Chapter 182 Reigns must die, I said so!

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  Chapter 182 Reigns must die, I said so!
  In the past few days, Lann has been relying on Triss's crow magic and the dual positioning of eternal fire to monitor the enemy and find out the enemy's location.

  And his primary target is - Reigns.

  This warlock had escaped from him once, and Lan would never give him another chance to escape this time.

  Although his own strength and quality are not very good, he has the dual support of Vilgefortz and the Emperor of Nilfgaard behind him. This time it was because of Kolgrim's presence that it was an error, but Lann may not be so lucky next time.

  Therefore, Reigns must die this time!

  As for Olgierd, Lan was not so anxious. But since the two of them are together, it would save trouble to deal with it together.

  After all, we have come.

  "I'll deal with the warlock first in a moment. It's too dangerous to let a spell caster focus on chanting spells in the rear on the battlefield."

  On the way, Lan began to assign tasks to each other.

  "House, you will lead the charge of the cavalry, with Levin as your deputy and Milva as your cover."

  The three attendants nodded.

  Lan finally turned to the extremely strong snake sect demon hunter: "Letho, Olgierd leaves it to you. He once made a deal with the devil through [Calling Magic] and gained immortality, so he is very difficult to deal with. You just need to hold him back for now, and I will come over to help you after I finish dealing with the warlock." "

  I have seen the immortal body, but I don't know to what extent he is 'immortal'." Leisuo said. Expressionless, he seemed a little unsure whether he should draw the steel sword or the silver sword. "I will give him a try. Maybe you won't even need to take action in a while." Lann grinned: "I'm looking forward to it." At


  time, The enemies in front have appeared, and they are obviously ready.

  "Cintra -" Lann held up the Sword of the Lake Lady. The rune sword, which had been stacked with many damage layers, was still shining brightly in the daytime, making him seem to be holding a torch, "Charge!" "For Cintra

  , For Lannister!"

  The cavalry raised their lances high and charged towards the wild boar army with a majestic momentum like a landslide.

  The silver and black-gray torrents collided with a loud noise.

  Lan En and Leisuo made seals with their left hands at the same time, and an invisible wave gathered in their palms.

  [Alder's Seal]!
  The two waves of telekinesis merged together like ocean currents converging, and crashed into the enemy's formation arbitrarily.

  One is a demon hunter of the Griffin School who has awakened the ancient blood, and the other is the current leader of the Viper School. The power of their seals cannot be estimated by conventional demon hunters, and the combined attack of this seal is even more powerful. Amazing power burst out!
  The cavalrymen at the front of the Wild Boar Army seemed to have hit a wall of storm head on. They flew off their horses without any resistance and were trampled into a pulp by their companions behind them.

  The cavalry phalanx of the Wild Boar Army, which was barely in order, suddenly became commotion.

  A cavalry charge requires the soldier at the front to use a sharp knife to tear through the enemy's defense. It depends on which side of the two sides has a harder and sharper knife.

  And the combined attack of Lan En and Leisuo's [Alder's Seal] was equivalent to using a hammer to directly break the enemy's blade tip!
  The war horse under Leisuo's crotch could not withstand the huge reaction force, and its pace was slightly messy, lagging behind Lann.

  On the other hand, Black Wind's huge pupils lit up. Steel, horseshoes, swords, and the coming blood all make this horse with the [War Fever] skill excited.

  Lann patted his chest with his left hand and applied [Quen's Seal] to his upper body.

  Then he took the lead and crashed into the enemy's messy cavalry front amidst the excited roar of the black wind.

  "The Earl has torn open the enemy's shell for us!"

  House shouted loudly, and the lion emblem on the left breastplate seemed to roar together: "Cintra Cavalry, follow the Lannister to the death!"


  The lances smashed into the Wild Boar Army's formation like meteors.

  The Wild Boar Army were at least well-equipped compared to last time, but most of them only wore leather armor and scimitars, and could not withstand such a level of charge.

