Chapter 122 Jie Long: Bring more bombs when you go out, bring more potions, bring more...forget it, I'll give them all to you.

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  Chapter 122 Jaylon: Bring more bombs when you go out, bring more potions, bring more... Forget it, I'll give it all to you.

  Jaylon looked at Mossak. His apprentice had stated his demands in the letter before. He hoped that he could Share the information on the secondary mutation of the witcher with the druid in front of you to help develop methods to improve the success rate of the witcher's mutation, as well as formulas to make existing witchers stronger.

  There is no problem with this. Improving the success rate of mutation is itself a long-term research topic of various demon hunter schools. As long as there is an opportunity, they will not let it go. It is always good to have more strength to tackle difficult problems together.

  The druid in front of him is said to be Lann's teacher and elder. He can barely be considered one of his own, and his identity is suitable. If he can win over, the Griffin School will have a resident mage again.

  However, Jielong always felt a little bit disgusted in his heart.

  He was obviously his intended apprentice—even if the other party came first—but he had already agreed to come to Kelseren for training!

  Now not only has the itinerary been changed, but an elder has also been hired to learn the skills of a demon hunter. What is this going to do?
  Kelda had been watching Jaylon's emotional changes during this period. He knew what was going on in Jaylon's mind without even thinking about it at this moment, and took the initiative to step forward and send Mossak away.

  "First time we meet, I am Kelda. I was the teacher of the former Griffin School who was responsible for imparting monster knowledge, and I am also the heir to all the magical knowledge of the current Griffin School. Regarding magic and mutation experiments, I think we can have a good exchange."

  Mossak glanced at Lan and Jeron, and nodded slightly. He had never heard Lan talk about Kelda, but the strong magic fluctuations and the scholar's aura emanating from the other party could not be faked. At this time, getting down to business is more important.

  Watching Mossack and Kelda aside, although Lan knew about the existence of a demon hunter like Kelda in his previous life, this old demon hunter basically only lived in the background story. Don't understand at all.

  Perhaps because he saw Lan's doubts, Geron took the initiative to explain: "Kelda was the only survivor of the avalanche that destroyed the school. He never left after that, and only wandered around the towns around the castle, guarding The ruins of Kael Siren are no longer invaded by adventurers and tomb robbers. He happened to be outside when I came back last time, so I didn't know he was still alive."

  Lann was secretly stunned.

  Darling, another master-level demon hunter similar to Vesemir? Moreover, according to the characteristics of the Griffin school of emphasis on magic seals, this Kelda is a rare magic scholar among the demon hunters. This is probably not a centenary-year-old warlock level existence.

  A second-mutated demon hunter who has awakened his demonic constitution; a master demon hunter who has learned hundreds of years of magical knowledge; plus a demon hunter lord with ancient blood.

  What's going on with this sudden feeling of swelling?

  Looking at the unexpected son in front of him who didn't know what he was thinking, Jielong spoke first with complicated eyes: "Lan, I heard about your country. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Lann looked at his thoughts

  . Pulling it out, he shook his head: "This is something that can't be helped. The war between countries cannot be affected by any of us. All I can do now is to protect my only family and prevent those who have sacrificed. All my hard work was in vain, so I wrote the letter to you.

  Regarding the proposal I made in the letter, I want to know your opinion."

  In the letter, Lan not only proposed sharing with Mossack When it comes to improving the witcher formula, he also elaborates on Geralt’s idea of ​​rebuilding the witcher order.

  The only difference is that he told Geralt that Cintra had obtained the gryphon, and told Geron that Cintra had obtained the wolf.

  But even so, Jielong still refused: "I didn't expect that the only two heirs of a country would become the unexpected sons of two schools... The fate is really wonderful. But the Griffin School will not get involved in politics, and Kaer Siren still needs me to rebuild, and your country can only rely on itself."

  The support of a country may be precious support for schools such as wolves, cats, and snakes, but the griffon school had a steady stream of support during its heyday. Continuous kings and politicians have come to invite him, and Jielong in the golden age has really seen the market.

  Moreover, his perception is still stuck as a demon hunter from a hundred years ago who has not completely turned around. He has not yet experienced enough beatings from society. If it were Kelda, he might have agreed.

  Although Jie Long valued Lann, his only apprentice, he would not overindulge him. Traveling the continent itself was a compulsory course for every demon hunter. Lann's journey was just a bit different from other people's.

  Unless Lann encountered real life danger and needed emergency help, Jielong had no plans to leave the mountain.

  Cleaning up and rebuilding Caer Siren was the top priority in his mind. Jeron, who missed the battle to defend Caer Siren and lost all his comrades, had long made up his mind to devote the rest of his life to Caer Siren.

  "However, your course is indeed a problem. I can't let a demon hunter without any training wander around the mountains." Jielong looked at Lan and said: "

  I will also put the magic notebook for contact with you first. , if you encounter any problems outside, you can always write down and come to me for answers, and..."

  Jielong turned slightly sideways, revealing the table behind him, which was filled with various bombs and magic potions.

  "The big avalanche destroyed the school's library and made the warlocks return in despair. They seemed to be too focused on their own dignity and did not dig out what was under the snow. Although most of the finished magic props and equipment had been destroyed , but there are still a lot of materials..."

  Lann stepped forward, and even he was dazzled by the densely packed things on the table for a moment -

  bundles of various bombs, in addition to the familiar Beehive, Dancing Star, and Dragon's Dream , Moon Dust, and Demonic Gold Bomb, there is also [North Wind] that can freeze enemies, and [Demon Dust] that can release poisonous gas. Not only were these bombs numerous in number, but their shapes were also modified and upgraded to be high-end items, which were not the same as the ones Geralt knew.

