Chapter 87 Experimenting with new methods

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  Chapter 87 Experimenting with new methods
  "2012." Wu Wei said.

  This number was beyond Li Xun's expectation, because it is now 2078.

  "Wu Wei, take off your clothes." After thinking about it, Li Xun suddenly ordered.

  This step is for Li Xun to use commands that are usually impossible to achieve to deepen Wu Wei's trance state, and to confirm which stage she has entered and whether she can self-awaken.

  Soon, after a trace of struggle appeared on Wu Wei's face, she slowly took off her clothes, revealing a dazzling and smooth body.

  Even Li Xun, who had experienced many battles in his previous life, was a little caught off guard. He took a step back slightly, his eyes wandering.

  "Very good, put it back on." Li Xun said again.

  Li Xun verified and confirmed that Wu Wei had indeed entered a deep state of arousal before, and the memories he recounted were the most authentic imprints of his childhood.

  In this way, the error of Li Xun's verification can be greatly reduced.

  "In other words, after Wu Wei transformed into a mechanical life, it took several decades before she transformed back into a human being. The opportunities during this period were also quite interesting. In addition, she

  said that she was the first person to be able to freely switch between the two. A human in this life state.

  That is, she actually has a way to switch to mechanical life or human life without going through the transformation device.

  However, she seems to have forgotten this method of operation."

  Li Xun held his chin in thought.

  After a while, Li Xun said: "Wu Wei, do you remember how to transform yourself into a mechanical life?"

  This sentence had a certain probability of prompting Wu Wei to wake up from the hypnotic state, but Li Xun still tried.

  The result was good but not bad. After Wu Wei struggled more fiercely than before, no matter how hard Li Xun tried to comfort her with his spiritual whispers, she still woke up slowly.

  It has to be said that Wu Wei's sense of beauty has surpassed ordinary human aesthetics and reached its peak.

  The facial features, contours, lines, figure, everything is so in tune, well-proportioned, and balanced, as if they were not born but carefully shaped by God.

  Of course, Li Xun also suspected and verified whether Wu Wei was deliberately created by some existence.

  But the probability told him that Wuwei did grow up naturally from the beginning.

  Even if she transforms into a mechanical life later, and now turns back to a human being, she will still be back to her human form.

  Wu Wei's existence was so special. Li Xun knew that she had many secrets hidden in her body. Unfortunately, there were not many parts that could be detected and explored so far.

  At this moment, Wu Wei opened her eyes, and then her face changed slightly, and she said,
  "You hypnotized me?"

  "Why, you are mine now. Let me hypnotize you to understand. What's the problem?" Li Xun said with a smile. .

  "Have you touched my clothes?"

  "Be clear about your situation, and then think about how to talk to me."

  As soon as Li Xun finished speaking, Wu Wei suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, his whole body in a prostrate posture.

  "Isn't this good? It's quite interesting." Li Xun laughed.

  With Wu Wei's arrogance, she definitely didn't fall to her knees. It was Li Xun who had a thought and directly took over her neural network and made her fall to her knees.

  Wu Wei said aggrievedly: "We are both S-class, why are your abilities so widely used?" "Don't

  think like that, you are already stronger than most extraordinary beings, and you are even the strongest extraordinary being I have ever seen. .

  Of course, you can't compare with me, don't compare, you know?
  And, if you hadn't underestimated the enemy, why would you have been so careless?"

  Wu Wei was silent, she didn't regret her original decision.

  Can't we take action earlier? Can't you just explode with all your strength? Don't make arrangements and don't mess with him, right?

  Unfortunately, there is no if.

  "In addition, the shell of your divine fire seeds seems to be able to greatly enhance your abilities. What is this?" "This

  is the divine fire treasure phantom. It borrows some special extraordinary items to upgrade the divine fire seeds to make your abilities stronger."

  Wu Wei was quite obedient this time. It seemed that Li Xun's operation was effective.

  Li Xun smiled and said: "Interesting, but you were upgraded to S-level. Why do you still feel that you are still in the S-level category after the upgrade? You have not surpassed it and become SS or something?" "Earth Star has a transcendent blockade, and S-level abilities are the limit

  . Yeah, it's almost impossible to upgrade your ability to SS." Wu Wei said.

  "Extraordinary blockade? The Star Alliance did it?" Li Xun asked curiously.

  "Yes, and the limit of the Divine Fire Seed is S level, and the Divine Fire Noble Phantasm has only a slight possibility to upgrade S to SS. Coupled with the extraordinary blockade arranged by the Star Alliance, it is even more impossible to upgrade to SS. "

  Li Xun's eyes were strange, he thought for a while, and then said: "Tell me the method of condensing the sacred fire treasure."

