Chapter 84 Aci grows taller and Qifeng suppresses the dead souls

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  Chapter 84: Three days after Aci Changgao and Qifeng suppressed the souls of the dead
  , Li Xun led the prisoners to the vicinity of Wangtian Port.

  Wangtian Port is located in the southeast of Bai Tool Kingdom. Specifically, it is located on an inland sea, an island, which is exactly in a no-nonsense area.

  In addition to the White Weapon Kingdom, other countries also have a presence in this port.

  To leave the White Weapon Kingdom and go to Hurricane Island, you can only pass through this port.

  Among his prisoners, there were many wanted criminals with famous names in various countries, so he could not leave like ordinary people.

  Having said that, it is not that easy for even a first-class citizen to leave the White Weapon Kingdom by boat.

  Without serious duties or serious affairs, you are not allowed to leave at all.

  As for flying over?
  It was too difficult. Not to mention the large number of prisoners, even if Li Xun went alone, he might not be able to fly to the right position.

  If you can fly to the right position, it's okay to fly down slowly.

  But if you encounter any ferocious sea beast, although it should be no problem to kill it, it will definitely consume a lot of money along the way and is not safe.

  Fortunately, Li Xun was not in a hurry. He planned to station for a period of time outside the island where Wangtian Port was located to build a nanomachinery factory and ensure that the prisoners could be completely controlled before setting out on the road to Hurricane Island.

  During this period, he can also be trained and subdued to capture a few more captives, so that he doesn't have to do everything himself.

  Four or five kilometers away from Wangtian Hong Kong Island, there is a glacier. There are many fish living below, which can be caught as short-term supplies.

  Li Xun's station is just outside the glacier.

  Zhao Shuo was sent by him to collect intelligence, while he sat in a flying machine and tried to make nano-mechanical insects.

  With the reference stolen from the medical center, he simply rubbed out the raw materials of his body with his bare hands.

  He had already prepared the z-steel needed for the chip, so it wasn't a big problem.

  A small cubic centimeter of z-steel is enough for him to make thousands of hundreds of times.

  At this moment, Tie Wan was tinkering with several flying machines. Stars seemed to be shining in his eyes, and he was very happy.

  With Li Xun's support, he could make any material with his bare hands as long as it was not too special and the structural information was difficult to describe.

  This is much faster than Iron Fist's own transformation.

  After all, he only has extraordinary power equivalent to about three to four locks, and his ability is not as comprehensive as Li Xun's.

  With Li Xun's support, inspiration for transformation continues to pour out like the Big Bang of the universe.

  That excited and slightly crazy look made Fang Liujiu not dare to approach him like before. He could only circle around A Ci, seeming to be quite curious about her.

  There were too many things going on before, and few of them were in the mood to chat, so Fang Liujiu gave up questioning Li Xun's new companion.

  At this moment, Fang Liujiu looked at A Ci and saw that she was looking at him with the same curiosity. He straightened his round waist, raised his head and said, "What kind of relationship do you

  and Brother Xun want to develop?"

  A Ci was stunned. She hesitated and said: "This depends on the boss, I don't care." What

  she meant was that she had chosen to obey Li Xun completely anyway, and as long as she didn't go too far, any request would be fine.

  Fang Liujiu narrowed his round eyes and said in a deep voice: "I advise you to make some demands!"

  A Ci asked curiously: "What demands?"

  Fang Liujiu leaned over and whispered:
  "You know, Brother Xun There will be more and more younger brothers in the future. You are also a senior figure after all. If you keep acting indifferent, your status will become lower and lower in the future!" "This request is not only

  for yourself, but also for Brother Xun. This is for both parties, do you understand?"

  Fang Liujiu said proudly, showing off the social knowledge he had learned from Zhao Shuo in the past few days.

  A Ci immediately smiled, squatted down, patted Fang Liujiu's forehead gently, and said softly: "Little brother, thank you for informing me."

  Fang Liujiu quickly moved away and hummed: "I am little brother ? You are still a little sister!"

  Previously, Li Xun split the original map of muscle and bone strengthening into 132 basic fluctuations, and combined 18 of the main ones to form the first version of the original secret technique of muscle and bone strengthening.

  Among them, there are three basic fluctuations, involving bone growth, which were used by Li Xun on A Ci. In the past few days, A Ci has grown 5 centimeters taller.

  From 142cm, it grows to 147cm.

  After all, he still has to adapt to skin and flesh, so even if he could quickly grow to 160+170+, Aci would not dare to grow any taller.

  Therefore, she still looks like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl, and it is not wrong for Fang Liujiu to call her his little sister.

  A Ci heard Fang Liujiu's words, but didn't care. No matter what you say, Fang Liujiu's small body has no deterrent effect.

