Chapter 54 Iron Fist

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  Chapter 54 Iron Fist
  "What else? Don't you still know who caught you?" Li Xun asked back.

  "Then, why are you tied down?" Alien said weakly.

  "This is a legitimate move. You are of unknown origin. You are neither a machine nor an ordinary human being. I prevent you from going berserk after waking up. Is it very reasonable? Don't worry, as long as I confirm that you are harmless and can be used by me, naturally I won't tie you up anymore."

  "By the way, don't think about using your abilities secretly, I can see it, I'm too lazy to say it. B-level ability to control iron metal is your extraordinary ability? It's too weak. Standing here, you You can't even do anything to me."

  Li Xun said with a faint smile, his strong temperament was so masterful that he made the alien stunned.

  "Yes, how do you know about my ability? I have never used it outside. Logically speaking, no one should know about it." The alien asked in surprise.

  "Before you ask me, tell me what you are and why you were caught by that ruthless man." Li Xun asked.

  "Sir, you can call me Iron Fist. I don't know what I am. I just know that I am born with the ability to control the iron element. Then Sir Wu Wei gave me this name." "As for why I was killed by Mr.

  Bomber Caught, I don’t know, maybe he was afraid that I would prevent him from taking away the armor. Of course, this is just my speculation. I am still confused about what actually happened." Iron Fist replied slowly


  "Who is Wu Wei?" Li Xun could feel Tiefang's obvious mood swings when he mentioned Wu Wei.

  "Sir Wu Wei, I am AI, the secretary of the town secret police station. She is dead. After her death, no one, no AI, will know my true existence." Tie Wan shook his head, his voice was low, and his emotion was obvious. low.

  "AI can also die?" Li Xun was surprised.

  "Before an AI is created, its destruction period is set, and every AI is no exception. For example, the top official of the town hall, Mr. Pingyi, will have his service period expired in February next year. By then, the town hall will be destroyed. A new town hall chief should be promoted here."

  Iron Fist explained.

  "Is this actually happening? How come I've never heard of this statement before?" Li Xun touched his chin with a strange look in his eyes.

  Iron Fist has not lied so far, and Li Xun has verified it.

  "I don't know, but this matter should be well-known among the AI ​​community. Others, as far as I know, many extraordinary people don't know about it. As for the reason, I don't know." Tie Wan said .

  "Is it a change of AI? When there is a change of leadership, will the AIs compete with each other, or is there a set of internal competition rules?" Li Xun asked.

  "I don't know too much about the details. I just take care of Master Wuwei and work safely. I am an ordinary person with no pursuits. I just need to have a stable job and my own things to do. The rest , I can't control that much."

  There was no expression on the face of Tie Wan's robot, but listening to the voice, it was indeed calm.

  "Then besides controlling the iron element, what else can you do? I don't raise idle people here."

  Li Xun said that he had already ruled out the option of letting go of the iron fist. It was the default kind. Just

  kidding, it was not easy to bring back someone who could. He talks, is not a big threat, has a normal personality, and can occasionally attack the alien creatures, but he has to find a way to subdue them.

  If you can't contain it, it's not too late to think about how to deal with it.

  "I'm still a mechanical technician. I can help you repair and make some useful gadgets and props. Even if you have armored clothes, I can help you maintain and iterate." When he heard Li Xun say "don't raise idle people"

  , The working soul deep in Iron Fist's soul suddenly woke up, and said quickly as if he was jolted.

  It has no sense of belonging to the Secret Police Station. After Master Wuwei died, it had long wanted to leave the Secret Police Station, but it just didn't have the chance. Li Xun heard what Tie Wan said and found it quite interesting. He squatted down, tapped Tie Wan's machine skin, and asked, "Did
  you make this skin for yourself? Are you shady? Why is this machine skin so sticky?" Damn it? Don't your own skin need to be breathable?"

  "This was an accident," Tie Wan's voice sounded a little ashamed, "I wanted to become an AI like Lord Wu Wei and assist her, but unfortunately the experiment failed."

  "AI is a mechanical life, and you are a natural creature. There is a huge difference between the two. Are you really a mechanical technician? How could you have such an outrageous idea?" Li Xun's first reaction was that Iron Fist is indeed cute and stupid

  . This is so whimsical, but you can use the probability system to test it and find that the probability of the soul body transforming into a mechanical AI is actually not 0.


  In other words, a success rate of one in a million. Taken individually, this number is low.

  But this is not a question of whether it is low or not, but a question of whether it can be done. If the probability is not 0, it proves that if you catch this probability, you will have a chance.

  "Tell me, what did you do at that time?" Li Xun's eyes moved slightly and he asked.

  "I got a device from ancient times. After cracking it, I found that the device can realize the transformation of two life forms: soul body and mechanical AI. After a lot of effort to repair it, I found that the energy of the device is limited and can only support one transformation. Therefore, I can only choose to conduct experiments on myself."

  "I thought at that time, if I can't help Master Wu Wei, living like this is actually meaningless. Why not sacrifice my life once, maybe I will get what I want?" "So, I spent all my time

  . With the energy of the device, most of his skin and body were transformed into the form of mechanical life, but when it came to the brain and internal organs, they stopped and became like this." Li Xun's iron-fisted narration made Li

  Xun Feeling very strange and slightly touched.

  These are also true descriptions, no lies.

  "But fortunately, my hard work was not in vain. I was able to pretend to be a robot and enter the secret station of the secret police station. It can be considered that I helped Lord Wuwei." At this point, Tie Wan's voice deepened again.


  After a conversation, Li Xun temporarily confirmed the usefulness of the iron fist and the meaning of peace, so he untied him and became a preliminary member of his small group.

  Afterwards, he continued to read, do experiments, occasionally go out to catch red-scaled fish, eat the divine core, and improve his level of burning energy.

  On the other hand, I will also take time to study the weird pictures about that mysterious country provided by Fang Liujiu and exercise my soul body.

  After a few days like this, the soul body became stronger and tougher.

  So he tried to look at the original map of the mine next door, and this time, he finally managed to read it through.

  On the other hand, during the past few days when Li Xun was obsessed with learning and self-improvement, several extraordinary beings from the Crossbow organization were also preparing to launch their first operations in the White Tool Kingdom.

  Opposite the medical center building.

  Qiongqin and Aci stood at the corner of the alley, watching the people coming and going at the door of the building.

  "Dad, why do you look so weak? What kind of experiment did you and Mr. Xu Zhixun do yesterday? It couldn't be..." Suddenly, A

  Ci asked a question as if he couldn't hold it in any longer, with a look on his face The color of gossip.

  (End of chapter)

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