown to the outside world.

  At this moment, Triss watched Olgierd turn into a jade statue, and happily hugged Lan.

  "Succeeded, Lann! You succeeded!"

  Lann touched the flaming red hair and took a gentle breath.

  "Yes, it was successful." He said, "Then you can continue with the rest."

  Now, there is only one last reason left for Lan to stay in Novigrad:

  the Mirror Master's commission, [ Heart of Stone] The last part of the series of missions: [Memories of Marriage].

  Lann needs to lead people into Everec Manor, find Olgierd's wife, and bring back the purple rose that symbolizes Olgierd's love.

  But now Olgierd was physically "in Lan's hands", so Lan decided to take Olgierd over and throw him in front of his wife. The effect should be the same.

  But there's another problem here - Everrick Manor is an out-and-out BOSS battle.

  As mentioned before, Olgierd has a unique talent in black magic. Even the Mirror Master was the one he established contact with by accident.

  This is why Everrick Manor is densely populated with otherworldly demons and extradimensional creatures summoned by the black magic of [Summoning Magic]. In addition, there are many other monsters that cannot be seen in the outside world.

  It can be said that the interior of Everrick Manor is a world of its own.

  This is the real world, and Lan is not as confident as a player to go solo in this place. Lan even thinks that even with all his Cintra cavalry, he might be buried in the manor. The original plan was to get the help of the Eternal Flame to win this mission, but if that didn't work, he asked Jeron and Mossack to come over and help temporarily.

  But now, he has other options.

  Leitho, Kolgrim, Oakes, Seret, and Kyaan, four snake-sect demon hunters and one cat-sect demon hunter were summoned by Lann.

  At this moment, they gathered in Lan's room, listening to him explain the purpose of his trip and the dangers he might encounter in Everrick Manor.

  Triss was also listening. She also wanted to go out and help, but Lann politely refused:
  "The monsters in the manor are all elusive. If a warlock goes in rashly, he will easily be approached before he can react. The protective shield is probably It's of no use. This kind of situation is more suitable for witchers."

  In order to be fully prepared, Lan stayed on Temple Island for more than half a month, with Chapelle funding and providing manpower, following the search of Kolgrim The equipment blueprints of the Snake School and the equipment blueprints of the Cat School brought by Keyan have given several demon hunters a major equipment upgrade from head to toe!

  Because Kiyaan received the most basic blueprint of the Cat School suit, his equipment was completed first.

  At this moment, he is wearing a white undershirt as the lining, and a light leather vest on the outside. The vest has simple reinforcements made of metal materials, but not much; the pants and boots are all made of leather, and only the gloves and wrist guards are The leather base is cast with rivets to enhance punching power and steel bars to block small arms.

  What stands out is its dexterity and lightness, and its overall weight is even lighter than the leather armor worn by some mercenaries.

  But Keyan was very satisfied. The most important thing was that he had his own steel and silver cat-headed swords.

  The armor forging of the Snake Sect is a little more troublesome. Its blueprint is more advanced. Many of the alchemy techniques and rune materials need to be cast back to Mossak to complete. Only the most basic prototype forging can be completed here.

  The Serpent Armor is somewhat similar to the one Geralt wore when Lan first met him, but the similarity is only in appearance. In terms of materials, this set of armor uses fine chainmail as the base. The dense metal ensures defense while allowing the wearer to maintain complete flexibility.

  In addition, there are three additional layers of shoulder armor on the shoulders of the upper body armor that are reinforced from top to bottom. There are leather stitches on both sides of the waist. The vital parts of the chest are cast with steel plates and then wrapped in leather, with two straps running across them. It makes for a more snug fit. There is also a special dagger bag hanging from the shoulder.

  Triss also found a lot of high-quality emeralds in the Eternal Fire's treasure house, and made basic poison enchantments and resistance enchantments for the snake sect's swords and armor.

  Such a long time not only gave time to build equipment, but also gave several demon hunters time to become familiar with the new equipment and make certain modifications according to their own fighting styles.

  Kolgrim's Snake Pie suit is dyed in dark green and dark brown, and has appropriate metal reinforcements on the shoulders and waist and abdomen, making it look like a jungle snake.

  Oakes and Serret chose slate gray and sand brown, which are two sand snakes. At the same time, they reduced the shoulder armor and increased the thickness of the gauntlet.

  Leisuo was not so flashy. He did not dye or add casts to his new armor, and even did some subtractions frantically. He canceled all the designs on the arms and exposed the two thick arms as usual, making the image closer to Kiyaan.

  According to him, it is more convenient to move around this way.

  With everything ready, the witchers finally checked the bombs, potions, poisons, sword oil and other equipment on their bodies, and left Novigrad early one morning.

  Everyone in Cintra was left to watch them leave.

  "I hope the Earl will come back as soon as possible... huh? What's wrong with you?"

  House gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. His strange behavior quickly attracted the attention of the other three attendants.

  House took a deep breath: "A place where six demon hunters are going to go out together, and even the Earl has prepared for it for so long, how can it be a dangerous place? We are obviously the Earl's attendants, we should always Those who followed the Earl, fought for him, and died for him. Now those who follow the Earl have become demon hunters."

  He rubbed the lifelike hilt of the silver sword at his waist. "I can't accept it!" Levin comforted

  : "Didn't the Earl tell us? He wants us to take advantage of the influence of the previous riots to spread the word of Sintra in the city. Reputation, this is a more important political task."

  Milva also nodded. She was also very sorry that she could not follow Lan En, but she was meticulous about Lan En's mission.

  House shook his head: "I have no objection to the mission, but I can't accept...I can't accept the fact that I can't protect your back. It's difficult for us to intervene in the battle now." It was like that that time, and it's still like that this time."

  "But we are already a member of the 'Lions', and you can definitely feel your improvement." Milva said, "I am stronger now than those big guys. Men are older, and as long as we continue like this, one day we will be able to surpass those demon hunters."

  House remained silent, he still felt that it was not enough.

  He looked down at the lion-headed silver sword. As the first attendant to follow Lan, he knew that this sword was modified by Lan from a silver sword of a cat-sect witcher.

  Demon hunter...

  As long as I become a demon hunter, can I get out of my current predicament?


  Cowburg, Everrick Manor.

  Keyan has already been here once, and it can be said that he is familiar with it again.

  Several people rode the best horses, but it took a little more than half a day to arrive at the Everrick Manor located on the edge of the Cowburg area.

  It was clearly afternoon, but the manor was shrouded in gloomy clouds. At first, everyone thought it was a problem with the weather, but when they looked far into the distance, they found that there was still sunshine in the distant woods.

  This dark cloud spread from the manor to the surrounding areas.

  The walls of the manor are very high. It is estimated that the builder wanted to lean closer to the castle when he designed it. While observing, everyone moved along the base of the wall, groping through the wall weeds and various ivy species along the way, and soon discovered a huge gap in the wall.

  From time to time, a dark wind came from inside, rustling the surrounding shrubs and other wildly growing herbaceous plants. Looking inside through the gap, one can also see the faint white mist covering most of the manor.

  "Okay." Kolgrim shrugged, "I believe what Lan said now. This manor is the kind of place where you can definitely see black magic at a glance." Kian nodded: "I used

  to When I came here, I heard that the surrounding villagers would sneak in and steal some property while the manor owner was away, but the people who went in never came out. Later, there would still be homeless people and thieves who wanted to get in from time to time. If you try your luck, there will be no return."

  The cat-sect witcher was attracted by the depth of this manor when he first came here, but at that time he was tasked with awakening Vladimir and failed to do so. Go explore. Now here again, he could barely contain his excitement.

  (End of chapter)

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