  On the other side, Xu Zhixun was rarely restrained by Li Xun, giving him some opportunities to move freely.

  He had performed well before, and his mental changes also made Li Xun quite curious.

  Therefore, although Xu Zhixun has not yet been subdued, Li Xun still gave Xu Zhixun a little space. He had the ability to delay activation in Xu Zhixun's body, so he was not afraid of him running around.

  At this moment, Xu Zhixun was walking on the glacier and saw Qiong Qin who was fishing on the ice. He was slightly startled, walked over and said hello: "Old Qiong, you are here, what a coincidence?" Qiong Qin smiled indifferently, said nothing, and raised his hand to signal no

  . Excuse me, the fish is about to take the bait.

  A Ci took refuge with Li Xun, and Qiongqin did not let Li Xun spend much effort. He quickly got it done and conquered successfully.

  However, Qiongqin's ability is relatively useless to Li Xun. Although his combat power is not bad, it is far inferior to Li Xun. He can control the deformation of steel at will, but he is not as good as Iron Fist who specializes in machinery.

  Therefore, Li Xun sent him to go fishing.

  Qiong Qin is also very good at it. Since the power of Bai Weapon Kingdom is far beyond imagination, and his idea is obviously difficult to realize, he simply lies down with Li Xun.

  So he took the order and started ice fishing leisurely.

  In the past few days, Xu Zhixun's impotent temperament has basically disappeared, and what has been replaced is the innocent heart of a newborn.

  I am full of curiosity about everything in the world again.

  Then he squatted next to Qiongqin and watched him fishing quietly.

  Fifteen minutes later, Li Xun suddenly changed his expression and stood up.

  "Four days later, there will be a small tsunami in Wangtian Port. The reason is the aftermath of the battle between two extraordinary people who are comparable to the Nine Locks A-level." This is the conclusion Li Xun reached after a series of verifications.

  "A small tsunami? Yes, it's just an opportunity for me to sneak across." Li Xun touched his chin.

  Half a day later, Zhao Shuo returned and brought news about these two extraordinary beings.

  "Wangtian Port is jointly governed by the White Tool Kingdom, Shangyi Kingdom and Teng She Kingdom. Although everything is peaceful on the surface, there are constant infighting secretly.

  Teng She Kingdom is an island country southeast of Wangtian Port. There are dozens of small islands, and we ordinary Baiwei people don’t know much about them.

  But I happen to know a little more. The style of the Soaring Snake Kingdom is relatively primitive. They worship Soaring Snakes, practice burning energy, and some people have extraordinary abilities.

  In addition, by worshiping the Soaring Snake, they also obtained some kind of mysterious power, which is quite strange and worth noting. Among them, the dispute between Shangyi Kingdom and Soaring Snake Kingdom is the most intense, because these two countries are feuding countries, and the number of wars they have had is more than ten times that of our White Arms Kingdom.

  Shangyi Kingdom and Soaring Snake Kingdom happened to have a fight to determine the 10% share of Wangtian Port and the ownership of a treasure.

  On the side of Shangyi Kingdom, Yu Zhiyin is expected to fight. It is said that he has revived the bloodline of the ancient giant beast Qingtian Yin Beast in his body, and his strength is very fierce.

  On the side of the Teng She Kingdom, the third generation chief of the Teng She clan, Teng Wenye, is expected to fight. His abilities are unknown, but he is probably very powerful anyway. "

  After Li Xun listened to the information given by Zhao Shuo, he verified it and found that it was basically correct, so he praised him.

  Zhao Shuo shook his head and said:
  "This is nothing, it's just a small test of one's skills. Now that I have the opportunity to leave the White Weapon Country, a country where mechanical life is paramount, I am very happy. This means that there are more wonderful worlds open to me in the future. Master Li, if you need me to do anything, just ask!
  Although I don’t have extraordinary abilities, I am quite good at gathering information and making contacts with outsiders. "

  The two said a few more words, and Zhao Shuo left immediately.

  "Teng Wenye, I don't know what he has to do with Teng Wenjia, the boss of Crossbow Bird. "Li Xun had a bunch of Crossbow's skeletons under his hands, so it was easy to know the name of the Crossbow's boss.

  He verified it and said thoughtfully,
  "Unexpectedly, Teng Wenjia is really from the Tengshe Kingdom, and what's more, the name of the Shangyi Kingdom is Bian seemed to have taken a fancy to Teng Wenjia's identity and attracted him to form the Crossbow organization. "

  As for the battle between Teng Wenye and Yu Zhiyin, it was indeed a battle between dragons and tigers. It was not a show, but a real fight. "It seems that the

  way disputes between countries are dealt with is the way of fighting between extraordinary beings. , this way at least there will be no greater bloodshed and it will be more decisive.

