Take it!

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  Take it!

  To be honest, I don’t dare to rate the Mogao Grottoes. Ordinary people can only see 4 caves. They have to queue for three hours to walk and appreciate it for 3 minutes. The fee is low. Souvenirs are a scam.

  Overnight in Dunhuang, I asked around and learned that there are nearly 40 overnight camps, some are said to be good, some are said to be terrible, it depends on luck.

  Shazhou Night Market is not as good as Jianrong Farmers Market.

  Mingsha Mountain: S level. The camel ride costs 100 yuan and takes 45 minutes. After asking, I learned that the camels run three times a day, eat hay for three hours, and have plenty of rest time. I personally think there is no abuse. Climb Shashan to see the Crescent Moon Spring and the night view. Thousands of people went up the mountain, hundreds turned on their mobile phone flashlights, and the performance was very spectacular. In addition, the scenery at the top of the mountain is absolutely

  superb. The watermelon is not delicious, the grapes are not delicious, the cantaloupe is the best, the grapes are the best, and the large yak milk ice cream is the best. When I eat, I go to eat near the community. There are surprises everywhere.

  I didn’t go to Zhangye and other places due to time constraints, so I won’t comment on them.

  In summary, it is well worth a visit. If you can drive yourself, don't join a group. Each car must be equipped with two drivers. It's best not to use the toilet on the road. One look at the toilet at a certain petrol station in China can make you vomit. Try not to join a group as the scenery is picturesque. You can pull over and take photos anytime, anywhere, chat with the herdsmen, and even order whole sheep by mail.

  The ramen in the Muslim gathering area is super delicious, but their toilets are not available

  . The locals are very friendly. Foreigners doing business there do not comment on

  why they recommend self-driving. For example: Dachaidan Milan or some other hotel, downstairs It was just a barbecue, and the room was full of odor. No air conditioning, no TV, no towels, 700 per night. If you are booking a hotel by yourself, the hotel environment for 400 is very good.

  One last word: Lanzhou’s hand-caught mutton YYDS
  (end of this chapter)

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