  Wu Wei's eyes flickered, staring at Li Xun for a while, and then said:

  "Before I tell you, let me say something. I'm still useful to you, don't rush to kill me. Whatever I know, if you ask, I will tell you everything." Li Xun was slightly surprised. Wu Wei didn't beg for mercy

  before, so why was he suddenly worried that he would kill her now?

  After a little verification, Li Xun suddenly realized that when Wu Wei was captured, his mentality had not changed yet. He felt that it was just a moment of carelessness, and he would definitely find a chance to make a comeback.

  But now, she has seen Li Xun's various methods and already knows how difficult it is to make a comeback.

  Therefore, the mentality began to change, trying to gain one more point for myself.

  Her first step was to slowly show weakness and let Li Xun relax his vigilance towards her, and then slowly take advantage of her.

  After understanding Wu Wei's plan, Li Xun didn't reveal it. Well, since you took the initiative to surrender, what's wrong with me accepting it calmly?

  Although the purpose was still somewhat impure, he didn't care.

  Ever since the nanomachinery factory was created, those captives were destined to be controlled by him.

  Time is his friend. The longer time passes, the stronger he becomes and the less he has to worry about these captives turning out of his hands.

  They can only do things for him obediently.

  Although Li Xun has no current ambitions, he was a small business owner in his previous life and knew the importance of leveraging human resources.

  He doesn't even have to care about the thoughts of these people. As long as they can accomplish things for me, it doesn't matter if the people below have different intentions.
  If you really want to cause trouble, you can suppress it with your backhand.

  The core things are always in his hands.

  Thinking of this, Li Xun smiled lightly and said: "Your life is indeed valuable. As long as you are willing to use it for me, I will not give you a chance in the future. It all depends on your performance." At that moment, Wu Wei

  said The method of condensing the sacred fire treasure was explained.

  After listening, Li Xun nodded slightly, okay, Wu Wei didn't deliberately confuse the condensation method.

  After that, he didn't rush to take Wu Wei away. Instead, he reinforced the seal on her body again and checked her carefully before knocking her out.

  After all, he is the strongest among the prisoners, so he is really worried if he doesn't set up a few more layers of blockade.

  As for Fang Wuwei going out to do some activities and help him with things?

  Don't worry, just a dozen more whispers and hundreds of thousands more nanomechanical bugs should be enough.

  To accept and take refuge is to accept, and the necessary means are indispensable.


  In the afternoon, Aci came to Li Xun and reported the new discovery of the detection spirit, saying:

  "Boss, an important figure in Shangyi Kingdom died. Teng Wenye's elder, Teng Zhenyu, the second generation elder of the Tengshe clan, died last night. " Teng Zhenyu

  ? Please tell me in detail."

  "I can't hear clearly. There are extraordinary items in the city that block the void, and the babies can only hear some gossip from the periphery.

  Roughly speaking, , Teng Zhenyu may have had an affair with Yu Zhiyin, because the relationship between the two countries was hostile. When Teng Zhenyu secretly met with Yu Zhiyin, he stepped on a trap set by others and died there directly." As he said this, A Ci looked suspicious

  . , said: "But I think Yu Zhiyin's character doesn't seem like that kind of person."

  After A Ci introduced, Li Xun basically found out the truth, smiled, and said:

  "No, actually Teng Zhenyu is not dead. , he escaped by faking his death. However, he did have an affair with a certain character, but it was not Yu Zhiyin, but another character in Teng She Kingdom.

  And Teng Zhenyu, just to escape the fact that the affair was discovered, Looking for an opportunity to fake death to escape.

  As for Yu Zhiyin, it was just because he recently had a fight with Teng Wenye that he was at the forefront of the storm and could attract more attention, so it became Teng Zhenyu's unlucky way to fake death and escape." On the other side, Zhao Shuo also rushed back

  . Just in time to hear A Ci report to Li, he said:
  "Master Li, I also heard a rumor. It is said that Teng Zhenyu and Teng Wenye's wife Sailili have an ulterior secret!

  This Sailianli is Teng The first-class enchantress of the Snake Kingdom has a wild nature and more than one face. The strength of Teng Wenye's A-level nine locks was easily suppressed by Sai Zanli! However, although Teng Zhenyu is a second-generation elder, his strength is far inferior to Teng Wenye. It’s only B-level 7 locks.