  The warriors at the front were like a canoe heading toward the rocks, and were smashed to pieces in the blink of an eye, thus kicking off the knights' confrontation.

  There was an astonishing reaction force on his arm. House felt that his lance smashed a man and a horse's head. Strict cavalry training made him decisively abandon his lance and draw his sword. Then he saw a figure rushing towards him. Come over.

  "For the chief!"

  It turned out to be a cavalryman from the Wild Boar Army. They relied on their skillful cavalry skills to jump off their horses, roaring in the air while waving their scimitars and rushing towards them.

  This unprecedented cavalry warfare method made House unable to react in time, and he was accidentally pulled off his horse by the enemy.

  His back hit the ground hard, and his chest pressed against the enemy. House, who had been passively used as a backing board, was short of breath for a while, but his body strengthened by the [Follower] panel allowed him to draw the sword with superhuman reaction speed, and he actually regained consciousness before the enemy pressing on him.

  With a "Puff" sound, the heads of the Wild Boar Army rose into the sky with pillars of blood.

  House looked around in the chaos and found that many Cintra cavalry had also fallen into the same trap as him. He now understood why these wild boar soldiers had the courage to confront people like him wearing light armor.

  "Boom", "boom", "boom" one arrow after another, yellow feather arrows crossed the battlefield, and the ear-searing "boom" and "boom" sound of the bow string took away the life of a wild boar soldier every time, giving Cintra soldiers were attacked and rescued.

  "Hold on!" House roared, "They are far inferior to the Nilfgaardians!"


  On the other side, Lann was like a gust of black wind running through the Wild Boar Army's formation.

  Some wild boar soldiers wanted to urge their horses forward, but the horses actually showed hesitation amidst the neighing of the black wind. The man who was forced forward was also torn and bitten by the manic demon-hunting horse. He was so frightened that he stood upright and turned upside down, pushing the warrior on his back to the ground.

  There are also enemies who want to follow the same example and knock Lann to the ground, thinking that the Lion Earl who is alone in the siege will definitely be trampled into a ball by the horses and armor behind him in an instant.

  But the blond knight seemed to have eyes on his back, and the rune sword in his hand was faster than the wind.

  The soldiers who jumped over felt an arc of light flashing across their eyes, and the direction of their body movement changed. Their consciousness was taken away as the blood sprayed out.

  "Lannister!" Olgierd's eyes lit up, and he ran towards Lan, waving his scimitar.

  The wild boar soldiers spontaneously made way for the chief.

  The last Everrick faced off against the last Lannister. The founding hero of Redania later waved his scimitar and actually pulled out a dazzling arc of light in mid-air.

  It was red light, the color of blood, the color of anger, and the color of hatred.


  The golden rune sword and the red scimitar collided in mid-air, and the harsh sound of steel tearing made the surrounding wild boar army take two steps back.

  Lan En's right hand shook violently. This collision was indistinguishable. The strength of the man opposite him was almost as strong as his own.

  Olgierd's palm was dyed red in an instant. His strength was more unscrupulous than Lann's. The tiger's mouth was torn apart the moment the sword of Lann intersected, and when the two swords separated, they waved their arms to buffer. Heal again with strength.

  The smile on his face grew stronger.

  There is no winner or loser in the first round between swords and knives, but knights fight for more than just knights.

  Black Wind was furious.

  As the leader of the wild boar army, Olgierd's war horse is the best. It can be said to be the only horse on the battlefield that dares to carry its master and charge towards Rann. And this is a mistake.

  So in the next breath after the swords collided, the two horses also collided.

  Olgierd's mount made the sound of bone cracking at that moment, and it screamed and retreated continuously, with blood constantly flowing from its ears and eyes.

  But Heifeng just shook his head slightly, snorted disdainfully, and then accelerated again.

  Those amber eyes that looked like those of a feline carnivore lit up, and Black Wind actually bit the opposing war horse's neck!

