Chapter 112 Preliminary grasp of the boundary between life and death

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  Chapter 112: Preliminarily grasping the boundary between life and death.
  Everyone entered Li Xun's room in confusion.

  Li Mingyi was also a little strange.

  Faced with a powerful person like Zhengti Sai Zanli who is likely to have power, why did Li Xun let them participate?
  At this moment, everyone saw that there was no light on in the room.

  But Li Xun's eyes were like light bulbs in the darkness.

  One word, bright.

  too bright.

  Everyone was stunned, what kind of ability is this?
  In the past, when people used to describe someone's eyes as bright, it meant that the eyeballs were bigger and reflected more light.

  But what’s going on with Li Xun’s eyes now having special light bulb effects?
  A Ci reacted immediately and said in surprise: "Boss, have you succeeded in any experiment again?"

  No matter what the situation was, there was a high probability that Li Xun had successfully verified a certain method of becoming stronger.

  A Ci has gotten to know Li Xun well recently.

  Everyone immediately woke up and began to praise him one after another.

  Li Xun coughed lightly, signaling everyone to be silent, and at the same time, he slowly calmed down the light in his eyes.

  He also didn't expect that his eyes would be so bright when the core of the heart was once again born with a trace of divinity, and was catalyzed and expanded to dozens of times by Yuan Tingzhi's method.

  Of course, this is only the most superficial change. The particles around the eyes can also be controlled to block light and hide the super-bright feature of the eyes.

  It's not a big problem.

  He has verified that this kind of light is caused by the core core greatly enhancing the soul's ability to interfere with reality, thereby interfering with the light near the eyes through the eyes, which results in this kind of performance.

  So what is the biggest benefit of Li Xun's soul's ability to interfere with reality at this moment?

  That would allow him to control his body more smoothly even without the ability to control particles.

  This is very valuable.

  Using particle control to assist in controlling the body is similar to using external force to drive directly, and there is always a sense of disharmony in the will.

  However, when the soul interference power was greatly enhanced, there was no such sense of disharmony. Instead, he truly felt that his soul and body were integrated into one.

  It was as if there was a very slight crack in the body and soul before, but now it has been bridged.

  Moreover, he is now more resistant to soul impurities.

  At this moment, the power of using the whispers of the soul and the secret technique of positive spiritual gain that I have learned are also greatly enhanced.

  He tested it with probability and asked him to hypnotize the current Li Jianyi. He could do it directly without much preparation.

  In addition, the timeline for high-frequency verification of dangers and calculations has also been expanded to six days, which is fully doubled compared to before.

  Other various reaction times have also been greatly improved, reaching the 0.01 second level, which is 10 milliseconds.

  These are all what Li Xun gained this time by stripping off the extraordinary micro-matter and integrating it into the core, giving birth to new divinity, and catalyzing the expansion of the two strands of divinity in the core.

  "Let's get down to business, Li Mingyi, you are in a hurry, so let's talk first."

  Li Mingyi glanced at Qiongqin Aci and others. Although he had doubts in his heart, he still didn't talk nonsense and said quickly:

  "Zhengtai Sai Zanli is here to kill. Now, she is selecting suitable people in the venue for the fund-raising event. It is estimated that her plan is ahead of schedule.

  Also because of her sudden attack, Ye Chen, who was monitoring nearby, was caught directly and only three people escaped. Puppet clones.

  As for the real body, he should be dead.

  So, I want you to see if, with your ability, you can resurrect Ye Chen with the help of these puppet clones." After listening to

  Li Mingyi's words, several others These words also have ripples in their hearts.

  Boss Li's ability can also resurrect a dead person?
  Qiongqin's eyes flickered, and there was a wave of thoughts in his heart.

  Li Xun frowned after hearing this.

  Although he was immersed in the experiment before, he could continue to verify Sai Zanli's movements with effective probability.

  The results of the verification at that time were that the real Sai Zanli would not leave that space for the time being.

  Moreover, he also extended the timeline to specifically verify whether there was any danger in the past few days.

  Therefore, he felt at ease and entered seclusion for research.

  "Could it be that what came out was not the true body of Sai Zanli, but her other differentiated body?
  Then, she would not target Li Mingyi and me for the time being, so she made a surprise attack to kill Ye Chen?"

  No. Wrong, considering that he has temporarily formed an alliance with Li Mingyi, Li Xun also verified Li Mingyi's dangerous situation.

  Unexpectedly, Ye Chen, an S-level 14-locked person, would be defeated at the drop of a hat.

  Moreover, resurrecting a life?
  Even if Li Xun's microscopic field of vision has reached the 10 picometer level, he can't say that he has understood all the mysteries of the human body.

  What he currently does on the body is mostly repairs, modification of external features, basic strengthening, wound restoration, etc.

