Chapter 52 Ancient Tool Nation

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  Chapter 52: When the Ancient Tool Nation
  heard what Fang Liujiu said, Li Xun immediately felt something in his heart and used probability to verify:
  Did Fang Liujiu trigger the memory of the underlying data because of the whispers in his heart?
  Or is it because the whispers of the soul already contain the information of this kingdom?

  The answer is unexpected.

  Information about this mechanical kingdom does not exist in Fang Liujiu's data base, nor in the whispers of his mind.

  He changed his words a few more times and adjusted every replaceable word in the sentence. The final conclusion was still that the information did not come from the two.

  "Could it be that this is a triggering condition? For example, a certain super AI is required to produce some kind of change in order to obtain this kind of information transmission through the air?"

  This conjecture has been verified to be correct with an accuracy rate of 56%, indicating that Li Xun is probably close to the real situation.

  However, there are not enough clues, and the guessing is almost done here. For the rest, you can see if there are any new clues from what Fang Liujiu says next.

  At this time, Fang Liujiu also continued:

  "This country is quite similar to the current White Arms Country in terms of political structure and governance philosophy. That is, mechanical life is supreme, and all creatures born naturally are He is a servant of mechanical life."

  ... Li Xun found this situation of opposition both unexpected and reasonable. After all, this was a country dominated by mechanical life.

  Speaking of this, Fang Liujiu saw Li Xunzheng's thoughtful expression and said seriously:

  "Don't worry, brother Xun, we are the best partners and best friends. I have never regarded you as a servant! If it weren't for you , I might still be in some corner, and eventually be decomposed into scrap metal."

  Just after finishing speaking, Fang Liujiu jumped off the charging port, rubbed against Li Xun, and said with a smile: "I just wanted to say it before. , Brother Xun, it seems that new divinity has emerged in you."

  In response, Li Xun laughed and scolded: "Every time I encounter divinity, I get so high, tell me, how do you recognize divinity? Sexually?"

  "I don't know. It feels natural. Brother Xun, the divinity you generated this time should also be the result of a breakthrough, right?" Fang Liujiu said.

  This question was indeed asked to Li Xun.

  Judging from the time interval between Fang Liujiu's two contacts, his new divinity should have just emerged not long ago.

  He simply investigated, broke through to the third level, broke the two extraordinary locks of symmetry, practiced secret spiritual skills, and mastered the operation of clearing soul impurities. Which of the four was the real cause.

  After a while, Li Xun came to the conclusion that breaking the extraordinary lock of symmetry was the reason for the new divinity this time.

  Finally, it was confirmed that two new strands of divinity were generated on his two palms, and they were also placed in the two broken Laogong Locks.

  By the way, Li Xun still cannot see or feel the existence of divinity.

  The only way to know the exact location of divinity is to enter the microscopic view, scan and observe carefully.

  After breaking the two symmetrical extraordinary locks on his palm before, he also used microscopic vision to observe the changes, but at that time, he did not realize that divinity might be generated.

  Therefore, after reading it briefly at that time, I stopped paying attention and started studying the two psychic maps.

  If Fang Liujiu hadn't reminded him, it would have taken several days for Li Xun to notice the difference when using his abilities.

  Only after careful inspection can you find out.

  "So that's it. This is the main reason why the extraordinary power has doubled. It's actually because of the divinity entrusted in it."

  After verification, Li Xun understood.

  It was previously thought that the double increase came from the symmetrical extraordinary lock breaking itself at the same time. In fact, this process is that divinity is first generated, and the divinity is placed in the broken extraordinary lock, and then the extraordinary power is doubled. "Divinity is so amazing. It can be used in various ways. It can strengthen the soul body, remove impurities from the soul, double the extraordinary power, activate the physical body, and make AI smarter. This thing is What the essence is is really curious."

  Li Xun was filled with emotion.

  Although he figured out the reason by the way, this did not relieve Li Xun of more doubts. Instead, it made him determined to understand the principle of divine creation as soon as possible.

  If he could figure it out, he might be able to rub his hands into divinity.

  "I accidentally went too far, Fang Liujiu, what else is going on in this mechanical country? Please tell me carefully," Li Xun said.

  Fang Liujiu said: "Brother Xun, I am also a little confused about more situations. Many of them are broken afterimages. The one I just told you happened to see a scene where many people were talking. Infer some situations."

  "Is it an afterimage?" Li Xun understood. Either a large amount of data was lost during the transmission of the information, or there was a problem with the information itself.

  "If there is anything that particularly impressed you, or which scene you think is more important, describe it to me." Li Xun said.

  "It's hard to describe, but Brother Xun, you should be able to read the image with your reader. Just wait, I'll transfer the code." Fang Liujiu said.

  Five minutes later, Fang Liujiu took out a connecting cable from his body, plugged it into Li Xun's reader, and then turned his round bionic eyes to look at Li Xun.

  These eyes can be said to be the only bionic material on Fang Liujiu's body, and they are quite joyful to look at.

  "Just play it, no need to hesitate." Seeing that Fang Liujiu was waiting for his confirmation, Li Xun said directly.

  With a hiss, the palm-sized reader screen suddenly flashed a bright light, and immediately, a vast and boundless continent appeared in the center of the screen in the form of a bird's-eye view.

  Then, the picture began to focus downwards, passing through multiple spaces and arriving at a desert.

  A group of mechanical beings without bionic skins brought up billowing smoke and dust and ran in the same direction. The destination seems to be a snow-capped mountain in the distance hidden in the clouds and mist.

  Then, the screen ends here.

  It is worth mentioning that if you don't look closely, the form of this group of mechanical lifeforms is very similar to that of human beings with their skin and flesh removed, leaving only their skeletons.

  Fang Liujiu said: "Brother Xun, this is the most logically complete picture. How is it? Do you see anything?"

  Li Xun frowned and thought for a while, then said: "With just this picture, how can you see anything? The only feeling is that this group of mechanical lifeforms seem to be fleeing."

  Whether they are fleeing or not, the accuracy given by the probability system is only 31%. For other behaviors, he has not yet detected more relevant behaviors.

  "Then let's look at the others." Fang Liujiu continued to play.

  What was played next was even more bizarre. It turned out to be a mechanical life dressing up in the mirror. The long, dark hair was quite thick and scattered on the ground, like blackened weeds.

  Suddenly, the screen flashed, showing a group of legless mechanical beings using their mechanical arms to pull at the ground and slowly move forward.

  The tone of the picture is gloomy, with some inexplicable white stripes flashing from time to time, giving off a somewhat strange atmosphere.

  After watching this scene, something happened that shocked Li Xun.

  That is, the impurities in the soul are skyrocketing.

  (End of chapter)

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