  Therefore, according to your prediction, Master Li, Teng Zhenyu was probably discovered by Teng Wenye in his adultery, and had to find a chance to fake his death to escape. It can be seen that although

  Teng Wenye was suppressed by Sai Yanli, he was still very It's terrifying that his elders can actually fake their own death and escape."

  "A witch?" Li Xun asked curiously.

  "Yes, Charm Witch is a title unique to the Soaring Snake Kingdom. Its practice method is also different from the system of Burning Energy. It is a way to absorb the potential of others and turn it into one's own extraordinary power. It is said that this method does not require breaking the lock

  . , can also be very strong, of course, it is also necessary to raise a dozen extraordinary beings at the same time as a potential supply pool.

  In this way, the risk of the extraordinary becoming out of control is also avoided.

  Therefore, those who can become witches are all Soaring Snakes. Only those with the top background in the country can do it.

  As for the group of witches, most of them are the top combat power and top people in the Soaring Snake Kingdom.

  Then, it is said that the ability of this Saili is also top A level, named Deep Cave .

  You can create a cave leading to the void world at will, send anything into the void world, and banish it forever."

  Zhao Shuo inquired very clearly and told the information one by one in a very organized manner.

  Even Li Xun had to praise Zhao Shuo for his ability to obtain effective intelligence from messy information.

  Although he doesn't have extraordinary abilities, he uses his brain better than anyone else.

  Li Xun has verified this information and it is basically correct.

  A Ci, who was listening on the sidelines, also had a look of admiration on his face: "Old man Zhao, you are so powerful."

  Li Xun knocked on A Ci's forehead and scolded: "You have such a pervasive scout like a detection spirit, you actually snoop. The intelligence we received is far from that of Brother Zhao. It’s time to reflect.”

  A Ci puffed up his cheeks and said aggrievedly: “There is nothing I can do. Who told Wangtian Port to have an additional blockade?”

  Speaking of this, Li Xun Ye said a little strangely: "You mean, there was no such blockade yesterday, right?"

  A Ci nodded.

  "That's strange. This blockade should be specifically aimed at the elves of the void world, right? Otherwise, with your babies, what kind of barrier can't get through?" Li Xun said while verifying his conjecture, and suddenly his eyes moved and said

  : "Sure enough, this blockade was arranged by the people around Yu Zhiyin."

  A Ci said in surprise: "The blockade was arranged to stop my detecting spirit? Didn't she say that detecting spirits are welcome to visit her home at any time?" "

  This is exactly what happened . What's interesting is that after Yu Zhiyin returned, she mentioned to the people around her that the elves from the void world might visit. As a result, the people around her secretly arranged a blockade." Li Xun's eyes were strange and he smiled

  " From this point of view, this Yu Zhiyin probably doesn’t have any real confidants in Wangtian Port. He is still a master after all. If he is in such a miserable state, it seems that there is something behind it." A few people briefly exchanged their opinions

  . , Li Xun took the initiative to end this topic.

  "Okay, just listen to this matter of Teng Zhenyu as gossip, we don't need to pay too much attention."

  Li Xun pondered, and continued: "This matter is probably an opportunity for people to hype up and reduce the popularity of the mysterious treasure. , Don’t pay too much attention to it. By the way, fire food, is there any news here?"

  "Not yet."


  The answers from the two people made Li Xun slightly disappointed.

  Although the fishery here in Wangtian Harbor is rich, there is no fire food like red scale fish.

  In fact, he had verified that fire food was also produced in Wangtian Port. Unfortunately, the quantity was too small and no one might sell it, so he asked the two of them to inquire about it with the attitude of giving it a try.

  After the two reported, they retreated and did not disturb Li Xun again.

  He was not very interested in the secret affairs of Teng She's boudoir.

  However, this is also a sign of the undercurrent in Wangtian Harbor.

  After all, it is a land co-administered by the Three Kingdoms. A little something can attract the attention of a group of people.

  "Wangtian Port now feels even more chaotic than Qifeng Town. Although it has been experienced and there is no danger for the time being, we still need to add some life-saving means and enhance some combat power." Li Xun thought


  The nanomachinery factory is currently producing at a rate of 10,000 per day, which is okay.

  It's a pity that he doesn't have a second nano-containment box, otherwise, he can directly transform into a second factory and speed up the progress.

  It is difficult and time-consuming to create a nanomachinery factory out of thin air, so Li Xun did not consider rubbing it out with his bare hands for the time being.

  As for breaking the new extraordinary lock, the current level is not enough to break it, and it will take some time.

