Chapter 178 The Mirror Master’s Mirror (6000 words)

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  Chapter 178 Mirror Master’s Mirror (6000 words)
  After Letho finished speaking, Kolgrim also laughed.

  He added: "I told Leisuo about your promise to us, and Leisuo told me about the emperor's mission. Isn't this a coincidence? So we took over the task of dealing with you and followed the warlock all the way. Going north, even passing through several portals..."

  In Lan's memory, Leisuo's debut in the north was six or seven years later. At that time, he accepted the emperor's dispatch for various reasons and began to assassinate the king. Unexpectedly, Emhyr came into contact with these snake sect demon hunters and headed north so early because of him.

  After explaining the causes and consequences of their appearance, Leisuo and the others also began to reveal their purpose of coming here tonight.

  Snake Eyes met Lion Eyes: "Are those things you said to Kolgrim true?"

  Lann nodded without hesitation: "Since you have accepted the task related to me, then you must be right. I have a general understanding of the situation. Although I have become a demon hunter, I am now in charge of Cintra, and all national-level commitments made by me are absolutely valid." "And our

  princess Cirilla, she is the unexpected son of the wolf witcher Geralt, and is now being protected in Kaer Morhen. It can be said that the current Cintra and the witcher are inextricably linked, and Cintra is The natural home of the witcher and the fertile ground for future development is the place destined for the revival of the witcher order." "

  I am a gryphon, and I have already received the full support of the school. The wolves of Kaer Morhen have also already Fight alongside us. We also have the help of two sorceresses and a druid. We also have a sorcerer apprentice who is being educated in Arethusa. If you join, I will be able to bring you into contact with the Cat Faction in the future. ."

  "In other words, if you join, we will have a strong military power as the foundation, with three spellcasters to assist, and gather the three schools of demon hunters: gryphon, wolf, and snake. In the foreseeable future, In the future, we can add a warlock and cat faction."

  Lan En was impassioned and sincere.

  Although there is a lot of moisture in what he is saying now, the Snake Sect opposite does not know it.

  From Lann's point of view, everyone in the Snake Faction except Kolgrim remained expressionless, but his keen hearing could detect their increased breathing.

  "The power you more than what Kolgrim conveyed." Leisuo said. "At that time, he didn't say that there was a sorceress around you." "The Snake Sect has now reached the North and has no plans to do so in the future

  . Return to Nilfgaard again. If you allow, we will stay with you temporarily to verify what you said. If the school can really be revitalized in Cintra, then the Serpent Sect will become The power of Cintra."

  Lann stretched out his hand and held it with Leitho: "Kel Siren was also attacked by the warlock, and I also bear the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the school. I am very happy that I finally have a companion now. "

  Leso's hand was almost half the size of Lan's. It was a solid and powerful hand. This is also the first complete witcher school that Lann has officially obtained for Cintra.

  The snake and the lion reached their first agreement in this temporarily occupied manor in Novigrad and began to move forward side by side.

  "I also heard Kolgrim talk about the relationship between the Wild Hunt and you. We will discuss this in detail later. There are more important things at the moment." After basically confirming that he would

  join Lan's camp, Letho said: "You are now encountering We have reached a difficult situation, and the people who want to deal with you have united now." "

  We have just attended a combat meeting, which included a warlock named Riens, three gang leaders from Novigrad, and a broken man named Olgierd. Nobles, and a person you would never expect - Caleb Manji of Eternal Fire."


  Leisuo told Lan everything about Riens' secret combat meeting, not only Including all the battle plans and details, even the intelligence they collected about each person.

  Lann was surprised. He didn't expect Reigns to be able to create such a big scene. With Vilgefortz and Nilfgaard behind him, he actually did something.

  If he really succeeds, it may be fine if he has a trump card to protect himself, but Shapet will definitely be buried.

  Shapet had a heavy look on his face: "Due to the change in behavior, there have long been many voices against me within Eternal Fire, but I never thought that Caleb Manji would actually do it to this extent." At this moment [

  month The effectiveness of the Dust] has passed, and Shapet has changed from a shape-shifter back to the security officer of the Eternal Fire.

  Lann inquired curiously about his situation. In the original work, he looked like Chapet when he first appeared, and it’s unknown how many years have passed.

  At the very least, Lan wanted to know what Shapet's real name was.

  "I have forgotten." Shapet's answer surprised Lann, "I have been Shapet for too long. Shapet's memory and personality have been affecting me. I have already forgotten my name. . But this is not bad, I will be Shapet from now on."

