Chapter 126 The Boy and the Snake

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  Chapter 126
  After the boy and the snake took a breath, the man who sent the message explained: "Sir Villiers arrested the witcher who recently came to White Orchard. Sir accused the witcher of kidnapping the beekeeper's child!

  The knight is going to put the witcher on trial in the name of the lord this afternoon, and requires all the citizens of White Orchard to come as jury witnesses!" ...


  Orchard, underground cell.

  An unkempt man was sitting on his knees inside the fence. The ground was covered with broken and rotting hay, exuding a pungent stench.

  He was tall and strong, but now physically exhausted. He appeared to have been beaten, as evidenced by bruises and several cuts on his face.

  He is a demon hunter who came from distant Nilfgaard, but not for any political mission, but for his own school: the Viper School.

  Demon hunters once had a glorious time. They once had countless advanced technologies, exquisite alchemy equipment, and amazing school equipment. However, with the passage of time, most of these have been lost.

  As for this demon hunter, he accepted the mission from the school to find the lost equipment blueprints of the school, hoping to create solid enchanted armor and weapons and revitalize the school.

  Therefore, he traveled thousands of miles from the south to the north and traveled to countless places. Most of his mission has been completed, and the lost drawings have been found. Now he planned to find a town to rest for a while before returning to his hometown, but he didn't expect that the boy disappeared, and he was arrested as a suspect without any explanation.

  In order to safely bring the equipment blueprints back to the school, he chose not to conflict with the local nobles and willingly let his hands be shackles, waiting for a fair trial.

  "Witcher, are you still awake? It's time to eat."

  A childish voice sounded, with a greeting sound of tapping the bowl.

  The man remained motionless, his eyes did not open, but he still responded to the boy's arrival with a question:

  "Among the jailers of White Orchard are you as young as you?"

  The boy curiously looked at the demon hunter who was concentrating with his eyes closed, and said. : "I'm not a jailer, I just came here to deliver food to you."

  The boy hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a slightly expectant tone: "I heard that you are a demon hunter, is it true?"

  The man in the cell chuckled and affirmed: "They arrested me for this. You should have heard that they accused me of arresting a child, a child about your age." The boy wrinkled his nose: "That

  's York Joan from the beekeeper's house, we played together. But it wasn't you, right?"

  The man knelt in the cell and moved, as if he didn't expect that a child would say such a thing. Everyone he meets these days thinks he's guilty.

  "The villagers claimed that I was guilty, and the lord also claimed that I was guilty, but you seem to have a different view? What makes you think so, child?" The boy bit his lip and

  placed the meals brought for the prisoners beside the cage. , hesitated and said:
  "I have listened to a poem by a poet, his name is Dan... He is very good at telling stories and singing very well. He sang about a very powerful warrior named 'White Wolf', who He said he was also a witcher!"

  The boy's voice was very excited, and he looked at the man in the cage: "The witcher he was talking about is not you... Do you also have yellow cat eyes? Can I take a look? "

  The man sitting in the prison frowned. He was caught off guard by the boy's request and even thought it was ridiculous. He asked:

  "Whose child are you from? Your family actually let you in to deliver meals to the prisoners who have not yet been tried." "

  Mao Yan, show me Mao Yan and I will tell you!"

  The boy said with expectation. With his eyes, he seemed to want to witness his little dream come true, but he didn't notice the expression of the man in the cage.

  The man smiled evilly: "You said you have listened to poetry, so you think the devil hunter is not like me? No, no... I am the real devil hunter!" His eyes widened suddenly

  , Amber's eyes suddenly seemed like two beams of fire lighting up from the dark cell. Then he jumped up from his kneeling position and approached the edge of the cage. He grabbed the railing with both hands and glared at the boy with a ferocious expression.

  The boy didn't react to the movements of the person inside at first. He only felt the man in front of him flash in front of his eyes, turning into a black shadow like a poisonous snake in the forest and rushing towards him. A cold, terrifying and frightening aura followed him. The attack enveloped him.

  The man's eyes were not as cute as the eyes of the village cat. Instead, they were more like cold-blooded snake eyes without a trace of emotion.

  "Ah!" The boy screamed and fell to the ground. He completely forgot that he could actually be protected by the fence of the cell. He rolled and crawled out, shouting at the jailer to help him, causing a commotion.

  After the boy walked away, the man with snake eyes returned to his expressionless and indifferent look. He squatted on the ground and meticulously picked up the bowl and rice that had been knocked over by the boy. He knelt back to his original place and closed his eyes to meditate.