  The large, flat incisors and molars were not able to tear out the throat of the enemy horse, but they were still deeply embedded in the opponent's body. From Lan's perspective, he could even see that the entire horse's neck was as deflated as a flattened piece of bread. Go down. The throat, muscles, and bones inside must have been twisted into a ball at this time.

  The black wind swept the enemy's horse's head into it, and he gritted his teeth and took him out for three or four steps before letting go. Olgierd swayed on his horse and couldn't control his center of gravity at all, so he could only abandon his horse and jump out towards Lann.

  What greeted him was a left hand holding a strange gesture.

  There is also an indifferent saying:
  "I don't have time to make trouble with you now, I will deal with you later."

  [Alder's Seal]!
  The impact of telekinesis was like a heavy hammer in the air, hitting Olgierd directly until blood spurted out. He flew out like a torn sack for an unknown distance before being slapped heavily on the ground.

  He was even trampled hard by his own horse a few times, and there was a constant sound like a broken board.

  "Don't run! Lannister!"

  Olgierd twisted violently on the ground twice, and the injuries on his body returned to their original state within a few breaths.

  He roared and stood up, but then he was chopped off most of his neck by a sword light that came from nowhere, and his head rolled directly behind him, leaving only a layer of flesh dangling.

  His vision was spinning, and Olgierd was at a loss for two seconds before he quickly came to his senses. He roughly grabbed his hair with his right hand and slid it back to his normal position.

  Pressing the seam of his neck to make the flesh and blood begin to grow again, Olgierd looked at the strong bald head that suddenly appeared in front of him. At a glance, the person opposite him was more than a head taller than him. This was a person who could be visually perceived as a formidable enemy.

  Leisuo looked at Olgierd's squirming flesh and blood neck, thought for a while and put the steel sword back into its sheath, then turned around and pulled out the silver sword decorated with a snake head carving.

  "For things like you, sword oils like [Hanged Man's Poison] probably won't have any effect on people." Lei Suo said coldly, "Let me see how much 'immortality' you have." Don't die."


  Without Olgierd's obstruction, Lann harnessed the black wind and once again started to gallop through the crowd.

  In just two more breaths, he completely penetrated the enemy's formation. The field of vision in front of him was wide, and no other cavalry was seen.

  Except for a strange-looking man, wearing iron armor but not worthy of a sword.


  At this moment, the other party is mumbling something, and the air around him is constantly being compressed and distorted.

  He had already killed the enemy and stood in front of him, but this man was still here accumulating magic spells?

  Without a trace of hesitation, Lann flashed his left hand and took out the crossbow that he had already strung up from the [Inventory].

  With a "swish" sound, the arrow flew through the air.

  Reigns apparently also saw the blond knight rushing out of the crowd, and hurriedly sped up the speed of his incantation.

  The twisted energy beam immediately tilted towards Lan En and Heifeng, and the arrow that was shot was also wrapped in it.

  But in Liens's surprised eyes, the arrow seemed to have been only blown by the wind, without even shaking, and continued to shoot towards him.

  The magic-blocking golden arrowhead—comes from the care of Jie Long, the great master of the Griffin School.

  Milva's [Archer] talent improved Lann's archery skills to a level that was no less than that of a sword. Reigns screamed and turned over and fell off his horse. A thin arrow had already been cut into the iron armor on his chest.

  The armor saved his life. The crossbow is easy to fire, but its power is not as powerful as a heavy bow.

  Black Wind charged and knocked the opponent's horse away. Lann took advantage of the situation and jumped down, falling from the sky towards Riens.

  The warlock pulled out the magic-blocking golden arrow and rolled awkwardly on the ground to avoid Lan's pursuit. This man's escape movements were really skillful.

  He crawled up from the ground and started mumbling words again.

  "Riens, I like your new leg, it's very magical. Have you considered replacing the other one with one like this?"

  Lan shouted provocatively, causing Rience's prosthetic leg to stumble and mouth. The magic spell he was reciting suddenly became unstable again.