  If [Metamorph] is classified according to classification, it is [Remnant]. Although their combat power is not as good as other powerful individuals in the [Remnant] category, their unique transformation ability is so unique that it can even make people stand on end.

  Strictly speaking, shapeshifters are not monsters, but an inhuman race. However, their abilities are too scary for humans, so they are hunted on a large scale. Humans hate shapeshifters far more than other monsters.

  You know, the ability of a shape-shifter is not only to change the appearance, but also to copy the memory and personality. Therefore, after they transform, they will all become senior schizophrenia patients, and the part of their spirit that is a shape-shifter will constantly intertwine and confront the personality of the copied object.

  Folklorists, religious scholars, and mystical scholars have reached an unprecedented consensus on the attitude of shapeshifters. They even claim that shapeshifters will rob the souls of the transformed people. However, most shapeshifters are actually good-natured, and their shape-shifting abilities are mostly used for self-defense rather than fighting.

  For example, "Shapet" has been using his kind-hearted shapeshifter nature to fight against Shapet's cruelty and cold-bloodedness for so many years. What finally emerged was a security officer who was both iron-blooded and bottom-line, allowing Novigrad to confront The increasingly open attitude towards magic and non-human races has made Novigrad more prosperous.

  In a sense, it was a great success. He is also the best shapeshifter known to all. Even if many shapeshifters imitate high-ranking people, they cannot live in their identity for long.

  There are very few people who show kindness to the shapeshifters. Geralt is one of them, and Lan is the second one that Chapelle encounters.

  I don’t know if it’s because of Lan’s previous declaration of fairness towards inhuman races and monsters, or because he just vouched for himself in front of four demon hunters. Even if he turned back into the security officer of the Eternal Fire, Chapelle’s attitude toward Lan was His attitude also seemed very close.

  "Now that we know his plan, why don't we take action first? This can eliminate your enemies and mine at the same time." Chapelle suggested: "I will gather my people when I get back and kill Caleb first." · Take Manji; Lann, you lead people to kill Olgierd and the warlock, and eliminate the crisis. If you don’t have enough people, I can lend you some guards." Snake sent the demon hunter to take it

  . The disadvantage of being in the dark and being in the dark turned into being in the dark. Shapet wanted to use this to directly try to strike with thunder. But Lane sees it differently.

  Lann said: "Don't you think this is a good opportunity?"

  Chapelle was stunned.

  The political thinking accumulated over the years quickly made him react. He looked at Lan's face and his tone became uncertain: "You mean..."

  Lan nodded: "Can you guarantee that only Caleb will have the eternal fire?" ·Manji, do you have any objections to you? If you take down one Caleb Manji, there might be a second or third one. Why not take this opportunity to catch them together and completely eliminate future troubles. I

  even It feels like Caleb Mangi came here specifically to help you. He can help you completely master the Eternal Fire and even the entire Novigrad. To get rid of him so hastily? No, he should be allowed to play a greater role. That's right!"

  The current situation could make any politician ecstatic, but Schappeler hesitated.

  At this moment, it was the shapeshifter under the human skin who was speaking: "This will kill and injure many believers of the Eternal Fire."

  Lann was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, changed his direction and persuaded: "You feel like Jia Can a person like Le Manji still claim to be a believer in the eternal fire? His existence is to tarnish the eternal fire!
  Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. This is not only for your own survival, but also for the eternal fire and the promise. Vigre will be stable and harmonious in the future. If these cruel people with ulterior motives are allowed to continue to cling to the Eternal Fire, I don’t know what they will do in the future, and how many innocent citizens and believers will be killed or injured by then." This reason put

  Shapei Le was convinced, but then he asked another question.

  "According to Caleb Manji, he may have already had the suspicion that I am a shape-shifter, and is just waiting for an opportunity to expose me. If this is true, then he will be invincible."

  Lan Enjo smiled confidently: "I have a good way to deal with this."

  He and Chapelle murmured for a while, and pointed at Triss, allowing the curious sorceress to join in their conversation. .

  Soon, they finished communicating.

  A look of admiration appeared on Chapelle's face: "As expected of you, Lan. Now I understand how you were able to keep Cintra under the iron heel of Nilfgaard."

  Lan smiled modestly.

  "You have helped me a lot, Lann. After this battle, I will be able to sit more securely on the seat of the eternal fire." Chapelle said sincerely, "I will repay you, and Cintra will Become Novigrad's best friend, a better friend than Redania."

  Lann smiled and said: "I thought we had been friends for a long time."