  More detailed ones include controlling the cell nucleus, strengthening mitochondria, replicating telomeres, implanting chloroplasts, replicating, modifying DNA, etc.

  All of the above have been tried and can be done.

  However, in order to form a strong combat power on these things, the knowledge involved is also very extensive, and he currently lacks reference.

  Moreover, a lot of experiments were required. His energy was limited, so he didn't put much thought into it.

  Suo Xi's mitochondrial destruction cannon is quite creative. It is a good AOE skill and is more suitable for Li Xun, so he learned it.

  However, Li Xun has not had the chance to use this trick yet.

  Again, the research projects are piling up and the energy is really limited.

  Right now, there are five secret techniques that need to be mastered, including extraordinary micro-essence, catalyzing virtual divinity, and body strengthening.

  Of course, replicating telomeres and extending cell life are also projects he will focus on in the future.

  As for resurrecting intelligent life, he has also done experiments.

  He once tried to restore the body of a long-dead mouse to see if he could revive it.

  The results are disappointing. As long as the brain is restored after the moment of brain death, it will not survive.

  Of course, if the person is not completely dead, the key point is not the brain. He can be revived within two to ten minutes of death.

  But that is salvation, which is different in nature from resurrection.

  Thinking of this, Li Xun wondered: "Resurrection? How can I do this?" "

  No, you should be able to do it."

  Li Mingyi shook his head and said: "Ye Chen's three puppet clones will be in his After death, pull his disintegrated soul body. When the time comes, you will be needed to help Ye Chen condense a new body." "

  In other words, Ye Chen's ability actually has this kind of resurrection ability?
  It’s just that the body is gone. Don’t you have cloning technology? "Li Xun said.

  "It's too late. Moreover, this new body also needs to be based on the core of the three puppet clones. In this way, after Ye Chen is resurrected, there is still a chance to restore S-level abilities, but cloning technology cannot do this yet. point. "

  Li Mingyi said, and then added:
  "The most important thing is that the cloned body will naturally produce spirituality and give birth to a new soul body, which cannot be compatible with the original soul body.

  Unless, Ye Chen's collapsed soul can be injected into the embryonic form of the clone.

  But the problem is that Ye Chen's soul will be incompatible with the embryonic body and will suffer too much loss, and may not be able to survive the rapid growth period of the clone.

  And your ability can directly create a highly compatible body for Ye Chen.

  Therefore, whether it is for the success rate of resurrection or the potential after resurrection, your ability is the most suitable. "

  "In addition to the puppet clones, I also need some items containing Ye Chen's DNA information. "Li Xun pondered for a moment, then after reading Li Mingyi said.

  "Yes, I happened to collect his blood and hair information. "

  Li Mingyi took out the container containing blood and hair and handed it to Li Xun.

  Li Xun looked at Li Mingyi in surprise and said to himself:

  "It seems that this is what Li Mingyi in the past ordered her to prepare in advance. thing.

  So, in the past, Li Mingyi actually predicted Ye Chen's death?
  So, why is this?
  Because the appearance of the real Sai Zanli and Ye Chen's death are unavoidable?
  Or is it that in Li Mingyi's plan, Ye Chen must die? "

  He verified it in his mind, and found that some of it matched, and some didn't. After a while, he finally got a result, and thought to himself: "So that's it,

  Li Mingyi's prediction results ten days ago. , and it is not certain when the main body Sai Zanli will come to kill.

  Ye Chen's death is one of the possibilities.

  Therefore, she could only make preparations for resurrection and hope that the real Sai Zanli would not encounter Ye Chen.

  Obviously, Zhengtai Saili was very keen on detecting these hostilities, so Ye Chen was the first to be discovered.

  Fortunately, she had a backup plan and gave it to Ye Chen, so Ye Chen saw the opportunity and cut off a larger part of the most important soul body and placed it in the puppet clone.

  In this way, he can use this part of his soul body to slowly absorb the collapsed soul body.

  And now, if he is lucky, Ye Chen will have a chance to upgrade his abilities. "

  I have to say that Ye Chen's step was very risky.

  But I also have to admit that Ye Chen met two powerful teammates, which was enough to help him make up for some omissions.

  Having said that, the slight chance of promotion in this step depends more on the decision. Based on Li Xun's ability.

  If Li Xun can condense Ye Chen's body that has practiced to the ninth level, then Ye Chen can try to condense the divine fire seeds again after his resurrection. Using the ninth level's body, he can walk through the first to

  third levels again, condensing The process of divine fire seeds.

  As long as it succeeds, he may attract part of the incomplete authority that he originally gathered. With

  better luck, when he breaks through the ninth to tenth stage, he may be able to condense a relatively complete authority! "This Are you betting all your money on me?
  Resurrecting an intelligent life is also an operation that I have never effectively carried out.