  After all, it is not difficult for a powerful ability user to dominate a small city. "

  "It seems that the White Tool Kingdom is indeed an anomaly. "


  The day passed quickly.

  At night, the weather was not too cold, and the sky was full of stars. After eating, several people went out for a walk.

  By the way, although Li did not practice much burning energy in the past few days, Li Xun naturally reached 11% of the fourth stage, and the progress was rapid.

  However, when he reached 100% of the third stage, the red-scaled fish had lost its improvement effect.

  Originally, the heart of the red-scaled fish that strengthened its core and received divine blessings, The effect is still quite powerful.

  But because Li Xun has eaten too much recently, the effect is gradually weakening.

  Moreover, there are no fish with strong fire properties like red scale fish in Wangtian Harbor, so after reaching the fourth stage , Li Xun's improvement speed is still a little slower.

  Of course, even so, he is still many times faster than ordinary people.

  Aci followed Li Xun and watched Li Xun test the nano-mechanical insect he had just made. , a little curious.

  Because she couldn't see what Li Xun was doing specifically.

  Her detection spirit, which was limited to millimeter-level microscopic vision, could no longer go deeper.

  Her role was to detect a range of two to three kilometers. In this regard, even Li Xun is far inferior.

  "Boss, what exactly do I need to do? "A Ci asked.

  Li Xun turned to face A Ci, waved his palm gently, and sent dozens of nano-mechanical insects into A Ci's body. The

  nano-mechanical insects were too small, and their mobility was completely limited in an environment with a scale of meters. It's not enough.

  Therefore, Li Xun needs to use his ability to give powerful kinetic energy to move into A Ci's body instantly. The

  nano-mechanical bugs were sent to A Ci's optic nerve by Li Xun.

  He wanted to try whether the nano-mechanical bugs could be obtained The visual information transmitted by Aci's detection spirit.

  "Let your detection spirit share the visual information. "Li Xun ordered.


  Just when Li Xun was arranging the test.

  Under the ruins of Qifeng Town,

  there was a human in a strange state. After sleeping for many days, he finally woke up.

  This person had been missing for many days and was missing. Wang Xiaoming, who was completely transformed into a mechanical life!

  His ability is quite special at the moment. When he was transformed, it actually mutated and was inexplicably upgraded to an S-level ability.

  Moreover, he secretly obtained some ancient weapons The inheritance of a certain branch of knowledge in the country.

  "Is it a technology that condenses the core of life and digitizes it? " He was deep in thought.

  At this moment, several low-level mechanical life soldiers came to patrol.

  Wang Xiaoming's heart moved, and his body flashed, and he directly turned himself into a torrent of data and injected it into the ubiquitous network.

  However, an accident happened , he was inadvertently led astray by the Internet torrent, and actually came to a room.

  "An accident occurred in the first experiment with the ability, it is really bad. "His heart sank.

  "Wang Xiaoming, are you finally awake? I've been waiting for you for a long time. "A gentle voice came.

  Wang Xiaoming narrowed his eyes: "Explanation? "

  Jieyu is the number one subordinate of Lord Pingyi of the town hall, and he is also a mechanical being. Wang Xiaoming has worked with him often, so of course he recognizes him. "

  Yes, Pingyi has arrangements, and of course I have a secret hand. Haha, I calculated it well. You have indeed been upgraded to a data-type ability. Then, I will accept your ability. "

  The next moment, Wang Xiaoming's eyes moved, and he knew something was wrong. He quickly transformed into data and wanted to leave this place.

  Unfortunately, a flash of light and shadow, all his data was sucked into one place and disappeared.

  "I won the prize, I thought I could It would be good to be upgraded to the top A-level, but it is still S-level. As expected, the special combat ability is really good.

  Moreover, he also obtained the data core upgrade method of the ancient Tool Nation, which is completely different from the current one of the White Tool Nation. "

  Jie Yu chuckled, flipping through the top A-level and S-level lists he was following, and thinking about his next target.

  He has special means to monitor the newly born divine fire seeds in the void world.

  The radius of Qifeng Town is three hundred Everything within a kilometer is within the scope of this monitoring.

  On the list, Qiaoqiao, Chen Shu, A Ci, Qu Feiyan, and even Li Xun are all listed.

  "I enjoyed an S-class meal in advance, which is not bad, but , you still have to be patient and start with level C first.

  S-class ones are a bit special, just use mechanical automatic recording. I think it's better not to think too hastily, take your time, don't be in a hurry, and save the big meal for last. "

  Jieyu closed the list and disappeared into the room.

  (End of this chapter)

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