  Chapelle's cold face showed a simple smile of a shapeshifter. After thinking for a while, he proposed one last thing.

  "It's okay for us to use the enemy's plan to exclude dissidents. But I don't want to involve innocent citizens. Lann, I am not a politician, but a security officer in Novigrad and a believer in the eternal fire."

  Lann His face twitched, what on earth did this shapeshifter and the religious leader merge into?
  Lan thought for a while and asked: "What do you want to do?"

  Schappeler said: "I want to take some preventive measures in advance. Minimize the impact of gang riots without alerting the snake." He had been doing this

  before. Listening to the conversation between the two, everyone in the Snake Faction who was not very sensitive to politics remained silent. But at this moment, they suddenly realized that they could contribute.

  Kolgrim took a step forward. He looked at Letho with a questioning look, and saw the other party nodded slightly in agreement.

  "It's easy for us to assassinate these three gang leaders. If we kill them, the riots will naturally stop, right?

  Reigns's relationship with us 'partners' is very weak. As long as we are in Killing these gang leaders one to two days before the plan is launched will make the underground forces leaderless. When the Eternal Fire people come in to reorganize order, they can easily quell the chaos." The eyes of the snake sect demon hunter flashed

  . He said with excitement: "It is rare to get rid of villains in order to protect citizens. This kind of assassination mission is rare. We can even charge a little less money." The

  plan was decided.

  Lann devised a plan for Chapelle to help him conceal the identity of the shapeshifter from the followers of the Eternal Fire and eradicate dissidents.

  The Snake Faction dispatched Oakes, Seret, and Kolgrim one day in advance to assassinate the Beggar King, Hawthorne, and Machete respectively. After completing this, they would keep an eye on the gang's movements. Their appearance fees are paid by Eternal Fire.

  Lann took Leitho with him to deal with the Wild Boar Army and Reigns together.

  With this configuration, Lann feels that it is enough to farm a small country alone.

  Everyone has no objection to such a plan.

  Chapelle was very afraid of the four Snake Faction members and left soon after the plan was finalized.

  Lann, on the other hand, needs another favor from the four snake sect members.


  "You told me, this is a demon hunter from the Cat Sect?"

  Leisuo held a small jade statue in his hand.

  This is a naked humanoid creature with teeth and claws bared. It looks like he has been skinned, and every muscle texture is clearly visible.

  The three of them, Kolgrim, also came up, their four pairs of big snake-eyed eyes staring at each other in disbelief.

  Lei Suo said: "Or do I have any misunderstanding about [Transformation and Sealing Technique]? The sealed statue is not actually the original appearance of the person who was cast?" "No, this is

  his original appearance."

  Lan sighed. After taking a breath, he took out the warlock's notes taken from the underground laboratory from the [Inventory] and handed them to several people from the Snake Faction.

  Several members of the Snake Faction have been turning into demon hunters for who knows how long, and they have personally faced knives and swords aimed at demon hunters. At this moment, as they were flipping through the Warlock's experimental notes, they felt a deep empathy.

  "I don't like people from the Cat Faction, but if I can save him, I also hope that I can help." Leisuo said to Lann seriously, "How do you need us to help you?" Lann explained:

  " When the [Transformation Artifact Sealing Technique] is released, he will definitely still struggle. I need you to help me control him and not let him resist, so that I can use my methods later." "It's very simple."

  Leisuo Nod in agreement.

  At this time, everyone had arrived at a remote open space to avoid a fight that might break out later and cause riots in the city.

  Lann placed the jade statue on the ground, patted the ground with his left hand and laid out the purple magic circle of [Arden's Seal].

  The purple hourglass mark in his sight began to beat continuously. Lann did not hang up the statue. He only needed the magic circle to slow down the statue, and he did not want to kill people.

  Then Lan took a few steps back and walked out of the circle.

  The four members of the Snake Faction had already spread out their positions in the four corners. Seeing this, they each took pictures and deployed a [Yarden Seal] that was slightly smaller than Lan's. They tried to expand the scope of the slow-moving magic as much as possible without causing any damage. It affects the surrounding comrades.

  everything's ready.

  Lan nodded towards Triss, and the sorceress received the instruction and began to recite the spell.

  Chaos energy began to escape from the jade statue. Under the illumination of the moonlight, a black shadow gradually began to expand, liberated from the stone statue that was no more than the size of a palm, and returned to its human form.

  The moment he regained his freedom, the Skinned Man jumped up on the spot, found the gap in the encirclement and wanted to rush out.

  Unexpectedly, at the same time, purple brilliance clung to his upper body, and his whole body became as sluggish as a decayed old man.