  In this case, let's make this thing perfect and see if I can create a top-notch S-class. "

  Li Xun doesn't mind helping others upgrade to an authority.

  Because he observed the entire process, it can be turned into his own research data.

  Unfortunately, he has verified that Ye Chen does not yet have the conditions to be upgraded to an authority.

  Even if he goes through the condensation process of the divine fire seeds again, he will not be able to attract more authority of the same kind.

  First, he has cut off the soul body and has already been damaged. If he forcibly upgrades the authority, the upgrade will fail due to insufficient essential conditions.

  Secondly, , the authority that Ye Chen's ability belongs to is already the limit that can be condensed on the earth star! If

  he wants to upgrade his authority, he must go to the Star Alliance, or other places where there may be similar incomplete authority, to upgrade.

  At this time, Li Xun's mind flashed In the blink of an eye, the specific operation has been conceived.

  Strictly speaking, as long as there is a template, Li Xun can easily copy and condense a body that has reached the ninth level.

  But a soul that can control the ninth level is also very important.

  If that soul Without the experience of practicing to the ninth level, you will not be able to control this body, and there will only be incompatibility and inability to integrate.

  Even if you can integrate, it will be because the soul body does not have the same level of cultivation as the Burning Energy Technique, which will cause the body to have different levels. Retreating and falling.

  At this moment, Li Xun took the three puppet clones and felt the souls slowly condensed in them. The surprise on his face flashed away.

  It seemed that Li Mingyi had been using his own method before. The condensation of Ye Chen's soul body is accelerating.

  No wonder she was not particularly anxious when she arrived before.

  After all, it is best for the soul body to recover to a certain level and then match the body, which will be more coordinated.

  At this moment, Ye Chen's soul body , it has almost condensed about 60%, and is still slowly recovering, but after reaching 65% of the progress, the speed slows down. Obviously, the

  remaining parts have probably collapsed, or are relatively weak, and the efficiency of condensation is relatively low.

  And In order to save effort, Li Xun asked Zhou Chongru to buy a live pig of more than 100 kilograms.

  At this moment, the live pig was tied with four hooves, lying on the ground, snoring.

  Next, Li Xun's operation Everyone was even more stunned.

  In the weird eyes of everyone, the living pig was first confused by Li Xun and died.

  Then, the corpse began to transform, and within a minute, it turned into Ye Chen's handsome appearance.

  In order to give Ye Chen To show his dignity, Li Xun specially gave him a pair of briefs.

  "Is that enough? "Li Mingyi said with a strange expression.

  Others also had complicated eyes.

  Resurrection? Using a pig's body as a material?
  Although they can understand that the flesh and blood of the two have many similarities, which is used as Li Xun's ability. The material material is actually just right.

  But the question is, aren't humans the descendants of prehistoric giants?

  Using a pig as the material, can the potential in the human body be completely transformed?
  And if Ye Chen is really resurrected, knowing that he His body is that of a pig. Will he fight for Li Xun or die in shame and anger?

  Li Xun ignored the increasingly weird looks in everyone's eyes, shook his head and said:
  "This is just the first step. What's the hurry? It's just a transformation of the outer shape. The flesh, bones, organs, brain, and genetic information inside are all pigs." Aci couldn't help but asked curiously at this time

  : "Boss, from what I see, he looks no different from an ordinary human being, right?"

  Indeed, no matter how they looked at it, this humanoid body transformed from a pig looked like a completely normal human being. .

  "Aci, I told you, don't read those orange novels when you have nothing to do! Learn more about science and technology when you have time, and you won't ask questions like this." Li Xun laughed and said, "Humans are descendants of prehistoric

  . There are infinite mysteries hidden, how can it be possible to transform them all in one minute?
  This appearance is just a shell, and the next step is the focus."

  Aci could only nod helplessly.

  Li Mingyi's eyes relaxed slightly when he heard that Li Xun was so confident.

  She also wanted to understand, does it matter whether it is the body transformed from a pig?
  It is more important to stay alive and have the opportunity to upgrade your abilities.

  Moreover, the current body does not look like a pig at all.

  On Li Xun's side, he kept moving, taking out three puppet clones, peeling off three virtual divine objects, and gathering them together.

  During this aggregation, the speed of soul body condensation picked up, until it reached 80% of the progress, then it slowed down and crawled like a snail again.

  When Li Mingyi saw this scene, his heart moved slightly, and he thought to himself: "A hundred meters apart, I should have directly aggregated Ye Chen's three polymers just now, so that I should be able to aggregate more collapsed soul bodies.

  " At this time, Li Xun verified the probability, stared at the sustenance, and did not move for a long time.

  Everyone looked at him patiently, and began to look forward to it in their hearts.

  The ability to resurrect people actually involves some supreme realms.

  And these were about to be revealed in front of everyone. After they ignored the live pigs, they suddenly felt that the scene in front of them was full of divine brilliance.

