Chapter 103 Sintra

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  Chapter 103 Sintra

  "About three hundred people." The royal steward bowed, "They are all royal family members and guests who were too late to leave. The other knights took their weapons and stayed outside, and the citizens only sent some of their children away. Come in with the women."

  "The lions of Sintra..." Mossak sighed, and then ordered the royal steward, "Go and check if the supplies are enough."

  The steward nodded in agreement, turned and walked out of the room.

  Turning around, Ciri looked at Mossack in disbelief, with tears in her eyes: "What do you mean the Nilfgaardians... have entered the city? Where are grandma and grandpa?"

  Mossack hesitated for a while. Still said: "The scouts who escaped said that a group of Skellige sailors intervened in the battlefield and rescued the king and queen. But I don't know why they haven't come back yet." He comforted: "They definitely did not fall into Nilfgar

  . In the hands of the Germans, otherwise the Nilfgaardians would have used this as a threat instead of attacking by force."

  Ciri's young body couldn't help but tremble. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly heard a burst of sound coming from outside the city. The loud sound of earth shattering.

  Everyone in the room was caught off guard and shook their shoulders suddenly. They hurriedly ran to the windows to check the source of the sound. They saw a shocking hole in the outer wall of the castle. Nilfgaard's soldiers were like a tidal wave. They usually come here.

  "Why so fast!"

  Mossak heard the soldiers exclaiming, and his eyes became sharp, and the natural and peaceful characteristics of the Druid disappeared in an instant.

  He took his oak staff with his left hand and closed it hard with his right hand like a tiger's claw. All the plants surrounding the city wall seemed to come alive in an instant, connecting with each other and tightly surrounding the castle.

  Nilfgaard's soldiers seemed to want to come in through the gap, but when they crossed the plants, they suddenly hit a green light curtain and flew out upside down. The soldiers who had entered the city wall tried to get out in panic, but were firmly stopped.

  The guards of Cintra swarmed forward.

  Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief, but Mossack knew that things were not that simple at all.

  "Sward!" The sword guard heard Mossack calling his name, "Geralt is outside the north gate of the castle. Enns and Hardy have my warrant, asking them to pick up Geralt. . I need the White Wolf to locate the portal to Kaer Morhen!"

  "Steward, go get Ciri's cloak!"

  Mossack looked around at the guards and said, "I know the queen gave you an order to see it. When the witcher arrives, he will cut off his head, but now he is here to protect the princess. I believe you can distinguish the importance." The

  guards nodded in agreement, and a man dressed as a captain walked out of the room with Sward. Notify all soldiers along the way to let them go.

  "Wait, Uncle Mossack." Ciri suddenly panicked, "Where am I going? Are you waiting for grandma and grandpa? Where is Kaer Morhen?" "Listen to

  me, Ciri." Moss Sack said softly, "This may be difficult for you to understand - although you have been fighting fate all your life, fate is still on our side now. We have made many wrong choices and now we must step back from the brink. .

  Geralt will take you first, and I will continue to wait for the king and queen here, and help as many people as possible to evacuate. I will go to you again later, okay?" Ciri shook her head fiercely

  , He couldn't hold back the tears anymore: "You all think I don't understand anything and you are all lying to me. Lann lied to me, grandpa and grandma also lied to me, and now you are also lying to me?" "Xili,

  you Listen to me..."

  "I am also the Lion of Cintra!" Ciri suddenly shouted, "I'm not going anywhere!"

  Her voice was surprisingly high, not a scream or a roar, but it was shocking. Everyone’s eardrums hurt.

  Immediately afterwards, an invisible wave spread out around Shiri, shattering all the cups, vases, and mirrors in the room.

  The magic wave in Mossak's hand swayed for a while, but he finally stabilized it. He looked at Shiri with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

  " this time, why is it at this time..."

  At this moment, behind the soldiers who were pouring in like a tide, a group of people dressed obviously not like soldiers suddenly appeared. The leader was a short-haired woman dressed in a unique style, followed by men and women wearing cloaks whose faces could not be seen clearly. The druid seemed to feel something and immediately turned his head to look over.

  Although only the leading woman is dressed gorgeously, and although the men and women behind her are as square as attendants, the magic fluctuations are unmistakable, these people are all warlocks!
  Mossak gritted his teeth, there were so many!

  Seeing Mossak's amazing range of defensive spells, Fringilla exclaimed: "It's amazing, Druid. Although I don't know what happened to the fluctuation just now, but - I found it!" Then

  she With a tilted head, the warlocks behind him all burst out with fluctuations of chaotic energy, turning into dozens of elemental attacks of various forms that blasted into the green screen in mid-air.

  Huge pressure acted on Mossak's body, and the natural energy in his body poured out like a pool that had opened its gates. Mossack originally thought he would be able to survive until dawn, but now it seems that he may not be able to survive the dusk.

  What's worse is that his magic power is stuck to those dozen warlocks, and he can't even free his hand to open the portal. As long as he stops his hand, those dozens of magic beams can instantly penetrate the protection and kill everyone in the room.