  "The life of a witcher... is not worth yearning for or worshiping, boy."

  He murmured softly.

  The boy ran away quickly, and then the jailer ran down, shouting harshly at the man in the cell, looking nervous.

  "What's going on, Demon Hunter! What did you do to Leo?"

  The man in the cage remained motionless.

  Seeing that the other party did not respond, the jailer seemed to flinch, but then the jailer immediately laughed evilly. He remembered that he was a jailer, and the bound hands of the man in the prison gave him courage.

  "Ha, Demon Hunter, do you only know how to bully children? It is said that you are warriors who can defeat griffins? I don't think it's anything special." As if to cheer himself up, the thin, sickly jailer

  muttered Demeaning the witcher, mocking the witcher's experience of surrendering and being imprisoned without a fight, and mocking his cowardly personality in being unable to fight back or retaliate in the cage.

  Finally, the jailer laughed sinisterly: "I... I've always wanted to find a demon hunter to have a good fight with."

  The jailer took the chain from the torture frame on the side and was about to open the cage, wanting to teach this man a lesson. Yellow-eyed monster.

  At this moment, shouts suddenly came from the stairs, and soon soldiers came down, just in time to stop the jailer's next move.

  "Sir Villiers wants to see the witcher, and his trial has begun."

  Facing the lord's guard, the jailer's bent waist did not straighten up again. He hurriedly put down the chain in his hand, turned around and opened the witcher. cage, and roughly pulled out the people inside.

  Serious tribunals can only be found in large cities, and Baiguoyuan is a farming area containing multiple villages. Although it is considered wealthy, it certainly does not have a political venue at the level of the Inquisition.

  Therefore, in order to reflect the formality of this trial, Sir Virileis, the lord of White Orchard, specially asked the beekeepers to set up a bee farm in White Orchard Village - where the "victim" works - like a horse race. shed and seating.

  At this moment, Sir Villiers was sitting on an extra high seat, looking down at the villagers who were gathering towards this side from a distance.

  This trial was the whim of Sir Viriles because he met a witcher he had never seen before. This was also the first time he had "served justice" for his people and the first time he had presided over a serious trial, so he valued it particularly.

  There were not many guards guarding him, only about ten of them. After all, this place is next to the capital of Temeria, so there is no need to worry too much about safety.

  After watching for a while, Sir Villiers whispered: "Butler."

  A middle-aged man with a big belly immediately came up and bent down so that he could hear what the Sir said clearly.

  "The Lion of Sintra, Lord Lannister, seems to be in White Orchard. Do you know about this?" "

  Yes, sir." The butler rubbed his big belly, which made him bend down very hard. , "Some of the guards at home seemed to have seen them appearing at the White Orchard Hotel. They probably wanted to go to see the king."

  Sir Verres nodded and stretched out his hand. The wine waiter on the side was naturally very discerning and stepped forward to pour him wine.

  "Your Majesty Foltest doesn't seem to want to see him very much."

  "Sir, what do you mean?" The old butler sweated slightly on his forehead, "We...ignore him?"

  "Idiot!" the knight from White Orchard scolded, "That's an earl, how can you be so rude!"

  The butler bent his waist harder, almost squeezing out the fat from the flesh on his belly.

  "Ask the messenger to receive them, but don't set the standards too high. Just entertain him according to the standards of the, the Baron. It should be able to convey His Majesty's message. Let him go as soon as possible." "Of course, sir

  . "The steward praised, "Your wisdom is unparalleled. His Majesty the King will definitely be pleased to have a minister like you." Sir Villiers nodded and

  asked again: "The guards have gone to gather the citizens and travelers. I want traveling merchants and bards."

  The steward responded: "Of course, they are coming here in a steady stream. The travelers will spread your wise and just judgment to the entire north, and your surname will be from now on. It will be preceded by the title of 'Justice' or 'Love of People as Sons'."

  Sir Villiers drank all the wine in the glass with satisfaction, stretched out his hand again, and asked the wine waiter to refill the wine while looking towards him. The guard next to him shouted: "Where is that yellow-eyed freak? Why haven't you brought him here yet?"

  A guard hurried over and reported while wiping his sweat: "Sir, please wait a moment, we have... They're coming!"

  Sir Villiers looked towards the defense line pointed by the guards, and sure enough he saw the prisoners he was waiting for.

  Then, he looked down at the villagers present. He had already ordered all the villagers to gather here to witness the trial. Although he was very unhappy that they were not here now, it was enough to satisfy his vanity.

  (End of chapter)

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