Chapter 163 Unexpected Assistance

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  There is nothing to say about the   unexpected assistance in Chapter 163. With the skill bonus of [Demon Tide], the benefits of investing skill points in the seal system before it is formed are the highest.

  At this time, there are three first-level skills in the [Sigil] series, namely [Long Range Alder] which increases the attack distance of the Alder Sigil, [Armor Melt] which can add special effects to the Igni Sigil, and increases the duration of the Arden Sigil. [Extension of effect] of time.

  In pursuit of maximum cost-effectiveness, in order to activate the second-level skills as soon as possible, Lann would have to choose two of the three first-level skills.

  [Long Range Alder] The first exclusion is to increase the attack distance of the seal. Now Lann can completely rely on investing mana as a substitute.

  When the skill points are rich in the future, Lan may go back and activate this skill to break through the limit, but at this stage, it is obviously more important to give the seal new abilities.

  The skill effect of [Extended Effect] is actually similar to [Long Distance Alder], but [Extended Effect] can also act on the secondary skill of [Arden's Seal] to form an effect superposition, which is slightly more cost-effective.

  Among [Armor Melting] and [Extended Effect], Lann finally chose [Armor Melting] first.

  After all, Lann hasn't obtained the second-level skill yet, so clicking on [Extended Effect] now would be a bit of a loss. [Armor Melting] is still a little more helpful at this stage.

  Add points - [Sign] major category, [Igni Seal] sub-category - [Armor Melting]!
  [Armor Melting]: The damage from Igni's Seal will permanently weaken the enemy's armor value, and the effect increases with the strength of the seal. (2/5)

  This is equivalent to allowing Igni Sign to debuff the enemy while attacking. Under the influence of [Demon Tide], this skill has also jumped directly to two levels.

  At this time, Lan's [Griffin School Contact Note], which had not been taken back from the [Inventory], was shaken in his arms.

  Jeroen wrote back.


  Leaving his residence, Lan rode alone to a no-man's land. This was a lighthouse on the coast. Jielong gave this location in the letter.

  The gryphon badge shook, and a strong wind suddenly blew in front of Lann.

  The portal opened, but Lan keenly sensed something amiss from the chaotic energy in the air.

  He is no longer unfamiliar with portals now, and he is especially familiar with Jeron's portal.

  The portals opened by each caster are slightly different, and the portal in front of him feels doesn't look like Jeron's?

  In Lan's confused and wary eyes, two figures appeared from the portal.

  One is a sorceress with flaming red hair and dressed as a traveler.

  One is a druid with a gray beard, wearing sealskin robes, and holding an oak staff.

  After they came out of the portal, they briefly checked the surrounding situation and quickly locked their eyes on the Lion Earl.

  "Uncle Mossack, Triss." Lann's eyes widened in surprise, "Why are you here?"

  He enthusiastically stepped forward and hugged the two of them. He really didn't expect to receive support from these two people.

  Mossack looked Lan up and down. After not seeing each other for a long time, Druid felt that the child he had seen since childhood had become more mature, and Druid was filled with joy.

  "In addition to the letters you usually write to me, I have always been in contact with Jaylon. I often communicate with him about your current situation - the communication method of the Griffin School is really convenient." Mossack sighed

  . Said: "I heard that you are going to imprison a large monster for a long time? After Jielong heard the news, he immediately thought of the magic of [Transformation and Sealing Technique]. It's a pity that he can't cast this spell himself. After all, Although he has awakened his demonic constitution, his magical attainments..."

  The old druid showed a very obscure smile and touched his beard: "So he contacted me immediately, and Triss happened to also Yes, so she and I came here together."

  Triss stood aside politely while Mossack was speaking, looking at the two of them with a smile.

  In the previous hug with Lan, she used extra force.

  At this moment, when she saw Mossack motioning to her side, she said aloud: "The things on Aretusa have just come to an end for the time being. I am currently helping in Brochlon Town. I heard that you need someone to perform [ Transformation Sealing Technique], I came with you."

  Mossak nodded and added: "This time Triss is the main contributor, because I can't leave Brokiron for too long; here is Look at you and tell you something. And Triss is not just helping you imprison that monster, we also want to try to let you learn this magic."

  Lann was stunned.

  Seeing the doubtful look in the young man's eyes, Mossa smiled and said: "Your ancient blood has long been awakened, which is a powerful force beyond the ordinary source of magic. But you have been busy with various political affairs and failed to systematically learn magic knowledge. This is too It's a pity."

  Lann looked at Triss, who was smiling with her eyes narrowed, and pointed to his own: "So this time Triss comes here and she wants to be my teacher?" "Time doesn't matter

  . It’s too long.” Although Triss was smiling, there was still some subtle regret in her tone, “I’ve been running around in Blochron Town, Aretuza, and Kaer Morhen recently. Although I really want to... ...Stay by your side, but I still want to play my role as much as possible to help Cintra." "

  I have worked hard on you while I was away, Uncle Mossack and Triss."