  "How is it possible!" Triss exclaimed, "[The Transformation Sealing Technique] has just been lifted, why can he immediately go into battle without any negative effects?" "Perhaps the pain of the spell lifting is related to

  him Compared with the pain he suffered before, it is not worth mentioning."

  Leisuo frowned and looked at the humanoid creature in front of him. His whole body was like a peeled orange, and the muscle fibers and even the gaps between the bones were faintly visible. , but not a drop of blood was shed.

  It can be said that just seeing such a person appear in front of him will make his body feel a kind of vague pain.

  Especially as a demon hunter, that feeling is even deeper.

  "I'm sorry, buddy, but you still need to endure it." Leisuo sighed.

  The thick fingers deftly pinched out the seal, and the impact of telekinesis immediately poured on the skinned man, knocking him back to the center of the [Arden's Seal] formation.

  Seeing this, the other three people also released [Alder's Seal] together, releasing storms from the four corners towards the center, pressing the skinned man to the ground unable to move.

  "There is no...justice...or evil." Even in this situation, the skinned man was still chanting that sentence monotonously, "Only...pain is the most real..."

  Those scarlet eyes were in the darkness With the gleaming light in his eyes, he could accurately distinguish Lann among the crowd. He opened his gums exposed to the air, revealing the madness of choosing and devouring others.

  Lan took a deep breath and recalled what was recorded in the warlock's notebook:
  [As I guessed, witchers are great energy aggregates! If there is a demon trapped in such a sophisticated body, he will definitely be reincarnated as the God of Death, and everything is under my control! That will be a great individual that has never appeared before!

  According to the warlock's experimental notes, the experimenter must have summoned a demon from another world to possess the skinned man. The statue and the hexagram array in the laboratory may be props to summon and enshrine the demon. .

  The demon hunter, who was possessed by the devil, burst out with amazing power and killed the warlock, but was unable to leave the sealed underground laboratory, so he was trapped there.

  Capture keywords: alien world, demon.

  His consciousness sank into the [Inventory], and with a flip of his left hand, an ordinary mirror appeared in Lan's hand.

  This was a mirror that was sold at roadside stalls, and it would never sell for a single crown. But the moment it appeared, the Skinner's struggle in the magic circle stopped.

  Because the owner of this mirror is called: Mirror Master. The only alien demon in recorded history who can travel through the world in his body without possessing him.

  Lann stretched out his hand to signal the snake sect demon hunters to stop the telekinetic impact in their hands, and then he approached the skinned man step by step.

  Without the suppression of [Alder's Seal], the Skinned Man no longer ran away. At this moment, he was just curled up on the ground, shivering and shivering like a cat.

  Lann walked in step by step, and the cat trembled more and more violently.

  Triss looked at the ordinary mirror in Lan's hand in surprise. Where did Lan get the magic prop?
  Lann was very satisfied with the reaction of the Skinned Man, which showed that the Mirror Master's mirror indeed had a deterrent effect on his low-level alien demons.

  But this is not enough.

  He stood outside the purple magic circle for a long time, waiting for the snake sect's demon hunter's seal to disappear. Then he walked into his own magic circle, grabbed the skinned head with his left hand, and forcibly ripped it out of his arms. .

  "Watch it." Lann put the mirror in front of the other person's eyes and said one word at a time, "Get out of this body!" The

  skinned man looked directly at the mirror without any resistance, because he had no eyelids at all.

  "Ah! Ahhh!!"

  The skinned man finally began to say the second sentence in his history. Although it was just a scream of onomatopoeia, Lann was overjoyed.

  Without stopping, he slapped the mirror directly onto the skinned man's face.

  This time it seemed that the demon's psychological defense had finally been broken through, and a pitiful wail suddenly sounded in everyone's minds, with a sound like a cat.

  It's the magic of telepathy!

  Immediately afterwards, thick black mist spurted out from the skinned body and quickly condensed into the image of a black cat in mid-air.

  It rushed through the [Arden Sign] in a panic, colliding with the purple magic circle nearly a hundred times at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

  It's just a blink of an eye.

  Lan En, who was on the side, could only barely see a black cat appearing in mid-air, and then a black shadow faster than the wind flashed in front of him, and the purple magic circle turned into light spots all over the sky and dissipated in the air. .

  Finally, accompanied by a shrill cat howl, the black mist completely dissipated into the air, presumably returning to his own world.

  With a "pop" sound, the skinned man lay on his back like a piece of dead wood, motionless.

  (End of chapter)

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