  The warlock raised his head angrily and saw a huge black shadow heading towards him.

  It's that strange Lannister horse!
  There was a "boom", and the blue protective shield was propped up. Reigns was shocked. The force of the impact was no less than that of a brown bear!
  But Heifeng's head just shook. Reluctantly, he raised his hoof and hit it again, forcing Riens to hold on to the protective shield and unable to move.

  Compared with other warlocks, Riens' magic power may be insufficient. But the ability to capture fighters in battle is still good.

  Black Wind's attacks were not so intensive. Taking advantage of its breathing time after several impacts, Riens raised his left hand and began to shine.

  Seeing the lightning flashing on Liance's hand, Lan quickly rushed towards the enemy, but Black Wind couldn't hold on to this.

  The Sword of the Lake Lady is a magic weapon with runes on it, so it is naturally not mixed with magic-blocking gold as a material. Therefore, when facing the enemy warlock, Lann had to change his equipment.

  Lann flashed his left hand and took out the [Exquisite Griffin Silver Sword] from the [Inventory], and in Reigns's horrified eyes, he poured the force on his protective shield with the force of splitting Huashan.

  There was a "boom" and the blue protective shield shattered.

  With a "click" sound, Reigns turned around and struck lightning on Lann. The [Quen's Seal] shattered and Lann flew out upside down.

  Finally, there was a "bang", and Black Wind broke through the barrier of the protective shield, satisfyingly knocking Riens out in the direction of Lan.

  With the seal protecting Lann, he was not harmed at all. He dexterously adjusted his posture in mid-air, landed safely, walked towards Riens calmly, slapped the ground with his left hand, and laid down a [Yarden Seal].

  The purple magic circle completely enveloped the warlock, completely eliminating the possibility of the other party escaping.

  Riens kept spitting out blood foam from his mouth, and it seemed that he no longer had the strength to continue chanting the spell.

  The armor on the opponent's body has been completely dented, and there must be broken bones inside. After all, that was Black Wind's headbutt. Lann himself didn't dare to take it hard, let alone a warlock.

  "I thought about it, and suddenly I felt that one iron leg was enough. It would be better to give you a new iron head, what do you think?"

  Lann approached Riens step by step, watching the other person struggling but unable to stand up. He looked like a man, with a cold glow in his eyes.

  "Don't... kill me." Under the dual effects of the slowness of the magic circle and the serious injury to his body, Riens spoke intermittently, "I can tell you who is behind me." "More than that, it's not just Ni

  . Fugard, and..."

  Before Riens could speak, the gryphon badge around Lan's neck suddenly began to vibrate.

  The lion's eyes suddenly shrank, a familiar feeling, familiar chaotic energy fluctuations.

  Reigns must have some magic device or other monitoring equipment on his body that allows the people behind him to control his situation in real time. This is why the mastermind behind the scenes was able to take away Reigns so accurately last time.

  The wind was blowing hard. The familiar portal opened again at this moment. Even though it was daytime, there was still a dazzling light, and the shiny red color was even a little dazzling for a while.

  But Lann is no longer what he used to be. Although they were separated for only a few months, his strength has improved qualitatively.

  At the edge of the [Arden Seal] surrounding Riens, an hourglass-shaped magic rune suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and a purple magic beam struck diagonally like lightning.

  With a "rumbling" sound, the chaotic energy that maintained the portal suddenly turned into real chaos, dissipating into nothingness in a burst of distortion.

  That's right, [Yarden's Seal] is the only way for players to deal with portals in the original game, apart from the magic-blocking gold bomb!
  Faced with Riens who had almost no power to fight back, Lan still activated the seal seemingly in a unnecessary move, just to prevent the person behind it from taking away Riens.

  No one can take Riens away today, Lan said.

  For insurance, Lan once again slapped the ground with his left hand and released another purple magic circle, superimposing two by two, double insurance.

  At the same time, another new portal appeared in mid-air accompanied by strong winds, and then dissipated with a sound like an electric shock.

