Chapter 176 This time it’s not the tree spirit who knocks on the window in the middle of the night.

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  Chapter 176 This time it was not the dryad who knocked on the window in the middle of the night.

  "There are four demon hunters." Olgierd didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes became playful.

  "As far as I know, there is a group of demon hunters wandering in Nilfgaard. Emperor Emhyr has been trying to recruit them for several years but failed." The Beggar King said thoughtfully, "Now it seems, Finally succeeded?"

  "News from the North converges on Novigrad, and news from Novigrad converges on you." Reigns glanced at the Beggar King, "But this seems to be beyond the scope of 'News from the North' Yeah."

  The Beggar King chuckled: "The increased trade with Nilfgaard is also good for me. The merchants from the south can also bring all kinds of news. Otherwise, why do you think I would sit at this table? Will I discuss things with you?"

  And not only that, I also know more news. The Beggar King looked at the four demon hunters and sneered in his heart.

  Caleb Mange sighed sincerely: "This way, our plan is even more foolproof!"

  "The end of Lannister and Chapelle is coming!"


  "My lord, Mr. Chapelle is here. "

  Lan is looking at the jade carvings of the Toad Prince and the Cat Faction Demon Hunter in his hand.

  After hearing the report from House outside the door, he thought for a while and put the Cat Sect Demon Hunter Jade Sculpture back into the [Inventory].

  As for the Toad Prince, he continued to play with it in his hands.

  "Lannister, I heard that you killed that abominable giant toad, and it only took one night?"

  Chapelle quickly came to Lan's living room, and glanced at Lan with an erratic look. Well, and Triss.

  He had something on his mind and seemed to be making some decision in his mind.

  "Yes, I told your soldiers my search route last night. They should be able to find the giant toad's lair along that road, as well as those poor girls and believers of the eternal fire along the way - may they Rest in peace."

  Chapelle corrected the wording error in Lann's words: "They are not 'my soldiers', they are all believers in the eternal fire, and they only follow me because of their devotion to the eternal fire. "

  He seems to have encountered many such misunderstandings, but is also very persistent in explaining the problem in detail every time.

  "But there's something strange, Lannister. I didn't find the body of the giant toad." Chapelle looked into Lan's eyes and said seriously, "I hope you can help me figure it out." Lan put the

  toad The prince's statue was thrown to Chapelle and he said nonchalantly: "Because I didn't kill it, but caught it. Haven't you heard the story of the 'Toad Prince'?" Just when the toad jade sculpture was

  sanded The moment Peller received it, the system's beep sounded.

  [Mission - Where the Flame Cannot Light - Completed]

  Chapelle took the jade carving and began to look at it. As a representative of the Eternal Fire and Novigrad, he naturally has a lot of knowledge. He has a lot of experience in the city. This kind of rumor is not unfamiliar either.

  "[Transformation Artifact Sealing Technique], right? I should have guessed a long time ago that there must be some purpose behind the sudden addition of a sorceress around you." He suddenly sneered: "But no matter what the identity of this toad is, it

  kills It killed an innocent girl, slaughtered my soldiers, and used the toad poison on its body to cause immeasurable damage to Temple Island. It should be judged and repay its debt with blood and flesh. But since you have captured

  it If we are arrested, then we can use a more inspiring method that allows the victim to calm down his anger better-let him wash away his sins in the eternal fire."

  Chapelle's voice was cold, but he had already shown the fire in front of everyone. Same scene.

  However, Lan read a different flavor from it, and there was something wrong with Chapelle's reaction. Compared with the "calm military attache" image that Chapelle showed when meeting him several times before, his mood swings today were too great.

  The toad didn't extinguish the brazier in their main hall, so Chapelle's reaction was a bit too intense.

  The most important thing is that his system reminds him that the task has been completed, but this person is still chattering in front of him. This is unreasonable.

  Then there is only one truth: the person in front of me is acting, or wants to "investigate" something. At this time, the topic of their conversation was no longer "Prince Toad", but something else.

  Lann had a hunch that this conversation would lead the relationship between the two to a completely new direction.

  Lan took a deep breath and activated his expression management. He needed to perform a show.

  "If this is what you want to say, then Chapelle, forgive me for not letting you take away my prisoners." Chapelle

  sneered: "Are you sure? In Novigrad, on the edge of Temple Island , under the land illuminated by eternal fire?"

  "Yes, I have two reasons. Because we have always had a good relationship, so I will spend more time answering you." Lan nodded, his tone cold. , "First: According to my information, this 'Toad Prince' is the prince of the Kingdom of Ofir. Cintra now needs every ally it can win over, so I want to protect this 'Toad Prince' and even relieve it." Curse."

  "Then you will lose the friendship of the eternal fire. Losing close friends for a far away country, this decision will overturn my perception of 'you are a smart man'." "So

  I There is a second reason."