  "There's no time, guard, take the princess and leave immediately!"

  "Ciri, go north, go to Brochiron with Geralt! That's where the Four Kingdoms meet, and there are tree spirits, and it's also very close to Temeria. "If Nilfgaard doesn't want to start a war with the entire Northern Territory at the same time, it will never go near it!"

  "Uncle Mossack!" Ciri cried and was taken away by the guards. Suddenly only Mossack and a royal knight were left in the room.

  The knight had been silent just now. Now he looked at Mossack's ferocious expression and sweating profusely. He sighed and stepped forward and asked: "Consultant Mossack, it's time, right?"

  Mossack was silent. He was unwilling to confirm such an issue. When Calanthe issued such an order, he strongly opposed it. But the order was passed unanimously by others.

  What kind of a group of lions is this?

  Being silent means acquiescing. The knight nodded, faced Mossak, retreated to the door and stopped.

  "Advisor, His Majesty has asked me to convey this sentence to you -" he said solemnly, "Mossac, it is an honor for everyone in Cintra to get your help." The knight turned towards

  Mossac Bowing deeply, he turned and disappeared into the corridor.

  Mossak was silent for a while, and his expression gradually became sad. He responded softly in the direction where the knight left: "Me too, Your Majesty." The

  protective shield in front of him became weaker and weaker, and Fringilla Wei Ge seemed to have finally waited for the moment she wanted. She opened her hands, and the magic wave that was far more powerful than the warlocks behind her boiled at this moment -

  and in the castle, everyone in the room finally evacuated at this moment, without any scruples. Mossak withdrew his hands, and the natural energy regrouped in another way -


  The violent explosion directly broke a corner of the castle, and a large area of ​​the city wall was overturned from the inside out. Countless Nilfgaardians were killed by falling rocks. The soldiers who were fighting with swords stopped and covered themselves in pain. He closed his ears, and blood kept flowing out from between his fingers.

  The entire battlefield was paused because of this violent magic collision, and the crowd was briefly quiet for a moment. Then Black Sun and Lion seemed to have accumulated enough strength during this pause, and each roared louder!

  The knight who delivered the queen's message to Mossak kept walking after walking out of the room, and neither the shouts of death nor the explosions disturbed him at all.

  He walked to the door of the nearest room and nodded towards the two guards guarding the door. The two men clearly drew their swords and walked towards the outside of the castle. Their mission here was over.

  "Madam, Miss." The knight looked at the royal family members in the room who were attracted by his actions, and took out a vial from his arms, "The time has come." The royal family members in the room understood what, and the mother

  hugged her trembling daughter and gently He gently took the vial handed over by the knight. She pretended to be calm:

  "Essek... If I remember correctly, you are my cousin."

  The woman in the room said softly. After seeing the knight nodding, she forced a smile and said: "Then, You must let the Nilfgaardians see...the power of the angry lion."

  The knight's eyes fluctuated slightly: "Of course."

  Knight Essek passed through each room, and the guards guarding the door left one by one. The footsteps were accompanied by the sounds of broken glass bottles and the sound of human bodies falling to the ground.

  The knight walked all the way to the castle gate. In front of them was a flood of Black Sun soldiers, and the flag of the Three Lions retreated again and again.

  He pulled out the sword in his hand and threw it into the crowd without hesitation.


  A group of black-armored soldiers ran past the edge of the castle. After they walked away, a secret door of the castle opened. Two royal guards first poked their heads out to inquire about the situation and confirmed safety, and then two more guards came. Wei Gong guarded Xili and hurried out.

  At this moment, the princess was wearing a tan griffin skin cloak, and she was holding a reddish-brown cloth bag in her arms, with a long thing wrapped inside.

  This secret door is right next to the stable. At this moment, there are fast horses inside that are too late to take away, or that are left behind on purpose.

  "Horse, princess. Get on the horse quickly!"

  The leading guard held Xili in his arms, and the five of them ran towards the north gate, but they did not notice that a group of black-armored soldiers appeared at the corner behind them.

  Shirley shrank against the cold plate armor of the Guard Commander, and suddenly felt something fishy and smelly spraying out from her head. When she looked up, she saw that it was blood from the Guard Commander's neck.

  An arrow penetrated his neck from behind. Following the trajectory of the arrow, a knight wearing black armor with gold patterns and a winged helmet slowly lowered his long bow.

  The knight commander held the screaming Ciri and fell to the ground from the horse. He used the last bit of strength to control his center of gravity and used himself as a protective pad to prevent the princess from falling, leaving the empty horse on his back to jump out far away. .

  The remaining three guards were frightened and reined in their horses. The guard princess tried to fight back, but was easily annihilated by enemies several times her size.

  "Count Cassirer, she is Princess Sirilla. I have seen her at a banquet!"

  Upon hearing this, the Winged Helmet Knight stepped forward and lifted up the shattered Sirila. The voice came out from the gap in the armor. The voice was full of joy: "Finally found it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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