  In addition, there are a bunch of various magic potions, and Jie Long is introducing there:
  "There are also these [Tawny Owl] that can quickly replenish magic power and physical strength, [Thunder] that can enhance muscle strength, and speed up the production of adrenaline." [Maboli Forest], [Patrick Elixir] that enhances the strength of the seal..."

  Saying this, Jielong was a little annoyed: "Biological-related materials deteriorate greatly even if they are buried in the snow, so I don't have mutants to make. Decoction; after receiving your letter, I have been refining these things with Kelda, and there is not enough time to hunt monsters and obtain mutants. I will write to you about the specific process of making decoction, etc. After you get the materials, you can tell me, and I will open a portal to bring you back and ask you to cook it..." "

  By the way, there is also sword oil. But the materials used to make the sword oil have also deteriorated. I will give you the recipe. It's all written. I heard you said that you are very close to the Wolf Faction, and they are better at this aspect. You can exchange production methods with them..."

  Jielong rambled, and asked Lann's people What is the toxicity of the medicine and how to mix it with the dosage at one time.

  "My second mutation awakened my magical talent, and this seems to be reflected in you. I am currently learning magic knowledge from Kedar. His knowledge reserve is very rich. After we sort it out together, it will be compiled into a book. Here it is, you must also remember to study..."

  Lan watched all this in silence, and suddenly said: "Jeron, teacher... when I finish the work in Cintra, I will organize people to help you rebuild Kel Siren, you and Kelda I'm too busy for myself. I'm also a member of the Griffin School. Don't worry, I won't stand idly by."

  Jielong smiled nonchalantly: "You should take care of your own affairs first. There is no trivial matter between countries. No need. Worry about Kelda and I. After all, neither of us has anything else to do. It doesn’t matter if it takes a few years, ten years, decades or even hundreds of years. Demon hunters have a long lifespan, and you will know it later. "

  As for your Demon Hunter Order..." Jie Long pondered for a while and then sighed, "The Griffin School does not participate in politics, but it can help its comrades. I just learned that Kelda also has a disciple." Traveling outside, if you encounter him, you can go and rescue him. His name is..."


  The edge of Kaedwen, in the Blue Mountains and above the Gwenrich River, is the corner of the civilized world. Like Caer Siren, they are both in the "forgotten land" on maps and books.

  Kaer Morhen, the headquarters of the Wolf sect's witchers, is located here.

  Since Yennefer had never been here before, they could not accurately locate the Witcher Castle. They only teleported to the easternmost part of Kaedwen that Yennefer knew, and the rest of the journey had to be climbed over the mountains by horse. ridge.

  Only now did they actually reach their destination.

  The horseshoes stepped on the stone pavement in the courtyard, making a crisp sound, and the castle door was pushed open, attracting the attention of the witchers who were drinking and chatting inside.

  Looking at Geralt and his group, everyone had smiles of varying degrees and meanings on their faces.

  Xili counted silently in her mind: One, two, three, four, all have amber cat eyes, and they are all demon hunters. This is the first time she has seen so many demon hunters.

  If they were all of Geralt's level, they wouldn't be able to massacre a small town or even a small city in one day.

  They were sitting in a scattered manner, but they were all vaguely centered on an old demon hunter with white hair and beard. It was difficult for Ciri to evaluate the appearance of the old witcher. This strong contrast between a dull appearance but a high-spirited temperament was something Ciri had only seen in Mossack.

  At this moment, the old demon hunter stood up and walked towards the people who had just arrived in Kaer Morhen. He opened his arms and hugged Geralt hard, and then smiled at Ciri.

  There was a scar on his face that was exactly the same as Geralt's, running through his left eye, but his smile made Ciri feel friendly.

  "Hello, my name is Vesemir. Are you Ciri, Geralt's unexpected son?

  I didn't expect that he would really bring you back. There must be many stories in it - Geralt, you are still stupid. What are you doing standing there? Don’t you see that the child and the lady are exhausted? Do you still want me to serve you soup like a father takes care of the child?” Geralt, who had always been expressionless outside, was very excited at this time

  . He curled his lips exaggeratedly.

  Before leaving to prepare the tableware, he pointed at two of the witchers present and gave Ciri a brief introduction: One
  had short hair and a scar running from the corner of his eye to his cheek on his right face. At this moment, the scar was still dancing. An unflattering laugh. Geralt said: "He is Lambert, a bastard."

  Lambert responded unceremoniously: "I am also happy to see you back alive again, White Wolf. I am even more happy to see you finally decided to be a bastard." He is a father and has two daughters at once."

  Geralt ignored him and introduced another witcher to Ciri who was wearing riveted leather armor with red and gray patterns. The scars on his face were the most exaggerated. , the three or four scars on the left side of his face almost completely tore the corners of his mouth and eyes:
  "This is Eskar, you may like him in the future."

  Eskar did not speak, but just nodded in this direction. .

  Where is the other person? Ciri looked at the fourth witcher at the table, the only witcher with no scars on his face.

  Geralt didn't seem to recognize him, and this witcher's temperament was incompatible with the other witchers present.

  His half-long hair was neatly tied into a ball-shaped bun on the back of his head, his head and face were neatly groomed, and his clothes were also very neat. Although they are not as classy as the people in the city, they are far better than the other mercenaries in the hall, reminding Ciri of his own palace guards.

  Shirley also noticed that he was the only person present who actually "sat" on a chair and used the dining table to eat.

  Noticing Ciri's gaze, the demon hunter stood up and gave a slight salute.

  "I didn't expect to be able to witness this kind of thing when I'm a guest in Kaer Morhen for the winter for the first time. It's such an honor." He said with a smile, "Hello ladies, I am Korn of Powis." He hung it around his neck

  . The witcher badge was also different from the others, but Ciri recognized it as a griffin.

  (End of chapter)

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