  Lan looked into Chapelle's eyes and seemed to be talking to another person.

  "This prince accidentally committed the crimes you accuse him of while being cursed and losing his mind. He is also a victim. If we want to find someone to punish, we should go to the person who cursed him, not him ."

  "'The knife hurt me, I don't blame the knife, but the one who caught the knife', right? Your sentence has been spread by poets." Chapelle said, "But this is not enough, Lannis Special. There is no evidence to prove that this toad is innocent. Now in my eyes it is just a murderous monster." "

  Shapelle, why do you need to prove his 'innocence'? Shouldn't the evidence be used to prove him? 'Crime'?" Lann said word by word, "Does the 'monster' deserve to die?"

  Chapelle was suddenly stunned. He seemed not to have expected Lann to say such a thing.

  "You know I know Geralt. He told me many stories, including the kind-hearted nymphs, shapeshifters, vampire birds, night demons, etc. he encountered. These monsters that are feared by ordinary people are often the opposite. They are a vulnerable group. Even in their eyes, humans are 'monsters'."

  Lann and Geralt did chat often, but Geralt never mentioned these things, but Lann learned about them from his previous life.

  "When people see monsters, they preconceptions that they are guilty, which is wrong. They exclude, discriminate, and even kill everything they do not understand. Now they are just these intelligent non-humanoid creatures, but I think there will eventually be One day this attitude will extend to other inhuman races, and even humans with inhuman powers, such as warlocks and demon hunters."

  Lann continued: "I am opposed to this concept of life, and so is Cintra. We have eliminated discrimination and prejudice with the dryads, established friendship with the dwarves, and my squire once received help from the night demon in Toussaint. These all prove that Geralt and I are doing the right thing."

  The topic has gradually deviated from the topic of "How to deal with the Toad Prince" at this point, but that is not the purpose of Lan's conversation with Chapelle tonight. He just wants to adjust the topic and instill himself in Chapelle in front of him. thought of.

  The original Geralt almost drew his sword to protect a shapeshifter in front of Chapelle, and thus gained Chapelle's friendship. Lan thought he could try to recreate it.

  However, the empathy between "Toad Prince" and Chapelle is obviously less than that of the shape-shifter, so Lan needs to add a little bit of indoctrination to make the other party agree with his point of view.   "So, I won't let you kill the Toad Prince just like that. I won't let him die because of other people's sins, and I won't let him die for such a

  ridiculous reason as being 'cursed into a toad'!"

Liz was shocked by Lann, not because of Lann's "kind" speech, but because in her impression, Lann should not be so inflexible in this situation.

  Even if this toad is indeed a prince, it would be extremely unwise to start a conflict with the Eternal Fire in Novigrad over him.

  Triss was about to start chanting a spell to prevent Chapelle from summoning temple guards to come in and cause a conflict.

  But she suddenly recalled the little secret about "Shapelle" that Lan had told her before.

  A flash of understanding flashed in the sorceress's eyes, and she became quiet after thinking for a while.

  Sure enough, Chapelle was not angry when he heard Lann's impassioned speech, and even lost his previous cold temperament.

  His tone suddenly softened.

  "Yes, yes. You are Geralt's friend, right? Sure enough, all Geralt's friends are like this. No matter what race they are, no matter what profession they are, whether they are halflings, bards, nobles That's fine."

  He looked at the jade statue of the Toad Prince in his hand and handed it back to Lan.

  [Quest - Where the Fire Cannot Light - Completed]

  "Since Geralt told you those stories, I don't know if he has mentioned me to you. But I guess not, after all, he is a good friend who is good at helping. The person who keeps secrets..."

  Chapelle was about to say something else, but he was suddenly interrupted by an unusual sound that no one present had expected.

  "Dong dong dong"

  In the middle of the night, there was a sudden "knock on the door" from the direction of Lan En's window.

  This scene gave Lann a vague sense of familiarity. Usually when this happened, he would see a green-skinned young lady outside the window as soon as he opened the window.

  But this is not Brochlon, and there is absolutely no way there is a dryad outside the window.

  Who can bypass his Cintra sentinels or even the guards of the Eternal Fire and touch the outside of his room in the middle of the night?
  Or is it that one of his men was let go again?
  [Quen's Seal] upper body, just when Lann was touching his sword of the Lake Lady, he suddenly heard a slightly familiar voice outside the window.

  "Lan, Lann! You're inside, right? Open the window!"

  Along with this extremely low voice, there were several more knocks on the window.

  The expressions of the three people in the room suddenly became strange.

  Lan stepped forward and opened the window with a smile on his face, and came face to face with a pair of amber snake eyes.

  Kolgrim, the demon hunter he saved in White Orchard, actually came back.

  (End of chapter)

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