  The time it takes for this portal to take shape is simply not enough for one person to pass through, or even enough time to transfer some energy.

  Fully automatic magic turret, who knows who uses it!

  Reigns' face was full of despair. He knew that not even the people behind him could save him today.

  Purple brilliance covered his body, and the warlock moved back bit by bit with slow movements, begging: "Don't kill me... Believe me, you will never know who the person behind me is, what a terrible person he is. As long as If you don't kill me, I'll tell you."

  How could Lan let Rience tell that man's name? He already knew that Ace was still lurking in the opponent's hands.

  "Shh." Lann put his index finger up on his lips and whispered softly, "I don't want to know, and you don't have to tell me. The identity of the other party is not important to me, but not having you - is very important to me." Mid-

  air The portals in the world kept appearing, and they were constantly broken by the [Arden Seal]. From time to time, strong winds blew and explosions sounded. Every sound rang in Riens's heart.

  "You know, the time you and Philippa were at Cowburg... was the biggest failure I've suffered since I debuted." Lan said coldly, "Philippa is still useful for the time being, so I let her go for the time being. . As for you..."

  Lann took a deep breath and raised the rune sword: "I will try not to let myself enjoy this process too much."

  The golden light on the rune sword flashed, and the blood stained the ground under his feet.

  The person behind the portal finally stopped showing up if he felt something.

  Black Wind ran over in small steps and nudged Lan En with his head.

  Lann waved his hand and put Riens' body into the [Inventory], touched Heifeng's mane, and got on his horse.

  After all, my own people are still fighting the enemy. As the leader, I can't waste too much time and can only take advantage of this evil warlock.

  The horse once again turned into a violent wind and returned to the battlefield. The anger in Lann's heart was not vented much by Riens' death. At this moment, all the anger was directed towards the Wild Boar Army.

  However, these enemies themselves had been almost wiped out by Cintra's cavalry. They were indeed caught off guard by the tactics of these Wild Boar Soldiers at first, but their rich combat experience allowed them to quickly adjust.

  Coupled with the support of the three attendants whose combat power was beyond ordinary people, especially Milva's long-range support that could cover the entire battlefield, the balance of the battle tilted towards Lann's side early on.

  Lann charged through the crowd for a while, and in conjunction with Black Wind's sprint, he knocked the last war horse on the field to pieces, and also knocked the Wild Boar Cavalry on his back flying backwards. Soon the Cintra cavalry came up to finish the job.

  There was only one Olgierd left on the battlefield.

  This man had seven or eight long swords inserted into his body at the moment. The weight of these steels could not interfere with his movements. He still bumped left and right among the crowd, knocking the shields of the cavalry in the front row with a "clang" sound. .

  If it weren't for the delay of the three attendants and the help of Leisuo, the Cintra cavalry would have suffered heavy losses.

  Lann also noticed that there was a steady stream of black mist appearing on Olgierd's body. He didn't know whether it was the black magic power he had learned by himself or a by-product of the power given by the Mirror Master.

  Milva tentatively shot an arrow at Olgierd, accurately piercing the opponent's throat. This fatal injury only made the opponent stagger twice, and he pulled out the arrow with his backhand.

  This scene made the female shooter frown.

  "Lannister, come out and face me!"

  Lann pushed aside the soldiers who were like a cage for trapped animals and walked to the middle.

  The bald demon hunter stood at the front. [Quen's Seal] had long since disappeared. The leather armor on his body was damaged in many places, and there were some blood stains on his exposed arms.

  Seeing the solemn expression on Lei Suo's cold face, Lan asked with a chuckle: "How is it?" "

  Incredible." Lei Suo admitted generously, "Swords, seals, poisons, and various sword oils, I have them all. I've tried it, but almost nothing works. And he's tireless and painless. I can suppress him, but I can't kill him. This is the last kind of enemy I want to encounter. Fortunately, he is only a human. If What kind of monster has this ability to kill a small country in one day?"

  (End of this chapter)

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