  "In that case, let's just create a muscle-strengthened extraordinary restricted area near here. I now have nano-mechanical bugs to assist in research, so the efficiency will be higher."

  Originally, Li Xun planned to find a place to settle down, then start creating a new extraordinary restricted area and obtain other secret techniques for physical strengthening.

  But now that the outside world is turbulent and it is difficult to blindly go to sea, let's improve our methods.

  At the moment, he was not in a hurry to get Cai Kun over, but carried Zhou Chong over first.

  After waking him up, Li Xun said directly: "Zhou Chong, do you want to regain your abilities, or even gain stronger abilities?"

  Zhou Chong has been feeling groggy these days.

  Although he had been blessed by Li Xun's soul-clearing array for a period of time and the damage to his soul had recovered, after his divine fire seeds were gone, he felt like he had lost hope and had no energy left.

  The injury is not from the outside world, but from the loss of the confidence to support personal struggle.

  At this moment, when he heard the words, his eyes lit up slightly, then dimmed, and he said: "How is it possible? How can the destroyed divine fire seeds be re-condensed?" "As long as you cooperate with my experiment, you can naturally do it, and I can let you get it.

  " Stronger abilities."

  Li Xun smiled lightly.

  How to do it is also very simple. Use ability modification to adjust Zhou Chong's physical condition, and then manually help him break the lock again and obtain new extraordinary power.

  Of course, there is no divine fire seed carrying extraordinary power. Normally, it only takes a while for Zhou Chong to be overwhelmed by the extraordinary power, and he will not even lose control of the extraordinary power.

  It will only be washed into dregs by extraordinary power.

  Originally, Li Xun was not sure of helping Zhou Chong re-concentrate the divine fire seeds. He was also planning to master the original secret technique of strengthening muscles and bones, and then find a way to reproduce it on Zhou Chong.

  But now, Wu Wei's divine fire treasure condensation method has given Li Xun a lot of inspiration.

  Normally, a person must first have the divine fire seed before he can continue to obtain the potential in his body and transform it into extraordinary power, or directly obtain extraordinary power from the extraordinary lock.

  But with the method of condensing the divine fire treasure, Li Xun can bypass this process and help Zhou Chong control extraordinary items in his body to carry extraordinary power!

  Therefore, Li Xun helping Zhou break through the lock is only the first step.

  The second step is to use the ability to implant extraordinary items into Zhou Chong's body and build silk pipelines to connect various parts of the body.

  The extraordinary power that overflows when the lock is broken will be guided by Li Xun to the extraordinary items, and Zhou Chong's soul body will be activated simultaneously to control the extraordinary items!
  This order must be like this, because without extraordinary power, Zhou Chong cannot control extraordinary items.

  Later, as long as Zhou Chong uses some techniques condensed from the divine fire treasure to control the extraordinary items, he can use the extraordinary items as the core of his abilities!
  Of course, others cannot achieve this method even if they have extraordinary items.

  Because others can't help Zhou break through the lock, nor can they help Zhou Chong control this substitute extraordinary item!
  The process sounds complicated, but in fact, it is not complicated for Li Xun to operate.

  The key is that Zhou Chong needs to cooperate. If he doesn't cooperate, no matter how Li Xun implants extraordinary items, it will be useless.

  Therefore, Li Xun also explained this method in great detail.

  Zhou Chong's eyes widened when he heard this, and he said: "Cooperate, I will cooperate! I will do whatever you need me to do!" Obviously, having seen

  Li Xun's ability, he also felt that this method was feasible. How could anyone else have accomplished this kind of micro-management?

  At that moment, Li Xun nodded slightly and said: "Very good, you know the current affairs better than others. In view of your ability, you have provided me with no help before. Now, I will give you a chance to choose." With that, Li Xun took

  out Three extraordinary items previously seized from the Crossbowmen were placed in front of Zhou Chong.

  "The C-level rain comb has a function of controlling water. It has a range of 5 meters. It has decent strength and can be used both offensively and defensively." "The B-

  level Luo Guangyan has a relatively simple function. It can see through objects at very long distances. It can be used with two locks. The power should be able to see ten kilometers away. This thing has some potential, but I haven't looked at it carefully. I only know this." "The

  B-level flow chart also has a relatively simple function. It can instantly strengthen a person. Concentration, and then convert the concentration into a physical form, a bit like the power of mind. Whether it is strong or not depends on how you use it." After the

  introduction, Li Xun smiled and said: "Tell me, which one are you going to choose?"

  (End of chapter) )

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