  At this moment, Li Xun verified in his mind a probability of jumping to the right position!

  So with a quick move of his eyes and hands, he activated his abilities simultaneously and opened a hole in the head of the body.

  Immediately, the aggregated polymer was accurately attached to the inside of the body's brain.

  At the same time, Li Xun dripped Ye Chen's blood onto the face of the body. The next moment, the blood mutated, as if it came alive, and penetrated into the small hole just now.

  After the blood penetrated, Li Xun waved his hand, and thousands of extraordinary nanomechanical bugs, as well as hundreds of thousands of nanomechanical bugs, appeared silently and shot into the body one after another.

  That drop of blood contained all of Ye Chen's DNA information.

  He transformed it into some stem cells, and then continued to copy the DNA information of the body into Ye Chen's, and then activated his ability to accelerate cell development!
  And nanomechanical bugs will greatly accelerate the above process!
  DNA replication and cell development proceed simultaneously. According to Li Xun's verification, it only takes 20 minutes to completely restore Ye Chen's body.

  After that, Li Xun will also create countless silk pipes in the virtual and real world from the soul body to connect it to the created body.

  As long as this step is completed, the body will work, slowly nourishing Ye Chen's damaged soul body and helping him recover.

  In this way, everyone watched with solemn eyes as the body continued to make strange noises and its hands and feet twisted strangely. Twenty minutes passed quickly.

  "Okay, everything goes well." Li Xun stood up with a faint smile on his face.

  Manipulating the entire process, transforming cells, reconstructing the body's system, and guiding the soul body to be implanted into the body, all provided great help to Li Xun in verifying his conjecture.

  He is already confident that he can resurrect some people in similar situations without using Ye Chen's ability to condense souls.

  This means that Li Xun's understanding of the mysteries of the human body has once again advanced a lot!

  However, everyone was a little suspicious when they saw the body motionless.

  Except for Li Mingyi who nodded slightly, everyone else was curious and wanted to talk.

  "However, Ye Chen can't wake up right now. Let me give him a strong dose of medicine."

  Before the others could speak, Li Xun's mouth opened slightly and he suddenly shouted:

  "Ye Chen, you haven't yet." Die, wake up quickly! If you don't wake up, the girl you like will leave you forever!"

  These are not words said casually, but a spiritual secret skill that is superimposed with positive gain, and the probability certified to be the strongest against Ye Chen Awakening words, double buff!

  Sure enough, as soon as Li Xun finished speaking, Ye Chen's body moved slightly, and after a while, his eyes opened.

  "How about it, Ye Chen, do you still remember Li Mingyi? Do you still remember Li Jianyi? The memory is not damaged much, right?" Li Xun said.

  Although Li Xun was able to detect the extent of Ye Chen's memory damage, it was still uncertain which memories he still had.

  Ye Chen saw Li Mingyi and quickly understood that he was dead and alive again.

  "Most of them still remember that when I cut the soul body, I divided the important memories there." Ye Chen replied.

  "When you cut the soul body, you can even choose what memories it contains?" Li Xun asked curiously.

  "Well, this is also a branching ability that I developed, and it is also the result of converting conceptual operations." Ye Chen said.

  Li Mingyi said: "Ye Chen, tell me how you feel about Sai Zanli. Why can't you hold on for a few minutes? What is so special about her abilities?" Ye Chen looked ashamed when he heard this

  . , said:
  "That Sai Zanli is very scary. She can control me from a kilometer away. Apart from authority, I really can't think of any ability that is so terrifying.

  Moreover, I guess her authority involves matter and space, which is no longer the case. We can handle these people now.

  Let's withdraw. At present, we are not able to fight against those with authority.

  In addition, Mingyi, thank you for reminding me in advance, otherwise, I estimate that all the spirit puppet cores will be destroyed. Sailli is destroyed, and I have no chance to resurrect."

  Listening to Ye Chen's words, he was already afraid of Sailli and was not prepared to let her go.

  Apparently, his memories before his death were so vivid that they were not damaged and were absorbed by his resurrection.

  Therefore, he now clearly understands the gap between the two, and understands the terror and ruthlessness of Sai Li.

  "Sailanli and us already have a natural barrier. If we don't upgrade to our own authority, it is impossible to fight against her."

  Seeing Ye Chen being so afraid, Li Xun was also a little curious and said: "Brother, if you After upgrading your abilities and gaining authority, are you sure you can overthrow Sai Zanli?"

  "It's hard to say, if it's just ordinary authority, it won't work either." Ye Chen shook his head and sighed.

  "But I think you have great potential. If you don't have power for the time being, you can still do it at the top S level. And this only requires you to cooperate with a few experiments." Li Xun looked at Ye Chen lying down and said

  , With a smile on his face, he said seductively.

  (End of chapter)

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