  Lann thanked him sincerely, and then He hurriedly said: "Let me take you to where I live first. Let's sit down and talk slowly." It

  was natural for the two of them to come from afar.

  In the house on the outskirts of Temple Island, Lann briefly exchanged with the two about his situation since his departure and what he encountered now.

  Things about Temeria (beautiful and deleted version) Mossack has made it clear that Lann is mainly talking about the situation in Redania, including the attitude of Vizmir II, Riens, etc.

  In the case of the Mirror Master, he naturally omitted it.

  After digesting this information, Mossak thought for a long time and said: "Vizmir II is nicknamed 'The Just One'. It is best that he will give help; but he must have ulterior motives, and we still have to be on guard in the future. He is a little bit. As for this Riens..."

  Lann said: "It doesn't matter to him. What I'm worried about is the person behind him - Wigfortz."

  When he was in Brochlon Town, Lann had already followed Mossak had discussed this issue, using the excuse of his ancient blood precognition dream.

  Looking at the worried eyes of the two people, Lan took the initiative to comfort him: "But the situation is now under control. Vilgefortz sent his men to show that he doesn't want to reveal his identity yet; and a crappy dropout academician simply doesn't want to reveal his identity. If he doesn't pose a threat to me, if I can fight him off the first time, I can fight him off a second time." "

  After I return to Arethusa, I will observe the situation there more." Triss said worriedly, " That's Vilgefortz after all."

  Temeria, Redania, Vilgefortz, Nilfgaard, just the forces that Mossack knew were dealing with Lann. Many, not to mention the ones he didn't know about.

  The old Druid shook his head, feeling even more sorry for Lan.

  After sorting out his mood, Mossack deliberately smiled: "There are so many things happening here, and I also have two news to tell you." Lann raised his eyebrows: "Let me guess:

  one is Good news, the other one is also good news?"

  Mossak nodded with a smile: "The first news: I don't know if you still remember Marshal Visekid? He carried Queen Calanthe's death during that battle. He ordered to go north to recruit troops and missed the big battle. In a place we don't know, he has been actively fighting against Nilfgaard, gathering refugees, and even retreated to Bruge to establish a base." Lann's eyes lit up: "Now he has contacted us


  "That's right. I have known Visegid for decades, and his loyalty to Calanthe and Cintra is unshakable. He brought a dozen people to Brochlon some time ago, and we talked for a long time. " . I brought his letter here, and we all thought that we would like you to review our discussion opinions."

  Mossack took out a letter, and Lan took it and browsed it quickly.

  The above are all words of Visekid. He already knew from Mossak's mouth that he was now the speaker of Cintra and the guardian of Ciri, so he also used the title of "self-demoted by half" in the letter - you must know that Visekid used to be considered a Lan's elders.

  In the letter, he systematically elaborated on the analysis of the current situation in Nilfgaard and Cintra, and gave Lan an inventory of the number of refugees he had gathered and the troops he could mobilize; tactically, he hoped that Lan could admit it and allow it. In the name of Cintra, he continued to watch and help each other in Brugg and Brochlon, waiting for the opportunity.

  Lann remembered that in the original novel, Vissekid was the last watchman of Cintra and was very loyal.

  "Please also help me convey to Marshal Vissekid. I am very happy to get his help, which alleviates our urgent need." Lann said solemnly, "After I go back, I will meet with him. Then bring him He went to see Ciri and asked Ciri to accept his allegiance."

  Mossak nodded with satisfaction, and the prosperity of Cintra made him extremely happy.

  "Then the second news: I took the time to go back to the Druid Circle of Skellige to relocate my laboratory; then I went to visit the Klett family and the Tursek family."

  The Krait family is the family of Kratz, the "Boar of the Sea" who came to Sintra before. They will take over as the king of Skellige in the future; and the Tursek family is the family of the current king of Skellige. East is also a member of the Tursek family.

  Lan's eyes lit up.

  "Their two families are willing to fully support Cintra in resisting Nilfgaard, and King Bran is also lobbying the remaining five families of the seven major families; even if King Bran's lobbying is unsuccessful, the Claytor family and the Tursek family It also represents more than half of Skellige's power, and these powers can definitely help Cintra."

  Before Lan could become happy, the druid suddenly changed the topic: "And after that, I I went to visit East."

  Mossak sighed as he said this.

  "The queen died in front of him, and I realized that she was actually pregnant with a child at that time, killing two people. East buried her in his clan. When I saw him, he had become older. Many. And when he heard that the other five Skellige families were unwilling to resist Nilfgaard with all their strength, he made a surprising decision." The

  druid's tone was complicated: "He wanted to become Skellig's family again. King, in the name of 'avenging the queen,' assemble all the power of Skellige to help Cintra to the greatest extent."

  Lann was suddenly stunned by the huge amount of information in this paragraph.

  Lann knows that the political environment of the Skellig Islands is different from that of the mainland. King Bran's current throne was given to him by East before, and now East wants to take it back... It seems that there is no problem in logic. ?
  How could it be so childishly "no problem"!

  "Is this process...smooth?" Lan asked hesitantly.

  (End of chapter)

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